Is Obama controlling events or are events controlling him?


Is Obama controlling events or are events controlling him?

ending the Republican 07-09 Depression and enacting the historic Affordable Care Act showed the country who was in charge - and is the reason to pause to make certain a regression to the past is prevented by insuring the Democrats maintain control of the Senate and recapture the House on Nov. 4th 2014 .
Which part of that did Obama do?

what part of that was accomplished by Republicans ....

Deflection. How typical. You lose.

your problem is you have nothing to show for Bush or the Republicans but a failed Iraq war.

certainly nothing in comparison to the Historic - Health Care Reform - of the present Administration.

See, there you go deflecting to BUsh and the Republicans. I'll remind you the average American was far better off under Bush.
But anyway, Obama didn't accomplish anything in health care reform. That was the Democrats in Congress, especially Pelosi.

if you consider Obamacare and accomplishment. Just curious as to why if it's so popular, they don't implement it as written so as to give the Dems a boost in the upcoming elections:confused-84:

Republican Governor Agrees To Expand Medicaid For Low-Income Residents In Pennsylvania

Republican Governor Agrees To Expand Medicaid For Low-Income Residents In Pennsylvania

WASHINGTON -- Pennsylvania agreed to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, joining 26 states and the District of Columbia.

Historic Health Care Reform - takes time, especially when being implemented during a time of latent recalcitrant reactionary demagoguery. the American people who work for a living are now seeing the difference and will vote accordingly.

People who used to be able to afford their own insurance are now being pushed onto Medicaid. Yay quite an "accomplishment":clap:

“Like we are doing in Pennsylvania, HHS and CMS are committed to supporting state flexibility and working with states on innovative solutions that work within the confines of the law to expand Medicaid to low-income individuals,"

no, the Administration is working to have healthcare coverage for everyone and those on medicaid will pay a premium.

just something the republicans never concern themselves with, coverage for the poor - or give an example from the previous administration if otherwise.


no, the Administration is working to have healthcare coverage for everyone and those on medicaid will pay a premium.

just something the republicans never concern themselves with, coverage for the poor - or give an example from the previous administration if otherwise.

Newsflash: There are more uninsured people today than before Obamacare.
Thanks, Obama!

no, the Administration is working to have healthcare coverage for everyone and those on medicaid will pay a premium.

just something the republicans never concern themselves with, coverage for the poor - or give an example from the previous administration if otherwise.

Newsflash: There are more uninsured people today than before Obamacare.
Thanks, Obama!

link -

more mindless chatter ...

The Sudetenland wasnt our problem either. How did that work out?

It worked out fine.

Where it got stupid is when Chamberlain wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check knowing he couldn't back them up.
The West's failure to stop Hitler led to WW2. Idiot.

Putin isn't Hitler.

Also, frankly, Germany had a perfectly fine claim to the Sudetenland. It's population was ethnically German and wanted no part of the government in Prague.

Further, the Slovaks wanted no pat of that government, either, not to mention the Germans had them surrounded on three sides.

Chamberlain's great crime at Munich- understanding reality.
The United states used to be able to control world events for the most part now?

Can you name a specific event that the US 'used to be able to control'? A little background for you commentary would be beneficial. If you have something in mind?

A major event that was not controlled was the aftermath of the Soviets from Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban and AQ in that region including the bordering lawless areas of Pakistan.

. As he is slowly figuring out the rest of the world has its own agenda and it's not always in line with his.

What in the hell is 'the rest of the world's own agenda' ?? Who what and where?
The United states used to be able to control world events for the most part now?

Can you name a specific event that the US 'used to be able to control'? A little background for you commentary would be beneficial. If you have something in mind?

A major event that was not controlled was the aftermath of the Soviets from Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban and AQ in that region including the bordering lawless areas of Pakistan.

. As he is slowly figuring out the rest of the world has its own agenda and it's not always in line with his.

What in the hell is 'the rest of the world's own agenda' ?? Who what and where?
Every country and as we have seen with groups like Hamas and ISIS have their agendas meaning goals that they feel are best for them and no one else don't pretend like you don't know this.
The United states used to be able to control world events for the most part now?

Can you name a specific event that the US 'used to be able to control'? A little background for you commentary would be beneficial. If you have something in mind?

A major event that was not controlled was the aftermath of the Soviets from Afghanistan and the rise of the Taliban and AQ in that region including the bordering lawless areas of Pakistan.

. As he is slowly figuring out the rest of the world has its own agenda and it's not always in line with his.

What in the hell is 'the rest of the world's own agenda' ?? Who what and where?
the defeat of the soviet empire of course. When the U.S. turns to isolationism bad things happen.
We should be arming the Ukrainians and the Kurds in Iraq.... Obama is late again He's a joke

I'm sorry, what business is that of ours?

Maybe we need to take care of our own problems first.

How about this fucking problem, JoeBlow?.... I forgot, these undocumented Democrats are what you and the pond scum are all about!

The Sudetenland wasnt our problem either. How did that work out?

It worked out fine.

Where it got stupid is when Chamberlain wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check knowing he couldn't back them up.
The West's failure to stop Hitler led to WW2. Idiot.

Putin isn't Hitler.

Also, frankly, Germany had a perfectly fine claim to the Sudetenland. It's population was ethnically German and wanted no part of the government in Prague.

Further, the Slovaks wanted no pat of that government, either, not to mention the Germans had them surrounded on three sides.

Chamberlain's great crime at Munich- understanding reality.
Yes, the Germans needed lebensraum! A greater Fatherland!
lol, so HISTORIC is his fascist pos entitlement insurance scam with his stupid name attacted to it, ObambamScamCare, that must be why Obama's disapprovals are nearly 70%


historic: everything the bambam touches, is historic... him being born was historic they need his face on his own historic mountain instead of the side of all the tall buildings. forget the flags with his face on every street corner...his historic face should be in STONE

ok now gag me with a spoon.........blaaaaaaaaaaa

The Sudetenland wasnt our problem either. How did that work out?

It worked out fine.

Where it got stupid is when Chamberlain wrote the Polish Colonels a blank check knowing he couldn't back them up.
The West's failure to stop Hitler led to WW2. Idiot.

Putin isn't Hitler.

Also, frankly, Germany had a perfectly fine claim to the Sudetenland. It's population was ethnically German and wanted no part of the government in Prague.

Further, the Slovaks wanted no pat of that government, either, not to mention the Germans had them surrounded on three sides.

Chamberlain's great crime at Munich- understanding reality.
Yes, the Germans needed lebensraum! A greater Fatherland!

I think Joe has a certain kinship with Hitler.:cuckoo:
If we dont care of it it will become our problem pretty quickly.
Libs can't think beyond Stage One.

If the GOP bothered learn about Iraq before that horrible fiasco, our debt would be smaller and thousands of American would still be alive. See? Republicans don't think at all. They are so stupid, they can't even see the mess they made.

Worrying about missed votes I see.

obama controls nothing. Events do not control obama. Control implies some kind of action. Control to do what? obama does nothing. There are events, then there are observers, bystanders. obama is a bystander. He observes from the safety of the faculty lounge.

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