Is Racism Over Yet?

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Racism can't be OVER!!!! It's NEGRO HISTORY MONTH!!! For the next month, all black supremacists get to tout how great black people are and have been over the centuries... You know, just like white supremacists do, except they get shit for it.
I even turned black myself for the occasion.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

Karen Topham- “The Danger Of False Equivalence”

Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I’m serious when I say that. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How much plainer does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 44 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?
Not asking for a white month, just want to help all black supremacists celebrate their blackness (since I'm not allowed to do it for my own skin color).

There are already 11 white history months dumb ass. So you are allowed to do it.
If I would celebrate Einstein's whiteness I'd be called a racist. But celebrating someone's blackness this month is ok. So let's do it. Who's first? Kunta Kinte?
Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?

The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.
Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real

According to a survey released last year 52 percent of white Americans said they believe discrimination against them is on par with discrimination faced by black people and other minorities. In Canada, a poll taken in 2014 showed that most Canadians don't think they're racist—84 percent claim they have friends of different racial backgrounds—but 32 percent make occasional racist comments, and 27 percent agree with racial stereotypes. Those ideas are at odds with each other, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the basic concept of racism.

Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real
OMIGOSH!!!!!!!! A LINK!!!!!!! I guess my efforts weren't wasted after all. Now, lemme go check out the link. :biggrin:
Saying that you can't be racist to white people no matter what you say or do isn't racism is obviously nonsense. You don't get to dump on a certain color of people because of their color. Guess what that's called?

It's called your inability to read. It's t dumping on whites to point out white racism. So when blacks or any other group pf color crate a system that denies whites or enacts policies which are specifically harmful only to whites, or maintains inequality that hurts whites come talk to me about what you call racism.
I can agree that the levels of racism aren't the same, sure, but to say that whites can't be victims of racism is false, and you're proof of that, since pretty much all you do is spew hatred towards whites. And you arguing that you're not racist because we're white is absurd.

Whites have never been denied jack shut because the are white. So you can stop trying to find ways to male your white ass a victim of racism. I have spewed no hatred towards whites. I have called out white racism. And like AKIP says, it's only hate because you hate hearing it.
Racism can't be OVER!!!! It's NEGRO HISTORY MONTH!!! For the next month, all black supremacists get to tout how great black people are and have been over the centuries... You know, just like white supremacists do, except they get shit for it.
I even turned black myself for the occasion.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

Karen Topham- “The Danger Of False Equivalence”

Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I’m serious when I say that. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How much plainer does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 44 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?
Not asking for a white month, just want to help all black supremacists celebrate their blackness (since I'm not allowed to do it for my own skin color).

There are already 11 white history months dumb ass. So you are allowed to do it.
If I would celebrate Einstein's whiteness I'd be called a racist. But celebrating someone's blackness this month is ok. So let's do it. Who's first? Kunta Kinte?

So now you cry because you can't say Einstein is white. This is how fucking stupid your arguments always are. Black history month was created because black accomplishments were left out of the historical record. Blacks did things and whites got the credit. You are here whining about something that was created because of white racism. So now you want a white history month because white racism made it so blacks had to designate a month to be noticed because of white racism. This is how much of an idiot you are.
If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?

The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.

As long as you and others like you are alive racism is alive. And you keep racism alive by teaching your kids and grandkids the same racism.
In my opinion, the answer to the thread title is YES.

Official racism no longer exists in the United States of America.

Every person (including those who are here without documentation) has equal rights.

Jobs are open to everyone with the necessary skills, all public accommodations must serve everyone, people can live in any neighborhood, and every eligible person can vote.


As one African American intellectual recently said on C-SPAN, there will always be some people who do not like him because of his ethnicity. But, as he said, their dislike does not interfere with his rights one iota. That is their problem, not his. He considers himself (and people of his ethnicity) to be 100% equal now.
The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.

As long as you and others like you are alive racism is alive. And you keep racism alive by teaching your kids and grandkids the same racism. your small deluded mind, ALL whites are racist and ALL blacks aren't.

Proving you are nuts.
If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?

The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.

Why must he keep it alive? Is it for the opposite reason that you want it reported dead?
The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.

Why must he keep it alive? Is it for the opposite reason that you want it reported dead?
Where did I claim it was dead?
In my opinion, the answer to the thread title is YES.

Official racism no longer exists in the United States of America.

Every person (including those who are here without documentation) has equal rights.

Jobs are open to everyone with the necessary skills, all public accommodations must serve everyone, people can live in any neighborhood, and every eligible person can vote.


As one African American intellectual recently said on C-SPAN, there will always be some people who do not like him because of his ethnicity. But, as he said, their dislike does not interfere with his rights one iota. That is their problem, not his. He considers himself (and people of his ethnicity) to be 100% equal now.

