Is Racism Over Yet?

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You are getting closer. A white person who thinks their race is superior to another race, in your example. However, a racist can be of any race if they feel there race is superior and the reason that there race does better than another race is due to race.
What about a white person who thinks were all equal but calls you a n1gger?

That is not uncommon among the youth today. I unfortunately hear young whites and blacks using the N word to each other and thinking nothing of it. Many young whites want to use the word because its popular for blacks to use it and they hear it in rap...... but when blacks use it towards each other is obviously a distinction without a difference. When a white person uses it.....there is a risk. The pattern of your history will tell whether you get a pass or not. But as a general are best not saying it.
Man, either you're faking it or you're a fool. A white person calling blacks "n1ggers" is making a racist statement. Now you know. Now move along, they need some n1ggers in the other threads, if that's ok with you. :biggrin:

I am just answering your question honestly. I white person who truly believes we are equal, would not call me a N!gger in malice, I do not believe. That person may be mad at me personally and want to use a word that would hurt me personally, but that does not necessarily make the person a racist if that person truly believes we are equal. Racism is about beliefs that outcomes are linked to racial genetics and that is why you do not get why you are racist. You obviously think that racism is simply using racial epithets.
That's just plain absurd. Any white who calls a black person a n1gger for ANY reason is a racist, otherwise they wouldn't call you that. Pretty simple concept really, just ask IM2.

What you say is probably correct 99.99% of the time.....but that means that no person using the word truly believes that we are equal. That having been said, such does not imply that one who never uses the N word cannot be racist.
Not at all, you blacks are the most violent, victim mentality racists of all time. You're the ones obsessed with the subject of race, with your permanent self-pitying jealousy of whites, knowing you'll never have the brains we do. The chips on black shoulders will deservedly cause them to have a miserable, unhappy life.
Not at all, you blacks are the most violent, victim mentality racists of all time. You're the ones obsessed with the subject of race, with your permanent self-pitying jealousy of whites, knowing you'll never have the brains we do. The chips on black shoulders will deservedly cause them to have a miserable, unhappy life.

Well....all I can say is that the whites on this forum must be living vicariously through the achievements and intellectual prowess of those superior brained whites of which you speak, for you certainly are not exemplifying intellectual superiority over any black persons posting. Maybe the whites on this forum represent a sampling error and not a microcosm of the "white race".

I have yet to read a cogent argument from a white person who dissents against the claim of white racism. If you are going to argue that whites are the very least you should be able to demonstrate it yourself. I am not saying that I am the sharpest knife in the drawer... but most of you are spoons intellectually.
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Not at all, you blacks are the most violent, victim mentality racists of all time. You're the ones obsessed with the subject of race, with your permanent self-pitying jealousy of whites, knowing you'll never have the brains we do. The chips on black shoulders will deservedly cause them to have a miserable, unhappy life.

More white psychosis.
You are getting closer. A white person who thinks their race is superior to another race, in your example. However, a racist can be of any race if they feel there race is superior and the reason that there race does better than another race is due to race.
What about a white person who thinks were all equal but calls you a n1gger?

That is not uncommon among the youth today. I unfortunately hear young whites and blacks using the N word to each other and thinking nothing of it. Many young whites want to use the word because its popular for blacks to use it and they hear it in rap...... but when blacks use it towards each other is obviously a distinction without a difference. When a white person uses it.....there is a risk. The pattern of your history will tell whether you get a pass or not. But as a general are best not saying it.
Man, either you're faking it or you're a fool. A white person calling blacks "n1ggers" is making a racist statement. Now you know. Now move along, they need some n1ggers in the other threads, if that's ok with you. :biggrin:

I am just answering your question honestly. I white person who truly believes we are equal, would not call me a N!gger in malice, I do not believe. That person may be mad at me personally and want to use a word that would hurt me personally, but that does not necessarily make the person a racist if that person truly believes we are equal. Racism is about beliefs that outcomes are linked to racial genetics and that is why you do not get why you are racist. You obviously think that racism is simply using racial epithets.
That's just plain absurd. Any white who calls a black person a n1gger for ANY reason is a racist, otherwise they wouldn't call you that. Pretty simple concept really, just ask IM2.

That's what I said. .And I stand by it.
Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?

The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.
Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?

The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.


