Is Obama the worst President in American History?

Is Obama the worst President in American History?

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How can we know today how history will judge him.
We cannot. We can only guess.

The John Bircher's have been fighting against OASDI and Medicare since day #1. They have not learned anything. They brainwash their children too.

Ergo they hate ACA as well.
Is he? Is he really on your side? Think about it first...he's the first president in US history to sell inagural tickets to the people's event.....Kaz, I do wish you and your people well with your president, this guy, will never and I mean never ever ever ever be mine, not ever!! I will never address this guy as president, not ever.
Oh, so, which Nation do you live in, then?
The same gotdamned nation you white mf's lived in for the last 8 fuckin years with Obama. Listen, you mf's don't have a monopoly on hatin a mf, yaw made Obama's life a living hell these last 8 years and drug him and his family through the mud I don't know how many times starting with the birther shit and ending with calling him every name in the book, so miss me on this loving Trump cause he's a fuckin president shit. I'm not goin no where and I intend to give this worthless white mf about as much love and respect as you white bastards gave Obama, now you do the fuckin math on that one!!
While he made ours a living hell.

He dragged himself through the mud by acting like a celebrity, lying, and implementing policies that were proven not to work, while claiming they worked.

If you live in this Nation, he's your president. Whether you hate a president or not, he's still your president so long as you're a part of this Nation. If you don't want him to be your president, then move.

Side note, this may be news to you, but white people aren't the only ones running this country, they aren't the only ones who acknowledge Obama is a failure, and they aren't the only ones who voted for Trump. Skin color is completely and utterly irrelevant, as it doesn't make all people of that color a hive mind. I suppose that if you acknowledged that, you'd be out a scapegoat, though, wouldn't you?
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting

Are you seriously saying Lincoln was the worst President? Wow

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Barry was shinny object, now that Americans finally got that out of their system can move on to bigger and better things...
Lets talk in a few a months......and brag about the better things.....from your poor/rich white guy Trump, shall we?
i think we all know if trump actually does good tiger you wont be here saying if that happens lets see if you are here or not to talk...i dont care for the guy either but unlike many here i will at least give the guy 6 months like i did bush and obama before i start with the bad mouthing...
Lets get something clear, nobody wants a ass ho president in the white house, everybody wants success...we all do. But, this man has proven over and over and over that he really don't give a damn about this country, its imposed mandate of jobs and security, all Tweet thus far has focused building a cabinet of morons, keeping his nuts close to Putins mouth and tweeting...I don't make this shit up, the guys out for the Trump brand and that's it...but if the idiot savant manages to do a good job, I'd be the first to champion his percieved legacy and talk on it....I'm an American first, understand?

You're a Democrat first, and a good little instruction taker, their favorite kind. Democrats say think this, you think this!

And you just spent eight years worshiping an America hater to boot. At least Trump is on our side
Is he? Is he really on your side? Think about it first...he's the first president in US history to sell inagural tickets to the people's event.....Kaz, I do wish you and your people well with your president, this guy, will never and I mean never ever ever ever be mine, not ever!! I will never address this guy as president, not ever.

Oh how utterly darling! You think you get to define reality. Get back on your mat princess and finish your nap or the teacher might get upset.
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting

FDR preserved American Democracy against the Japanese and Germany and also created OASDI.

LBJ created Medicare.

BHO has created ACA.

Those are the 4 greatest legacies in American history.

You've got to be kidding.

FDR preserved American Democracy against the Japanese and Germany and also created OASDI.

LBJ created Medicare.

BHO has created ACA.

Those are the 4 greatest legacies in American history.

FDR expanded the powers of the Federal Government far beyond what they were ever intended to be, turned a mild recession into a Great Depression, stomped all over the Constitution, and damaged the economy even to this very day. FURTHERMORE this is not a Democracy, this recent election should have made that clear even to the dumbest of people.

Medicare is an abomination.

Obamacare is an abomination and is imploding.

