Is Obama's Supreme Court Pick A Trojan Horse For Gun Control?

Liberals are either being purposely naive or are just incredibly stupid. A liberal majority on the supreme court is most definitely a threat to the second amendment.

A liberal controlled Congress could put forth any gun control law they want to be approved by a liberal President. The law would of course be challenged and could eventually make its way to the supreme court. Once in the supreme court, the 2nd amendment is at the mercy of a liberal majority court who will then interpret the meaning of the amendment and will decide if the new law is constitutional. At this point, does any reasonable thinking person really think gun hating Liberals give a shit if they trample on our 2nd amendment rights???

Yes, the 2nd amendment is without a doubt in jeopardy with a liberal majority on the supreme court.

It would be an unconstitutional law and approval of The Supreme Court would be an illegal ruling, which we could ignore.

Said the guy now spending time in jail. How far are you willing to of to ignore a new law you find illegal? Wouldn't be much easier to vote the right people into office? Some Republicans may hate Trump but a vote for Trump is a vote for the 2nd amendment.
Most of the 12 million people the Nazis murdered were unarmed.

And when they were armed, it didn't make a difference, did it? For instance, during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, they managed to kill a whole whopping 17 German soldiers.

Oh, shit...

For the Bielski Partisans it made a difference.

Bielski partisans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You obviously didn't read down to this part, did you?

n the summer of 1944, when the Soviet counteroffensive began in Belarus and the area was taken over by the Soviets, the Kalininunit, numbering 1,230 men, women and children, emerged from the forest and marched into Novogrodek.

Despite their previous collaboration with the Soviets, relations quickly worsened.[11] The NKVD started interrogating the Bielski brothers about the rumors of loot they had reportedly collected during the war, and about their failure to "implement socialist ideals in the camp".[11] Asael Bielski was conscripted into the Soviet Red Army and fell in the Battle of Königsberg in 1945.[11] The remaining brothers escaped Soviet-controlled lands, emigrating to the West.[11] Tuvia's cousin, Yehuda Bielski, was sought by the NKVD for having been an officer in the pre-war Polish Army, but managed to escape with Tuvia's help and made his way to Hungary and then to Israel.[12]
Your argument is flawed. Control of Congress changes with neither party remaining in control indefinitely. A liberal congress who passes gun control laws could be replaced by a republican congress because the majority didn't like the laws. The truth is it's impossible to measure these things.

I have no problem with it being a purely legislative debate as to what gun ownership should be.

The concept that even crazy people have a right to a semi-automatic weapon because 250 years ago, some slave-raping asshole couldn't word a Militia Amendment properly is just nuts.
Liberals are either being purposely naive or are just incredibly stupid. A liberal majority on the supreme court is most definitely a threat to the second amendment.

A liberal controlled Congress could put forth any gun control law they want to be approved by a liberal President. The law would of course be challenged and could eventually make its way to the supreme court. Once in the supreme court, the 2nd amendment is at the mercy of a liberal majority court who will then interpret the meaning of the amendment and will decide if the new law is constitutional. At this point, does any reasonable thinking person really think gun hating Liberals give a shit if they trample on our 2nd amendment rights???

Yes, the 2nd amendment is without a doubt in jeopardy with a liberal majority on the supreme court.

It would be an unconstitutional law and approval of The Supreme Court would be an illegal ruling, which we could ignore.

Said the guy now spending time in jail. How far are you willing to of to ignore a new law you find illegal? Wouldn't be much easier to vote the right people into office? Some Republicans may hate Trump but a vote for Trump is a vote for the 2nd amendment.

I agree. I never said anything contrary to that sentiment.
Most of the 12 million people the Nazis murdered were unarmed.

And when they were armed, it didn't make a difference, did it? For instance, during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, they managed to kill a whole whopping 17 German soldiers.

Oh, shit...

For the Bielski Partisans it made a difference.

Bielski partisans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You obviously didn't read down to this part, did you?

n the summer of 1944, when the Soviet counteroffensive began in Belarus and the area was taken over by the Soviets, the Kalininunit, numbering 1,230 men, women and children, emerged from the forest and marched into Novogrodek.

