Is Obama the worst President in American History?

Is Obama the worst President in American History?

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Barry was shinny object, now that Americans finally got that out of their system can move on to bigger and better things...
Lets talk in a few a months......and brag about the better things.....from your poor/rich white guy Trump, shall we?
i think we all know if trump actually does good tiger you wont be here saying if that happens lets see if you are here or not to talk...i dont care for the guy either but unlike many here i will at least give the guy 6 months like i did bush and obama before i start with the bad mouthing...
Lets get something clear, nobody wants a ass ho president in the white house, everybody wants success...we all do. But, this man has proven over and over and over that he really don't give a damn about this country, its imposed mandate of jobs and security, all Tweet thus far has focused building a cabinet of morons, keeping his nuts close to Putins mouth and tweeting...I don't make this shit up, the guys out for the Trump brand and that's it...but if the idiot savant manages to do a good job, I'd be the first to champion his percieved legacy and talk on it....I'm an American first, understand?

You're a Democrat first, and a good little instruction taker, their favorite kind. Democrats say think this, you think this!

And you just spent eight years worshiping an America hater to boot. At least Trump is on our side
Is he? Is he really on your side? Think about it first...he's the first president in US history to sell inagural tickets to the people's event.....Kaz, I do wish you and your people well with your president, this guy, will never and I mean never ever ever ever be mine, not ever!! I will never address this guy as president, not ever.

Again I'm a Trump supporter. Here's the thing, snowflake. I'm a libertarian. Do you know that means I'm not a Democrat? How stupid are you, racist? Your binary little mind can only see Republicans and Democrats. You are correct that I'm not a Democrat. And that to you leaves only Republicans. Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are.

As for Trump, when Gary lost (who saw that coming?), I said I'd give Trump a chance. If he fails to deliver, I'll say so. But that will be after January 20 if it happens when he's actually President no matter what you and the rest of the butt hurt crowd say
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
I saw the title and was going to point out that Woodrow Wilson and FDR were worse, but I see you're on top of it~
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He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Bullshit. Obama has now sent thousands of US troops to Iraq under the same Status of Forces agreement Bush had signed. If he had left a residual force in Iraq in 2011 as the Pentagon had requested none of the horror we are seeing in the ME would have occurred but Obama is a soulless monster who knowingly created this horror to increase his chances for reelection. Get a conscience.
If you are that good at telling fortunes, please tell us which horse will win the next Kentucky Derby..
There was no mystery. The Pentagon laid out for him exactly what would happen if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq. He knew what would happen and he decided to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives, turn millions of people into homeless refugees in order to increase his chances for reelection: a monster.

Seriously. Pointing out Obama did what W did? What a waste of time. It's not like your brain is in play, you're just monkeying what Democrats tell you to think and they told you to not care when Democrats practice overt hypocrisy
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
I saw the title and was going to point out that Woodrow Wilson and FDR were worse, but I see you're on top of it~

Ditto! Obama is awful, but I can't take seriously that he is the worst. Obamacare gets him up there though. Obamacare is a special kind of evil in government programs because it makes every American dependent on government like Social Security and Medicare. That is how Democrat socialists get us by the short hairs
Obama is maybe 3rd worst after fdr and Wilson, but he's been working on it.

Obviously we agree on those two. But don't you think consent of the governed is our most basic American value regarding government?

"American value" doesn't mean much if there is no Union.

I'm not sure what that means. If the south left, everyone else was going to? I don't think that's true.

And what good is a union where participation is forced and the people don't consent to be governed? What are the first three words of the Constitution? Do you think there's any relevance to that?

Yes, think about those first three words. It's not " we the southern land owners and fuck everyone else." Lincoln will always be our greatest president because he saved the Union. All of this discussion is moot without that.
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
Truman for intervening in Korea, dropping the A-bombs remains an arguably heinous act to this day.

TR for being the prototype neoconservative.

Yes, Nixon was a crook, to go with being a quasi-socialist economic central planner.

