Is Obama The AntiChrist? (at the core a political, not "religious", thread)

The most popular traditions in Christianity portray the Antichrist as one who is beautiful to behold, charismatic, irrisistible, able to weave the people into his compelling and enticing web so that they will forsake the Christ and follow him. He will appear trustworthy and believable and many will be fooled. It will only be when he takes up arms to oppose the celestial powers that his true face will be known.

On the contrary, Obama, though he did have a similar effect on our more gullible population, has already earned the disappointment, disgust, and even contempt of many who once believed in him.

The Antichrist will not be that foolish.

I will say that Obama has probably inspired more people to say "Oh my God!" and "Jesus H. Christ" more than most though.

obama my not be the antichrist, but he is the key that will unlock the door for the antichrist enterence to the world.

If it didnt happen with Stalin, Hitler, Reagan or the Bushes. Id say we're pretty safe.

Or, heh, Gorbachev-

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The most popular traditions in Christianity portray the Antichrist as one who is beautiful to behold, charismatic, irrisistible, able to weave the people into his compelling and enticing web so that they will forsake the Christ and follow him. He will appear trustworthy and believable and many will be fooled. It will only be when he takes up arms to oppose the celestial powers that his true face will be known.

On the contrary, Obama, though he did have a similar effect on our more gullible population, has already earned the disappointment, disgust, and even contempt of many who once believed in him.

The Antichrist will not be that foolish.

I will say that Obama has probably inspired more people to say "Oh my God!" and "Jesus H. Christ" more than most though.

obama my not be the antichrist, but he is the key that will unlock the door for the antichrist enterence to the world.

If it didnt happen with Stalin, Hitler, Reagan or the Bushes. Id say we're pretty safe.

Or, heh, Gorbachev-


One thing you must remember about the antichrist he will not fool everybody. he will be of middle eastern decent Jewish or Muslim, and Israel had to become a nation again.
obama my not be the antichrist, but he is the key that will unlock the door for the antichrist enterence to the world.

If it didnt happen with Stalin, Hitler, Reagan or the Bushes. Id say we're pretty safe.

Or, heh, Gorbachev-


One thing you must remember about the antichrist he will not fool everybody. he will be of middle eastern decent Jewish or Muslim, and Israel had to become a nation again.

No one knows what religion he will be. Its all speculation.
ASIDE re post count: Gstarz, when you have read the last post on a thread, it will appear as "old" in your queue until it has achieved 15 or more posts. Then it becomes a 'hot' thread. Ideology has nothing to do with it. It's all in the post count. :) (At least I think I've got that right.)

Okay sorry for the interruption. Back to the thread topic. . . . .
6% of scientists are Republican. Without a shred of evidence, many Republicans feel it must be more. I feel the 6% number is vastly overstated.
If it didnt happen with Stalin, Hitler, Reagan or the Bushes. Id say we're pretty safe.

Or, heh, Gorbachev-


One thing you must remember about the antichrist he will not fool everybody. he will be of middle eastern decent Jewish or Muslim, and Israel had to become a nation again.

No one knows what religion he will be. Its all speculation.

It will have to be someone who both Jew and Muslim will accept.
I would have to agree. What is up with the new members lately?

I suppose then you have no interest in knowing if the translation is accurate and therefore have no intention of trying it? (I know you're a liberal who disparages conservatives with hit and run wisecracks, but I thought even you might be a little interested in the fact that there is some substance to the concern)

No, Im not going to try it. Ill tell you why. Ive seen a few of your half baked, ignorant diatribes so far and Im not impressed. To think that there will ever be an Anti-Christ is so far out that you cant see the sun through the trees. You even had the audacity to post this in politics "since its about Obama" If that isnt religious bull crap I dont know what is. Its not "intellectually honest" as you state but more intellectually bereft.

There are a million videos on youtube showing UFOs. That doesnt mean theyre coming for you.

What are the heavy facts you speak of?

What characteristics does he show that qualifies him as the Anti-Christ?

You do know there are millions of liberal Christians dont you?

Lastly, Im not going to say, "That's ridiculous". I dont have to say a word because a lot of people on this site now know what your mind set is.