Despite their previous collaboration with the Soviets, relations quickly worsened.[11] The NKVD started interrogating the Bielski brothers about the rumors of loot they had reportedly collected during the war, and about their failure to "implement socialist ideals in the camp".[11] Asael Bielski was conscripted into the Soviet Red Army and fell in the Battle of Königsberg in 1945.[11] The remaining brothers escaped Soviet-controlled lands, emigrating to the West.[11] Tuvia's cousin, Yehuda Bielski, was sought by the NKVD for having been an officer in the pre-war Polish Army, but managed to escape with Tuvia's help and made his way to Hungary and then to Israel.[12]

They fought off the Nazis and were over powered by the Soviets. So what?

If they had been unarmed they would have all been murdered long before 1944.

What level of stupidity doers one have to be at, to think that being unarmed is going to accomplish anything?
Merrick Garland has 'very liberal view of gun rights'

That's all we need is another control freak gangster ignoring the Constitution and making himself above the law. Obama probably had Justice Scalia wiped out before his presidency came to end.


Calling him a Trojan Horse is implying that he is hiding his anti gun beliefs....this guy is an open anti gunner.
They fought off the Nazis and were over powered by the Soviets. So what?

If they had been unarmed they would have all been murdered long before 1944.

What level of stupidity doers one have to be at, to think that being unarmed is going to accomplish anything?

A few other things from your article, like this militia engaged in war crimes and frequently engaged in brigandry, which is why the Soviets cracked down on them. But the point was, they still ended up either fleeing for their lives or getting murdered anyway.

No, you see, guy, the way to prevent a dictatorships is not to vote for a dictator. I doubt your sort will figure that out before NOvember.
They fought off the Nazis and were over powered by the Soviets. So what?

If they had been unarmed they would have all been murdered long before 1944.

What level of stupidity doers one have to be at, to think that being unarmed is going to accomplish anything?

A few other things from your article, like this militia engaged in war crimes and frequently engaged in brigandry, which is why the Soviets cracked down on them. But the point was, they still ended up either fleeing for their lives or getting murdered anyway.

No, you see, guy, the way to prevent a dictatorships is not to vote for a dictator. I doubt your sort will figure that out before NOvember.

Dictators aren't elected...LMAO
Dictators aren't elected...LMAO

Um, Hitler was. His party won the most votes in 1933, running specifically on a platform of doing exactly what the Nazis. IT won They formed a coalition government with 44% of the vote.

Now the interesting thing was, much like Trump, a majority of Germans STILL thought this was a bad idea. But a few politicians, like Hindenberg, von Papen and Hungenberg, thought Hitler was a guy they could easily control. Just like some REpublicans are looking at the Reality TV Rodeo Clown like someone THEY can control.
Merrick Garland has 'very liberal view of gun rights'

That's all we need is another control freak gangster ignoring the Constitution and making himself above the law. Obama probably had Justice Scalia wiped out before his presidency came to end.


Calling him a Trojan Horse is implying that he is hiding his anti gun beliefs....this guy is an open anti gunner.
No, calling him a ‘Trojan Horse’ is another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Garland has never decided a Second Amendment case, and has never written an opinion concerning the constitutionality of any post-Heller firearm regulatory measure.
Dictators aren't elected...LMAO

Um, Hitler was. His party won the most votes in 1933, running specifically on a platform of doing exactly what the Nazis. IT won They formed a coalition government with 44% of the vote.

Now the interesting thing was, much like Trump, a majority of Germans STILL thought this was a bad idea. But a few politicians, like Hindenberg, von Papen and Hungenberg, thought Hitler was a guy they could easily control. Just like some REpublicans are looking at the Reality TV Rodeo Clown like someone THEY can control.

Um, no...Hitler wasn't elected. He was appointed. After the Reichstag fire Hindenburg declared emergency power under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution.. During The Night of The Long Knives (which actually lasted a week) everyone who could contest Hitler's seizure of power was murdered.

The National Socialists only won 37% of the Reichstag.

Why should anyone believe what you people say about Trump when you don't even know basic historical facts?
No, calling him a ‘Trojan Horse’ is another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Garland has never decided a Second Amendment case, and has never written an opinion concerning the constitutionality of any post-Heller firearm regulatory measure.

Like when it was right wing conspiracy lie calling Bill Cosby Clinton a misogynist. You're just as delusional as Hillary believing her own lies. Benghazi, emails, etc.

