Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
I can not vote yes, but I can not vote "are you fucking kidding me either."

During the first campaign, he was quite eloquent. He spoke with passion, he seemed to speak from the heart. That and the fact that he wasn't a Republican got him elected. Some say because he is black was a contributing factor. I imagine that for some, it was. But we are discussing his ability to give a speech... More specifically his ranking on the list of great speakers in U.S. history...

HuffPo rates him as the third best Presidential orator since 1933. I'm don't agree and I'm not going to listen to speeches by all thirteen on the list just to find out. The top five, in order (according to HuffPo): JFK, FDR, Obama, Reagan, and Clinton. I don't think he is better than Reagan and Clinton, but it is a HuffPo list, so...

When you start talking about being "one of the best speakers in our nation's history," I think you have broadened the pool so much that he may not crack the top twenty...

But, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.

Top twenty is still one of the best. Top fifty is still one of the best. Their have ben hundreds of American statesmen.

I happen to think he's in the top 10. The contributors to this forum have yet to name 5 who are better.

He is, in fact, one of the best.

And I for one respect your opinion. As for the HuffPo list, I'd put him before JFK, but after Reagan and Clinton, with FDR at the top. For the record, I'd put JFK sixth or seventh, his voice annoys me...
My God, that rusty hinge Chicargo accent doesn't grate on your every nerve?
I agree that those two were outstanding speakers. That puts Obama at #5, then.

Anyone else?

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.

Have you ever even listened to Herman Cain? I'll bet not, try it sometime, release the hate.

As for George Washington, you need some history lessons:

Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796 Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796
And Herman Cain has been elected to WHAT?
It's funny observing the liberals here. Somebody says, I think Obama gives terrible speeches, and the angry leftists jump in with nasty comments and accuse other's of being "angry." Hee-hee! :lol:
Typical Alinskyite tactic.
You don't think so? Do you know? Are you guessing?
Nope. I'd be happy if you were able to name a dozen American statesmen who are better at delivering speeches. If not....I'd be happy if you'd change your fucking retarded vote in the poll.

Sorry, I won't change my vote to please you, that's for sure. Lol! Another thing about you leftists is that you seem to think you are MUCH more important than you actually are. :D

You admit that you can't name many who are better...but you vote that he's not one of the best. That must be due to your high level of integrity.

Meh, whatever. I can name plenty who are better. The question was "Is Obama one of the BEST?" I say no, he is not one of the best. He is good and effective but not one of the best. Don't like it? Too bad. Lol!

You seem to bask in your lameness. Good for you.

You seem to think I care about what you think about . . . well anything! :lol: What makes you think that?
To mention King and Obama in the same sentence is a travesty.
Roadrunner is on a roll here. Another post or two and he'll be spent. He'll need some recovery time before he can work up another load.

What's it like to be able to present your entire view on the world in six paragraphs.....and never get a single laugh?
Roadrunner is on a roll here. Another post or two and he'll be spent. He'll need some recovery time before he can work up another load.

What's it like to be able to present your entire view on the world in six paragraphs.....and never get a single laugh?
Hey, prick, I spend an hour or so here in the AM, then leave.

You got a problem?

If I like going down a thread, and replying, what is it to you?

And all your ejaculation references are like so seventh grade.

Grow up.
Roadrunner is on a roll here. Another post or two and he'll be spent. He'll need some recovery time before he can work up another load.

What's it like to be able to present your entire view on the world in six paragraphs.....and never get a single laugh?
Hey, prick, I spend an hour or so here in the AM, then leave.

You got a problem?

If I like going down a thread, and replying, what is it to you?

And all your ejaculation references are like so seventh grade.

Grow up.

You might try saying something different every now and then. Maybe an original thought? Perhaps something unexpected?

You must know that you haven't varied off course once since you arrived here. Every thread is an opportunity for you to express your fear that some poor person is taking your shit. It's all you have to say.

It's boring, pal. Try something new.
As a democrat, I have to say that Obama's speaking is his best virtue. I am sad to admit this it far exceeds his leadership ability.
He talks the talk but cannot walk the walk.

He is a fraud.

Oh shit! I take that last post back! This was very,very original.

"He talks the talk but cannot walk the walk"


Hey this guys pretty articulate. I just read where Christie came to Ohio to campaign with Kasich.
Christie says voters from Ohio should vote republican BECAUSE Republican's can walk and chew gum at the same time. True story.

WOW I am impressed. What a claim to leadership. Not "look at what we've accomplished".

“We can walk and chew gum at the same time,” Christie told a raucous crowd at a hanger at Ohio State University’s airport.
Roadrunner is on a roll here. Another post or two and he'll be spent. He'll need some recovery time before he can work up another load.

What's it like to be able to present your entire view on the world in six paragraphs.....and never get a single laugh?
Hey, prick, I spend an hour or so here in the AM, then leave.

You got a problem?

If I like going down a thread, and replying, what is it to you?

And all your ejaculation references are like so seventh grade.

Grow up.

You might try saying something different every now and then. Maybe an original thought? Perhaps something unexpected?

You must know that you haven't varied off course once since you arrived here. Every thread is an opportunity for you to express your fear that some poor person is taking your shit. It's all you have to say.