You just spit in the face of generations of liberals who fought and in some cases died for you and your bullshit.


I hope that somewhere, the dead ones heard you and know that they wasted their lives.

Stupid libs.
I see you have no ability to accept people or the world as it really is...too bad...

I do accept things as they are. You are the one who can't.
I not only accept people for who they are I prefer it....without any of your "race" hangups....Free yourself from your victim mentality consciousness..Life is a lot more fun...I also know that within each society is a social status determined by income...Blacks do it to blacks and other races and so do whites, in fact all humans do it..Duh...even animals....

I heard a conservative guy on the radio talking about blacks having a victim mentality. Then about a week later the same guy was talking about immigration and trying to argue that blacks should be the main ones against it because many are taking jobs from blacks. Ergo, the same guy that claimed blacks have a victim mentality then argued that blacks were the biggest victims of immigration Besides that obvious contradiction, you have people saying that blacks have a victim mentality while at the same time arguing that blacks are being victimized and used by the democratic

You cannot make this stuff up......Obviously white privilege allows whites to be the arbiter of when a group has fallen victim.
you aren't smart enough to understand the difference between 'victim mentality' and 'victim'.

you are, however, dumb enough to make me laugh.

Says the person who does not accept the official definition of Racism. Besides, being white means YOU, and only YOU ALL, get to decide the difference from actually being victims and having a victim mentality. Its not hard to figure out how you come to that conclusion. Anything that points the finger at whites is considered a victim mentality.....if it points the finger somewhere else......then you are an actual victim.
look, junior, you have no idea my definition of racism, so your post is based on lies.

but thanks for the laughs, keep it up
IM2, that is a great question.
A racist puts their race above their religion and their nationality.
A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious.
Racist have race based political organizations, race based student organizations and race based employee organization.
Racist do not accept that America is sovereign country with borders and immigration laws.
Racist demand racial discrimination in employment and college admissions.
Racist are against protecting everyone's Right to Vote with common sense Voter ID laws.
When will the racism end?

The problem with all that is that it ignores the fact that the dictionary HAS ALREADY DEFINED THE TERM!!!

What is white privilege? Your post is a case study. Its exemplified when a white person, and only a white (or an apologist of white people) person, feel that they can usurp or hijack an the official definition of a term/word in the English language.....TO THE BENEFIT OF WHITES.

Don't ever ask what white privilege is again....or act like it does not exist.

the definition of racism

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement,usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I think that I nailed it, and you might fall under "A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious."

Only white privilege makes you think you nailed it. If a black person deviates in any way from how things are defined......its jumped on as a sign of our lack of intelligence, and used to try to discredit everything we said. Yet, you all can come on here and ignore the rules of language.....that words have official meaning.....while we use the official meaning.......and you say you are the smart ones....and you don't feel in anyway discredit? friends, is white privilege.
The fact that you are even allowed to have a professional career being as demonstrably stupid as you clearly are on here is clear cut evidence of black privilege.

You actually think the dictionary is some evil tool we use to oppress you and you therefore have some kind of permission to create your own definitions to fit your narrative.

Hey Funk and Wagnall. I'm not 100% white...So play your blame game somewhere it will do some good for you...Like a fellow cryers forum...

Anyone can say thy aren't white. But you repeat the same shit as white racists. If you aren't white you face the same racism. So you go to the criers forum and I'll keep posting the truth.
I see you have no ability to accept people or the world as it really is...too bad...

I do accept things as they are. You are the one who can't.
I not only accept people for who they are I prefer it....without any of your "race" hangups....Free yourself from your victim mentality consciousness..Life is a lot more fun...I also know that within each society is a social status determined by income...Blacks do it to blacks and other races and so do whites, in fact all humans do it..Duh...even animals....

I heard a conservative guy on the radio talking about blacks having a victim mentality. Then about a week later the same guy was talking about immigration and trying to argue that blacks should be the main ones against it because many are taking jobs from blacks. Ergo, the same guy that claimed blacks have a victim mentality then argued that blacks were the biggest victims of immigration Besides that obvious contradiction, you have people saying that blacks have a victim mentality while at the same time arguing that blacks are being victimized and used by the democratic

You cannot make this stuff up......Obviously white privilege allows whites to be the arbiter of when a group has fallen victim.
Conservatives don’t know how to talk about race from their own side of the argument. They still live in the 50s when race was a very minor thing in terms of national policy, so they simply try to use race as something to their political advantage when it comes up...while talking about it as little as possible.

