Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
Obama's one and only gift is LYING and speaking Bs gibberish. like how he's going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet. I about fell off my chair in laughter over that one. get him off his script then it's stuttering and with a look of a deer facing car headlights.

he's a fraud inside and out
Obama's one and only gift is LYING and speaking Bs gibberish. like how he's going to stop the seas rising and heal the planet. I about fell off my chair in laughter over that one. get him off his script then it's stuttering and with a look of a deer facing car headlights.

he's a fraud inside and out

yep, he would have been wise to keep out of the limelight so much. but he brought all this on himself. he traveled around giving a speech a week while hosing us on that expense at the same time. His legacy will be ugly just like he is
He is the best liar that's for sure

No, that distinction is owned by the lying, lowlife, scum sucking, deserter that is the shrub. Lied America into Two (02) Illegal,Immoral, and Unconstitutional Wars. Next would the great taker of naps, the eater of jelly beans the one and only Ronnie Rectum.
Oh Stephanie, the one and mouth that bored.

aww, no one paying you any attention? Not my fault. but troll along it's what most of you do best

I will be sure to put a note in my date book to remind me to give a shit about your total lack of intelligent discussion.

and you call your post what? I DIDN'T speak to you once in this thread you brought me into your stupid rantings. so go do what you have to do. who gives a shit
Oh Stephanie, the one and mouth that bored.

aww, no one paying you any attention? Not my fault. but troll along it's what most of you do best

I will be sure to put a note in my date book to remind me to give a shit about your total lack of intelligent discussion.

and you call your post what? I DIDN'T speak to you once in this thread you brought me into your stupid rantings. so go do what you have to do. who gives a shit

Your singular in ability to think for yourself is truly amazing. If it were not Fixed Lies, Brietfart, Beckie and the others you would to actually and honestly put to use the here to fore vacant and vacuous space between your ears. The "For Sale" on your forehead is a dead giveaway.
Your singular in ability to think for yourself is truly amazing. If it were not Fixed Lies, Brietfart, Beckie and the others you would to actually and honestly put to use the here to fore vacant and vacuous space between your ears. The "For Sale" on your forehead is a dead giveaway.

Whereas your forehead has this on it;

Your singular in ability to think for yourself is truly amazing. If it were not Fixed Lies, Brietfart, Beckie and the others you would to actually and honestly put to use the here to fore vacant and vacuous space between your ears. The "For Sale" on your forehead is a dead giveaway.

Whereas your forehead has this on it;

View attachment 36129

Oh how original, did you actually waste one of remaining unused brain cells for that or did you have to go Ding Dong school for it.

I have had more original insults thrown at me by a dead skunk.

Which is what you last girl friend smelled like.
Your singular in ability to think for yourself is truly amazing. If it were not Fixed Lies, Brietfart, Beckie and the others you would to actually and honestly put to use the here to fore vacant and vacuous space between your ears. The "For Sale" on your forehead is a dead giveaway.

Whereas your forehead has this on it;

View attachment 36129

People like bravabore are a dime a dozen on this board. sheesh. attention whore I guess
Oh how original, did you actually waste one of remaining unused brain cells for that or did you have to go Ding Dong school for it.

I have had more original insults thrown at me by a dead skunk.

Which is what you last girl friend smelled like.

Poor little commie, heart filled with hate, head full of shit... I'm sure much of the rage that consumes you comes from your inability to articulate feelings that control you like a puppet on a string...

But whatyagunnado? :dunno:
Your singular in ability to think for yourself is truly amazing. If it were not Fixed Lies, Brietfart, Beckie and the others you would to actually and honestly put to use the here to fore vacant and vacuous space between your ears. The "For Sale" on your forehead is a dead giveaway.

Whereas your forehead has this on it;

View attachment 36129

People like bravabore are a dime a dozen on this board. sheesh. attention whore I guess

Oh Snap, Oh The Pain.....Oh The Pain.

Guess you showed me.

Someday, I don't know when and do not really care you might try to raise your IQ to below room temperature and and understand you kindergarten level insults mean nothing.

The only thing I can see of any real similarity for all you ConJobs, NeoNut, RePug, TeaHadist bible thumping, apple pie eating, Girl fucked and left pregnant back home is the fact that without being what to think you would be lost.

If a mind is a terrible thing to waste, then your is truly a vast and empty space in need care. You might try something new.

Like Thinking For Yourself.

But please first learn how to tie you shoes.
I'm not the one who believed each and every lie the shrub, dick(less), rummy, condie and the members of bush cabal put out. I was not the one who did the Seig Heil Lock Step, Goose Step March into the oblivion that was Afghanistan and Iraq. You bought each and every lie. You loved each and every lie. You needed each and every lie. Without the lies, you would have been forced to see that you were being led by nose by a bunch people whose goal was kill, maim and destroy all in the name of All Mighty American Dollar.

For you following is so much eaiser. You do not have to do not have to do anything but what you are told. Your such a good drone.
Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

No. He speaks slowly and hesitantly, says "Um" a lot, and mostly centers his speeches around himself. He's probably in the bottom 1/3 of all Presidents in the speechmaking department.

Only when he reads from the teleprompter, does he sound like he knows what he's talking about.

But if he knew what he was talking about, he wouldn't need the teleprompter.
I will say this for Hillary.

She does (somehow) remember to speak in American English....omitting the tres-trendy Kenyan Inappropriate Pauses that have become so popular among those of her liberal ilk!
No, we don't think any Republican woman is an imbecile, but Palin sure has proven to be. I still don't see how come Republican/conservatives are unable to pick up on it.

Yeah, I mean she's so fucking stupid that she doesn't know the difference between a Saturday Night Live skit and reality.

Oh wait - that isn't Palin, that is YOU, Playtex...
I grew up in a family of Republicans. And when I was 18 and registering to vote, my mom's only instruction was 'You
just go in and pull the big Republican lever.' That's my welcome to adulthood. She's like, 'No, don't even read it. Just pull
the Republican lever.

Tina Fey

Tina fey is funny. And that's all. Nothing more.
Don't you just love it when a volley of..........runtogetherwordsand phrases ......................................... then......starts.........up............inacomletelydifferent...................direction!

Alzheimers or Kenyan dialect?

Now had Hillary won we wouldn't have to ask THAT question!

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