Is racism even real anymore?

I believe that the problems that the ghetto Blacks have that are located in various parts of the country just comes down to a welfarian mentality/government idolatry. The ghetto Blacks(no self esteem) simply are FRIGHTENED to assimilate(cultish mentality) with their fellow Americans which dooms them from being able to learn from the various ethnic groups that comprise OUR American society.

Or rather that they refuse to learn. There are blacks who seem to feel that if they move up in the world, they are abandoning their brethren if they distance themselves from their former life. I live in a suburb where 75% of our population is black. I can't tell you how many stories I've read about a black who made it to our suburb and was killed in the inner-city. Why go back there? To maintain (what they consider) their blackness or street cred.

Then people wonder why the ghetto Blacks are functionally illiterate & low on gray matter?

There is no wonder there at all. It all boils down to single-parent homes which are pervasive in many black communities. Where I live, we had to make a law that if the police are called to a residence more than three times in a year, the home owner gets assessed charges for each police visit afterwards.

The reason for that is our police force cannot be surrogate fathers. Single black women who lose control over their kids at a certain age (especially males) often call our police for domestic conflicts. Our cops don't have the time for that.

Until the ghetto Blacks are literally moved out of the ghetto groupie lifestyle & forced to assimilate(become employed) with their fellow Americans the problems seen in the current Black Ghettos(now spilling over into unaffiliated areas of society) will continue on unabated.

No. Until we get rid of so-called fair housing laws, lowlife blacks will continue to invade otherwise good neighborhoods reinforcing the stereotype of blacks moving into an area as a problem. We no longer live in a time where people want to segregate by race, we live in a time where people want to segregate by class. When lower income people of any race move into a middle or upper-middle-class area, it's a huge problem. People of different races can live together in peace--people of different cultures can't.

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk. The good milk will not change the bad-the bad milk will ruin the good. Social engineering is a proven failure every time it's tried.
Ah yes, that's the solution: empower the criminal even more. How is that working out in Seattle, Portland, and even in your town of Chicago?

Wouldn't know, we haven't tried it. It took four years to put Jason van Dyke in prison when he was caught on tape shooting a helpless kid lying on the ground sixteen times. Now imagine if they had arrested him that day and put him on trial immediately, what a message that would have sent. Better yet, imagine if one of the other 20 times he got caught violating people's civil rights, he got fired.

Or to use another example, in Minneapolis, there were 2600 complaints against officers between 2012 and 2020. Of those, only 14 resulted in any disciplinary action, the worst punishment being a 40 hour suspension.

Kind of hard to expect people to "obey the law" when the people who enforce it aren't expected to.

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