I disagree on Korea. The Domino theory has been repeatedly proven. Countering the Russians was as justified as stopping the Nazis. I oppose the Middle East because it isn't in our interest. Checking the Russians clearly was in our interest. I agree Nixon was pretty bad and a fair candidate to include, at least as an also-ran. He should have ended Vietnam one way or the other and price controls were a horrible idea just to name a couple more things.

I never understood the argument about the A-Bombs being "heinous." How is millions dying from conventional weapons better than hundreds of thousands dying from nuclear? And they attacked us. I see nothing wrong in the use of the nuclear bombs. Is there some sort of magical multiplier based on how one dies and nuclear has a bigger magical multiplier?
kaz, nuclear doesn't just kill the people present, nuclear kills the earth surrounding for generations, with thousands surviving in miserable health conditions of physical torture and kills and maims the following generation being born.

surely you can see the difference?
Exactly. After running against the war, Obama carried out W's timeline in Iraq. Then he got us back into it, you didn't mention that part. And he also expanded the timeline in Afghanistan. Unlike Democrats and their parrots like you, I want the US out of the middle east. You just want to drive down the same road, you just want to be behind the steering wheel

View attachment 104834

That's hilarious, one of the best I've seen
I disagree on Korea. The Domino theory has been repeatedly proven. Countering the Russians was as justified as stopping the Nazis. I oppose the Middle East because it isn't in our interest. Checking the Russians clearly was in our interest. I agree Nixon was pretty bad and a fair candidate to include, at least as an also-ran. He should have ended Vietnam one way or the other and price controls were a horrible idea just to name a couple more things.
The domino theory is bullshit stemming from Truman's red scare. Communism would have died a nice natural death decades sooner, without the Murican military-industrial complex propping it up, the same way the police state is with the insane war on drugs.

I never understood the argument about the A-Bombs being "heinous." How is millions dying from conventional weapons better than hundreds of thousands dying from nuclear? And they attacked us. I see nothing wrong in the use of the nuclear bombs. Is there some sort of magical multiplier based on how one dies and nuclear has a bigger magical multiplier?
They were goaded into attacking. After Okinawa and the firestorming of Tokyo, the Japanese had nearly no industrial ability to carry on the war. The Emperor was nearly assassinated because he wanted to sue for peace. The only relatively legit argument for dropping the bombs was to keep Russia out of Japan.
Lets talk in a few a months......and brag about the better things.....from your poor/rich white guy Trump, shall we?
i think we all know if trump actually does good tiger you wont be here saying if that happens lets see if you are here or not to talk...i dont care for the guy either but unlike many here i will at least give the guy 6 months like i did bush and obama before i start with the bad mouthing...
Lets get something clear, nobody wants a ass ho president in the white house, everybody wants success...we all do. But, this man has proven over and over and over that he really don't give a damn about this country, its imposed mandate of jobs and security, all Tweet thus far has focused building a cabinet of morons, keeping his nuts close to Putins mouth and tweeting...I don't make this shit up, the guys out for the Trump brand and that's it...but if the idiot savant manages to do a good job, I'd be the first to champion his percieved legacy and talk on it....I'm an American first, understand?

You're a Democrat first, and a good little instruction taker, their favorite kind. Democrats say think this, you think this!

And you just spent eight years worshiping an America hater to boot. At least Trump is on our side
Is he? Is he really on your side? Think about it first...he's the first president in US history to sell inagural tickets to the people's event.....Kaz, I do wish you and your people well with your president, this guy, will never and I mean never ever ever ever be mine, not ever!! I will never address this guy as president, not ever.

Again I'm a Trump supporter. Here's the thing, snowflake. I'm a libertarian. Do you know that means I'm not a Democrat? How stupid are you, racist? Your binary little mind can only see Republicans and Democrats. You are correct that I'm not a Democrat. And that to you leaves only Republicans. Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are.