You should feel bad for showing people that this level of ignorance is even humanly possible.
Is he? Is he really on your side? Think about it first...he's the first president in US history to sell inagural tickets to the people's event.....Kaz, I do wish you and your people well with your president, this guy, will never and I mean never ever ever ever be mine, not ever!! I will never address this guy as president, not ever.
Oh, so, which Nation do you live in, then?
The same gotdamned nation you white mf's lived in for the last 8 fuckin years with Obama. Listen, you mf's don't have a monopoly on hatin a mf, yaw made Obama's life a living hell these last 8 years and drug him and his family through the mud I don't know how many times starting with the birther shit and ending with calling him every name in the book, so miss me on this loving Trump cause he's a fuckin president shit. I'm not goin no where and I intend to give this worthless white mf about as much love and respect as you white bastards gave Obama, now you do the fuckin math on that one!!
While he made ours a living hell.

He dragged himself through the mud by acting like a celebrity, lying, and implementing policies that were proven not to work, while claiming they worked.

If you live in this Nation, he's your president. Whether you hate a president or not, he's still your president so long as you're a part of this Nation. If you don't want him to be your president, then move.

Side note, this may be news to you, but white people aren't the only ones running this country, they aren't the only ones who acknowledge Obama is a failure, and they aren't the only ones who voted for Trump. Skin color is completely and utterly irrelevant, as it doesn't make all people of that color a hive mind. I suppose that if you acknowledged that, you'd be out a scapegoat, though, wouldn't you?

He dragged himself through the mud by acting like a celebrity, lying, and implementing policies that were proven not to work, while claiming they worked. If you think Obama was acting like a fuckin celebrity, wait until you get this Tweeting fucked up hair white bitch on board, acting like a celebrity will be the least of your problems, idiot LOLOLOLOLO and failed policies??? How in the hell do billionaires who fuck this nations coffers to the hilt, give a rats fuck about you, your family and getting jobs back on american soil, when their wealth CAME FROM OUTSOURCING YOUR JOBS, IDIOT??????

If you live in this Nation, he's your president. Whether you hate a president or not, he's still your president so long as you're a part of this Nation. If you don't want him to be your president, then move. Listen, he's not my president, he's yours all yours, don't put that shit on me, don't want it, didn't vote for it, have no use for it

Side note, this may be news to you, but white people aren't the only ones running this country, they aren't the only ones who acknowledge Obama is a failure, and they aren't the only ones who voted for Trump. Skin color is completely and utterly irrelevant, as it doesn't make all people of that color a hive mind. I suppose that if you acknowledged that, you'd be out a scapegoat, though, wouldn't you? 59% don't agree and that's all that matters...understand, your president, that orange clown fuck nut, has never had ratings near 50 and never will, in his life, the guys a con artist joke, something you morons will soon realize.[/QUOTE]
acting like a fuckin celebrity, wait until you get this Tweeting fucked up hair white bitch on board, acting like a celebrity will be the least of your problems, idiot LOLOLOLOLO and failed policies??? How in the hell do billionaires who fuck this nations coffers to the hilt, give a rats fuck about you, your family and getting jobs back on american soil, when their wealth CAME FROM OUTSOURCING YOUR JOBS, IDIOT??????

He had more television appearances than most other presidents, if not all, and spent his time commenting on state affairs, which a President shouldn't bother with. It's like he just flicks on CNN and comments on everything they cover, it's disgraceful.

Except money only comes from outsourcing jobs when we get a lefttard that discourages keeping your jobs here. You know, like taxing businesses per employee with Obamacare, or increasing America's tax rate to the highest business tax in the world.

Listen, he's not my president, he's yours all yours, don't put that shit on me, don't want it, didn't vote for it, have no use for it

Whether you want it or not, he's the President of the United States of America, and he's the President of all Americans. You can fix it by moving.

59% don't agree and that's all that matters...understand, your president, that orange clown fuck nut, has never had ratings near 50 and never will, in his life, the guys a con artist joke, something you morons will soon realize.
And this 59% comes from where? Where do you get this figure? On the other hand, this isn't a Democracy, so Popular Vote is entirely worthless.
.... Give some information that there were a significant number of anti-confederacy southerners. ....

Hello? West Virginia?

OK, so they broke off in the middle of the war and officially joined the north. Also Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri never declared independence and stayed with the north. What does that have to do with forcing the rest of the south to remain with the union eliminating consent of the governed?
..I follow laws only because I recognize the power they have to force me to. But I do not recognize the Federal government as a legitimate authority, just an authority

Every petty criminal can say the same.

