Is Obama black?

The OP misses the point.

To be "Black" in America means (or used to mean) that you have a shared heritage with other "Blacks" that includes slavery, Jim Crow, generations of blatant and latent discrimination, and a sub-culture that is rich in unique artistic, linquistic, social, religious, and behavioral traditions.

Barry has NONE of that. He has no ancestors who were slaves. The people who raised him were white, atheistic, Muslim, and communists. He never lived in a ghetto until he chose to do so in Chicago, and then only briefly. Worst of all, he plays basketball like a white man...which is not in the least bit surprising. He only speaks with an African American patois when it suits him, and it is all contrived. Where would he have learned it? Hawaii? Indonesia? Columbia?

The only racial discrimination he ever experienced was in his favor, including without limitation being elected to the White House with ZERO accomplishments through the first 40-odd years of his life.

To any intelligent observer, it is clear that he gained admission to Columbia and Harvard Law through the contrivance of a false Kenyan birth claim and possibly an Indonesian passport. Of course we don't know yet because he has declined to make the records available.

These issues were discussed in the African American community when he first came to national prominence, but they collectively decided to back off, because a phony "Negro" in the White House was far better than Hillary Clinton.

"Black"? Not by a long shot. No more than Teresa Heinz Kerry (born in Africa) is an "African American"

Do you need a tissue?
Obama's an illegal alien period. as for his color ask Reid. he built the cocksucker

What is wrong for calling him a mulatto or Mestizo?

It is actually what he is or do you want people to deny what his mother was and that is white?

I do not see what the problem is with using the correct term for him and he is just like me and just a mutt because he is mixed and not a pure blood of anything...

Now call me a racist for claiming he is a mutt like me...

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with acknowledging his multi-ethnic ancestry. But historically mulattos have been considered an even lower racial category than blacks. Term is generally considered pejorative in American language because it didn't simply refer to racial identity, it referred to the disdain for such racial identity.

But mainly, I'm just pointing out the irony of fundamentally racists morons like the OP are the ones denying Obama is black, and how after seven years of their own racist contempt for Obama they are disregarding his blackness in favor of what has historically been even lower than black.
So please explain why he is black or African American.

he IS a fucking MULATTO, i do not care what he or libertards want to call him the FACT is, he is a fucking half breed MULATTO!!!! ...... :up:


Here's my point exactly. Is Obama black? Is he African American? His he mixed ethnicity? Or is he a "fucking half breed mulatto"?

For these anal douches Obama has always been black up to the point where it occurs to them that they can cast him into an even lower racial identity and dump even more contempt and racial hatred on him.
Any minute now this thread should be relegated to the trash bin where it deserves to be.
Nope, just makes him the average run of the mill mulatto

And there it is. The whole point of this thread is that race shaming Obama as black isn't enough anymore. Had to up the ante to an even more insidious racial identity: The mutually damnable mulatto!

Sorry, toad I'm not all politically correct and shit. Tolerate it

I don't have to tolerate anything, much less the kind of vile racism you are presenting here. It has nothing to do with being "politically correct." I'm not politically correct. But you, dear kunt, are a racist piece of shit.
sarcasm with a touch of reality. the guy is half white and yet gets treated as 100% black. I find that curious and disingenuous.

You do realize that you are the first person in history to ever argue that mixed ancestry reduces "blackness" right?
History covers a very long time and many billions of people.......and you think he is the 1st.......???
My wife actually made that observation this morning. I said say what? She said he wasn't black he was 1/2 black. I asked, is he white? She didn't answer. I didn't want a soap sandwich so I let it drop.
sarcasm with a touch of reality. the guy is half white and yet gets treated as 100% black. I find that curious and disingenuous.

You do realize that you are the first person in history to ever argue that mixed ancestry reduces "blackness" right?
History covers a very long time and many billions of people.......and you think he is the 1st.......???

Yep, pretty sure Redfish would be the first person in 2.5 million years of humanity to reverse the "one drop" doctrine to erase blackness. :lol:
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.
Who gives a shit, all you have to know is Barry is a dipshit who happens to be a control freak. With very powerful puppet masters.
sarcasm with a touch of reality. the guy is half white and yet gets treated as 100% black. I find that curious and disingenuous.

You do realize that you are the first person in history to ever argue that mixed ancestry reduces "blackness" right?
History covers a very long time and many billions of people.......and you think he is the 1st.......???

Yep, pretty sure Redfish would be the first person in 2.5 million years of humanity to reverse the "one drop" doctrine to erase blackness. :lol:
Actually Bill Clinton has recently been in the news for the same thing.
So I guess now you RWnuts have decided that that all your RWnut pals who have said for years that Obama only got elected because he's black

were and are full of shit?
I do not understand why those on the left chose to consider Obama black or an African American. He is exactly half white, that's 1/2 for you libtards. His background is not African, his father was a dark arab, not an African.

So please explain why he is black or African American.

Black enough to have been sent to the back of a bus and refused service at a lunch counter a generation ago

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