Is Pope Francis attempting to revise the Ten Commandments?

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Not sure if this news is true or not. Has anyone heard about this?
Is there something you can summarize in text so the reader doesn't have to sit through a video?
Why revise the 10 Commandments? We've not mastered a single one of them.

11, Kill thy neighbor as thyself.

Interesting since the Ten Commandment were given to the Jews and not the goyim

The Hebrew God never brought goyim or their ancestors out of Egypt! Ex 20:2 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."
The Hebrew God did not give the goyim the land of Canaan, Ex 20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you"
Since the Sabbath is a sign between the Hebrew God and fleshly Israel, there is nothing requiring non-Jews to keep it (Ex. 31:13,17; Ezek. 20:12, 20)
If it was intended for all mankind, then why specifically say "strangers within your gates". Obviously the Goyim (strangers) were never required at any point in earth history to keep the Sabbath or the 10 commandments

Also the 10 commandments that the goyim use is not the same as the Hebrew. And the different man god goyim cults use different ones from each other
Some are saying this article (and the pulled video) are false. Anyone know if the Pope made such comments or not?
I think he tried to add " Honor the Church of Climate Change and remember Thou shall not Ignore Global Warming"
They have already been revised... Thou shalt not murder has been changed by most and understood by most as though shalt not kill.... You can defend your home and family from murdering you or them by kiling him first if you are threatened that way.... But hey there are others that have been tainted as well so if the pope wants to revise them i am sure he is in the majority or the sheeple will just follow along what old papa has to say after all he is their father in heaven and not the gd of abraham isaac and jacob...
10 Commandments are Jewish. No non-Jew has ANY authority to revise any part of them.

1 All this word which I command you, that shall ye observe to do; thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
- Deuteronomy 13

(in Bibles it's 12:last due to a numbering inconsistency. In Jewish Tanachs it's 13:1)
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