Is Rachael Maddow Out of Control?

How do you see Miss Maddow's Behavior Lately?

  • Nothing is wrong with it, she's just fine.

    Votes: 18 62.1%
  • She does seem a little more aggressive these days.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • She is really destroying conservatives in a vendetta it seems.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • She does appear to be bullying so others won't stand up to her agenda.

    Votes: 10 34.5%

  • Total voters
Is Rachael Maddow Out of Control?


"well, well, well. Christie's brother just happened to buy up property near train station before Port Authority announced huge rennovation"

Welcome to politics. This has never happened before with democrats? Wasn't it Feinstein in CA whose husband had interest in something and got bennies from her? Let me see *checks search engine*,

Oh, yes, here it is:

WASHINGTON - Many of Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Capitol Hill colleagues want a crackdown on an industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars to her husband, San Francisco financier Richard Blum.

Blum's private-equity firm, Blum Capital Partners, is the largest stockholder in two of the nation's biggest for-profit college companies, ITT Educational Services Inc. and Career Education Corp., documents at the Securities and Exchange Commission show.

The shares are worth more than $360 million combined, which is more than one-fourth of the total assets under management by Blum Capital.

In his personal stock portfolio, Blum has holdings in those firms worth between $3.5 million and $7.6 million combined, Feinstein's latest financial disclosure form shows.

The situation raises possible conflict-of-interest questions for Feinstein, D-San Francisco, because of her role in bills that have aided the industry by boosting the funds that sustain it: Federal loans and grants to college students.

The office of the 78-year-old senator, who is running for her fifth term this year, said she does not discuss business decisions with her husband, that her husband's holdings "are his separate property." Feinstein's colleagues critical of industry connected to her husband |

Wow! $360 million is a lot of dough. How much do you suppose Christie's brother's property is worth vs Feinstein's husband's worth? Is Maddow now going to launch on a campaign to destroy Dianne Feinstein's political career?

Yeah, no. I didn't think so. And its this transparent hypocrisy I'm talking about here as the indicator that there's more than just journalism going on in Maddow's bid to destroy Chris Christie. It's too bad that the GOP returned the volley by casually giving some air time to dash Wendy Davis' hopes in Texas of the Governorship.

This type of escalation for the gay agenda is damaging our country. The gay agenda will have to stand on its own two feet and be a kinder/gentler movement or it's going to get shut down. Instead of spending time destroying careers and bullying people into submission, gay media activists should be writing up state ballot initiatives in the states they thought they won for marriage by judicial activism. If Utah vs Harvey Milk goes how I think it will in the US Supreme Court this year, the only states where gay marriage will be left legal are the ones that had a consensus vote it in.

Got some work to do to "win back" those states. Spend your time and energy there. People are getting numb to the dog and pony show of holding out destroyed careers as a warning to other politicians who don't tow the lavender mafia line.

If you are an LGBT activist, you should know now and plan accordingly that thuggery is going to be a very difficult pitch to voters to get them to like your cause and approve of gay marriage/access to adopt orphans...
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"well, well, well. Christie's brother just happened to buy up property near train station before Port Authority announced huge rennovation"

Welcome to politics. This has never happened before with democrats? Wasn't it Feinstein in CA whose husband had interest in something and got bennies from her? Let me see *checks search engine*,

Oh, yes, here it is:

WASHINGTON - Many of Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Capitol Hill colleagues want a crackdown on an industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars to her husband, San Francisco financier Richard Blum.

Blum's private-equity firm, Blum Capital Partners, is the largest stockholder in two of the nation's biggest for-profit college companies, ITT Educational Services Inc. and Career Education Corp., documents at the Securities and Exchange Commission show.

The shares are worth more than $360 million combined, which is more than one-fourth of the total assets under management by Blum Capital.

In his personal stock portfolio, Blum has holdings in those firms worth between $3.5 million and $7.6 million combined, Feinstein's latest financial disclosure form shows.

The situation raises possible conflict-of-interest questions for Feinstein, D-San Francisco, because of her role in bills that have aided the industry by boosting the funds that sustain it: Federal loans and grants to college students.

The office of the 78-year-old senator, who is running for her fifth term this year, said she does not discuss business decisions with her husband, that her husband's holdings "are his separate property." Feinstein's colleagues critical of industry connected to her husband |

Wow! $360 million is a lot of dough. How much do you suppose Christie's brother's property is worth vs Feinstein's husband's worth? Is Maddow now going to launch on a campaign to destroy Dianne Feinstein's political career?

Yeah, no. I didn't think so. And its this transparent hypocrisy I'm talking about here as the indicator that there's more than just journalism going on in Maddow's bid to destroy Chris Christie. It's too bad that the GOP returned the volley by casually giving some air time to dash Wendy Davis' hopes in Texas of the Governorship.

