Is Racism Over Yet?

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Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

No, it is white racism. And spare me that shit in your first sentence, it's the white boy out. You decided to add your little two cents so you aren't going to get out of this. You will look at the facts and explain.

Or shut up.

The simple fact that you say something doesn't make it true. Crimes, drugs, sex, and aversion to acting white by dressing well, speaking well and learning well, has taken a toll on tens of thousands of young black people. Classes being disrupted and schools being vandalized, doesn't help either.

I was involved with the summer black youth work program for several years until the depot I worked at ended their involvement. Some of those kids wanted to do well, but the majority neither wanted to work, or wanted to obey work rules. They wanted the money, but were unwilling to put forth any effort to get it. They would show up without their safety shoes or safety glasses, and then get pissed when they got sent home. If you put them on a job and turned your back, they would be gone, and you would have to hunt them down. Not to forget that they would steal anything that wasn't nailed down.
Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

No the gripe is against the American government at the federal,state and local levels at a minimum. And you republicans really need to stop lying to yourselves. The republican party had the Lilly white movement which was aimed a denying blacks rights and representation. Jim crow was not relegated only to the south, it was in the north, and west too.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

Yeah man! You didn't get the memo? You're about 40 years late to the party! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

There was a slight hiccup with that Obama guy, but he's gone. Major party in about a year! :spinner:
There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

No the gripe is against the American government at the federal,state and local levels at a minimum. And you republicans really need to stop lying to yourselves. The republican party had the Lilly white movement which was aimed a denying blacks rights and representation. Jim crow was not relegated only to the south, it was in the north, and west too.
None in the "east" or did you forget that direction?
So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

No, it is white racism. And spare me that shit in your first sentence, it's the white boy out. You decided to add your little two cents so you aren't going to get out of this. You will look at the facts and explain.

Or shut up.

The simple fact that you say something doesn't make it true. Crimes, drugs, sex, and aversion to acting white by dressing well, speaking well and learning well, has taken a toll on tens of thousands of young black people. Classes being disrupted and schools being vandalized, doesn't help either.

I was involved with the summer black youth work program for several years until the depot I worked at ended their involvement. Some of those kids wanted to do well, but the majority neither wanted to work, or wanted to obey work rules. They wanted the money, but were unwilling to put forth any effort to get it. They would show up without their safety shoes or safety glasses, and then get pissed when they got sent home. If you put them on a job and turned your back, they would be gone, and you would have to hunt them down. Not to forget that they would steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

In this case it is. You tell the same old stupid story every white like you tells. You worked with some blacks, they did not want to work and they stole everything. If I had a dollar for all the times I heard that I'd be calling Warren Buffet a poor man. .I was in the summer work program as a kid. There is no summer black youth work program, there never was. Also I worked with blacks, and black youth for most of 32 years. The majority are nothing like you cote. I think I can say that' especially because I'm black and know this be true. Why you think that what your white ass says makes things true is beyond me, because it doesn't

So while you talk stupid about back kids disrupting schools and vandalizing, I guess those white kids doing those mass school shootings are not disrupting a thing. Yeah and I guess those white kids doing drugs in schools, having sex, dressing in grungy clothes who don't speak well or learn just don't exist..

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

Yeah man! You didn't get the memo? You're about 40 years late to the party! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

There was a slight hiccup with that Obama guy, but he's gone. Major party in about a year! :spinner:

Nah, I'm right on time. People like you and other whites here prove that every day.
There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

No the gripe is against the American government at the federal,state and local levels at a minimum. And you republicans really need to stop lying to yourselves. The republican party had the Lilly white movement which was aimed a denying blacks rights and representation. Jim crow was not relegated only to the south, it was in the north, and west too.
None in the "east" or did you forget that direction?

I counted that with the north. But the reality is Jim Crow was national.
Racism won’t be over until black people stop complaining.
Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

There are plenty alive, however, that were born into American Apartheid known as "Jim Crow". I guess you all are waiting for all of them to die off so you can then say....."There is not a black alive today who lived under Jim Crow".

You got a several decades to go before you can say that.....

I fully suspect that your children and grandchildren will still be spewing the same victim BS at that time. The people who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow had a legitimate right to complain and feel like victims. The rest of you are just using those issues as an excuse.

So what are you willing to do for the millions of people, still living, who were stunted by Jim Crow, since they have a legitimate gripe?

They have a legitimate gripe against the people and politicians who created and enforced Jim Crow. They should take up their complaint with the DNC, since it was the Democrat party that ran the South as their own fiefdom for decades. No one else. I only take responsibility for any ills that I may have inflicted on others.

