Is Obama the worst President in American History?

Is Obama the worst President in American History?

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Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
This coming from a guy, who voted for a idiot, that has a crush on his own daughter, his words, not mine...who brags about grabby women's puzzay, who won't release his tax returns because we all know the guy don't pay taxes, who has shitted all over the constitution that the white nuts love, who brags about not paying taxes, who has yet to take office yet is costing hard working tax payers, millions of dollars a day, all going back to his pockets, via Trump Towers, a guy who would rather kick it with the big stars than give a press conference, a guy who tweets like a man teenager on steroids, a guy who trades in wives quicker than a white man sheds hair at 13 and they want to call Democrats trained monkeys????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL..okay LOLOLOLOLO

Bull shit, Gary Johnson didn't do any of that, monkey boy. That's a good little Democrat doing as you're told by the white Democrat leadership.

You on the other hand voted for a career criminal. Not your fault, monkey saw, monkey did. Everything else is above your pay grade
Now I know your crazy, provide me with a post or comment where I mentioned Gary Johnson????????....your insane and your getting a little scary to me....bye nut case!!

Read your post, dumb ass. You said I voted for a guy who "has a crush on his own daughter ..." Gary Johnson did no such thing, you're stupid as shit
And I'm a fuckin mind reader??? Bye dumb ass!!

You said you were a mind reader, you said I voted for Trump. Search threads with "Trump" in the title that I started, you fucking ignorant moron
Kaz, I just put a person on ignore for the very reason's your alluding to now. I will not this year, spend valuable time with people like you who want to harp on nonsense. I'm too old and too tired to go back and forth with a fool who clearly has too much gotdamn time on his hands. You sounded ignorant and I assumed you were a white Trump voter...a undisputed DNA trait of your race. Now either put a period behind the bs or bye. I don't read minds, when there isn't anything in it. Only God has that privelege!! or time, I don't!!
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.

The question is comparative. Note I rated him one of the worst. I think my reasons for the top three are pretty clear
Is Obama the worst President in American History?

which begs the question ...

are RW's the MOST redundant sob's on the entire planet ?

how many times has this horseshit troll topic been posted?
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
Truman for intervening in Korea, dropping the A-bombs remains an arguably heinous act to this day.

TR for being the prototype neoconservative.

Yes, Nixon was a crook, to go with being a quasi-socialist economic central planner.
Bull shit, Gary Johnson didn't do any of that, monkey boy. That's a good little Democrat doing as you're told by the white Democrat leadership.

You on the other hand voted for a career criminal. Not your fault, monkey saw, monkey did. Everything else is above your pay grade
Now I know your crazy, provide me with a post or comment where I mentioned Gary Johnson????????....your insane and your getting a little scary to me....bye nut case!!

Read your post, dumb ass. You said I voted for a guy who "has a crush on his own daughter ..." Gary Johnson did no such thing, you're stupid as shit
And I'm a fuckin mind reader??? Bye dumb ass!!

You said you were a mind reader, you said I voted for Trump. Search threads with "Trump" in the title that I started, you fucking ignorant moron
Kaz, I just put a person on ignore for the very reason's your alluding to now. I will not this year, spend valuable time with people like you who want to harp on nonsense. I'm too old and too tired to go back and forth with a fool who clearly has too much gotdamn time on his hands. You sounded ignorant and I assumed you were a white Trump voter...a undisputed DNA trait of your race. Now either put a period behind the bs or bye. I don't read minds, when there isn't anything in it. Only God has that privelege!! or time, I don't!!

Exactly. You "assumed I was a Trump supporter." Then when I said I voted for Gary Johnson, you said how would you know that? You're a special kind of stupid. YOU TOLD ME WHO I VOTED FOR. Is that not processing at all? You can tell me who I voted for, but if I tell you you're wrong, you ask me how you were supposed to know that? Seriously?

And when you started your posts ranting your hatred of Whitey, you showed what you are. I have two modes, serious and fun. You showed the only one you qualify for
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Bullshit. Obama has now sent thousands of US troops to Iraq under the same Status of Forces agreement Bush had signed. If he had left a residual force in Iraq in 2011 as the Pentagon had requested none of the horror we are seeing in the ME would have occurred but Obama is a soulless monster who knowingly created this horror to increase his chances for reelection. Get a conscience.
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Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!

Exactly. After running against the war, Obama carried out W's timeline in Iraq. Then he got us back into it, you didn't mention that part. And he also expanded the timeline in Afghanistan. Unlike Democrats and their parrots like you, I want the US out of the middle east. You just want to drive down the same road, you just want to be behind the steering wheel
Exactly. After running against the war, Obama carried out W's timeline in Iraq. Then he got us back into it, you didn't mention that part. And he also expanded the timeline in Afghanistan. Unlike Democrats and their parrots like you, I want the US out of the middle east. You just want to drive down the same road, you just want to be behind the steering wheel

Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Bullshit. Obama has now sent thousands of US troops to Iraq under the same Status of Forces agreement Bush had signed. If he had left a residual force in Iraq in 2011 as the Pentagon had requested none of the horror we are seeing in the ME would have occurred but Obama is a soulless monster who knowingly created this horror to increase his chances for reelection. Get a conscience.
If you are that good at telling fortunes, please tell us which horse will win the next Kentucky Derby..
Is Obama the worst President in American History?

which begs the question ...

are RW's the MOST redundant sob's on the entire planet ?

how many times has this horseshit troll topic been posted?
Of course, a major factor in determining best and worst President is historical impact and legacy and that is impossible to do until a President has been gone from office for a length of time.
LOLOLOLOLOL......One can only imagine what you whinney white whores will bitch about in a few more weeks...I mean, your blood pressure has soared all these years, I pity the day you have no one to blame for your miserable white lives, but each other and the Almighty majority, GOP.
But lets get something clear, the votes Trump got, were not mandates, the margins were slim as hell, he didn't get the popular vote, Obama is leaving at an unprecedented 59% approval rating, which none of your candidates can even come close to and and and....Trump, is entering office with a approval rating that has never cracked the mid 40's, its proboaly lower poll all you want, history and the american people.....outside of Klan country, loves the guy and that's all that matters!!

