Is Obama black?

I mean, this is a joke thread, right? We all know conservatives don't focus on race and the OP is so retarded it has to be a ruse.......right?
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

His father wasn't from Africa?,_Sr.&usg=AFQjCNELbCTlEHmmjzfTJTLx3YbuU1p1yg&sig2=vrFeYiu9npvb5bERqciHMQ&bvm=bv.114195076,d.cWw

You know your link proves his father is from Africa, right?

Yes, but he was a muslim. Soetoro, his step father was Indonesian and also muslim. HIs father was an African as muslims in LIbya are Africans.

sorry if that's too complicated for you to grasp.
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

His father wasn't from Africa?,_Sr.&usg=AFQjCNELbCTlEHmmjzfTJTLx3YbuU1p1yg&sig2=vrFeYiu9npvb5bERqciHMQ&bvm=bv.114195076,d.cWw

Did you bother to read your link?

yes, dipshit. did you? there are arabs in Africa. African is NOT A RACE.
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

Black enough to have been sent to the back of a bus and refused service at a lunch counter a generation ago

Maybe, but unlike you, I live in the present. Obama is president of the USA. He was never refused anything in his miserable life, including scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.

they ate up the manufactured story of how: he was just a poor black child, who happened to FALL into the laps of some wealthy WHITE FOLKS. Neither of the Obama have had to "struggle" for anything in their pathetic lives.

But they play that narrative so well....when it suits them of course. They are chameleons

I liken them to snakes. they speak all rosy to your face but turn your back on them. and that is most of the elected Democrats of today. we should just call them what they are: radical Socialist/commies/Black liberations followers/radical Muslims and every kind of enemy to us we can think of.
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

His father wasn't from Africa?,_Sr.&usg=AFQjCNELbCTlEHmmjzfTJTLx3YbuU1p1yg&sig2=vrFeYiu9npvb5bERqciHMQ&bvm=bv.114195076,d.cWw

You know your link proves his father is from Africa, right?

Yes, but he was a muslim. Soetoro, his step father was Indonesian and also muslim. HIs father was an African as muslims in LIbya are Africans.

sorry if that's too complicated for you to grasp.

You said "His background is not african". Your own link proves you wrong.

You're hilarious.
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

Black enough to have been sent to the back of a bus and refused service at a lunch counter a generation ago

Maybe, but unlike you, I live in the present. Obama is president of the USA. He was never refused anything in his miserable life, including scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.

they ate up the manufactured story of how: he was just a poor black child, who happened to FALL into the laps of some wealthy WHITE FOLKS. Neither of the Obama have had to "struggle" for anything in their pathetic lives.

But they play that narrative so well....when it suits them of course. They are chameleons

I liken them to snakes. they speak all rosy to your face but turn your back on them. and that is most of the elected Democrats of today. we should just call them what they are: radical Socialist/commies/Black liberations followers/radical Muslims and every kind of enemy to us we can think of.

Stephanie - the one who brings joy and love to all with her thirst for life.
There is another way to approach the race issue with out mentioning race!!

Since a large number of Black Americans do have a white ancestor, we can call this a FAMILY problem instead of a race problem.

Think about it, instead of Blacklivesmatter, We could say "CousinlivesMatter"

Instead of Police treat Blacks unfairlry, you could say Police treat our cousins unfairly.

Even those racists can use it, Instead of saying "I hate all Black people" they could say "I hate my Family"!
The OP misses the point.

To be "Black" in America means (or used to mean) that you have a shared heritage with other "Blacks" that includes slavery, Jim Crow, generations of blatant and latent discrimination, and a sub-culture that is rich in unique artistic, linquistic, social, religious, and behavioral traditions.

Barry has NONE of that. He has no ancestors who were slaves. The people who raised him were white, atheistic, Muslim, and communists. He never lived in a ghetto until he chose to do so in Chicago, and then only briefly. Worst of all, he plays basketball like a white man...which is not in the least bit surprising. He only speaks with an African American patois when it suits him, and it is all contrived. Where would he have learned it? Hawaii? Indonesia? Columbia?

The only racial discrimination he ever experienced was in his favor, including without limitation being elected to the White House with ZERO accomplishments through the first 40-odd years of his life.

To any intelligent observer, it is clear that he gained admission to Columbia and Harvard Law through the contrivance of a false Kenyan birth claim and possibly an Indonesian passport. Of course we don't know yet because he has declined to make the records available.

These issues were discussed in the African American community when he first came to national prominence, but they collectively decided to back off, because a phony "Negro" in the White House was far better than Hillary Clinton.

"Black"? Not by a long shot. No more than Teresa Heinz Kerry (born in Africa) is an "African American"
Nope, just makes him the average run of the mill mulatto

And there it is. The whole point of this thread is that race shaming Obama as black isn't enough anymore. Had to up the ante to an even more insidious racial identity: The mutually damnable mulatto!
A thread like this is always a good way to remind yourself that you've made the right choices in life.
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

President Obama is actually African American seeing his father was from Kenya ( which is in Africa ), and his mother was from America.

Now you could argue he is Kenyan American and that would be factual but do you tell someone you are from the state you are from and not just claim to be American?

So now onto if he is Black and that is no. He is Mulatto or Mestizo but he is not pure black or Nubian.
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

His father wasn't from Africa?,_Sr.&usg=AFQjCNELbCTlEHmmjzfTJTLx3YbuU1p1yg&sig2=vrFeYiu9npvb5bERqciHMQ&bvm=bv.114195076,d.cWw

Obama Sr.'s ancestry is Luo, which is certainly black African.
Nope, just makes him the average run of the mill mulatto

And there it is. The whole point of this thread is that race shaming Obama as black isn't enough anymore. Had to up the ante to an even more insidious racial identity: The mutually damnable mulatto!

What is wrong for calling him a mulatto or Mestizo?

It is actually what he is or do you want people to deny what his mother was and that is white?

I do not see what the problem is with using the correct term for him and he is just like me and just a mutt because he is mixed and not a pure blood of anything...

Now call me a racist for claiming he is a mutt like me...
Nope, just makes him the average run of the mill mulatto

And there it is. The whole point of this thread is that race shaming Obama as black isn't enough anymore. Had to up the ante to an even more insidious racial identity: The mutually damnable mulatto!

Sorry, toad I'm not all politically correct and shit. Tolerate it
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

Obvious answer, they think he was born in Kenya. :D

Actually they are racist that just lump all blacks in the same pile.
Well I think this thread definitely clears it up that it's Liberals and not conservatives who are over-focused on race.

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