This type of escalation for the gay agenda is damaging our country. The gay agenda will have to stand on its own two feet and be a kinder/gentler movement or it's going to get shut down. Instead of spending time destroying careers and bullying people into submission, gay media activists should be writing up state ballot initiatives in the states they thought they won for marriage by judicial activism. If Utah vs Harvey Milk goes how I think it will in the US Supreme Court this year, the only states where gay marriage will be left legal are the ones that had a consensus vote it in.

Got some work to do to "win back" those states. Spend your time and energy there. People are getting numb to the dog and pony show of holding out destroyed careers as a warning to other politicians who don't tow the lavender mafia line.

If you are an LGBT activist, you should know now and plan accordingly that thuggery is going to be a very difficult pitch to voters to get them to like your cause and approve of gay marriage/access to adopt orphans...
So this is your defense...?

Suggesting that politics is corrupt by nature so this instance of corruption is just business as usual and hence normal/expected?

And pointing out possible corruption from the other side?

Hmmm....good luck with THAT!

"well, well, well. Christie's brother just happened to buy up property near train station before Port Authority announced huge rennovation"
Welcome to politics. This has never happened before with democrats?

But you're arguing that Maddow shouldn't be covering it.
He/they are additionally arguing that her coverage of the topic, and perhaps even focus on akin to an attack.

Interesting thought process these people have...don't they?
So this is your defense...?

Suggesting that politics is corrupt by nature so this instance of corruption is just business as usual and hence normal/expected?

And pointing out possible corruption from the other side?

Hmmm....good luck with THAT!


No, as you already know, I meant that if Maddow is into destroying careers, she ought to be an equal-opportunity destroyer. Otherwise it looks like she's destroying with an agenda. That's just how it looks.

And on the same spirit of your chuckles, is THAT how you respond to finding out about Dianne Feinstein's improprieties that are identical, albeit a bit more ritzy, than the ones just pointed out about Christie's brother? $360 million? Is that how much Christie's brother's property near the port authority thing worth too? More? Less? Should we be more or less outraged about Feinstein's husband's "perks" of having a Senator for a wife?
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So this is your defense...?

Suggesting that politics is corrupt by nature so this instance of corruption is just business as usual and hence normal/expected?

And pointing out possible corruption from the other side?

Hmmm....good luck with THAT!


No, as you already know, I meant that if Maddow is into destroying careers, she ought to be an equal-opportunity destroyer. Otherwise it looks like she's destroying with an agenda. That's just how it looks.

And on the same spirit of your chuckles, is THAT how you respond to finding out about Dianne Feinstein's improprieties that are identical, albeit a bit more ritzy, than the ones just pointed out about Christie's brother? $360 million? Is that how much Christie's brother's property near the port authority thing worth too? More? Less? Should we be more or less outraged about Feinstein's husband's "perks" of having a Senator for a wife?
I'm not familiar with the Feinstein corruption story.

Why isn't FOXNEWS covering it?

Why isn't it resonating with the American People if it's so bad?

Again, I'll share with you a little unwritten law in politics that goes...

"Don't do anything corrupted that the American People can easily understand."

Everyone understands traffic jams....EVERYONE!

Start a thread about the Feinstein situation, see if it sticks.
I'm not familiar with the Feinstein corruption story.

Why isn't FOXNEWS covering it?

Why isn't it resonating with the American People if it's so bad?

Again, I'll share with you a little unwritten law in politics that goes...

"Don't do anything corrupted that the American People can easily understand."

Everyone understands traffic jams....EVERYONE!

Start a thread about the Feinstein situation, see if it sticks.

I've got an even better question for you. Why isn't Rachael Maddow covering it?

And...we return full circle to the OP of this thread. It is because "Everyone understands traffic jams...EVERYONE!" has just underscored my point about Maddow's attack of Christie being a political weapon. What you just said without realizing it, I'm sure, is that more viewers could be whipped into rage for politically expedient purposes [to crucify a 2016 hopeful before his bid even got off the ground, likely because he won't support the gay agenda], if the "crime" was a traffic jam instead of funnelling $360 million of taxpayer's money to Feinstein's husband via her influence on legislation that benefitted him....presuming that's what happened. But we'll never know how bad that was in Feinstein's case, will we? Not on MSNBC for sure. And that's because it's hard to shove forward the gay agenda when a main proponent of that agenda gets dethroned for political improprieties...

And again, the bigger question in all this, backing way up into outer space and looking down on our little parasite colony here, how good is this for the political situation on earth to destroy good, gritty "doer" politicians who want the system to work right all for some petty Harvey Milk campaign?