Racist asshole. BTW, the popular vote means zilch in the presidential election. I know you already know that. But if you don't want to look like the whiney bitch you are, you might want to quit bringing it up continually.

Off the topic of the OP, but a question for you popular vote warriors. The SCOTUS pulled same sex marriage out of their asses. In every state where it was put to the vote of the people, it was beat soundly by the popular vote. You guys seemed to be ok with the popular vote getting tossed aside then. Why not now? Is it simply because you're petulant children who want what you want and want it now? It's obvious you don't understand the Constitution or respect it.

Go suck balls racist.
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Okay, I'd like to make a nomination for the most butthurt snowflake on these boards.
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
Truman for intervening in Korea, dropping the A-bombs remains an arguably heinous act to this day.

TR for being the prototype neoconservative.

Yes, Nixon was a crook, to go with being a quasi-socialist economic central planner.

I disagree on Korea. The Domino theory has been repeatedly proven. Countering the Russians was as justified as stopping the Nazis. I oppose the Middle East because it isn't in our interest. Checking the Russians clearly was in our interest. I agree Nixon was pretty bad and a fair candidate to include, at least as an also-ran. He should have ended Vietnam one way or the other and price controls were a horrible idea just to name a couple more things.

I never understood the argument about the A-Bombs being "heinous." How is millions dying from conventional weapons better than hundreds of thousands dying from nuclear? And they attacked us. I see nothing wrong in the use of the nuclear bombs. Is there some sort of magical multiplier based on how one dies and nuclear has a bigger magical multiplier?
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Bullshit. Obama has now sent thousands of US troops to Iraq under the same Status of Forces agreement Bush had signed. If he had left a residual force in Iraq in 2011 as the Pentagon had requested none of the horror we are seeing in the ME would have occurred but Obama is a soulless monster who knowingly created this horror to increase his chances for reelection. Get a conscience.
If you are that good at telling fortunes, please tell us which horse will win the next Kentucky Derby..
There was no mystery. The Pentagon laid out for him exactly what would happen if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq. He knew what would happen and he decided to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives, turn millions of people into homeless refugees in order to increase his chances for reelection: a monster.
Is Obama the worst President in American History?

which begs the question ...

are RW's the MOST redundant sob's on the entire planet ?

how many times has this horseshit troll topic been posted?

First, you don't know what begging the question means. That isn't it, Honey. Google it so you look less stupid next time. Though that may not be enough ...

Second, why are you clicking on a link to tell us you aren't interested in discussing a topic in a thread that's clearly labeled, shit for brains? Who gives a shit that you don't give a shit? How do you get your head through doorways that you need to inform us of what you are NOT interested in discussing?
Barry was shinny object, now that Americans finally got that out of their system can move on to bigger and better things...
Lets talk in a few a months......and brag about the better things.....from your poor/rich white guy Trump, shall we?
i think we all know if trump actually does good tiger you wont be here saying if that happens lets see if you are here or not to talk...i dont care for the guy either but unlike many here i will at least give the guy 6 months like i did bush and obama before i start with the bad mouthing...
Lets get something clear, nobody wants a ass ho president in the white house, everybody wants success...we all do. But, this man has proven over and over and over that he really don't give a damn about this country, its imposed mandate of jobs and security, all Tweet thus far has focused building a cabinet of morons, keeping his nuts close to Putins mouth and tweeting...I don't make this shit up, the guys out for the Trump brand and that's it...but if the idiot savant manages to do a good job, I'd be the first to champion his percieved legacy and talk on it....I'm an American first, understand?

You're a Democrat first, and a good little instruction taker, their favorite kind. Democrats say think this, you think this!

And you just spent eight years worshiping an America hater to boot. At least Trump is on our side
Is he? Is he really on your side? Think about it first...he's the first president in US history to sell inagural tickets to the people's event.....Kaz, I do wish you and your people well with your president, this guy, will never and I mean never ever ever ever be mine, not ever!! I will never address this guy as president, not ever.
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Bullshit. Obama has now sent thousands of US troops to Iraq under the same Status of Forces agreement Bush had signed. If he had left a residual force in Iraq in 2011 as the Pentagon had requested none of the horror we are seeing in the ME would have occurred but Obama is a soulless monster who knowingly created this horror to increase his chances for reelection. Get a conscience.
If you are that good at telling fortunes, please tell us which horse will win the next Kentucky Derby..
There was no mystery. The Pentagon laid out for him exactly what would happen if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq. He knew what would happen and he decided to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives, turn millions of people into homeless refugees in order to increase his chances for reelection: a monster.
Okay, I'd like to make a nomination for the most butthurt snowflake on these boards.

I'll second your nomination. You've well earned it. And Snowflakes are Obama supporters. Damn you people are stupid

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