Is Racism Over Yet?

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White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.


You really shouldn't give awards to yourself. That's a sign of a psychological problem. So when are we going to see this national policy of racial discrimination against whites?

Your stonewalling on the documented evidence I have repeatedly shown you, is you supporting actually racist policies.

You are the racist asshole here.

You have shown no documented evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. That's because it des not exist.
Affirmative Action.


And associated laws, programs, fears of lawsuits, ect.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

There won't be a reasonable discussion because you're an irrational crackpot who doesn't recognize your own bigotry and hatred towards others while you accuse everyone around you of it. Every thread you start is chock full of accusations and finger pointing at everyone but yourself. You're not going to have a reason discussion when all you do is attack, attack, attack. You don't want a reasoned discussion anyway. What you want is for everyone to bow at your feet and completely agree with you. That's your idea of a reasoned discussion.
Wait a minute Spruce. Where was the attack in this thread? Please point it out.

I heard a conservative guy on the radio talking about blacks having a victim mentality. Then about a week later the same guy was talking about immigration and trying to argue that blacks should be the main ones against it because many are taking jobs from blacks. Ergo, the same guy that claimed blacks have a victim mentality then argued that blacks were the biggest victims of immigration Besides that obvious contradiction, you have people saying that blacks have a victim mentality while at the same time arguing that blacks are being victimized and used by the democratic

You cannot make this stuff up......Obviously white privilege allows whites to be the arbiter of when a group has fallen victim.
It's what they do. You point out historic facts, they don't like it, then immediately jump into these uber racist screeds about how you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps and value education, then you wouldn't be such a loser. Not knowing a blessed thing about you, where you live, what you do for work or how many degrees you have.

They are very shemotional creatures.

So calling you a fucking lazy n1gger isn't racist?
When asked a simple and direct question that will refute their weak arguments, the subject will immediately lash out in harsh anger at the one to pose the question.
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.
And what you perceive as racist carries more weight?
Conservatives don’t know how to talk about race from their own side of the argument. They still live in the 50s when race was a very minor thing in terms of national policy, so they simply try to use race as something to their political advantage when it comes up...while talking about it as little as possible.

That doesn’t dismiss that side of the argument though.
Why do you think "race" was a minor thing in terms of policy in the 50's?
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Conservatives don’t know how to talk about race from their own side of the argument. They still live in the 50s when race was a very minor thing in terms of national policy, so they simply try to use race as something to their political advantage when it comes up...while talking about it as little as possible.

That doesn’t dismiss that side of the argument though.
Why do you think "race" was a minor thing in terms of policy in the 50's?
Because non-whites were a negligibly small portion of the population.....
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.
And what you perceive as racist carries more weight?

Since it's not a perception yes, it does.
All those groups except Chinese are whites. And are the Chinese doing well? And where are blacks failing? 93 percent if us are employed. We are saying that we could have 96-97 percent employment if not for racism. 76 percent of us do not live in poverty. We are saying that 90-95 percent would not live in poverty if not for racism. We have an economy that puts almost 2 trillion dollars every year into the American system and we say that we could double or even triple that if not for white racism.We are saying that some of our larger city communities have long term structural damage that needs to be fixed but because of racism it doesn't happen. We are saying that redlining that created an artificial value on property depending upon race lowered property values in our communities leading to fewer dollars for education. These things are real, none of those other groups have spent the last century battling these issues. You ask dumb ass questions because you think your reason must be the way things are but your reasons are like a blind man in a dark closet, looking or a black cat that's not there.
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Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

I'm more successful than you will ever be and I say racism is the root cause of the problems blacks face. And can prove it. All you have is ad hominem
You're so successful that racism hasn't harmed your path to success. Thanks for clearing that up.

Not staying in school and studying hard is the main root cause of black failures.

No, white racism is the root cause. Idiot, I worked on issues in the black community. I had to build organizations because whites ones refused o hire me. Racism directly impacted me.
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.
And what you perceive as racist carries more weight?

Since it's not a perception yes, it does.
How the fuck would you know?
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.
And what you perceive as racist carries more weight?

Since it's not a perception yes, it does.
How the fuck would you know?

Real simple. I have experienced it.
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.
And what you perceive as racist carries more weight?

Since it's not a perception yes, it does.
How the fuck would you know?

Real simple. I have experienced it.
And what you perceive as racist carries more weight?
I asked a question, wasn't to you,
but since you ran up in here caping
for him like some kinda Captain Save-a-Ho,
care to answer the question then Spruce?

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I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
I'm curious to know what rationale you use to justify you're seeming necessity to respond to what you perceive as racist blacks.

Because that is not a fringe movement but the basis of national policy.
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