Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. ....

Of course a hater like you would say that. Do you hate her because she has accomplished more than you ever will if you live to be 200? Is that what's making you hate, hater?
NO, she hates her because that's what all her heroes on TV say. It's the in thing to hate Palin. She probably couldn't articulate a single policy stance Palin has and why she disagrees with it. She probably thinks Palin talked about seeing Russia from her kithen window. This is the level of ignorance we've sunk to.
I think of all modern presidents, Pres Reagan rates #1 as he not only wrote all of his own speeches, he delivered them flawlessly.

FDR was an excellent speaker. I know a lot of his speeches were written for him, but he presented them very well.

Bill Clinton has a real knack for public speaking - he makes you feel as if he is directing his remarks directly at YOU.

Obama? He's a joke and every time he opens his lying mouth, he shows his ignorance of everything.
You Dummies always remember the talking points. Obama had some great tag lines:

"Yes We Can"
"Hope and Change"

Of course his keynote address in 2004 at the Democratic convention could be one of the greatest speeches in history:

"I stand here today, grateful for the diversity of my heritage, aware that my parents’ dreams live on in my two precious daughters. I stand here knowing that my story is part of the larger American story, that I owe a debt to all of those who came before me, and that in no other country on Earth is my story even possible."

"Well, I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America — there's the United States of America."

"The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too: We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States, and, yes, we've got some gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and there are patriots who supported the war in Iraq."

Lots more from this president...
You clearly do not understand the difference between a memorable line and a slogan. No shock there.
Nice pussy, btw.
Of course you'd like to forget that keynote speech. You don't want to talk about it at all, :lol:.
It was his one qualification for office.
Too bad he forgot all about it once he was elected. And no, I can't remember anything memorable about it, other than that everyone else swooned over it.
They also swooned over all those Democratic debates. People just laugh at R debates, they really are a big joke. Our candidates know their craft, they can talk about policy without looking at the daily talking points. Your candidates are all on the same low level as Palin. That level is a couple lower than stupid.

Palin was right about foreign policy. Obama was wrong.
That's gonna leave a mark.

What, that you can get foreign policy experience by living close to Russia? Yep, we know where you're coming from.
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.

What kind of a reply is that? Seems like you don't know much, so you just accuse someone of "hating"? What are you? 12?
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was clearly correct that Russia represented a big threat, a fact that Obama dismissed at that time. So she was right and he was wrong.
If she was such a dingbat how do you explain she perceived foreign affairs more keenly than Mr Harvard Law Review?
That "mistake of a candidate" showed a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama.
Or do you think women shouldn't really be in politics at all?
She made a fool of herself many times over with her so called grasp of foreign or domestic affairs. You are one of the few Republicans who can't grasp that she is a complete idiot.
And yet she was right and Obama was wrong. How do you explain that?
I never try to explain your insane claims. Obama went to Harvard, was president of Harvard's law review, she dropped out of 4 colleges in six years. Just that factoid alone proves your stupid theory to be quite wrong.
Palin was clearly correct that Russia represented a big threat, a fact that Obama dismissed at that time. So she was right and he was wrong.
If she was such a dingbat how do you explain she perceived foreign affairs more keenly than Mr Harvard Law Review?
Palin was right on and still is. Ever since VE Day when Patton wanted to take his Army and assorted German divisions into Russia, the Russkys have been the biggest threat to the world and the climate hasn't changed. The left here claim any Republican woman is an imbecile. Have they never heard Pelosi or Hillary speak?

No, we don't think any Republican woman is an imbecile, but Palin sure has proven to be. I still don't see how come Republican/conservatives are unable to pick up on it.
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. She is actually ignorant and you attempting to compare her to Obama in any way needs some objection by somebody. That somebody is me and I am not a hater.

You guys are tho.
Hater, hater!
We've shown that Palin had a better grasp of foreign affairs than Obama and your response is to repeat that she's an idiot.
I think you're the idiot here.

Palin thought that because you can see Russia from some remote part of Alaska that it makes for her foreign policy experience. She couldn't even name one single magazine that she reads to keep up with what's going on in the world, and she reads "all of them"? Give me a break....Palin has been relegated to where she belongs, throwing out raw meat to the rabid rw'ers who get all worked up with her catchy talking points and hate rhetoric that she repeats over and over.
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. She is actually ignorant and you attempting to compare her to Obama in any way needs some objection by somebody. That somebody is me and I am not a hater.

You guys are tho.

I would love to put the two of them in a room with no teleprompters and no computers, and ask them questions about the Constitution.

You know Obama would not fare well.

Obama would shut Palin up so quick she wouldn't know what to do except walk out on him and claim he was using "Gotcha" questions.....:D
My opinion is reasonable regarding Palin. ....

Of course a hater like you would say that. Do you hate her because she has accomplished more than you ever will if you live to be 200? Is that what's making you hate, hater?

And what has she accomplished that you are so proud of? Gone to 6 colleges, and we don't even know if she actually graduated from any one of them? Mayor of a small town in Alaska no bigger in population than my high school? Governor of a state and she couldn't even finish out her term? She got lucky that McCain asked her to be his VP because McCain, the doddering old fool thought that women would vote for another woman just because it was a woman even if she wasn't smart and ended up regretting that he ever did because she couldn't even follow the guidelines that his campaign manager was giving her, because she thought she was so smart she would go rogue and ended up costing McCain votes.....yeah, she's accomplished so much......:D
Well, what do you expect when rw'ers start introducing Palin in comparison to just know "somethin ain't right".
Obama is not that great when you get him off the teleprompter. I noticed this when watching Obama give a speech.
He looks to the right and he says something. He looks to the left and he says something. He looks to the front but
he takes a pause. He does not say anything when he is looking to the front. The pattern repeats over and over.
Why? There is no teleprompter in front of him. They are on the sides.
Now what happens when you get Obama off the teleprompter. You get things like 57 states and his Muslim faith.
If you don't believe it check it out on youtube.
Obama is not that great when you get him off the teleprompter. I noticed this when watching Obama give a speech.
He looks to the right and he says something. He looks to the left and he says something. He looks to the front but
he takes a pause. He does not say anything when he is looking to the front. The pattern repeats over and over.
Why? There is no teleprompter in front of him. They are on the sides.
Now what happens when you get Obama off the teleprompter. You get things like 57 states and his Muslim faith.
If you don't believe it check it out on youtube.

What insight! Great post for a new guy! Never heard anyone bring up the teleprompter before. Thanks!
Obama is not that great when you get him off the teleprompter. I noticed this when watching Obama give a speech.
He looks to the right and he says something. He looks to the left and he says something. He looks to the front but
he takes a pause. He does not say anything when he is looking to the front. The pattern repeats over and over.
Why? There is no teleprompter in front of him. They are on the sides.
Now what happens when you get Obama off the teleprompter. You get things like 57 states and his Muslim faith.
If you don't believe it check it out on youtube.

What insight! Great post for a new guy! Never heard anyone bring up the teleprompter before. Thanks!
New guy's more observant than you,LL. No tunnel vision.
Not IF, she IS such a dingbat. She never perceived, she stuck her finger in the air and guessed. Now about her dropping out of 4 colleges... Why do you think she did that? Hmmm.

I'm sure there's a talking point out there for that. Go fetch..

Oooooh, look at you hating, you big hating hater. Stop hating so much, hater.

What kind of a reply is that? Seems like you don't know much, so you just accuse someone of "hating"? What are you? 12?

You're not following along.

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