Is Obama the worst President in American History?

Is Obama the worst President in American History?

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Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2010
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
Obama is maybe 3rd worst after fdr and Wilson, but he's been working on it.
Now, now, let us not leave out Grant..

You need to explain your nomination. I mean besides that you think every Republican should be nominated ...
I bet you say that to all the democrats you hang..Grant having one of the most corrupt administrations in US presidential history..

Wow, that narrows it down to all the Presidents. Look man, I'm not rejecting your nomination, just pointing your picking a Republican is so you and asking for specifics of what your nomination is based on.

Pick any random President and if I know nothing about them I'd go with their administration was "corrupt" too. Yes, Grant was known for that, but it doesn't really provide a distinction. Is that all you have? Or do you have a specific consequence that makes you pick him? I mean besides that he's a Republican.

And note of my six, two were Republicans, including #1 so I'd say nice try, but it wasn't
he performed exactly equal to the experience he brought as community organiser. in baseball parlance, he batted 50. buchanan sucked bad too. obama tried to make cuba and iran great again.

he is certainly the most communist president we've ever had.

and this:
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Barry was shinny object, now that Americans finally got that out of their system can move on to bigger and better things...
LOLOLOLOLOL......One can only imagine what you whinney white whores will bitch about in a few more weeks...I mean, your blood pressure has soared all these years, I pity the day you have no one to blame for your miserable white lives, but each other and the Almighty majority, GOP.
But lets get something clear, the votes Trump got, were not mandates, the margins were slim as hell, he didn't get the popular vote, Obama is leaving at an unprecedented 59% approval rating, which none of your candidates can even come close to and and and....Trump, is entering office with a approval rating that has never cracked the mid 40's, its proboaly lower poll all you want, history and the american people.....outside of Klan country, loves the guy and that's all that matters!!
Barry was shinny object, now that Americans finally got that out of their system can move on to bigger and better things...
Lets talk in a few a months......and brag about the better things.....from your poor/rich white guy Trump, shall we?
he performed exactly equal to the experience he brought as community organiser. in baseball parlance, he batted 50. buchanan sucked bad too. obama tried to make cuba and iran great again.

he is certainly the most communist president we've ever had.

and this:

With all the glory you bitches put on Trump, the guy has never got pass the mid 40's in approval.....white people get over yourselves, President Tweet is here to make your lives WHITE AGAIN!!! :dance:
LOLOLOLOLOL......One can only imagine what you whinney white whores will bitch about in a few more weeks...I mean, your blood pressure has soared all these years, I pity the day you have no one to blame for your miserable white lives, but each other and the Almighty majority, GOP.
But lets get something clear, the votes Trump got, were not mandates, the margins were slim as hell, he didn't get the popular vote, Obama is leaving at an unprecedented 59% approval rating, which none of your candidates can even come close to and and and....Trump, is entering office with a approval rating that has never cracked the mid 40's, its proboaly lower poll all you want, history and the american people.....outside of Klan country, loves the guy and that's all that matters!!


You think the blood pressure of the winners is going up? Sorry Mr. Butt hurt, but it's the whiners like you who are blowing the top off. As for your racism, fuck you and the fart that blew you in
he performed exactly equal to the experience he brought as community organiser. in baseball parlance, he batted 50. buchanan sucked bad too. obama tried to make cuba and iran great again.

he is certainly the most communist president we've ever had.

and this:

With all the glory you bitches put on Trump, the guy has never got pass the mid 40's in approval.....white people get over yourselves, President Tweet is here to make your lives WHITE AGAIN!!! :dance:

Yes, you're not a racist, you hate white people. Thanks for your typical contentless rhetoric, Buckwheat
LOLOLOLOLOL......One can only imagine what you whinney white whores will bitch about in a few more weeks...I mean, your blood pressure has soared all these years, I pity the day you have no one to blame for your miserable white lives, but each other and the Almighty majority, GOP.
But lets get something clear, the votes Trump got, were not mandates, the margins were slim as hell, he didn't get the popular vote, Obama is leaving at an unprecedented 59% approval rating, which none of your candidates can even come close to and and and....Trump, is entering office with a approval rating that has never cracked the mid 40's, its proboaly lower poll all you want, history and the american people.....outside of Klan country, loves the guy and that's all that matters!!
LOLOLOLOLOL......One can only imagine what you whinney white whores will bitch about in a few more weeks...I mean, your blood pressure has soared all these years, I pity the day you have no one to blame for your miserable white lives, but each other and the Almighty majority, GOP.
But lets get something clear, the votes Trump got, were not mandates, the margins were slim as hell, he didn't get the popular vote, Obama is leaving at an unprecedented 59% approval rating, which none of your candidates can even come close to and and and....Trump, is entering office with a approval rating that has never cracked the mid 40's, its proboaly lower poll all you want, history and the american people.....outside of Klan country, loves the guy and that's all that matters!!


You think the blood pressure of the winners is going up? Sorry Mr. Butt hurt, but it's the whiners like you who are blowing the top off. As for your racism, fuck you and the fart that blew you in
History will undoubtibly record, no one and I mean no one has whined more in these last 8 years, than you sorry good for nothing trash eating, vomit smelling, white lice itching whores from all over the pathetic shit eating mf's did nothing but make that black man and his family's life a living fuckin hell and for that.....we here by award you Donald Motherfuckin Con Man Trump...enjoy the nightmare bitches!!!!
he performed exactly equal to the experience he brought as community organiser. in baseball parlance, he batted 50. buchanan sucked bad too. obama tried to make cuba and iran great again.

he is certainly the most communist president we've ever had.

and this:

With all the glory you bitches put on Trump, the guy has never got pass the mid 40's in approval.....white people get over yourselves, President Tweet is here to make your lives WHITE AGAIN!!! :dance:

Yes, you're not a racist, you hate white people. Thanks for your typical contentless rhetoric, Buckwheat

I gave you a compliment, bitch!!
LOLOLOLOLOL......One can only imagine what you whinney white whores will bitch about in a few more weeks...I mean, your blood pressure has soared all these years, I pity the day you have no one to blame for your miserable white lives, but each other and the Almighty majority, GOP.
But lets get something clear, the votes Trump got, were not mandates, the margins were slim as hell, he didn't get the popular vote, Obama is leaving at an unprecedented 59% approval rating, which none of your candidates can even come close to and and and....Trump, is entering office with a approval rating that has never cracked the mid 40's, its proboaly lower poll all you want, history and the american people.....outside of Klan country, loves the guy and that's all that matters!!


You think the blood pressure of the winners is going up? Sorry Mr. Butt hurt, but it's the whiners like you who are blowing the top off. As for your racism, fuck you and the fart that blew you in
History will undoubtibly record, no one and I mean no one has whined more in these last 8 years, than you sorry good for nothing trash eating, vomit smelling, white lice itching whores from all over the pathetic shit eating mf's did nothing but make that black man and his family's life a living fuckin hell and for that.....we here by award you Donald Motherfuckin Con Man Trump...enjoy the nightmare bitches!!!!
LOLOLOLOLOL......One can only imagine what you whinney white whores will bitch about in a few more weeks...I mean, your blood pressure has soared all these years, I pity the day you have no one to blame for your miserable white lives, but each other and the Almighty majority, GOP.
But lets get something clear, the votes Trump got, were not mandates, the margins were slim as hell, he didn't get the popular vote, Obama is leaving at an unprecedented 59% approval rating, which none of your candidates can even come close to and and and....Trump, is entering office with a approval rating that has never cracked the mid 40's, its proboaly lower poll all you want, history and the american people.....outside of Klan country, loves the guy and that's all that matters!!


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