As for Trump, when Gary lost (who saw that coming?), I said I'd give Trump a chance. If he fails to deliver, I'll say so. But that will be after January 20 if it happens when he's actually President no matter what you and the rest of the butt hurt crowd say
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
I saw the title and was going to point out that Woodrow Wilson and FDR were worse, but I see you're on top of it~
So I take it, your gonna forgo your SS checks, can I have them?
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
I saw the title and was going to point out that Woodrow Wilson and FDR were worse, but I see you're on top of it~

Ditto! Obama is awful, but I can't take seriously that he is the worst. Obamacare gets him up there though. Obamacare is a special kind of evil in government programs because it makes every American dependent on government like Social Security and Medicare. That is how Democrat socialists get us by the short hairs
I agree completely, and those who are calling him the worst don't seem to understand that all of the worst things Obama has done, Woodrow and FDR did first. We're never going to stop hurting from their policies, we're still feeling it today, and most people don't even realize it. Anything Socialist that can be done is because of one of the two, and that's because they did it first. I highly doubt anyone can top them, and... good grief, I hope I'm right.
Obama is maybe 3rd worst after fdr and Wilson, but he's been working on it.

Obviously we agree on those two. But don't you think consent of the governed is our most basic American value regarding government?

"American value" doesn't mean much if there is no Union.

I'm not sure what that means. If the south left, everyone else was going to? I don't think that's true.

And what good is a union where participation is forced and the people don't consent to be governed? What are the first three words of the Constitution? Do you think there's any relevance to that?

Yes, think about those first three words. It's not " we the southern land owners and fuck everyone else." Lincoln will always be our greatest president because he saved the Union. All of this discussion is moot without that.
The first three words should have been, "We the States." That was the reality in 1789.
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Bullshit. Obama has now sent thousands of US troops to Iraq under the same Status of Forces agreement Bush had signed. If he had left a residual force in Iraq in 2011 as the Pentagon had requested none of the horror we are seeing in the ME would have occurred but Obama is a soulless monster who knowingly created this horror to increase his chances for reelection. Get a conscience.
If you are that good at telling fortunes, please tell us which horse will win the next Kentucky Derby..
There was no mystery. The Pentagon laid out for him exactly what would happen if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq. He knew what would happen and he decided to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives, turn millions of people into homeless refugees in order to increase his chances for reelection: a monster.

It's why even though I oppose our presence in the Middle East, Democrats are worse than Republicans. Either you fight it or you don't. Democrats claim to be against the wars, but that just leads to indecision and consequences like you pointed out. If we left like I wanted, we aren't going back unless we're attacked again like I want, it isn't our problem now.

If we stayed in, it wouldn't have deteriorated like it did under Obama so we go back and it's worse than we left. Idiot Democrat drones like Moonglow cheer their Gods on while they commit fuck up after fuck up after fuck up and never raise a question why we don't at least commit one way or the other or why because we don't do that we only make it worse
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
I saw the title and was going to point out that Woodrow Wilson and FDR were worse, but I see you're on top of it~
So I take it, your gonna forgo your SS checks, can I have them?
"You're", not "Your".

Social security is an abomination and should be abolished.
Obama is maybe 3rd worst after fdr and Wilson, but he's been working on it.

Obviously we agree on those two. But don't you think consent of the governed is our most basic American value regarding government?

"American value" doesn't mean much if there is no Union.

I'm not sure what that means. If the south left, everyone else was going to? I don't think that's true.

And what good is a union where participation is forced and the people don't consent to be governed? What are the first three words of the Constitution? Do you think there's any relevance to that?

Yes, think about those first three words. It's not " we the southern land owners and fuck everyone else." Lincoln will always be our greatest president because he saved the Union. All of this discussion is moot without that.

So you think it was only the "southern land owners" who supported the South seceding? Seriously? You really think that?
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
Truman for intervening in Korea, dropping the A-bombs remains an arguably heinous act to this day.

TR for being the prototype neoconservative.

Yes, Nixon was a crook, to go with being a quasi-socialist economic central planner.