Sometimes peoples emotions on a subject blinds them to the absurdity of their reasoning. Yours is a case study there of. However, sometimes when one steps back and apply the abstract reasoning to another situation, they may be able to see the absurdity. For example, apply your reasoning to crime. Crime is not an issue in America BECAUSE OF LAW. Law has made it such that everyone must abide by the same laws, meaning that crime therefore cannot be an issue in peoples lives or the lives of businesses, etc. I mean.....if you are walking down a dark alley at night in the worst inner city you can image in America.....feel safe that you are protected BY LAW and nothing can happen to you.....because its law. Ergo, laws changing giving blacks equal opportunity made blacks as safe from racism as you are safe walking down a dark alley while counting money.
Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.

Why must he keep it alive? Is it for the opposite reason that you want it reported dead?
Where did I claim it was dead? there another state of existence between being alive and being dead? If you are not claiming it is dead, then what is your problem with someone else claiming its alive? Its a binary option.

I mean, here is the thing. I am not that smart and I logically dismantle your whole argument. That must mean that you are a lot less smart than me......or simply that you are not dealing in truth as lies are easy to refute.
The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.

Why must he keep it alive? Is it for the opposite reason that you want it reported dead?
Where did I claim it was dead? there another state of existence between being alive and being dead? If you are not claiming it is dead, then what is your problem with someone else claiming its alive? Its a binary option.
You are a bit slow.

I never claimed it was dead.
Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real

According to a survey released last year 52 percent of white Americans said they believe discrimination against them is on par with discrimination faced by black people and other minorities. In Canada, a poll taken in 2014 showed that most Canadians don't think they're racist—84 percent claim they have friends of different racial backgrounds—but 32 percent make occasional racist comments, and 27 percent agree with racial stereotypes. Those ideas are at odds with each other, demonstrating a lack of understanding of the basic concept of racism.

Dear White People, Please Stop Pretending Reverse Racism Is Real
OMIGOSH!!!!!!!! A LINK!!!!!!! I guess my efforts weren't wasted after all. Now, lemme go check out the link. :biggrin:
Saying that you can't be racist to white people no matter what you say or do isn't racism is obviously nonsense. You don't get to dump on a certain color of people because of their color. Guess what that's called?

It's called your inability to read. It's t dumping on whites to point out white racism. So when blacks or any other group pf color crate a system that denies whites or enacts policies which are specifically harmful only to whites, or maintains inequality that hurts whites come talk to me about what you call racism.
I can agree that the levels of racism aren't the same, sure, but to say that whites can't be victims of racism is false, and you're proof of that, since pretty much all you do is spew hatred towards whites. And you arguing that you're not racist because we're white is absurd.

Whites have never been denied jack shut because the are white. So you can stop trying to find ways to male your white ass a victim of racism. I have spewed no hatred towards whites. I have called out white racism. And like AKIP says, it's only hate because you hate hearing it.
Sorry to break the news to you, but you're a racist, plain and simple. It's not only being denied something that can be racist, but language and attitude towards whites counts as well, you're proof of that.
In my opinion, the answer to the thread title is YES.

Official racism no longer exists in the United States of America.

Every person (including those who are here without documentation) has equal rights.

Jobs are open to everyone with the necessary skills, all public accommodations must serve everyone, people can live in any neighborhood, and every eligible person can vote.


As one African American intellectual recently said on C-SPAN, there will always be some people who do not like him because of his ethnicity. But, as he said, their dislike does not interfere with his rights one iota. That is their problem, not his. He considers himself (and people of his ethnicity) to be 100% equal now.

That's your opinion ad what we have seen in the last year is the official answer is no.

Charlottesville alone eliminates the validity of your opinion.

And then all you need do is read through a couple of pages on these threads and it further diminishes your opinion.
There has been no such consensus.
You must keep racism alive.

Why must he keep it alive? Is it for the opposite reason that you want it reported dead?
Where did I claim it was dead? there another state of existence between being alive and being dead? If you are not claiming it is dead, then what is your problem with someone else claiming its alive? Its a binary option.
You are a bit slow.

I never claimed it was dead.

You do not have to claim that the light is OFF.....all you have to claim is that it is not ON, and you have done the same thing. Apparently you are not smart enough to realize that....and I am not claiming to be smart. Ergo, alive = on, dead = off.
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Racism can't be OVER!!!! It's NEGRO HISTORY MONTH!!! For the next month, all black supremacists get to tout how great black people are and have been over the centuries... You know, just like white supremacists do, except they get shit for it.
I even turned black myself for the occasion.

False equivalence is what happens when you are led to believe that two things should be given equal weight in your considerations as you come to any given decision, while those two things are not in any way actually equivalent.

Karen Topham- “The Danger Of False Equivalence”

Another use of the false equivalence by whites pertains to the issues of history and cultural identification. For example, whites have been whining for years about why they cannot have a white history month. To ask this question, one must either be severely mentally challenged, suffering from psychosis, or are a racist purposefully building a strawman. I’m serious when I say that. I am always stumped when I am asked that question. Are these people really that stupid? Do they not pay attention to how American history has been portrayed? Is it that just because it’s not called white history do they not think that whites have not been described as part of history?