The gripe is against the people (all the racist) and the politicians who created and facilitated the laws. Hence, the COUNTRY, should have never gave harbor to states and individuals oppressing people based upon their color. If the police are looking for a fugitive and you knowingly harbor that fugitive, knowing what they have committed, you are criminal as well.

The idea, also, that you are only liable for problems you created, has no precedent. Every citizen of this nation inherits every liability and asset of the nation, regardless of personal responsibility in the creation of the liability or asset. Would you argue that you are not due freedoms of this nation, which came about due to the past sacrifices of others, because you played no role in creating those freedom? I have not hear or read one white person complaining about inheriting many assets, such as freedom, of this nation, despite them playing no role in creating the freedom, but rather accepting and expecting it as a RIGHT of citizenship. Well, the rights are a package have to accept the liabilities as well as the assets, regardless of personal responsibility .

That having been said, changing laws did not change hearts and minds. Centuries of racial discrimination did not end because laws changed. Was being black in the south in 1955 really any different from being black in the south in 1965, in terms of economic opportunity and how they were treated by whites? Just because laws changed does not mean that people stopped being racist. Rather, racist just lost their legal backing. Hence, racial oppression has a mythical ending based upon the passage of civil rights laws. I mean, last time I checked crime was illegal......does that mean crime has ended because there are laws against it? Why would racial oppression end because of laws? It will not end until beliefs of white racial superiority over blacks.....end.
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Racism won’t be over until black people stop complaining.

No that only allows racism to continue. You've got it ass backwards. Besides blacks aren't the only ones complaining.
Racism won’t be over until black people stop complaining.

No that only allows racism to continue. You've got it ass backwards. Besides blacks aren't the only ones complaining.
Ya, but show some good will and be the first group to stop complaining.

When whites stop being racists we'll stop complaining. Lets start looking at things that way Taz because that's the solution, not what you say.
Racism won’t be over until black people stop complaining.

No that only allows racism to continue. You've got it ass backwards. Besides blacks aren't the only ones complaining.
Ya, but show some good will and be the first group to stop complaining.

When whites stop being racists we'll stop complaining. Lets start looking at things that way Taz because that's the solution, not what you say.
You have no good will towards whites but yet you want to dictate their conduct. Is the sun brown in your world? :biggrin:
Racism won’t be over until black people stop complaining.

No that only allows racism to continue. You've got it ass backwards. Besides blacks aren't the only ones complaining.
Ya, but show some good will and be the first group to stop complaining.

When whites stop being racists we'll stop complaining. Lets start looking at things that way Taz because that's the solution, not what you say.
You have no good will towards whites but yet you want to dictate their conduct. Is the sun brown in your world? :biggrin:

Good will is not accepting your racism. And opposing your racism doesn't imply any feelings I may have towards all whites. You are a racist and want to dictate the conduct of blacks. So you'd do yourself a huge favor if you read what you write and thought before you hit the post reply button.
Racism won’t be over until black people stop complaining.

No that only allows racism to continue. You've got it ass backwards. Besides blacks aren't the only ones complaining.
Ya, but show some good will and be the first group to stop complaining.

When whites stop being racists we'll stop complaining. Lets start looking at things that way Taz because that's the solution, not what you say.
Someone like you will find something racist wherever you look. Kind of like the boy(sorry) that cried wolf.
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

No, it is white racism. And spare me that shit in your first sentence, it's the white boy out. You decided to add your little two cents so you aren't going to get out of this. You will look at the facts and explain.

Or shut up.

The simple fact that you say something doesn't make it true. Crimes, drugs, sex, and aversion to acting white by dressing well, speaking well and learning well, has taken a toll on tens of thousands of young black people. Classes being disrupted and schools being vandalized, doesn't help either.

I was involved with the summer black youth work program for several years until the depot I worked at ended their involvement. Some of those kids wanted to do well, but the majority neither wanted to work, or wanted to obey work rules. They wanted the money, but were unwilling to put forth any effort to get it. They would show up without their safety shoes or safety glasses, and then get pissed when they got sent home. If you put them on a job and turned your back, they would be gone, and you would have to hunt them down. Not to forget that they would steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

In this case it is. You tell the same old stupid story every white like you tells. You worked with some blacks, they did not want to work and they stole everything. If I had a dollar for all the times I heard that I'd be calling Warren Buffet a poor man. .I was in the summer work program as a kid. There is no summer black youth work program, there never was. Also I worked with blacks, and black youth for most of 32 years. The majority are nothing like you cote. I think I can say that' especially because I'm black and know this be true. Why you think that what your white ass says makes things true is beyond me, because it doesn't

So while you talk stupid about back kids disrupting schools and vandalizing, I guess those white kids doing those mass school shootings are not disrupting a thing. Yeah and I guess those white kids doing drugs in schools, having sex, dressing in grungy clothes who don't speak well or learn just don't exist..

