Is Racism Over Yet?

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Blah blah blah, black privilege nonsense.

First your piece of shit article says that “reverse racism”(a made up term created by assholes who deny that racism against white people exists)doesn’t exist without any sort of proof, and then it simply disputes that white people face the same level of discrimination as non-whites without any proof, and then it goes off into Canada and doesn’t even specify whether it is even talking about white people anymore.
Name me negative things that black people can do white people were they would not be be heavily punished ?
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

Racism isn't over because whites like you still practice it.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

Racism isn't over because whites like you still practice it.
Here's a question, how can I be a practising racist if I don't even know any black people and have zero interaction with them, ever?
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

Racism isn't over because whites like you still practice it.
Here's a question, how can I be a practising racist if I don't even know any black people and have zero interaction with them, ever?

Review what you have said in all your posts, recognize it displays a belief of white racial superiority and then understand that is what racism is.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

You do not have to say that the light is OFF, directly, all you have to do is say that the argument that it is ON.... is BS. As long as you are not saying its OFF, you fool yourself into believing that you are better person than you actually are.
Blah blah blah, black privilege nonsense.

First your piece of shit article says that “reverse racism”(a made up term created by assholes who deny that racism against white people exists)doesn’t exist without any sort of proof, and then it simply disputes that white people face the same level of discrimination as non-whites without any proof, and then it goes off into Canada and doesn’t even specify whether it is even talking about white people anymore.
Name me negative things that black people can do white people were they would not be be heavily punished ?

he can't. All he can do is post up his nonsense here where he won't be pressured to show evidence by the whites here and when we ask him for evidence he won't respond with any as there is none but he knows we will get trolled by the other racists.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

You do not have to say that the light is OFF, directly, all you have to do is say the argument that it is ON.... is BS. As long as you are not saying its OFF, you fool yourself into believing that you are better person than you actually are.

I doubt if Taz understood what you just said.
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.
If you don't think that slavery was good to you personally, then why aren't you back in Africa?
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.
If you don't think that slavery was good to you personally, then why aren't you back in Africa?

Because I was born here. Yet you are just that stupid to believe that is not a racist comment. Slavery was god to me, but then when I start telling you how your white ass benefitted from slavery I was never a slave. You are a dumb fuck.
Here's a question, how can I be a practising racist if I don't even know any black people and have zero interaction with them, ever?
White supremacy is carried out in thought, speech and actions.

You're one of those white people who acts racist when required.

Why ? Because you dont want to become an outcast among whites, particularly the whites in your family or at school or work, particularly your own parents.

What you say is no surprise if you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks. Whites in Russia they will come forth with many of negative stereotypes about blk people.

Where are they getting it from ?

The global system of white supremacy.

And it's easy for whites to not live near blk ppl. Because whites have a system where they can avoid black people with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets and that system is what you support in either, thought, speech and actions
Is Racism Over Yet?

Racism isn't over because Black people can't let it go.

So you are saying that you will continue to be a racist as long as blacks don't let go of the fact that you are racist? What came first....the chicken or the egg?
I haven't said anything racist, just confronted a lot of bullshit. And just because I'm white doesn't make me a racist, contrary to what all the bumberclydes here think. :biggrin:

Yeah like blacks should be glad to have been enslaved, that's not racist oh no.Virtually ever word you have posted is racist. Just because a person is white doesn't make them racist. The fact YOU are a white with racist beliefs does.
If you don't think that slavery was good to you personally, then why aren't you back in Africa?

Because I was born here. Yet you are just that stupid to believe that is not a racist comment. Slavery was god to me, but then when I start telling you how your white ass benefitted from slavery I was never a slave. You are a dumb fuck.
Exactly! So slavery has been good to you. Thanks for clearing that up.
Here's a question, how can I be a practising racist if I don't even know any black people and have zero interaction with them, ever?
White supremacy is carried out in thought, speech and actions.

You're one of those white people who acts racist when required.

Why ? Because you dont want to become an outcast among whites, particularly the whites in your family or at school or work, particularly your own parents.

What you say is no surprise if you talk to white folks who have never even been around black folks. Whites in Russia they will come forth with many of negative stereotypes about blk people.

Where are they getting it from ?

The global system of white supremacy.

And it's easy for whites to not live near blk ppl. Because whites have a system where they can avoid black people with the help of mortgage discrimination, redlining, zoning laws and so-called “market forces” pricing many blacks out of the better housing markets and that system is what you support in either, thought, speech and actions
"Because you dont want to become an outcast among whites". What century is this? :lmao:

Where do you get this copy&paste nonsense, it's funny. :biggrin:
The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.

Of course Black racism exists, and you are proof of that.
The actual root cause of your failure in life is your shitty attitude. Stop all your hostility, start valuing education, develop a healthy work attitude and you will succeed. Keep that crutch of blaming whitey for the fact you are a worthless piece of shit and you won't.

It's really your own choice just as it is anybody else's.

Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?
In the book “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” by Dr. Joy Degruy she has a section titled “Planning to Fail.” She writes:

“It is not surprising, after decades of being depicted as ineffectual and inferior, that some might begin to believe that failure is inevitable. It is this expectation of failure that stops many youth from seeking college educations. It is the same expectation that can stop hard working adults from seeking promotions and advancing their careers. I can remember being told by my high school counselor that I was not “college material.”