How much plainer does it need to be made? The founders of this nation were all white men. Do we need to say that 55 white men founded this nation for whites to feel they have been given their accurate place in American history? Do we describe George Washington as the first white president and continue to name 44 presidents as the white presidents for some whites to understand just how much white history has been taught? They whine about February but what do we call the other months in reference to American history? Should we call the 11 other months of the year white history month so that whites can understand?
Not asking for a white month, just want to help all black supremacists celebrate their blackness (since I'm not allowed to do it for my own skin color).

There are already 11 white history months dumb ass. So you are allowed to do it.
If I would celebrate Einstein's whiteness I'd be called a racist. But celebrating someone's blackness this month is ok. So let's do it. Who's first? Kunta Kinte?

So now you cry because you can't say Einstein is white. This is how fucking stupid your arguments always are. Black history month was created because black accomplishments were left out of the historical record. Blacks did things and whites got the credit. You are here whining about something that was created because of white racism. So now you want a white history month because white racism made it so blacks had to designate a month to be noticed because of white racism. This is how much of an idiot you are.
I'll repeat it again I DON'T want a white history month because that would be racist. Anything based on color skin alone is racist, BHM, Black awards, black-only mags.... You can't call whites racist and then do the exact same thing they do.
OMIGOSH!!!!!!!! A LINK!!!!!!! I guess my efforts weren't wasted after all. Now, lemme go check out the link. :biggrin:
Saying that you can't be racist to white people no matter what you say or do isn't racism is obviously nonsense. You don't get to dump on a certain color of people because of their color. Guess what that's called?

It's called your inability to read. It's t dumping on whites to point out white racism. So when blacks or any other group pf color crate a system that denies whites or enacts policies which are specifically harmful only to whites, or maintains inequality that hurts whites come talk to me about what you call racism.
I can agree that the levels of racism aren't the same, sure, but to say that whites can't be victims of racism is false, and you're proof of that, since pretty much all you do is spew hatred towards whites. And you arguing that you're not racist because we're white is absurd.

Whites have never been denied jack shut because the are white. So you can stop trying to find ways to male your white ass a victim of racism. I have spewed no hatred towards whites. I have called out white racism. And like AKIP says, it's only hate because you hate hearing it.
Sorry to break the news to you, but you're a racist, plain and simple. It's not only being denied something that can be racist, but language and attitude towards whites counts as well, you're proof of that.

Show me an official definition of racism that states that.
Saying that you can't be racist to white people no matter what you say or do isn't racism is obviously nonsense. You don't get to dump on a certain color of people because of their color. Guess what that's called?

It's called your inability to read. It's t dumping on whites to point out white racism. So when blacks or any other group pf color crate a system that denies whites or enacts policies which are specifically harmful only to whites, or maintains inequality that hurts whites come talk to me about what you call racism.
I can agree that the levels of racism aren't the same, sure, but to say that whites can't be victims of racism is false, and you're proof of that, since pretty much all you do is spew hatred towards whites. And you arguing that you're not racist because we're white is absurd.

Whites have never been denied jack shut because the are white. So you can stop trying to find ways to male your white ass a victim of racism. I have spewed no hatred towards whites. I have called out white racism. And like AKIP says, it's only hate because you hate hearing it.
Sorry to break the news to you, but you're a racist, plain and simple. It's not only being denied something that can be racist, but language and attitude towards whites counts as well, you're proof of that.

Show me an official definition of racism that states that.
So calling you a fucking lazy n1gger isn't racist?
OMIGOSH!!!!!!!! A LINK!!!!!!! I guess my efforts weren't wasted after all. Now, lemme go check out the link. :biggrin:
Saying that you can't be racist to white people no matter what you say or do isn't racism is obviously nonsense. You don't get to dump on a certain color of people because of their color. Guess what that's called?

It's called your inability to read. It's t dumping on whites to point out white racism. So when blacks or any other group pf color crate a system that denies whites or enacts policies which are specifically harmful only to whites, or maintains inequality that hurts whites come talk to me about what you call racism.
I can agree that the levels of racism aren't the same, sure, but to say that whites can't be victims of racism is false, and you're proof of that, since pretty much all you do is spew hatred towards whites. And you arguing that you're not racist because we're white is absurd.

Whites have never been denied jack shut because the are white. So you can stop trying to find ways to male your white ass a victim of racism. I have spewed no hatred towards whites. I have called out white racism. And like AKIP says, it's only hate because you hate hearing it.
Sorry to break the news to you, but you're a racist, plain and simple. It's not only being denied something that can be racist, but language and attitude towards whites counts as well, you're proof of that.

Sorry to break the news to you but my attitude towards you white racists isn't racism. First of all whites are not racist, therefore I don't have this attitude towards all whites. Srop trying to make your dumb ass a victim of racism and stop trying to make blacks racists because we point out the racism those like you exhibit.
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