Is Obama the worst President in American History?

Is Obama the worst President in American History?

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It's why even though I oppose our presence in the Middle East, Democrats are worse than Republicans. Either you fight it or you don't. Democrats claim to be against the wars, but that just leads to indecision and consequences like you pointed out. If we left like I wanted, we aren't going back unless we're attacked again like I want, it isn't our problem now.

If we stayed in, it wouldn't have deteriorated like it did under Obama so we go back and it's worse than we left. Idiot Democrat drones like Moonglow cheer their Gods on while they commit fuck up after fuck up after fuck up and never raise a question why we don't at least commit one way or the other or why because we don't do that we only make it worse
You assume too much to make your mountain out of a mole hill..

Obama followed and expanded W's course in Iraq and Afghanistan, He got us into Libya. He tried to get us into Syria. What did I "assume" again?" You're just a Democrat drone supporting the party like you always do
You have also left out a laundry list of the causes of the war in Iraq, Isis and Afghanistan..I would go into detail,,but not with a partisan hack such as yourself..I myself have been an independent voter since the time I made the mistake of voting for Reagan for his first term in office..

I'm a partisan hack ... who blames both parties! And I keep saying that they both did the same thing. You're not partisan, you blame Republicans and think Democrats are pure as the driven snow. Funny thing, moron, I don't see Republicans saying that. And I said trying to have a serious discussion with you about anything was a waste of time. Nailed it!
i don't normally waste any time on people I know are a waste of time...But do try to have a good day, although for some, that is impossible......

Every post you write is snarky, few of them make sense and none of them make a point. You realize I see the posts you write to other people.

As for your concern about how I feel, you obviously have no idea so I'd give up trying to be a chick
You assume too much to make your mountain out of a mole hill..

Obama followed and expanded W's course in Iraq and Afghanistan, He got us into Libya. He tried to get us into Syria. What did I "assume" again?" You're just a Democrat drone supporting the party like you always do
You have also left out a laundry list of the causes of the war in Iraq, Isis and Afghanistan..I would go into detail,,but not with a partisan hack such as yourself..I myself have been an independent voter since the time I made the mistake of voting for Reagan for his first term in office..

I'm a partisan hack ... who blames both parties! And I keep saying that they both did the same thing. You're not partisan, you blame Republicans and think Democrats are pure as the driven snow. Funny thing, moron, I don't see Republicans saying that. And I said trying to have a serious discussion with you about anything was a waste of time. Nailed it!
Sure, you can be a partisan hack, without just two party affiliations..

I don't have any party affiliations. Can you translate that to English?
After you learn to read English.Your extreme democrat bashing may be as surprise to you..Try not to show too much affection for the GOP..both are the same horse with a different color...
... Southerners all hated Yankees and wanted to secede. ...

Not true. Every Confederate state had groups of armed men actively fighting against the Confederacy. Hell, how do you think West Virginia came to be?
Obama followed and expanded W's course in Iraq and Afghanistan, He got us into Libya. He tried to get us into Syria. What did I "assume" again?" You're just a Democrat drone supporting the party like you always do
You have also left out a laundry list of the causes of the war in Iraq, Isis and Afghanistan..I would go into detail,,but not with a partisan hack such as yourself..I myself have been an independent voter since the time I made the mistake of voting for Reagan for his first term in office..

I'm a partisan hack ... who blames both parties! And I keep saying that they both did the same thing. You're not partisan, you blame Republicans and think Democrats are pure as the driven snow. Funny thing, moron, I don't see Republicans saying that. And I said trying to have a serious discussion with you about anything was a waste of time. Nailed it!
Sure, you can be a partisan hack, without just two party affiliations..

I don't have any party affiliations. Can you translate that to English?
After you learn to read English.Your extreme democrat bashing may be as surprise to you..Try not to show too much affection for the GOP..both are the same horse with a different color...

I argue with socons and institutional Republicans all the time. I also argued with people I genuinely agree with like bripat that it was not worth voting for Trump and I started a dozen or so anti-Trump threads.

You just don't see that because you're a mindless Democrat parrot who like the rest of them says if I'm 1% against you I'm 100% against you
..I follow laws only because I recognize the power they have to force me to. But I do not recognize the Federal government as a legitimate authority, just an authority

Every petty criminal can say the same.
... I'm too old and too tired to go back and forth with a fool who clearly has too much gotdamn [sic] time on his hands. ... I don't read minds, when there isn't anything in it. Only God has that privelege [sic]!! or time, I don't!!

I hate to do this, but you leave me no choice:

... Southerners all hated Yankees and wanted to secede. ...

Not true. Every Confederate state had groups of armed men actively fighting against the Confederacy. Hell, how do you think West Virginia came to be?

Obviously I was referring to the overwhelming number of Southerners. Give some information that there were a significant number of anti-confederacy southerners. Frankly given the population disadvantage of the South, there clearly were not a significant percentage of them
..I follow laws only because I recognize the power they have to force me to. But I do not recognize the Federal government as a legitimate authority, just an authority

Every petty criminal can say the same.

I follow the law because I'm not willing to pay the price of breaking it. They can't say that. I haven't heard petty criminals say that. Not sure what your point is anyway
..I follow laws only because I recognize the power they have to force me to. But I do not recognize the Federal government as a legitimate authority, just an authority

Every petty criminal can say the same.

I follow the law because I'm not willing to pay the price of breaking it. They can't say that. I haven't heard petty criminals say that. Not sure what your point is anyway

So you're a petty criminal who lacks the courage to act. How noble.
  1. "Alabamians voted 54 secessionists and 46 cooperationists to their secession convention.
  2. The Arkansas Gazette determined that 43% of Arkansas voters voted for secessionist delegates.
  3. The Georgia Historical Society has determined that only 49% of Georgia voters voted in favor of secessionist delegates, even though those delegates turned around and voted 70% in favor of immediate secession.
  4. Louisiana voters either voted 4,258 to 3,978 (52%) in favor of secessionist delegates or 20,448 to 17,296 (54%) in favor of secessionist delegates, depending on who you believe.
  5. North Carolina voters voted 32.5% in favor of secessionist delegates, but voted against holding a secession convention.
  6. Tennessee voters voted 20% in favor of secessionist delegates, but voted against holding a secession convention.
  7. Texas was the only state to actually put the issue of secession to a direct voter referendum prior to Fort Sumter. The vote was 76% in favor of secession."
Sources: Chronology.htm
I totally oppose the war on drugs and I don't see the comparison. And the Russians got in conflicts to support insurrection and the spread of communism across the globe, including on our doorstep. To deny the domino theory is to deny the moon landing.
The comparison is that the spectre of communism was made an imaginary bogey man, in the same way that illicit drugs have been. That the Russians goaded conflicts and revolutions is of no consequence to the fact that communism cannot sustain itself. Trying to fight it with bombs and bullets was a waste of hundreds of thousands of young men's lives from both sides.
An additional thing for Lincoln that made him a subversive, is that he destroyed the militia form of national defense with an immense professional standing industrial army. He is in fact the godfather of the military-industrial complex.
Obamacare certainly makes him a finalist, but I don't see how he cracks this list:

1) Lincoln eliminated consent of the governed

2) FDR eliminated State rights

3) Woodrow Wilson made us policeman to the world

Then there are honorable mentions he's got to compete with like LBJ making war an economic policy, W being his mirror image and Buchanan setting up the Civil War before bolting
Lincoln preserved the Union and lost his own life over it.

FDR preserved American Democracy against the Japanese and Germany and also created OASDI.

LBJ created Medicare.

BHO has created ACA.

Those are the 4 greatest legacies in American history.

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