I disagree on Korea. The Domino theory has been repeatedly proven. Countering the Russians was as justified as stopping the Nazis. I oppose the Middle East because it isn't in our interest. Checking the Russians clearly was in our interest. I agree Nixon was pretty bad and a fair candidate to include, at least as an also-ran. He should have ended Vietnam one way or the other and price controls were a horrible idea just to name a couple more things.

I never understood the argument about the A-Bombs being "heinous." How is millions dying from conventional weapons better than hundreds of thousands dying from nuclear? And they attacked us. I see nothing wrong in the use of the nuclear bombs. Is there some sort of magical multiplier based on how one dies and nuclear has a bigger magical multiplier?
kaz, nuclear doesn't just kill the people present, nuclear kills the earth surrounding for generations, with thousands surviving in miserable health conditions of physical torture and kills and maims the following generation being born.

surely you can see the difference?

Answer the question then. So you view millions dying as better? Note the question is comparative. It's not a question of whether in general you like dropping nuclear bombs or not. Surely you can see the difference?

And again, they attacked us. You grasp that, no?
He is not just the worst President but the man is a monster. In 2011, the Pentagon and the US diplomats in Iraq told him unequivocally that if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq, al Qaeda would reassert itself and the country would go up in flames, but Obama decided it would be bad for his reelection campaign not to keep his 2008 promise to withdraw the troops, so he did knowing full well the disaster he was creating.

Judging his worth by the amount of damage this decision has caused - the carnage in Iraq which spread to Syria, killing hundreds of thousands of people, turning millions in homeless refugees who die by the thousands or tens of thousands trying to escape to Europe - puts Obama in the same class of monster as Saddam. I can't think of another president who would have chosen to create this disaster just to increase his chances of winning a second term.
Bush had in place to withdraw the Troops, Obama just carried out his mandate...Please move on, the guy is leaving in less that 3 weeks.....rally around your incoming nightmare and let Obama and his family live in short, get a motherfuckin life, please!!
Bullshit. Obama has now sent thousands of US troops to Iraq under the same Status of Forces agreement Bush had signed. If he had left a residual force in Iraq in 2011 as the Pentagon had requested none of the horror we are seeing in the ME would have occurred but Obama is a soulless monster who knowingly created this horror to increase his chances for reelection. Get a conscience.
If you are that good at telling fortunes, please tell us which horse will win the next Kentucky Derby..
There was no mystery. The Pentagon laid out for him exactly what would happen if he withdrew all the troops from Iraq. He knew what would happen and he decided to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of lives, turn millions of people into homeless refugees in order to increase his chances for reelection: a monster.

It's why even though I oppose our presence in the Middle East, Democrats are worse than Republicans. Either you fight it or you don't. Democrats claim to be against the wars, but that just leads to indecision and consequences like you pointed out. If we left like I wanted, we aren't going back unless we're attacked again like I want, it isn't our problem now.

If we stayed in, it wouldn't have deteriorated like it did under Obama so we go back and it's worse than we left. Idiot Democrat drones like Moonglow cheer their Gods on while they commit fuck up after fuck up after fuck up and never raise a question why we don't at least commit one way or the other or why because we don't do that we only make it worse
You assume too much to make your mountain out of a mole hill..
Barry was shinny object, now that Americans finally got that out of their system can move on to bigger and better things...
Lets talk in a few a months......and brag about the better things.....from your poor/rich white guy Trump, shall we?
i think we all know if trump actually does good tiger you wont be here saying if that happens lets see if you are here or not to talk...i dont care for the guy either but unlike many here i will at least give the guy 6 months like i did bush and obama before i start with the bad mouthing...
Lets get something clear, nobody wants a ass ho president in the white house, everybody wants success...we all do. But, this man has proven over and over and over that he really don't give a damn about this country, its imposed mandate of jobs and security, all Tweet thus far has focused building a cabinet of morons, keeping his nuts close to Putins mouth and tweeting...I don't make this shit up, the guys out for the Trump brand and that's it...but if the idiot savant manages to do a good job, I'd be the first to champion his percieved legacy and talk on it....I'm an American first, understand?
if you were American first you would give trump his chance that he won in this are being a die hard leftist democrat first....understand?...
I disagree on Korea. The Domino theory has been repeatedly proven. Countering the Russians was as justified as stopping the Nazis. I oppose the Middle East because it isn't in our interest. Checking the Russians clearly was in our interest. I agree Nixon was pretty bad and a fair candidate to include, at least as an also-ran. He should have ended Vietnam one way or the other and price controls were a horrible idea just to name a couple more things.
The domino theory is bullshit stemming from Truman's red scare. Communism would have died a nice natural death decades sooner, without the Murican military-industrial complex propping it up, the same way the police state is with the insane war on drugs.

