Is Obama being framed?


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
No, this is not a joke thread.

Here is my theory:

Obama took a stand against the international banksters (who control the mass media and many legal organizations, such as the ACLU) behind closed doors. Perhaps he did something similar to Kennedy when Kennedy signed executive order 11110 to restore Lawful Silver money.

Maybe Obama has been silently and desperately resisting the entire military industrial complex from starting WWIII in the Middle East?


Ok you get it.

I think the international bankers have been hiding behind the mountain of bureaucracy, out of Obama's sight, and prefabricating crimes and conspiracies just in case Obama defied them.

Anyone else think this is possible? We live a cruel world for your information, the Constitution was not written assuming that men in power are naturally benign and caring of others.


Always ask yourselves, who stands the most to gain from a crisis or scandal?

IN this case, it's the military industrial complex.

Israel probably isn't too happy either that Obama shamed them for not giving Palestine its own state and treating them humanely. Even worse, must of the Jewish population of Israel AGREED with Obama, which scared the leadership of Israel more than anything else.
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