Is President Trump a Patriot?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Does anyone here dispute that President Trump is doing what he believes to be in the best interests of United States?

If so, state your case.
I believe every president we have ever had did what they did in what they viewed as the best interests of United States?
Does anyone here dispute that President Trump is doing what he believes to be in the best interests of United States?

If so, state your case.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. You only need to take a look at the spending and the War's to be able (if you to see the truth) to see who they all work for.
I believe every president we have ever had did what they did in what they viewed as the best interests of United States?

I believe that President Obama did what he believed was in the world's interest, not necessarily in our country's best interest. For example, the Paris Climate accord which placed much greater burdens on the U.S. than any other country.
I believe every president we have ever had did what they did in what they viewed as the best interests of United States?

I believe that President Obama did what he believed was in the world's interest, not necessarily in our country's best interest. For example, the Paris Climate accord which placed much greater burdens on the U.S. than any other country.

Obama believed what was good for the world was good for the US in the long run.

Not saying I agree with him, but that seemed to be his point of view
The poser in chief does nothing that is good for America only what is good for profit. Even taking the place into bankruptcy is his way of making money.
Lets see, who takes the side of illegals who kill and rape thousands of American citizens? Not Trump. The entire Dem leadership sides with illegals plus a number of RINO's. There you have it, patriot vs traitor.
I know the Constitution says you have to be born in the USA to be President but a "patriot"? Maybe lefties are used to setting the bar high for republicans.
Perhaps one of Trump's greatest legacies of patriotism will be in his restoring the conservative constitutionalism to our courts. Anyone notice that McConnell threatened to keep the the senate open if 15 Trump appointees (federal appointments for life) were not approved by the senate prior to the Labor Day recess. :)

The Dems wanted to go home so they short shortsightedly couldn't be bothered to oppose; kind-o a microcosm of the immediate gratification that this new wave of Socialists are perpetuating of late. (Free everything for us, "until other people's money runs out")
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Who gets to define patriotism?

I realize that Trumpians and those Republicans who still hold Republican principles might be inclined to define patriotism as an ideology that they hole exclusively. No one disagreeing with their politics can be called patriots.

By doing this they have made patriotism an amorphous term changing with the prevailing ideals.

I believe that patriotism is demonstrating, without question, a love of your native land. Mark Twain once said that a patriot loves his country unconditionally and loves his government when the government merits love.

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