Is Racism Over Yet?

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Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

I'm more successful than you will ever be and I say racism is the root cause of the problems blacks face. And can prove it. All you have is ad hominem
You're so successful that racism hasn't harmed your path to success. Thanks for clearing that up.

Not staying in school and studying hard is the main root cause of black failures.

No, white racism is the root cause. Idiot, I worked on issues in the black community. I had to build organizations because whites ones refused o hire me. Racism directly impacted me.
You're a failure and you blame it on whites. Which is part of the problem, because you haven't yet realized what the biggest part of your failure should really be attributed to, yourself.

Btw, I've never been hired by a black person in my entire life, YOU RACISTS!!! :biggrin:

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

I clicked the funny icon on this one. Too bad they don't offer us a stupid / disagree function. That girl in the video is dumber than a box of rocks.
Booker T. Washington’s prophecy was spot on. He said that there are those whose prosperity and livelihood depend the perpetuation of racism like a doctor depending on a disease remaining with a patient.

If the USA was so racist, you would have people leaving. Who leaves the USA because of racism? Who is leaving the USA at all? Also, you want to talk racism? Slavery is the ultimate form of racism. In 2018, where is that still being practiced? Africa...Asia....The Middle East....Latin America. Last I checked, these regions aren’t exactly bastions of white guts. All of these racist accusations against the White Man in 2018 Western Civilization. Where is the 2018 White Man practicing slavery?

The charge that the USA is racist is laughable. The USA has evolved in race relations more in 150 years than many cultures race relations have in thousands of years.
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.

Because that is not a fringe movement but the basis of national policy.
Booker T. Washington’s prophecy was spot on. He said that there are those whose prosperity and livelihood depend the perpetuation of racism like a doctor depending on a disease remaining with a patient.

If the USA was so racist, you would have people leaving. Who leaves the USA because of racism? Who is leaving the USA at all? Also, you want to talk racism? Slavery is the ultimate form of racism. In 2018, where is that still being practiced? Africa...Asia....The Middle East....Latin America. Last I checked, these regions aren’t exactly bastions of white guts. All of these racist accusations against the White Man in 2018 Western Civilization. Where is the 2018 White Man practicing slavery?

The charge that the USA is racist is laughable. The USA has evolved in race relations more in 150 years than many cultures race relations have in thousands of years.
Weren't you and your ilk screaming that "Obama made race relations worse!" for the previous 8 years?

Wha happen?!?!?

On a more serious note, why slavery the only metric you use to determine racism? Can you point out anyone complaining about slavery in modern-day America? Aren't there many other forms of racism?
Booker T. Washington’s prophecy was spot on. He said that there are those whose prosperity and livelihood depend the perpetuation of racism like a doctor depending on a disease remaining with a patient.

If the USA was so racist, you would have people leaving. Who leaves the USA because of racism? Who is leaving the USA at all? Also, you want to talk racism? Slavery is the ultimate form of racism. In 2018, where is that still being practiced? Africa...Asia....The Middle East....Latin America. Last I checked, these regions aren’t exactly bastions of white guts. All of these racist accusations against the White Man in 2018 Western Civilization. Where is the 2018 White Man practicing slavery?

The charge that the USA is racist is laughable. The USA has evolved in race relations more in 150 years than many cultures race relations have in thousands of years.
Weren't you and your ilk screaming that "Obama made race relations worse!" for the previous 8 years?

Wha happen?!?!?

On a more serious note, why slavery the only metric you use to determine racism? Can you point out anyone complaining about slavery in modern-day America? Aren't there many other forms of racism?

- racism is not the same as race relations
- I never said slavery was the only metric.... I said it was the most extreme metric.
- no one complains about slavery in Modern day America because it doesn’t exist in America relative to the other parts of the world.

The USA is constantly called out for being “racist” “oppressive” .... even by other countries and cultures that have racism and race relations that are far worse than the USA.

Booker T. Washington was right.
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.

Because that is not a fringe movement but the basis of national policy.

Terrible, but that is the world we live in.

We white racists start getting their way on policy, then they will become relevant, and I will address them more.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

I clicked the funny icon on this one. Too bad they don't offer us a stupid / disagree function. That girl in the video is dumber than a box of rocks.

I get it now. This is like boxing. Often times when I watch boxing a fighter will get hit with a really good punch that stings him, but will try to use reverse psychology by smiling to make his opponent think he is not

I have noted a pattern on this forum that when people are hit with a truth that really hurts.....they will hit the "Funny" emoji.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

Pure propaganda, designed by ignorant people for ignorant people. .

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

I thought this was well done. It was full of historical and current facts and gave a chronological account of everything that led up to our current state of division. The things that were done can not be denied and the results of those things have far reaching and long lasting negative effects.

I don't see any of these things as excuses, or whining, or not taking personal responsibility. I see them as the underlying reasons for many things that we deal with as a society today. I think we would do well to stop denying and start repairing.

It takes two to tango. However, the current racial divide is more the product of group think and group politics than anything else. The color of one's skin is no more a handicap than being ugly, disfigured, fat, or short. Those who sit around feeling sorry for their lot in life are destined to be losers.

You overcome handicaps by working harder, smarter, and longer than the pretty people. In the long run, that is the winning strategy.
Racism will always exist in the mind of someone determined to be a victim of it.

And racism will never exists to those who need it not to be true or without impact in order that they can castigate black people as naturally inferior to their own race.

Nonsense! This country, and the world, is full of people of all colors and ethnicity who have failed to prosper. The failures are the results of individual bad decisions and/or bad conduct. Groups do not fail, individuals do. Groups do not prosper, individuals do.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

Pure propaganda, designed by ignorant people for ignorant people. .

If someone posted that 5 + 5 was equal to 14....what would be your response? Don't worry....I will answer 4 you. You would respond to what was incorrect by demonstrating what is correct, not just characterizing their reasoning as ignorant.

People must not realize human nature and ego. If you know the right answer and you are debating with someone who says the wrong will salivate in anticipation of showing off the correct answer. That is human nature. Hence, if she is WRONG, why have not you itemized where she is wrong and provided the RIGHT answers? Let me answer that for you as well. YOU CANNOT REFUTE HER CLAIMS WITH DATA OR COUNTER FACTUAL!!!

Why don't you just click the FUNNY emoji like the other dissidents to truth? The truth hurts.
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Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.
Racism will always exist in the mind of someone determined to be a victim of it.

And racism will never exists to those who need it not to be true or without impact in order that they can castigate black people as naturally inferior to their own race.

Nonsense! This country, and the world, is full of people of all colors and ethnicity who have failed to prosper. The failures are the results of individual bad decisions and/or bad conduct. Groups do not fail, individuals do. Groups do not prosper, individuals do.

Nonsense! Neither law or policy is made specific for each individual.
So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

Facts are not excuses idiot. Black unemployment compared to white unemployment is the same as it was during jim crow, Explain that.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

No, it is white racism. And spare me that shit in your first sentence, it's the white boy out. You decided to add your little two cents so you aren't going to get out of this. You will look at the facts and explain.

Or shut up.
So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.
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