some folks say Woodrow Wilson is the worst president in history. some say Obama. what do you think?!

No, actually most will say Andrew Johnson.
Yep, he was NOT a good president. According to accounts I've read, he was so drunk when he was sworn in after Lincoln's assassination, he could barely stand up. And he was the first president to be impeached. So, like you, I would choose Andrew Johnson as THE worst president ever. Obama would be my runner up.

Not to mention some think that Johnson may have had a hand in Lincoln's assassination, especially since his so-called planned murderer lost his nerve and did not try to kill him.
The irony there is LYNDON Johnson,another Johnson had a huge hand in Kennedy’s assassination as well,had the trip not gone through Dallas I am not so sure the coverup would have succeeded so well.
Lee Harvey Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would drive by where he worked. So he went home, got his rifle, brought it to work and blew JFKs brains out.

That is all there is

The only US marine in US history to defect to the USSR, then returns without consequence during the height of the Cold War, even bringing along his Russian wife, is given jobs by persons affiliated with the FBI and CIA, magically happens to work in a building along JFK’s route and unbelievably isn’t picked up or even surveilled by the FBI...even though he is well known to them.

It’s a fairy tale only fools believe.
Oswald was a piss ant. The Soviets wanted no part of him. He was given a meaningless job and nobody wanted to talk with him, he had nothing to offer.

All this wa confirmed when the USSR fell and KGB records were opened.

Oswald took a job in the Texas Schoolbook Depository months before the trip to Dallas and planned parade route was determined.
Yes the Soviets knew he was a CIA spy.
There must have been SOMETHING about dog that tipped them off.....................
To say NOTHING of the artichokes......................
I’m not sure about that. Only because Ears has to be considered equally as bad, if not worse. W certainly wins the prize for being the most murderous for his absurd Imperialist invasion of Iraq based on lies. O’s refusal to help the millions of Americans who lost their homes and jobs due to criminal acts of bankers and big Wall Street firms while bailing out those crooks, makes him worse on the home front.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Must you think in exclusively binary fashion. No one on this forum is more critical of dipshit W than me. Unlike you, I can also is the obvious fact that Ears was just as bad. The two war criminals are brothers from different mothers.

Here is an excellent summary of Ears for your enjoyment...The man who bombed Libya back to the Stone Age, turning the country with the highest Human Development Index in all of Africa into a failed state where Africans are being sold in open air slave markets, wants to lecture us today about “progress”.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::yes_text12:
You just let me know when you get the evidence and legitimate links to prove what I typed was wrong, snowflake

Evidently the truth stings like a bitch. Deal with it.

When you type lies, the burden of truth is on you.
Yes the Soviets knew he was a CIA spy.

If that was true, their records would have indicated it.
They didnt. They indicated a disgruntled American who was of minimal value to them.

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