Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
You clearly do not understand the difference between a memorable line and a slogan. No shock there.
Nice pussy, btw.
Of course you'd like to forget that keynote speech. You don't want to talk about it at all, :lol:.
It was his one qualification for office.
Too bad he forgot all about it once he was elected. And no, I can't remember anything memorable about it, other than that everyone else swooned over it.
They also swooned over all those Democratic debates. People just laugh at R debates, they really are a big joke. Our candidates know their craft, they can talk about policy without looking at the daily talking points. Your candidates are all on the same low level as Palin. That level is a couple lower than stupid.

Palin was right about foreign policy. Obama was wrong.
That's gonna leave a mark.
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
Of course you'd like to forget that keynote speech. You don't want to talk about it at all, :lol:.
It was his one qualification for office.
Too bad he forgot all about it once he was elected. And no, I can't remember anything memorable about it, other than that everyone else swooned over it.
They also swooned over all those Democratic debates. People just laugh at R debates, they really are a big joke. Our candidates know their craft, they can talk about policy without looking at the daily talking points. Your candidates are all on the same low level as Palin. That level is a couple lower than stupid.

Palin was right about foreign policy. Obama was wrong.
That's gonna leave a mark.
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
It was his one qualification for office.
Too bad he forgot all about it once he was elected. And no, I can't remember anything memorable about it, other than that everyone else swooned over it.
They also swooned over all those Democratic debates. People just laugh at R debates, they really are a big joke. Our candidates know their craft, they can talk about policy without looking at the daily talking points. Your candidates are all on the same low level as Palin. That level is a couple lower than stupid.

Palin was right about foreign policy. Obama was wrong.
That's gonna leave a mark.
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
They also swooned over all those Democratic debates. People just laugh at R debates, they really are a big joke. Our candidates know their craft, they can talk about policy without looking at the daily talking points. Your candidates are all on the same low level as Palin. That level is a couple lower than stupid.

Palin was right about foreign policy. Obama was wrong.
That's gonna leave a mark.
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was right about foreign policy. Obama was wrong.
That's gonna leave a mark.
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was clearly correct that Russia represented a big threat, a fact that Obama dismissed at that time. So she was right and he was wrong.
If she was such a dingbat how do you explain she perceived foreign affairs more keenly than Mr Harvard Law Review?
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was clearly correct that Russia represented a big threat, a fact that Obama dismissed at that time. So she was right and he was wrong.
If she was such a dingbat how do you explain she perceived foreign affairs more keenly than Mr Harvard Law Review?
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. :lol: Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was clearly correct that Russia represented a big threat, a fact that Obama dismissed at that time. So she was right and he was wrong.
If she was such a dingbat how do you explain she perceived foreign affairs more keenly than Mr Harvard Law Review?
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. :lol: Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..
What good has all of Obama's education done the country.

More than half of the people that voted for him twice now hate his guts.
History will be kind to Obama....

Guess again, nuthugger.
Yet another hater. ...

Wait and see how "kind" history will be to this arrogant, corrupt, incompetent fool once he's out of our White House. "Hate" has nothing to do with it. That's your word.
Hate is all you Repubs have. ...

You know, simply typing the word "hate" with no real connection with what has been said is not the magical incantation you seem to think it is.
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was clearly correct that Russia represented a big threat, a fact that Obama dismissed at that time. So she was right and he was wrong.
If she was such a dingbat how do you explain she perceived foreign affairs more keenly than Mr Harvard Law Review?
:lol: Palin you say??!! I was going to ignore that mistake of a candidate and was thinking Newt, Rick Perry, Santorum, Mitt.
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was clearly correct that Russia represented a big threat, a fact that Obama dismissed at that time. So she was right and he was wrong.
If she was such a dingbat how do you explain she perceived foreign affairs more keenly than Mr Harvard Law Review?
Palin was right on and still is. Ever since VE Day when Patton wanted to take his Army and assorted German divisions into Russia, the Russkys have been the biggest threat to the world and the climate hasn't changed. The left here claim any Republican woman is an imbecile. Have they never heard Pelosi or Hillary speak?
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. She is actually ignorant and you attempting to compare her to Obama in any way needs some objection by somebody. That somebody is me and I am not a hater.

You guys are tho.
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. She is actually ignorant and you attempting to compare her to Obama in any way needs some objection by somebody. That somebody is me and I am not a hater.

You guys are tho.
Hater, hater!
We've shown that Palin had a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama and your response is to repeat that she's an idiot.
I think you're the idiot here.
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. She is actually ignorant and you attempting to compare her to Obama in any way needs some objection by somebody. That somebody is me and I am not a hater.

You guys are tho.
Hater, hater!
We've shown that Palin had a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama and your response is to repeat that she's an idiot.
I think you're the idiot here.
This is typical Teaparty strategy here, when you're losing the argument, go for the personal attacks. :lol:
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. She is actually ignorant and you attempting to compare her to Obama in any way needs some objection by somebody. That somebody is me and I am not a hater.

You guys are tho.
Hater, hater!
We've shown that Palin had a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama and your response is to repeat that she's an idiot.
I think you're the idiot here.
This is typical Teaparty strategy here, when you're losing the argument, go for the personal attacks. :lol:
LOL. Oh the irony!
Can anyone off the top of your head recall a memorable line from any of Obama's speeches?
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period" and
"You didnt build that"
don't count because conservatives harped on them.

Kennedy-"Ask not what your country can do for you..."
Nixon "My wife Pat has a plain Republican cloth coat."
Reagan "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Bush "Read my lips, no new taxes."
Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinsky
Bush "Freedom itself was attacked"

See. Many other presidents have delivered memorable lines you know right away. Obama? Not so much.

Obama: I got a birdie on the 8th.
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. She is actually ignorant and you attempting to compare her to Obama in any way needs some objection by somebody. That somebody is me and I am not a hater.

You guys are tho.

I would love to put the two of them in a room with no teleprompters and no computers, and ask them questions about the Constitution.

You know Obama would not fare well.

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