She then goes on to tell the story of a girl named Katrice, who completed her undergraduate education and became a math teacher:

“She was one of the fortunate ones who stopped believing that failure was inevitable and acceptable. Unfortunately, there are numerous black youth that continue to believe that they are destined to fail, that success is reserved for those other than themselves, and that they lack what it takes to make it in life. Being told that you are inferior for hundreds of years can have lasting psychic impacts, impacts that get passed from parent to child, to grandchild, to great grandchild. We know family traditions get passed down through generations. Fortunately, for Katrice, she was eventually able to translate the strengths of her mother in to meaningful achievement.”

I personally believe the fact there are successful black individuals does not prove there were no major racist obstacles in their way. Instead, I believe that it proves they are incredibly strong and resilient. They are able to overcome whatever obstacles they face. I admire them.

What about other groups which were deemed inferior, which are doing quite well including Jews, Chinese, Italians, Irish Catholics, Poles etc.?

All those groups except Chinese are whites. And are the Chinese doing well? And where are blacks failing? 93 percent if us are employed. We are saying that we could have 96-97 percent employment if not for racism. 76 percent of us do not live in poverty. We are saying that 90-95 percent would not live in poverty if not for racism. We have an economy that puts almost 2 trillion dollars every year into the American system and we say that we could double or even triple that if not for white racism.We are saying that some of our larger city communities have long term structural damage that needs to be fixed but because of racism it doesn't happen. We are saying that redlining that created an artificial value on property depending upon race lowered property values in our communities leading to fewer dollars for education. These things are real, none of those other groups have spent the last century battling these issues. You ask dumb ass questions because you think your reason must be the way things are but your reasons are like a blind man in a dark closet, looking or a black cat that's not there.

What anti-Chinese stereotype is the same as dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or Italian Jersey Shore stereotypes?

You seem to think that Whites are singular organism, a lot of Whites don't like each other, that is the fault in your analysis.

Keep in mind, the groups I listed like Jews, Chinese, Poles, and Italians all started off in poor neighborhoods overwhelmingly in the U.S.A, with poor education, and subjected to discrimination.
And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.

Of course Black racism exists, and you are proof of that.

You just don't get to keep calling me a racist without showing proof. Threfore since you never have, I'm not a racist and you only say that hoping to derail a debate you aren't winning.
Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?
In the book “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” by Dr. Joy Degruy she has a section titled “Planning to Fail.” She writes:

“It is not surprising, after decades of being depicted as ineffectual and inferior, that some might begin to believe that failure is inevitable. It is this expectation of failure that stops many youth from seeking college educations. It is the same expectation that can stop hard working adults from seeking promotions and advancing their careers. I can remember being told by my high school counselor that I was not “college material.”

She then goes on to tell the story of a girl named Katrice, who completed her undergraduate education and became a math teacher:

“She was one of the fortunate ones who stopped believing that failure was inevitable and acceptable. Unfortunately, there are numerous black youth that continue to believe that they are destined to fail, that success is reserved for those other than themselves, and that they lack what it takes to make it in life. Being told that you are inferior for hundreds of years can have lasting psychic impacts, impacts that get passed from parent to child, to grandchild, to great grandchild. We know family traditions get passed down through generations. Fortunately, for Katrice, she was eventually able to translate the strengths of her mother in to meaningful achievement.”

I personally believe the fact there are successful black individuals does not prove there were no major racist obstacles in their way. Instead, I believe that it proves they are incredibly strong and resilient. They are able to overcome whatever obstacles they face. I admire them.

What about other groups which were deemed inferior, which are doing quite well including Jews, Chinese, Italians, Irish Catholics, Poles etc.?

All those groups except Chinese are whites. And are the Chinese doing well? And where are blacks failing? 93 percent if us are employed. We are saying that we could have 96-97 percent employment if not for racism. 76 percent of us do not live in poverty. We are saying that 90-95 percent would not live in poverty if not for racism. We have an economy that puts almost 2 trillion dollars every year into the American system and we say that we could double or even triple that if not for white racism.We are saying that some of our larger city communities have long term structural damage that needs to be fixed but because of racism it doesn't happen. We are saying that redlining that created an artificial value on property depending upon race lowered property values in our communities leading to fewer dollars for education. These things are real, none of those other groups have spent the last century battling these issues. You ask dumb ass questions because you think your reason must be the way things are but your reasons are like a blind man in a dark closet, looking or a black cat that's not there.

What anti-Chinese stereotype is the same as dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or Italian Jersey Shore stereotypes?

You seem to think that Whites are singular organism, a lot of Whites don't like each other, that is the fault in your analysis.

Keep in mind, the groups I listed like Jews, Chinese, Poles, and Italians all started off in poor neighborhoods overwhelmingly in the U.S.A, with poor education, and subjected to discrimination.

So why weren't they fighting for voting rights and civil rights in the 60's with us. With the exception of Chinese none of these people did that. So your feeble attempt at another false equivalence shows how deep the psychosis is that exists within you.
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