An aside: What's really weird is that Feinstein knew Milk well, worked with him and was friends with him. I think she's the one who actually discovered his body when their fellow democrat shot both Milk and I think the Mayor at the time dead. From what I understand, Feinstein then got the mayorship of San Francisco because she was the president of the supervisors. More on that here:
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I'm not familiar with the Feinstein corruption story.

Why isn't FOXNEWS covering it?

Why isn't it resonating with the American People if it's so bad?

Again, I'll share with you a little unwritten law in politics that goes...

"Don't do anything corrupted that the American People can easily understand."

Everyone understands traffic jams....EVERYONE!

Start a thread about the Feinstein situation, see if it sticks.

I've got an even better question for you. Why isn't Rachael Maddow covering it?

And...we return full circle to the OP of this thread. It is because "Everyone understands traffic jams...EVERYONE!" has just underscored my point about Maddow's attack of Christie being a political weapon. What you just said without realizing it, I'm sure, is that more viewers could be whipped into rage for politically expedient purposes [to crucify a 2016 hopeful before his bid even got off the ground, likely because he won't support the gay agenda], if the "crime" was a traffic jam instead of funnelling $360 million of taxpayer's money to Feinstein's husband via her influence on legislation that benefitted him....presuming that's what happened. But we'll never know how bad that was in Feinstein's case, will we? Not on MSNBC for sure. And that's because it's hard to shove forward the gay agenda when a main proponent of that agenda gets dethroned for political improprieties...

And again, the bigger question in all this, backing way up into outer space and looking down on our little parasite colony here, how good is this for the political situation on earth to destroy good, gritty "doer" politicians who want the system to work right all for some petty Harvey Milk campaign?

An aside: What's really weird is that Feinstein knew Milk well, worked with him and was friends with him. I think she's the one who actually discovered his body when their fellow democrat shot both Milk and I think the Mayor at the time dead. From what I understand, Feinstein then got the mayorship of San Francisco because she was the president of the supervisors. More on that here: Here's Why Gun Control Is Personal For Sen. Dianne Feinstein - Business Insider
The question still stands...

Why isn't FOXNEWS investigating this alleged scandal if it's as bad as you claim it is.

Sounds like low-hanging fruit. And that being the case FOXNEWS would be ALL over it.

Things that make me go "Hmmmmm......!"
So this is your defense...?

Suggesting that politics is corrupt by nature so this instance of corruption is just business as usual and hence normal/expected?

And pointing out possible corruption from the other side?

Hmmm....good luck with THAT!


No, as you already know, I meant that if Maddow is into destroying careers, she ought to be an equal-opportunity destroyer. Otherwise it looks like she's destroying with an agenda. That's just how it looks.

Agenda? She's never hidden the fact that she's a Liberal anymore than Hannity hid that he was a wingnut.

Didn't Right-Wing media cover Anthony Weiner 'gleefully'? Yes, I do believe they did. Same with Eliot Spitzer.

And on the same spirit of your chuckles, is THAT how you respond to finding out about Dianne Feinstein's improprieties that are identical, albeit a bit more ritzy, than the ones just pointed out about Christie's brother? $360 million? Is that how much Christie's brother's property near the port authority thing worth too? More? Less? Should we be more or less outraged about Feinstein's husband's "perks" of having a Senator for a wife?

Convince Darrell Issa to investigate.
Agenda? She's never hidden the fact that she's a Liberal anymore than Hannity hid that he was a wingnut.

There's a fallicy in your premise. "Liberal" is not and should not be synonymous with "rabidly pro gay agenda".. It's going to destroy the democratic platform. The votes we will lose because of it will topple all the other good and vastly more important issues than a cult and it's striving to get to be able to adopt kids without challenge [marriage]..
Agenda? She's never hidden the fact that she's a Liberal anymore than Hannity hid that he was a wingnut.

There's a fallicy in your premise. "Liberal" is not and should not be synonymous with "rabidly pro gay agenda".. It's going to destroy the democratic platform. The votes we will lose because of it will topple all the other good and vastly more important issues than a cult and it's striving to get to be able to adopt kids without challenge [marriage]..

Oh! This thread is all about your concern for the Democratic Party. Well, that's touching, and very sweet.

Thanks for the advice. We Liberals will take it under advisement. Bye-bye!
She's no more agenda-driven than anyone in the Right-Wing media.

Two wrongs don't make a right. She's been compared, fairly so, to Glenn Beck. That's not something I'd want on my resume'. Glenn Beck I noticed apologized for his divisiveness just a day or two ago. So, he's got one up on her in cred factor. Not that I'm saying he is sane at all. What he did was reprehensible. I think he and Sarah Palin were instrumental in egging on the twisted mind that shot Gabby Giffords. The madness has to stop some time.

This country doesn't have time for it. I'm a registered democrat BTW. Voted blue straight down the line for decades, when you were probably in diapers bro; or before you were born even?

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