You continually build straw men and then fail to shoot them down. It appears that all you want to do is vent your spleen. You are not a solution to the problem, you are a large part of the problem. The fact that you are black doesn't mean a hill of beans, to anyone but you.

There is a summer black work program because everyone in it was black. If there were any white, Hispanic, or Asian youths in the program, they had them well hidden. We ended our participation in the program after three summers. The program was a scam on the taxpayers.

A majority of public schools in the USA today are failures, and that goes double in predominately black schools. If you cannot see that, then you are not looking.

Before you run your mouth about how others stink, you should check your own shirt collar. The stench may be closer than you think.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

Didn't we elected that dark fella?
The first post-racial President.......did he make things better or worse?
Racism won’t be over until black people stop complaining.

No that only allows racism to continue. You've got it ass backwards. Besides blacks aren't the only ones complaining.
Ya, but show some good will and be the first group to stop complaining.

When whites stop being racists we'll stop complaining. Lets start looking at things that way Taz because that's the solution, not what you say.
Someone like you will find something racist wherever you look. Kind of like the boy(sorry) that cried wolf.

Despite your finest lunatic beliefs, we don't go around looking to find racism. For you to beleive something as stupid as that disqualifies you from serious discussion.
Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.

There isn't a black person alive today that was enslaved. You started out in life, ignorant and poor, just like most of the rest of us What you made of your life is mostly what you put into it.

The largest obstacles to individual black success are other blacks who turn neighborhoods into shitholes of crime and despair.

No, it is white racism. And spare me that shit in your first sentence, it's the white boy out. You decided to add your little two cents so you aren't going to get out of this. You will look at the facts and explain.

Or shut up.

The simple fact that you say something doesn't make it true. Crimes, drugs, sex, and aversion to acting white by dressing well, speaking well and learning well, has taken a toll on tens of thousands of young black people. Classes being disrupted and schools being vandalized, doesn't help either.

I was involved with the summer black youth work program for several years until the depot I worked at ended their involvement. Some of those kids wanted to do well, but the majority neither wanted to work, or wanted to obey work rules. They wanted the money, but were unwilling to put forth any effort to get it. They would show up without their safety shoes or safety glasses, and then get pissed when they got sent home. If you put them on a job and turned your back, they would be gone, and you would have to hunt them down. Not to forget that they would steal anything that wasn't nailed down.

In this case it is. You tell the same old stupid story every white like you tells. You worked with some blacks, they did not want to work and they stole everything. If I had a dollar for all the times I heard that I'd be calling Warren Buffet a poor man. .I was in the summer work program as a kid. There is no summer black youth work program, there never was. Also I worked with blacks, and black youth for most of 32 years. The majority are nothing like you cote. I think I can say that' especially because I'm black and know this be true. Why you think that what your white ass says makes things true is beyond me, because it doesn't

So while you talk stupid about back kids disrupting schools and vandalizing, I guess those white kids doing those mass school shootings are not disrupting a thing. Yeah and I guess those white kids doing drugs in schools, having sex, dressing in grungy clothes who don't speak well or learn just don't exist..

You continually build straw men and then fail to shoot them down. It appears that all you want to do is vent your spleen. You are not a solution to the problem, you are a large part of the problem. The fact that you are black doesn't mean a hill of beans, to anyone but you.

There is a summer black work program because everyone in it was black. If there were any white, Hispanic, or Asian youths in the program, they had them well hidden. We ended our participation in the program after three summers. The program was a scam on the taxpayers.

A majority of public schools in the USA today are failures, and that goes double in predominately black schools. If you cannot see that, then you are not looking.

Before you run your mouth about how others stink, you should check your own shirt collar. The stench may be closer than you think.

There was no summer black work program dumb ass. There may have ben a summer work program where all the participants were black in a specific area, but there has never been a black summer wok program. I don't think the majority of pubic schools are failures and I will say unequal funding based on property values have hurt black or inner city schools.. Maybe before you run YOUR mouth you need to study the facts. You are the problem and othrers like you. And yes, me being black having lived as such supersedes your opinion of blacks. I've built no straw men and I can show studies, legal cases and pubic policy hat supports my opinion. You cannot do the same.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

Didn't we elected that dark fella?
The first post-racial President.......did he make things better or worse?

We have yet to elect a post racial president.
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