Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
He is the best speaker of these:

Oh Steph, weren't you the one complaining about people making fun of Sarah Palin? Practice what you preach....:)

oh hell no. Sarah Palin isn't the PRESIDENT that is lying to us into the gutter and poor house. You should practice what you preach to others

And she'll never be....and it was Bush who caused all the unnecessary spending, but like the rest, you pass it on to Obama.....typical "vote against their own interest" conservative. Hopefully Republicans won't ever have enough power to take away Welfare and you won't have to worry about it.
As a democrat, I have to say that Obama's speaking is his best virtue. I am sad to admit this it far exceeds his leadership ability.
He talks the talk but cannot walk the walk.

He is a fraud.

Oh shit! I take that last post back! This was very,very original.

"He talks the talk but cannot walk the walk"


Hey this guys pretty articulate. I just read where Christie came to Ohio to campaign with Kasich.
Christie says voters from Ohio should vote republican BECAUSE Republican's can walk and chew gum at the same time. True story.

WOW I am impressed. What a claim to leadership. Not "look at what we've accomplished".

“We can walk and chew gum at the same time,” Christie told a raucous crowd at a hanger at Ohio State University’s airport.

What you obviously don't know was the reference to when Obama press secretary made the first reference...

Remember this back in 2010 when asked if Obama can focus on multiple issues...Now we know why! He skipped 60% of his meetings!
At a press gaggle aboard Air Force One today, Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton told reporters that President Obama's focus on national security in the wake of the Christmas Day bombing attempt will not take his focus away from increasing employment levels and other issues.

"When you're President of the United States you've got to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, so you can anticipate there's going to be a very heavy push to get Americans back to work," Burton said.
White House Obama Can Walk and Chew Gum - CBS News
You bet he is.....that's what's got them so uptight and angry.....he "speaks" circles around all them put together.....even if we exclude GW.
You are correct Obama "speks" in circles never really making any point that inures to the benefit of the American people.

I don't agree with that at all. Everything that he has worked hard to get done benefit the people unlike Republicans, shutting down government, denying health care to the poor, not wanting women to get paid the same for the same type of job....etc., etc., the list goes on and on, but you are welcome to your opinion even if it's wrong.
Tell that to the military who budget has been cut, the commissary funds that helped feed military families and how he has weakened the US in foreign affairs through a Neville Chamberlain like approach. Obama has made the US a laughing stock.
George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Ben Franklin

Billy Graham

Thomas Sowell

Herman Cain

Alonzo Rachael

You are giving it your all. Can you find any know....people who know something about public speaking.....who support any or all of those names?

Can you tell me of a goal post moving company?

Come on, are just naming people. Herman Cain? Did George Washington ever deliver a meaningful speech?

Let's try honesty.

You don't like what Obama has to say and you don't believe anything he says. That is a YOU problem. The guy is an accomplished public speaker and will be known as one of our greatest orators.

This is not even hard to understand.

Let your hate go.

Have you ever even listened to Herman Cain? I'll bet not, try it sometime, release the hate.

As for George Washington, you need some history lessons:

Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796 Avalon Project - Washington s Farewell Address 1796
And Herman Cain has been elected to WHAT?

The OP didn't say elected official, or did I read it wrongly?
He is the best speaker of these:

Oh Steph, weren't you the one complaining about people making fun of Sarah Palin? Practice what you preach....:)

oh hell no. Sarah Palin isn't the PRESIDENT that is lying to us into the gutter and poor house. You should practice what you preach to others

And she'll never be....and it was Bush who caused all the unnecessary spending, but like the rest, you pass it on to Obama.....typical "vote against their own interest" conservative. Hopefully Republicans won't ever have enough power to take away Welfare and you won't have to worry about it.

stop trying to derail the thread off your dear leader. This isn't about Sarah Palin, so put your claws back in and I don't care what your crystal ball is telling you about anyone who will or will not be running for office.
Someone brought up his 2008 speech in Germany and the 200000 who attended. I find it interesting that many Germans would find a, at the time, a fairly unknown politiican who really up to that point had accomplished nothing, except break his promise not to run for POTUS.

So why did they come? To see Obama perform as some sort of oddity? A black man running for office coming to Germany, a country known for their enlightened racial attitude? It could not be because he speaks well, I don't believe that for a minute. It wasn't because there was free food. It could be because there were bands performing to draw some crowd but 200000 seems a lot. So what gives?

I realize this is conspiracy theory stuff but I can only think this was New World Order stuff. Stuff of guys like Soros who aranged the whole thing. Nothing else really makes much sense. I see no reason for that many Germans to be interested in what a politician running for office has to say.

Here is the Narcissist in Chief in 8 seconds:
Another point, up until that time, Obama had a hard time attracting that many in America, really seems odd.

this is what Obama thinks of himself:

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama toldPatrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.” A convention speech wasn’t enough for Mr. Obama; Greek columns needed to be added. During an interview with “60 Minutes,” Obama said, “I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, FDR, and Lincoln.” (The use of the word “possible” is priceless.) Mr. Obama has compared himself to LeBron James; his aides compared him to Michael Jordan. He clearly conceived of himself as a world-historical figure. Nothing, it seemed, was beyond his power.

6 years of him has proved, it was nothing but BS.

Obama s Journey from Arrogance to Incompetence Commentary Magazine
Yep, the trained seal ran the national debt up to $18Trillion, and personally more than the other 43 presidents combined. Helluva accomplishment for the worlds greatest speech giver of all times..
You're a liar.