I follow the law because I'm not willing to pay the price of breaking it. They can't say that. I haven't heard petty criminals say that. Not sure what your point is anyway

So you're a petty criminal who lacks the courage to act. How noble.

You wear pants, murderers wear pants, that makes you a murderer.

What a stupid argument
I totally oppose the war on drugs and I don't see the comparison. And the Russians got in conflicts to support insurrection and the spread of communism across the globe, including on our doorstep. To deny the domino theory is to deny the moon landing.
The comparison is that the spectre of communism was made an imaginary bogey man, in the same way that illicit drugs have been. That the Russians goaded conflicts and revolutions is of no consequence to the fact that communism cannot sustain itself. Trying to fight it with bombs and bullets was a waste of hundreds of thousands of young men's lives from both sides.

Really? So it was just fiction that Communists invaded Cuba, North Korea, Grenada, El Salvador, Vietnam, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Albania, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, ... Do tell. So be honest, you believe the moon landing was a Hollywood hoax too, don't you?
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
Lincoln preserved the Union and lost his own life over it.

FDR preserved American Democracy against the Japanese and Germany and also created OASDI.

LBJ created Medicare.

BHO has created ACA.

Those are the 4 greatest legacies in American history.

No shit. You're a socialist who wants to be a dependency whore and doesn't give a shit about your victims. Why would you not like any of those?
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting

Are you seriously saying Lincoln was the worst President? Wow

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Maybe you could address the reason I gave since I provided one instead of just repeating back what I said, Captain Obvious
Really? So it was just fiction that Communists invaded Cuba, North Korea, Grenada, El Salvador, Vietnam, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Albania, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, ... Do tell. So be honest, you believe the moon landing was a Hollywood hoax too, don't you?
First of all, USSR claimed East Germany and the eastern bloc nations as spoils of their "liberation", not unlike how Lincoln claimed DIxie.

Furthermore, the theory held that communism would accelerate, just like dominoes. Time and the economic stupidity of communism rendered that theory impotent. And Mi General Pinochet took care of the commies in Chile quite promptly, with no Murican intervention.

Turns out there wasn't a commie behind every bush.
Really? So it was just fiction that Communists invaded Cuba, North Korea, Grenada, El Salvador, Vietnam, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Albania, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, ... Do tell. So be honest, you believe the moon landing was a Hollywood hoax too, don't you?
First of all, USSR claimed East Germany and the eastern bloc nations as spoils of their "liberation", not unlike how Lincoln claimed DIxie.

Furthermore, the theory held that communism would accelerate, just like dominoes. Time and the economic stupidity of communism rendered that theory impotent. And Mi General Pinochet took care of the commies in Chile quite promptly, with no Murican intervention.

Turns out there wasn't a commie behind every bush.

Maybe when you figure out what the hell you're talking about you can explain it so it makes sense
..I follow laws only because I recognize the power they have to force me to. But I do not recognize the Federal government as a legitimate authority, just an authority

Every petty criminal can say the same.

I follow the law because I'm not willing to pay the price of breaking it. They can't say that. I haven't heard petty criminals say that. Not sure what your point is anyway

So you're a petty criminal who lacks the courage to act. How noble.

You wear pants, murderers wear pants, that makes you a murderer.


You want to break the law, criminals want to break the law, you are just like a criminal who is afraid to act on his desires.
..I follow laws only because I recognize the power they have to force me to. But I do not recognize the Federal government as a legitimate authority, just an authority

Every petty criminal can say the same.

I follow the law because I'm not willing to pay the price of breaking it. They can't say that. I haven't heard petty criminals say that. Not sure what your point is anyway

So you're a petty criminal who lacks the courage to act. How noble.

You wear pants, murderers wear pants, that makes you a murderer.


You want to break the law, criminals want to break the law, you are just like a criminal who is afraid to act on his desires.

Incoherent babble. Can you put that into a well formed argument that tells me what the hell you're talking about?

I said I don't respect the Federal government. I never said I want to break the law, I took no position on that either way

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