Dismissively superior-minded, insulting and afraid to find the facts for themselves, coupled with half a dozen intellectually dishonest remarks. Just 100% exactly what i would expect from a liberal. I agree to avoid taking a youtube video all by itself on face value, which is why i gave you instructions on how to confirm the translations manifestly for yourself. In the time it took you to type that remark, you could have mostly checked the translations of Obama's name online for free yourself. I even gave you the name of one of many translators you could use.

Typical liberal. Not a single response is ever worth a damn.
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If you take all the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert it in ASCII code (American standard code for information interchange) and then ADD up all the will get 666, which is the number of the beast!!! And to top it off, we know whoever is responsible for Windows must be Satan.

This is what I expect, always, from liberals on deep issues that anger and upset them: demonstrations of attempts at being clever with comedy routines structured in such a way as to attempt to create an impression of an intelligent rebuttal without ever addressing the actual facts of the debates. they're usually much shorter still, with hit-and-run attempts at marginalizing the post, but the style and function are still the same.

Of course I know the answer, but just to drag you a bit out into the sunlight of an open discussion, did you try an online translator just to see why millions of Christians are uncomfortable with this issue, or are you, in your own mind, simply better than they are, because if you think you are, you haven;t proved it with your lame attempt at being clever.
So the chain of proof is:
1. Satan is Lightning. (This depends on the version of the Bible you are using)
2. We translate Lightning to Hebrew.
3. We get baraq which means lightning or flashing sword or the name of some guy who declared war on the king of Hazor. So we disregard the other translations an go with lightning.
4. Baraq sounds like Barack, so we drop the q and add a ck.
5. Out of the thousands of possible descriptions of a person we select height to be translated.
6. Height translates to Bama. It still isn’t Obama so we add an O to get Barack Obama

Do you realize how silly this sounds? I prefer the Birther theory. It's at least plausible.
If you take all the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert it in ASCII code (American standard code for information interchange) and then ADD up all the will get 666, which is the number of the beast!!! And to top it off, we know whoever is responsible for Windows must be Satan.

From what I've read this is false, but it's damn funny. :)
As far as the OP is concerned, I have serious doubts about the veracity of your statements/conclusions, but don't care even if you are correct. I also doubt that too many Christians are even aware of this if it is true. Of course, I find it hard to believe that too many adults truly believe Obama is the antichrist; on the other hand, people believe all sorts of strange or outright crazy notions, so perhaps I shouldn't dismiss the idea that a large number of people think it too quickly.

Thumbs up for a funny thread, at least!
I suppose then you have no interest in knowing if the translation is accurate and therefore have no intention of trying it? (I know you're a liberal who disparages conservatives with hit and run wisecracks, but I thought even you might be a little interested in the fact that there is some substance to the concern)

No, Im not going to try it. Ill tell you why. Ive seen a few of your half baked, ignorant diatribes so far and Im not impressed. To think that there will ever be an Anti-Christ is so far out that you cant see the sun through the trees. You even had the audacity to post this in politics "since its about Obama" If that isnt religious bull crap I dont know what is. Its not "intellectually honest" as you state but more intellectually bereft.

There are a million videos on youtube showing UFOs. That doesnt mean theyre coming for you.

What are the heavy facts you speak of?

What characteristics does he show that qualifies him as the Anti-Christ?

You do know there are millions of liberal Christians dont you?

Lastly, Im not going to say, "That's ridiculous". I dont have to say a word because a lot of people on this site now know what your mind set is.

Dismissively superior-minded, insulting and afraid to find the facts for themselves, coupled with half a dozen intellectually dishonest remarks. Just 100% exactly what i would expect from a liberal. I agree to avoid taking a youtube video all by itself on face value, which is why i gave you instructions on how to confirm the translations manifestly for yourself. In the time it took you to type that remark, you could have mostly checked the translations of Obama's name online for free yourself. I even gave you the name of one of many translators you could use.

Typical liberal. Not a single response is ever worth a damn.

And you didnt back up one thing you said. Like I said, bereft.

Another thing I thought of, if you take a calculator and type in 7, 7, 3, 4 and turn it upside down it spells HELL. And Im being intellectually honest too... Who would have known that all these thousands of years Satan created numbers.
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Terral has a soulmate.

The antichrist is no joking matter, he does exist. Thing about the antichrist you do not have to worry about that planet that is supposed to come near earth, and cause a lot of damage. If you believe in the antichrist March 15th pole shift will not happen.
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If you take all the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert it in ASCII code (American standard code for information interchange) and then ADD up all the will get 666, which is the number of the beast!!! And to top it off, we know whoever is responsible for Windows must be Satan.

