Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
I, uh, want to ugh thank the folks for coming today. I um, ugh,yes, I me, ugh, I, my. Ugh err duh. Thank you!!
here is the wonderful SPEAKER. he has a real hate for stay home moms
this isn't the first time he's said something this ugly about them WHILE PUSHING for more government in ours and our Children's lives.

Obama: Being a Stay-at-Home Mom “Not a Choice We Want Americans to Make” (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, November 1, 2014, 1:57 PM

Good grief. Tell us how you really feel, Barack.
Barack Obama told a crowd of clueless female supporters that being a stay-at-home mother is “not a choice we want Americans to make.”
Via Twitchy:

Obama Being a Stay-at-Home Mom 8220 Not a Choice We Want Americans to Make 8221 Video The Gateway Pundit

The guy is so incredibly arrogant. :cheeky-smiley-018:

He makes my skin crawl. How any woman isn't offended by what says about them is beyond me

Glad the dude in the vid likens Obama's speeches to "music lyrics." Big on fantasy ... light on facts.

Homo love drives the creation of this video.

Speaking of which ... have you seen this one yet?:

I think Obama could have done better.

So what if he did get a BJ, so what? His and Michelle's business.

As far as I know Obama never lied under oath about getting a BJ.

The drug allegations are worse but there is no proof.

Just face it. Your messiah is a lying, sexually deviant, drug snortin', sociopathic sycophant.

Haaaaaa, my messiah, that is just too funny.

He speaks well enough, I suppose.

Unfortunately for him, however, that's about all he's good for.

He isn't even an especially competent debater, let alone an effective leader.
I say hell no. LoneLaugher thinks he is. Hahahahaha

He is an effective speaker. THAT is how he won the presidency.

I can't remember one line from any of his speeches, yet here we are 150 years later and I can remember the Gettysburg Address, JFK's "ask not" and Reagan's "tear down this wall."
Hussein="Ask not what you can do for your country, rather, ask what your country can do for you, and why the fuck hasn't an outreach program brought it already."
I say hell no. LoneLaugher thinks he is. Hahahahaha

He is an effective speaker. THAT is how he won the presidency.

Yes, he has been effective, but to say he's one of best speakers in history is a bit much. Don't ya think?

Oh, I don't think he's the best. I just wanted to say that I think he was an effective speaker. There are only two choices listed to choose from, that I think he is a terrible speaker (in so many words - lol), or the best speaker. I don't feel that either apply, so I posted my opinion. :D
If fooling uneducated voters and guilty white people into voting for him makes him a great speaker, well, then he is.

If inspiring the American people with fulfilled promises is the mark of a great speaker, he is a fraud.

I go with him being the greatest fraud ever foisted on the American people.
You bet he is.....that's what's got them so uptight and angry.....he "speaks" circles around all them put together.....even if we exclude GW.
Mertex I have been in a crowd when Obama was talking without a teleprompter and I can verify it's not the same. And when he speaks without one he reads off everything he says. The man can't talk without hemming and hawing, um, uhh, ahh. At a press conference he answers questions with the expertise of an athlete that has no public speaking abilities. You've been murked. :razz:

I've seen him talk many times without a teleprompter and the man is eloquent. He's been interviewed many times and he never hesitates, so I'm thinking that you're not going to be one to judge fairly......especially, considering Bush, who was an embarrassment every time he opened his mouth.
Perhaps I'm a nano-second into the future without knowing it. I can't take anything in this thread seriously because I refuse to believe so many people could be mesmerized by the Silver Throated Devil.
40% of American workers out of the work force, record unemployment if you discount the number juggling, wage hours down,
millions working part time because employers don't want to be their fuckin' daddies and provide outrageously priced insurance,
doctors retiring in droves, replaced by Third World docs from the second tier of Caribbean Med School classes, US a joke worldwide,
Arab Spring under control of ISIS, yeah, he talks a good talk but that's it.

Putin has him figured out.

As a Cum Laude graduate he can spell better than you.

No one who expresses his thoughts almost exclusively in non-relevant memes should be passing judgement on anyone's speeches, Vagisil.

That's all they can do.....use non-relevant memes because they know they haven't been able to produce anyone on the right that could top intelligence and eloquence.

As a Cum Laude graduate he can spell better than you.

No one who expresses his thoughts almost exclusively in non-relevant memes should be passing judgement on anyone's speeches, Vagisil.

That's all they can do.....use non-relevant memes because they know they haven't been able to produce anyone on the right that could top intelligence and eloquence.

Show us his college records.... If you can't, he's a fucking fraud!

Sure, that all you got? So full of rage because Obama doesn't kowtow to a bunch of know nothings making ignorant demands.

His constituency is a bunch of know nothings making ignorant demands, such as free insurance, outrageous minimum wage,

free everything, in fact, for those too unskilled to get a decent job.

He is doing a great job of reducing America to its lowest common denominator while lining the pockets of his Wall Street handlers.

Elizabeth Warren has his number, and if you note, is pushing Hillary far to the left.
I can not vote yes, but I can not vote "are you fucking kidding me either."

During the first campaign, he was quite eloquent. He spoke with passion, he seemed to speak from the heart. That and the fact that he wasn't a Republican got him elected. Some say because he is black was a contributing factor. I imagine that for some, it was. But we are discussing his ability to give a speech... More specifically his ranking on the list of great speakers in U.S. history...

HuffPo rates him as the third best Presidential orator since 1933. I'm don't agree and I'm not going to listen to speeches by all thirteen on the list just to find out. The top five, in order (according to HuffPo): JFK, FDR, Obama, Reagan, and Clinton. I don't think he is better than Reagan and Clinton, but it is a HuffPo list, so...

When you start talking about being "one of the best speakers in our nation's history," I think you have broadened the pool so much that he may not crack the top twenty...

But, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Orations do not pay the bills for families.

Welfare does, that is the new norm.

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