That doesn’t dismiss that side of the argument though.
Please note that characterizing a person's debate, motive or points IS NOT refutation. Sympathetic/Pathetic does not equal WRONG. Teen boppers does not equate to being wrong. Then you say the other person is incapable of intellectual debate, while personally not demonstrating intellectual debate your own self.

A debate consists of an entity making an assertion, giving their reasoning and providing evidence for their conclusion. All that was done by your opposition. For you to respond intellectually would mean you offer a refutation of their assertion by dismantling their reasoning and evidence with counter reasoning and evidence, of which you presented none.

The thing about counter reasoning is that the only counter reasoning is that blacks are inferior, which fits the official definition of racism. However, of course you have your own definition of racism that is self serving.....because as a white person you have the privilege of not being bound by official definitions when they do not serve your interest.
No one is more aware of real debate than me.
I am entitled to point out HIS source is a 20 yr old Bopper youtube, NOT even material; for debate.
If he wishes to Excerpt it's main points, I would be glad to Pork him always do.. as I do you.

In fact, my post immediately preceding that (Sunday) was typical of my posts,
11 Inventions that changed history
Refuting YOU point by Point, and Shutting you the **** up.
Tho, as always, the 12 year old Troll IM2 posted his usual empty hostility in 'reply'.

He is, again, Incapabable of any debate. He's just a mouthy child who posts hostility and boobtubes.

Actually my source is not a 20 year old bopper but what that so called bopper stated were actual laws and polices.

Your opposition to this is based on the person you saw and not the things she mentioned. .Had this so called teeny bopper stated what you have chosen to believe you would not be here making an ass out of yourself.

You see idiot the presenter, Laci Green, is a 28 year old educator with a degree from the University of California. I'm a 56 year old college degreed man with 32 years of work on issues affecting non whites and low to moderate income people of all races. YOU are the one who cannot debate. And you most certainly don't want to try me.
Laci Green has also changed since she made that video.
Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real

According to a survey released last year 52 percent of white Americans said they believe discrimination against them is on par with discrimination faced by black people and other minorities. In Canada, a poll taken in 2014 showed that most Canadians don't think they're racist—84 percent claim they have friends of different racial backgrounds—but 32 percent make occasional racist comments, and 27 percent agree with racial stereotypes. Those ideas are at odds with each other, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the basic concept of racism.

Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real
Blah blah blah, black privilege nonsense.

First your piece of shit article says that “reverse racism”(a made up term created by assholes who deny that racism against white people exists)doesn’t exist without any sort of proof, and then it simply disputes that white people face the same level of discrimination as non-whites without any proof, and then it goes off into Canada and doesn’t even specify whether it is even talking about white people anymore.
If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?

The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.
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IM2, that is a great question.
A racist puts their race above their religion and their nationality.
A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious.
Racist have race based political organizations, race based student organizations and race based employee organization.
Racist do not accept that America is sovereign country with borders and immigration laws.
Racist demand racial discrimination in employment and college admissions.
Racist are against protecting everyone's Right to Vote with common sense Voter ID laws.
When will the racism end?

The problem with all that is that it ignores the fact that the dictionary HAS ALREADY DEFINED THE TERM!!!

What is white privilege? Your post is a case study. Its exemplified when a white person, and only a white (or an apologist of white people) person, feel that they can usurp or hijack an the official definition of a term/word in the English language.....TO THE BENEFIT OF WHITES.

Don't ever ask what white privilege is again....or act like it does not exist.

the definition of racism

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement,usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I think that I nailed it, and you might fall under "A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious."

Only white privilege makes you think you nailed it. If a black person deviates in any way from how things are defined......its jumped on as a sign of our lack of intelligence, and used to try to discredit everything we said. Yet, you all can come on here and ignore the rules of language.....that words have official meaning.....while we use the official meaning.......and you say you are the smart ones....and you don't feel in anyway discredit? friends, is white privilege.
The fact that you are even allowed to have a professional career being as demonstrably stupid as you clearly are on here is clear cut evidence of black privilege.