This is what I expect, always, from liberals on deep issues that anger and upset them: demonstrations of attempts at being clever with comedy routines structured in such a way as to attempt to create an impression of an intelligent rebuttal without ever addressing the actual facts of the debates. they're usually much shorter still, with hit-and-run attempts at marginalizing the post, but the style and function are still the same.

Of course I know the answer, but just to drag you a bit out into the sunlight of an open discussion, did you try an online translator just to see why millions of Christians are uncomfortable with this issue, or are you, in your own mind, simply better than they are, because if you think you are, you haven;t proved it with your lame attempt at being clever.

deep issues?

you consider this a "deep issue"?

this is nonsense...
If you take all the letters in Bill Gates III and then convert it in ASCII code (American standard code for information interchange) and then ADD up all the will get 666, which is the number of the beast!!! And to top it off, we know whoever is responsible for Windows must be Satan.

This is what I expect, always, from liberals on deep issues that anger and upset them: demonstrations of attempts at being clever with comedy routines structured in such a way as to attempt to create an impression of an intelligent rebuttal without ever addressing the actual facts of the debates. they're usually much shorter still, with hit-and-run attempts at marginalizing the post, but the style and function are still the same.

Of course I know the answer, but just to drag you a bit out into the sunlight of an open discussion, did you try an online translator just to see why millions of Christians are uncomfortable with this issue, or are you, in your own mind, simply better than they are, because if you think you are, you haven;t proved it with your lame attempt at being clever.

deep issues?

you consider this a "deep issue"?

this is nonsense...

Why don;t you get an online translator and try it? You had time to read these posts, it'll take far less time to just find out, though much more time than to simply dismiss other people's belief systems with an obnoxious aside. People want to know why a large percentage of Christians worry about this, but usually ask the question as a form of demeaning Christians because, let's face it, the majority of liberals are simply obnoxious Christian-haters. But if they wanted to know, they could find out what upsets them by translating the name for themselves..
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before you continue down this road, i would suggest YOU do some Bible reading...and more than one verse... on the prophesy of the antichrist.

Obama is not, and can not, be him....

Foxfyre tried to explain it to ya...

before you continue down this road, i would suggest YOU do some Bible reading...and more than one verse... on the prophesy of the antichrist.

Obama is not, and can not, be him....

Foxfyre tried to explain it to ya...

Okay, I'm going to try this one more time and see if you can get it....

I did not say Obama was the Antichrist (damn it!), I simply said that there is legit reason why Christians would have the concern that he might. As far as so-and-so trying to explain it to me, you can take your high-minded condescension and shove it, quite plainly. I could out-debate the Bible with probably anyone on this board. However, getting them to debate honestly so I didn't waste my life away fighting with some thirty year old loser living in his Mom's basement apartment while she washes and folds his cloths is a different matter and, quite frankly, the stumbling block of engaging in that kind of debate, because the liberal online community is awash with those guys. You should make the distinction yourself and not represent what people said inaccurately.

Now why don't you try the translator instead of lecturing people who know more manifestly than you do? You might be surprised at just how much you currently don't know if you do.

Have a great day.
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before you continue down this road, i would suggest YOU do some Bible reading...and more than one verse... on the prophesy of the antichrist.

Obama is not, and can not, be him....

Foxfyre tried to explain it to ya...

Okay, I'm going to try this one more time and see if you can get it....

I did not say Obama was the Antichrist (damn it!), I simply said that there is legit reason why Christians would have the concern that he might. As far as so-and-so trying to explain it to me, you can take your high-minded condescension and shove it, quite plainly. I could out-debate the Bible with probably anyone on this board. However, getting them to debate honestly so I didn't waste my life away fighting with some thirty year old loser living in his Mom's basement apartment while she washes and folds his cloths is a different matter and, quite frankly, the stumbling block of engaging in that kind of debate, because the liberal online community is awash with those guys. You pal is not only wrong, he's simply full of shit.

Now why don't you try the translator instead of lecturing people who know more manifestly than you do? You might be surprised at just how much you currently don't know if you do.

Have a great day.

Boy, it sure didn't take long for you to go from declaring my post to be 'excellent' to declaring me to be 'simply full of shit.'