It's boring, pal. Try something new.
I am a poor person, according to Obama.

I will probably get a subsidy on my insurance, after 40 years of paying my way.
Roadrunner is on a roll here. Another post or two and he'll be spent. He'll need some recovery time before he can work up another load.

What's it like to be able to present your entire view on the world in six paragraphs.....and never get a single laugh?
Hey, prick, I spend an hour or so here in the AM, then leave.

You got a problem?

If I like going down a thread, and replying, what is it to you?

And all your ejaculation references are like so seventh grade.

Grow up.

You might try saying something different every now and then. Maybe an original thought? Perhaps something unexpected?

You must know that you haven't varied off course once since you arrived here. Every thread is an opportunity for you to express your fear that some poor person is taking your shit. It's all you have to say.

It's boring, pal. Try something new.
I am a poor person, according to Obama.

I will probably get a subsidy on my insurance, after 40 years of paying my way.

Really? Let's examine that.

You have been buying health insurance for 40 years?
Roadrunner is on a roll here. Another post or two and he'll be spent. He'll need some recovery time before he can work up another load.

What's it like to be able to present your entire view on the world in six paragraphs.....and never get a single laugh?
Hey, prick, I spend an hour or so here in the AM, then leave.

You got a problem?

If I like going down a thread, and replying, what is it to you?

And all your ejaculation references are like so seventh grade.

Grow up.

You might try saying something different every now and then. Maybe an original thought? Perhaps something unexpected?

You must know that you haven't varied off course once since you arrived here. Every thread is an opportunity for you to express your fear that some poor person is taking your shit. It's all you have to say.

It's boring, pal. Try something new.
I am a poor person, according to Obama.

I will probably get a subsidy on my insurance, after 40 years of paying my way.

Really? Let's examine that.

You have been buying health insurance for 40 years?
Yes I have. Actually, more that 40.

My oldest son is 40, and I had insurance when he was born.

You have a problem with that?
Obama is a good speaker, if you can get past all the lies and straw-man arguments he makes in every speech....apparently some Americans can.
Roadrunner is on a roll here. Another post or two and he'll be spent. He'll need some recovery time before he can work up another load.

What's it like to be able to present your entire view on the world in six paragraphs.....and never get a single laugh?
Hey, prick, I spend an hour or so here in the AM, then leave.

You got a problem?

If I like going down a thread, and replying, what is it to you?

And all your ejaculation references are like so seventh grade.

Grow up.

You might try saying something different every now and then. Maybe an original thought? Perhaps something unexpected?

You must know that you haven't varied off course once since you arrived here. Every thread is an opportunity for you to express your fear that some poor person is taking your shit. It's all you have to say.

It's boring, pal. Try something new.
I am a poor person, according to Obama.

I will probably get a subsidy on my insurance, after 40 years of paying my way.

Really? Let's examine that.

You have been buying health insurance for 40 years?
Yes I have. Actually, more that 40.

My oldest son is 40, and I had insurance when he was born.

You have a problem with that?

Have you been buying it as an individual, or has it been provided by your employer?
Hey, prick, I spend an hour or so here in the AM, then leave.

You got a problem?

If I like going down a thread, and replying, what is it to you?

And all your ejaculation references are like so seventh grade.

Grow up.

You might try saying something different every now and then. Maybe an original thought? Perhaps something unexpected?

You must know that you haven't varied off course once since you arrived here. Every thread is an opportunity for you to express your fear that some poor person is taking your shit. It's all you have to say.

It's boring, pal. Try something new.
I am a poor person, according to Obama.

I will probably get a subsidy on my insurance, after 40 years of paying my way.

Really? Let's examine that.

You have been buying health insurance for 40 years?
Yes I have. Actually, more that 40.

My oldest son is 40, and I had insurance when he was born.

You have a problem with that?

Have you been buying it as an individual, or has it been provided by your employer?

I pay the premium for a policy offered by the former employer.

I am retired, and on Medicare, with my old insurance as secondary.

Deductible just jumped from $300, to $1,000, and copays for meds all went up 50%.

Anything else you need to know?
You might try saying something different every now and then. Maybe an original thought? Perhaps something unexpected?

You must know that you haven't varied off course once since you arrived here. Every thread is an opportunity for you to express your fear that some poor person is taking your shit. It's all you have to say.

It's boring, pal. Try something new.
I am a poor person, according to Obama.

I will probably get a subsidy on my insurance, after 40 years of paying my way.

Really? Let's examine that.

You have been buying health insurance for 40 years?
Yes I have. Actually, more that 40.

My oldest son is 40, and I had insurance when he was born.

You have a problem with that?

Have you been buying it as an individual, or has it been provided by your employer?

I pay the premium for a policy offered by the former employer.

I am retired, and on Medicare, with my old insurance as secondary.

Deductible just jumped from $300, to $1,000, and copays for meds all went up 50%.

Anything else you need to know?

How about telling us why you are lying? You are on Medicare and you were bitching about GETTING a subsidy. You were dishonest at the start of this conversation.

You are keeping your full insurance plan from when you were employed? Is that what you are trying to feed me? You are using that as your Medicare supplement?

Why the fuck do USMB b nutters think they can fool others with such bullshit?

Mother fucking liars on an anonymous forum are fucked up.
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