I totally oppose the war on drugs and I don't see the comparison. And the Russians got in conflicts to support insurrection and the spread of communism across the globe, including on our doorstep. To deny the domino theory is to deny the moon landing

I never understood the argument about the A-Bombs being "heinous." How is millions dying from conventional weapons better than hundreds of thousands dying from nuclear? And they attacked us. I see nothing wrong in the use of the nuclear bombs. Is there some sort of magical multiplier based on how one dies and nuclear has a bigger magical multiplier?
They were goaded into attacking. After Okinawa and the firestorming of Tokyo, the Japanese had nearly no industrial ability to carry on the war. The Emperor was nearly assassinated because he wanted to sue for peace. The only relatively legit argument for dropping the bombs was to keep Russia out of Japan.

That they were relatively weak is True. Our strategy in WWII was to use 85% of our resources against Germany/Italy and 15% against Japan. The 15% was just to keep them at bay until the Nazis fell, then we were going to focus on and defeat them. And by the time the Germans fell, the 15% had already mostly defeated the Japanese.

However, invading the homeland was another matter and the Japanese had been brainwashed into believing things like that we eat children. Many Japanese women committed suicide with their children when they surrendered because they believed it. You in no way explained why dying from nuclear weapons is worse than dying from conventional ones, and so many more would have died from the conventional ones
i think we all know if trump actually does good tiger you wont be here saying if that happens lets see if you are here or not to talk...i dont care for the guy either but unlike many here i will at least give the guy 6 months like i did bush and obama before i start with the bad mouthing...
Lets get something clear, nobody wants a ass ho president in the white house, everybody wants success...we all do. But, this man has proven over and over and over that he really don't give a damn about this country, its imposed mandate of jobs and security, all Tweet thus far has focused building a cabinet of morons, keeping his nuts close to Putins mouth and tweeting...I don't make this shit up, the guys out for the Trump brand and that's it...but if the idiot savant manages to do a good job, I'd be the first to champion his percieved legacy and talk on it....I'm an American first, understand?

You're a Democrat first, and a good little instruction taker, their favorite kind. Democrats say think this, you think this!

And you just spent eight years worshiping an America hater to boot. At least Trump is on our side
Is he? Is he really on your side? Think about it first...he's the first president in US history to sell inagural tickets to the people's event.....Kaz, I do wish you and your people well with your president, this guy, will never and I mean never ever ever ever be mine, not ever!! I will never address this guy as president, not ever.

Again I'm a Trump supporter. Here's the thing, snowflake. I'm a libertarian. Do you know that means I'm not a Democrat? How stupid are you, racist? Your binary little mind can only see Republicans and Democrats. You are correct that I'm not a Democrat. And that to you leaves only Republicans. Tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are.

As for Trump, when Gary lost (who saw that coming?), I said I'd give Trump a chance. If he fails to deliver, I'll say so. But that will be after January 20 if it happens when he's actually President no matter what you and the rest of the butt hurt crowd say

You're not a Democrat even though you parrot them, I'm a Trump supporter because I'm white. I can't wait to find out what you have in store for you next stupid liberal trick ...

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