You actually think the dictionary is some evil tool we use to oppress you and you therefore have some kind of permission to create your own definitions to fit your narrative.


Obviously I have struck a nerve with you. I may be demonstrably stupid, but what is clear is that I present an assertion/claim, I present my reasoning, I present the evidence and I present my conclusion. In refutation I get called stupid, which I am willing to accept because that means on a relative scale you all are stupider.
You children are funny. That's ALL you do is look for racism.

Have you ever considered growing up a little and start taking some responsibility in life?

Finding the root cause of problems IS taking responsibility.

The actual root cause of your failure in life is your shitty attitude. Stop all your hostility, start valuing education, develop a healthy work attitude and you will succeed. Keep that crutch of blaming whitey for the fact you are a worthless piece of shit and you won't.

It's really your own choice just as it is anybody else's.

Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?
In the book “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” by Dr. Joy Degruy she has a section titled “Planning to Fail.” She writes:

“It is not surprising, after decades of being depicted as ineffectual and inferior, that some might begin to believe that failure is inevitable. It is this expectation of failure that stops many youth from seeking college educations. It is the same expectation that can stop hard working adults from seeking promotions and advancing their careers. I can remember being told by my high school counselor that I was not “college material.”

She then goes on to tell the story of a girl named Katrice, who completed her undergraduate education and became a math teacher:

“She was one of the fortunate ones who stopped believing that failure was inevitable and acceptable. Unfortunately, there are numerous black youth that continue to believe that they are destined to fail, that success is reserved for those other than themselves, and that they lack what it takes to make it in life. Being told that you are inferior for hundreds of years can have lasting psychic impacts, impacts that get passed from parent to child, to grandchild, to great grandchild. We know family traditions get passed down through generations. Fortunately, for Katrice, she was eventually able to translate the strengths of her mother in to meaningful achievement.”

I personally believe the fact there are successful black individuals does not prove there were no major racist obstacles in their way. Instead, I believe that it proves they are incredibly strong and resilient. They are able to overcome whatever obstacles they face. I admire them.

What about other groups which were deemed inferior, which are doing quite well including Jews, Chinese, Italians, Irish Catholics, Poles etc.?
The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.
Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

Equal oppression/discrimination, in degree and or kind, produces equal results. If two oppressed groups are not equal, assuming the groups are inherently equal, they were not oppressed in degree or kind equally. cannot create an inequality from an equality unless what is being compared is acted upon differently in degree or kind. Thus, if two group are unequal in the same venue, and have existed in the same venue for a long period of time, then either the groups are inherently unequal or were acted upon differently in the venue, resulting in the outcome of inequality. If the "groups" are racist, its racism to believe the former, that the groups are inherently unequal to begin with.

I am not trying to change your opinion, but just pointing out your racism.
Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.
Finding the root cause of problems IS taking responsibility.

The actual root cause of your failure in life is your shitty attitude. Stop all your hostility, start valuing education, develop a healthy work attitude and you will succeed. Keep that crutch of blaming whitey for the fact you are a worthless piece of shit and you won't.

It's really your own choice just as it is anybody else's.

Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?
In the book “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” by Dr. Joy Degruy she has a section titled “Planning to Fail.” She writes:

“It is not surprising, after decades of being depicted as ineffectual and inferior, that some might begin to believe that failure is inevitable. It is this expectation of failure that stops many youth from seeking college educations. It is the same expectation that can stop hard working adults from seeking promotions and advancing their careers. I can remember being told by my high school counselor that I was not “college material.”

She then goes on to tell the story of a girl named Katrice, who completed her undergraduate education and became a math teacher:

“She was one of the fortunate ones who stopped believing that failure was inevitable and acceptable. Unfortunately, there are numerous black youth that continue to believe that they are destined to fail, that success is reserved for those other than themselves, and that they lack what it takes to make it in life. Being told that you are inferior for hundreds of years can have lasting psychic impacts, impacts that get passed from parent to child, to grandchild, to great grandchild. We know family traditions get passed down through generations. Fortunately, for Katrice, she was eventually able to translate the strengths of her mother in to meaningful achievement.”

I personally believe the fact there are successful black individuals does not prove there were no major racist obstacles in their way. Instead, I believe that it proves they are incredibly strong and resilient. They are able to overcome whatever obstacles they face. I admire them.