If you are not a liar, then list the giant spending from Obama.

I'll give you the only one: the Stimulus, which was $865 billion.

That's less than 1 Trillion.

Give us the rest, dope.
I'll concede #42 & #43 but the rest is history.

( - The total federal debt of the U.S. government has now increased more than $7 trillion during the slightly more than five and a half years Barack Obama has been president.

That is more than the debt increased under all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined, and it is more debt than was accumulated in the first 227 years of this nation's existence--from 1776 through 2003.

The total federal debt first passed the $7-trillion mark on Jan. 15, 2004, after President George W. Bush had been in office almost three years.

7 060 259 674 497.51--Federal Debt Up 7 Trillion Under Obama CNS News

U.S. National Debt Clock Real Time

P.S. Why all the sweet talk. You hittin' on me?
So you can't do it.

All you do is list the total that was run up by George W. Bush for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the Medicare D, the tax cuts for the wealthy, and his own stimulus in the early 2000s. All of which he didn't pay for and left for Obama.

What happens when you pay for everything on the credit card, idiot? You accumulate interest, compounded daily.

So are you just stupid, or purposely dishonest?

I think you're just stupid.
Yep, the trained seal ran the national debt up to $18Trillion, and personally more than the other 43 presidents combined. Helluva accomplishment for the worlds greatest speech giver of all times..
You're a liar.

If you are not a liar, then list the giant spending from Obama.

I'll give you the only one: the Stimulus, which was $865 billion.

That's less than 1 Trillion.

Give us the rest, dope.
I'll concede #42 & #43 but the rest is history.

( - The total federal debt of the U.S. government has now increased more than $7 trillion during the slightly more than five and a half years Barack Obama has been president.

That is more than the debt increased under all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton combined, and it is more debt than was accumulated in the first 227 years of this nation's existence--from 1776 through 2003.

The total federal debt first passed the $7-trillion mark on Jan. 15, 2004, after President George W. Bush had been in office almost three years.

7 060 259 674 497.51--Federal Debt Up 7 Trillion Under Obama CNS News

U.S. National Debt Clock Real Time

P.S. Why all the sweet talk. You hittin' on me?
So you can't do it.

All you do is list the total that was run up by George W. Bush for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the Medicare D, the tax cuts for the wealthy, and his own stimulus in the early 2000s. All of which he didn't pay for and left for Obama.

What happens when you pay for everything on the credit card, idiot? You accumulate interest, compounded daily.

So are you just stupid, or purposely dishonest?

I think you're just stupid.
You didn't read the article? That answered your question.
BTW can I still get cash for my clunker?
He is the best speaker of these:

Oh Steph, weren't you the one complaining about people making fun of Sarah Palin? Practice what you preach....:)

oh hell no. Sarah Palin isn't the PRESIDENT that is lying to us into the gutter and poor house. You should practice what you preach to others

And she'll never be....and it was Bush who caused all the unnecessary spending, but like the rest, you pass it on to Obama.....typical "vote against their own interest" conservative. Hopefully Republicans won't ever have enough power to take away Welfare and you won't have to worry about it.

stop trying to derail the thread off your dear leader. This isn't about Sarah Palin, so put your claws back in and I don't care what your crystal ball is telling you about anyone who will or will not be running for office.

You just admitted it yourself. Sarah Palin is a nobody and you get your panties all in a wad when anyone just posts the truth about her trailer-trash life-style, but you don't think nothing of trashing the most powerful man in the world, the leader of our country who graduated from Harvard Magna Cum Laude, who is one of the most eloquent speakers we as a nation have ever had, who fights for your welfare and Obamacare so that you can have a decent life and afford good healthcare. You are totally confused and voting against your own interests. God help you.
Yes he is actually.
The current RW hatred and hysteria notwithstanding.
History will show that as well.
I, uh, want to ugh thank the folks for coming today. I um, ugh,yes, I me, ugh, I, my. Ugh err duh. Thank you!!

Not even close to the terrible:

That's a funny clip and everybody laughed at his flubs and he did too, but his speeches weren't getting people killed. Obama's indifference to Syria's plight and his refusal to put "boots on the ground" was happening while 150,000 civilians were getting killed and millions displaced. A harsh winter is coming soon and there will be greater suffering and death and everyone is arguing about a street shyster being the world's best speaker.
Yes he is actually.
The current RW hatred and hysteria notwithstanding.
History will show that as well.

If the guy is such a great speaker why doesn't he have a memorable quote? Actually I guess he has one, when he said we're not the blue states or red states but the United States. I can't think of anything else.

I admit I hate the guy. I think he's been a horrible president, but if I thought he was a good speaker I'd admit that. The truth is his speeches put me to sleep.
Has the OP come up with a list of a few dozen American statesmen who are/ were better speakers than the president yet? If not...will he admit that Obama is, indeed, ONE OF THE BEST?

Or...will the OP continue to present himself as an obstinate child and ignore the huge fault in his logic?

You haven't even provided any third party expert opinion on the matter. Can't you find a credentialed speech expert/professor/presidential historian who agrees with you on this?

I've peppered this thread with shit that supports my claim. Do you understand how "debates" are conducted?

Saying that the man puts you to sleep isn't evidential. You admit that you hate the guy. Why not admit that your hate could be influencing your judgement on this matter?

Let's go up.

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