Merrick Garland has 'very liberal view of gun rights'

That's all we need is another control freak gangster ignoring the Constitution and making himself above the law. Obama probably had Justice Scalia wiped out before his presidency came to end.


Calling him a Trojan Horse is implying that he is hiding his anti gun beliefs....this guy is an open anti gunner.
No, calling him a ‘Trojan Horse’ is another ridiculous rightwing lie.

Garland has never decided a Second Amendment case, and has never written an opinion concerning the constitutionality of any post-Heller firearm regulatory measure.

You're wrong...

Back in 2007, Judge Garland voted to undo a D.C. court decision striking down one of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation.

The 'Moderates' Are Not So Moderate: Merrick Garland
Um, no...Hitler wasn't elected. He was appointed. After the Reichstag fire Hindenburg declared emergency power under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution.. During The Night of The Long Knives (which actually lasted a week) everyone who could contest Hitler's seizure of power was murdered.

The National Socialists only won 37% of the Reichstag.

Why should anyone believe what you people say about Trump when you don't even know basic historical facts?

Yes, the Nazis only won 37% of the Reichstag. Just like Trumpenfuhrer is only winning 37% of the Republican vote. But that was enough to form a government combined with other right wing parties like the German National People's Party.

You also misinterpret who was targeted in the Night of the Long Knives. The main victims were the Storm Troops- the radical Nazis led by Ernst Roehm. The money interests and the military decided that 'Meh, we can live with Hitler, but that Roehm guy has to go." and Hitler kindly obliged.

and today, we have people in the Establishment and the moneyed interests in this country saying "Meh, we can live with Trump, but this Cruz is a religous nut."
Um, no...Hitler wasn't elected. He was appointed. After the Reichstag fire Hindenburg declared emergency power under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution.. During The Night of The Long Knives (which actually lasted a week) everyone who could contest Hitler's seizure of power was murdered.

The National Socialists only won 37% of the Reichstag.

Why should anyone believe what you people say about Trump when you don't even know basic historical facts?

Yes, the Nazis only won 37% of the Reichstag. Just like Trumpenfuhrer is only winning 37% of the Republican vote. But that was enough to form a government combined with other right wing parties like the German National People's Party.

You also misinterpret who was targeted in the Night of the Long Knives. The main victims were the Storm Troops- the radical Nazis led by Ernst Roehm. The money interests and the military decided that 'Meh, we can live with Hitler, but that Roehm guy has to go." and Hitler kindly obliged.

and today, we have people in the Establishment and the moneyed interests in this country saying "Meh, we can live with Trump, but this Cruz is a religous nut."

So far, everything you've said he's been wrong. No one is going to fall for your fear mongering. It's a a good thing Trump isn't black. There's no telling what you would be saying about him.
Um, no...Hitler wasn't elected. He was appointed. After the Reichstag fire Hindenburg declared emergency power under Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution.. During The Night of The Long Knives (which actually lasted a week) everyone who could contest Hitler's seizure of power was murdered.

The National Socialists only won 37% of the Reichstag.

Why should anyone believe what you people say about Trump when you don't even know basic historical facts?

Yes, the Nazis only won 37% of the Reichstag. Just like Trumpenfuhrer is only winning 37% of the Republican vote. But that was enough to form a government combined with other right wing parties like the German National People's Party.

You also misinterpret who was targeted in the Night of the Long Knives. The main victims were the Storm Troops- the radical Nazis led by Ernst Roehm. The money interests and the military decided that 'Meh, we can live with Hitler, but that Roehm guy has to go." and Hitler kindly obliged.

and today, we have people in the Establishment and the moneyed interests in this country saying "Meh, we can live with Trump, but this Cruz is a religous nut."

You REALLY need to do a little research before making comments on historical events.

Night of the Long Knives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So far, everything you've said he's been wrong. No one is going to fall for your fear mongering. It's a a good thing Trump isn't black. There's no telling what you would be saying about him.

That first sentence makes not a lick of sense. I've always felt Trump had a good shot at getting the GOP nomination. I just didn't think the GOP would fuck it up as badly as they have.

I think there are some reasons Trump could even win the presidency, mostly that we are a dumbed down society that equates celebrity with merit. The real question is, will a large enough chunk of the 63% of Republicans who KNOW nominating Trump is a horrible idea do the right thing and not vote for him in November?

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