My post was intended to show what I believe to be the majority view of the Antichrist and why I think it is a stretch to try to attach that Antichrist motif to Obama. No doubt there are a few Christians who indeed attempt to do that.

Basically, however, I don't think any of us know for sure who and what the Antichrist will be or how he will choose to assert power and authority.

As a "Bible scholar", however, I suppose you already knew that.

before you continue down this road, i would suggest YOU do some Bible reading...and more than one verse... on the prophesy of the antichrist.

Obama is not, and can not, be him....

Foxfyre tried to explain it to ya...

Okay, I'm going to try this one more time and see if you can get it....

I did not say Obama was the Antichrist (damn it!), I simply said that there is legit reason why Christians would have the concern that he might. As far as so-and-so trying to explain it to me, you can take your high-minded condescension and shove it, quite plainly. I could out-debate the Bible with probably anyone on this board. However, getting them to debate honestly so I didn't waste my life away fighting with some thirty year old loser living in his Mom's basement apartment while she washes and folds his cloths is a different matter and, quite frankly, the stumbling block of engaging in that kind of debate, because the liberal online community is awash with those guys. You pal is not only wrong, he's simply full of shit.

Now why don't you try the translator instead of lecturing people who know more manifestly than you do? You might be surprised at just how much you currently don't know if you do.

Have a great day.

Boy, it sure didn't take long for you to go from declaring my post to be 'excellent' to declaring me to be 'simply full of shit.'

My post was intended to show what I believe to be the majority view of the Antichrist and why I think it is a stretch to try to attach that Antichrist motif to Obama. No doubt there are a few Christians who indeed attempt to do that.

Basically, however, I don't think any of us know for sure who and what the Antichrist will be or how he will choose to assert power and authority.

As a "Bible scholar", however, I suppose you already knew that.

My apologies for misreading what she said, which was itself not an accurate representation of what you said. I'm amending that post if I can. And of course you're right here, we DON;T KNOW what form the supposed antichrist will take, which is why when a guy whose name is translated to hebrew is found to be, phonetically, the same as Jesus used to describe Satan, Christians become uncomfortable when they take the law of averages into account. There is a legit concern there for Christians. people who say there is not are simply running from or attempting to suppress a fact for their own individual reasons.

One the issue of remaining intellectually honest in the old testament, in this instance, what is your take on Jeremiah chapter 10, V 1-5. I'm curious to see where you stand on interpretation so I know how to understand the intent of your future posts more accurately.
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Okay, I'm going to try this one more time and see if you can get it....

I did not say Obama was the Antichrist (damn it!), I simply said that there is legit reason why Christians would have the concern that he might. As far as so-and-so trying to explain it to me, you can take your high-minded condescension and shove it, quite plainly. I could out-debate the Bible with probably anyone on this board. However, getting them to debate honestly so I didn't waste my life away fighting with some thirty year old loser living in his Mom's basement apartment while she washes and folds his cloths is a different matter and, quite frankly, the stumbling block of engaging in that kind of debate, because the liberal online community is awash with those guys. You pal is not only wrong, he's simply full of shit.

Now why don't you try the translator instead of lecturing people who know more manifestly than you do? You might be surprised at just how much you currently don't know if you do.

Have a great day.

Boy, it sure didn't take long for you to go from declaring my post to be 'excellent' to declaring me to be 'simply full of shit.'

My post was intended to show what I believe to be the majority view of the Antichrist and why I think it is a stretch to try to attach that Antichrist motif to Obama. No doubt there are a few Christians who indeed attempt to do that.

Basically, however, I don't think any of us know for sure who and what the Antichrist will be or how he will choose to assert power and authority.

As a "Bible scholar", however, I suppose you already knew that.

My apologies for misreading what she said, which was itself not an accurate representation of what you said. I'm amending that post if I can. And of course you're right here, we DON;T KNOW what form the supposed antichrist will take, which is why when a guy whose name is translated to hebrew is found to be, phonetically, the same as Jesus used to describe Satan, Christians become uncomfortable when they take the law of averages into account. There is a legit concern there for Christians. people who say there is not are simply running from or attempting to suppress a fact for their own individual reasons.

One the issue of remaining intellectually honest in the old testament, in this instance, what is your take on Jeremiah chapter 10, V 1-5. I'm curious to see where you stand on interpretation so I know how to understand the intent of your future posts more accurately.

What are some of the other traits that describe the Antichrist?

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