What about other groups which were deemed inferior, which are doing quite well including Jews, Chinese, Italians, Irish Catholics, Poles etc.?

All those groups except Chinese are whites. And are the Chinese doing well? And where are blacks failing? 93 percent if us are employed. We are saying that we could have 96-97 percent employment if not for racism. 76 percent of us do not live in poverty. We are saying that 90-95 percent would not live in poverty if not for racism. We have an economy that puts almost 2 trillion dollars every year into the American system and we say that we could double or even triple that if not for white racism.We are saying that some of our larger city communities have long term structural damage that needs to be fixed but because of racism it doesn't happen. We are saying that redlining that created an artificial value on property depending upon race lowered property values in our communities leading to fewer dollars for education. These things are real, none of those other groups have spent the last century battling these issues. You ask dumb ass questions because you think your reason must be the way things are but your reasons are like a blind man in a dark closet, looking or a black cat that's not there.
Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real

According to a survey released last year 52 percent of white Americans said they believe discrimination against them is on par with discrimination faced by black people and other minorities. In Canada, a poll taken in 2014 showed that most Canadians don't think they're racist—84 percent claim they have friends of different racial backgrounds—but 32 percent make occasional racist comments, and 27 percent agree with racial stereotypes. Those ideas are at odds with each other, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the basic concept of racism.

Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real
Blah blah blah, black privilege nonsense.

First your piece of shit article says that “reverse racism”(a made up term created by assholes who deny that racism against white people exists)doesn’t exist without any sort of proof, and then it simply disputes that white people face the same level of discrimination as non-whites without any proof, and then it goes off into Canada and doesn’t even specify whether it is even talking about white people anymore.

It is a made up term. But what YOU should do is quit now before you get completely embarrassed. I am prepared to take you to the woodshed on his matter. You cannot say the same because there is no information that supports you. Not on back privilege, not on whites being discriminated against and certainly not on whites being discriminated against more than people of color.

Americans are split on "reverse racism." That still doesn't mean it exists.

What is "reverse racism"?

Although Americans are split on whether reverse racism is real, it's important to define what reverse racism actually is.

Reverse racism refers to the idea that dominant racial groups (typically white people) experience discrimination based on their race in the same way that people of color do.

The PRRI survey used "reverse racism" and "reverse discrimination" interchangeably. But that may be a fundamental part of misunderstanding the differences between the two.

Discrimination, like prejudice, is not the same as racism. Discrimination refers to the biases one exhibits against a racial group. Racism, by contrast, reinforces discriminatory attitudes with social, political, cultural, and economic institutions that have historically disenfranchised a group of people simply because of their racial identity. When reverse racism is treated as discrimination, as is the case for the PRRI study, racism is flattened into a set of attitudes without the power dynamics that give certain biases salience over others.

According to the aforementioned Pew Research Study, 23 percent of white Americans believe African Americans experience discrimination in the workplace, compared with 64 percent of African Americans. Yet disproportionately racist hiring practices against people of color have been documented.For example, the National Bureau of Economic Research found that applicants with stereotypically white-sounding names were 50 percent more likely to get a callback than applicants with stereotypically African-American-sounding names.

What’s more, data shows racism is a form of prejudice that targets people of color in very concrete ways — in housing, in education, in the criminal justice system. And despite belief, rarely, if ever, do white people experience the systemic negative effects of racial discrimination.


For the white people surveyed, anti-white bias came with a zero-sum fallout — white people saw rising racial tolerance for people of color in direct contrast to rising intolerance for whites. African Americans’ views on anti-white bias remained relatively flat, and unlike their white peers they did not view anti-white bias and zero-sum racism as related.

Other studies corroborate the "zero-sum" view. A 2009 sociological study showed that white people were more likely to advocate for merit-based admissions policies based on test scores and grades alone instead of affirmative action — but only insofar as it gave them an upper hand against the nonwhite applicants they were competing against.

Again, this could be another sign that black and white Americans’ views on race are worlds apart. But as the concept of reverse racism becomes more mainstream, and as America shifts toward a majority minority population, these attitudes may speak to a larger question: How will white Americans adjust to an America that cannot and does not focus on their rights alone?

Americans are split on "reverse racism." That still doesn't mean it exists."
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