Is Racism Over Yet?

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Hey Funk and Wagnall. I'm not 100% white...So play your blame game somewhere it will do some good for you...Like a fellow cryers forum...

What white person is?
I don't know since I don't know how many are mixed with what...Same with colored folks they are not all so called "pure" either...

He's not white but we are colored. LOL!
Of course you can only take the use of the word "colored" meaning only black, but ahem, all humans have a color, yes, white is a color also, but it's not a race....

You can try that weak response but when you made the comment it wasn't about all humans having a color. And then you display a vivid example that is part of the overall problem, Whites don't see each other as a race but everyone else is a race to them. White is a race.
:blahblah:Yeah, you just another person that is looking for a fight because you are pissed at the world....You enjoy yerself now...freak...
Your comment was stupid and a common response steeped in white fragility. I was never a murderer, but I am sad that it happens.
Hey Funk and Wagnall. I'm not 100% white...So play your blame game somewhere it will do some good for you...Like a fellow cryers forum...

Anyone can say thy aren't white. But you repeat the same shit as white racists. If you aren't white you face the same racism. So you go to the criers forum and I'll keep posting the truth.
I see you have no ability to accept people or the world as it really is...too bad...

I do accept things as they are. You are the one who can't.
I not only accept people for who they are I prefer it....without any of your "race" hangups....Free yourself from your victim mentality consciousness..Life is a lot more fun...I also know that within each society is a social status determined by income...Blacks do it to blacks and other races and so do whites, in fact all humans do it..Duh...even animals....

I don't have any race hang ups. But this is a section about race ad racism, Therefore it's going to be a topic of discussion. The only one here with he victim mentality is you. I live in the real world, that means I cab accept people and recognize that racism does still exist. You can't. You have to construct an alternative universe in order to survive.
What white person is?
I don't know since I don't know how many are mixed with what...Same with colored folks they are not all so called "pure" either...

He's not white but we are colored. LOL!
Of course you can only take the use of the word "colored" meaning only black, but ahem, all humans have a color, yes, white is a color also, but it's not a race....

You can try that weak response but when you made the comment it wasn't about all humans having a color. And then you display a vivid example that is part of the overall problem, Whites don't see each other as a race but everyone else is a race to them. White is a race.
:blahblah:Yeah, you just another person that is looking for a fight because you are pissed at the world....You enjoy yerself now...freak...

No, you're another dumb ass who can't deal with the truth.
IM2, that is a great question.
A racist puts their race above their religion and their nationality.
A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious.
Racist have race based political organizations, race based student organizations and race based employee organization.
Racist do not accept that America is sovereign country with borders and immigration laws.
Racist demand racial discrimination in employment and college admissions.
Racist are against protecting everyone's Right to Vote with common sense Voter ID laws.
When will the racism end?

The problem with all that is that it ignores the fact that the dictionary HAS ALREADY DEFINED THE TERM!!!

What is white privilege? Your post is a case study. Its exemplified when a white person, and only a white (or an apologist of white people) person, feel that they can usurp or hijack an the official definition of a term/word in the English language.....TO THE BENEFIT OF WHITES.

Don't ever ask what white privilege is again....or act like it does not exist.

the definition of racism

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement,usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I think that I nailed it, and you might fall under "A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious."

Only white privilege makes you think you nailed itYet, you all can come on here and ignore the rules of language.....that words have official meaning.....while we use the official meaning.......and you say you are the smart ones....and you don't feel in anyway discredit? friends, is white privilege.
How could racism ever end when those who use the accusations thereof for such advantage as they do?

Right now, they have to look so hard, they settle for " micro aggressions"

In a few years, it will be infinitesimally tiny aggressions.

Who knows, if they work hard enough to feel the right, proper victim, i'm sure we will enter the territory of subatomic aggressions some day.

It's just too good an excuse to explain why people don't amount to anything in life.

Microaggressions is a term made in 1970. And if you actually believe somebody is looking for racism then you are truly an idiot
You children are funny. That's ALL you do is look for racism.

Have you ever considered growing up a little and start taking some responsibility in life?

Finding the root cause of problems IS taking responsibility.

The actual root cause of your failure in life is your shitty attitude. Stop all your hostility, start valuing education, develop a healthy work attitude and you will succeed. Keep that crutch of blaming whitey for the fact you are a worthless piece of shit and you won't.

It's really your own choice just as it is anybody else's.
You want racism to be over then just stop giving it any attention..Just act normal.....

That's not going to stop racism. I don't know what you think racism is but it doesn't end by not paying attention to it.
The problem with all that is that it ignores the fact that the dictionary HAS ALREADY DEFINED THE TERM!!!

What is white privilege? Your post is a case study. Its exemplified when a white person, and only a white (or an apologist of white people) person, feel that they can usurp or hijack an the official definition of a term/word in the English language.....TO THE BENEFIT OF WHITES.

Don't ever ask what white privilege is again....or act like it does not exist.

the definition of racism

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement,usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I think that I nailed it, and you might fall under "A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious."

Only white privilege makes you think you nailed itYet, you all can come on here and ignore the rules of language.....that words have official meaning.....while we use the official meaning.......and you say you are the smart ones....and you don't feel in anyway discredit? friends, is white privilege.
How could racism ever end when those who use the accusations thereof for such advantage as they do?

Right now, they have to look so hard, they settle for " micro aggressions"

In a few years, it will be infinitesimally tiny aggressions.

Who knows, if they work hard enough to feel the right, proper victim, i'm sure we will enter the territory of subatomic aggressions some day.

It's just too good an excuse to explain why people don't amount to anything in life.

Microaggressions is a term made in 1970. And if you actually believe somebody is looking for racism then you are truly an idiot
You children are funny. That's ALL you do is look for racism.

Have you ever considered growing up a little and start taking some responsibility in life?

Finding the root cause of problems IS taking responsibility.

The actual root cause of your failure in life is your shitty attitude. Stop all your hostility, start valuing education, develop a healthy work attitude and you will succeed. Keep that crutch of blaming whitey for the fact you are a worthless piece of shit and you won't.

It's really your own choice just as it is anybody else's.

Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.
Hey Funk and Wagnall. I'm not 100% white...So play your blame game somewhere it will do some good for you...Like a fellow cryers forum...

Anyone can say thy aren't white. But you repeat the same shit as white racists. If you aren't white you face the same racism. So you go to the criers forum and I'll keep posting the truth.
I see you have no ability to accept people or the world as it really is...too bad...

I do accept things as they are. You are the one who can't.
I not only accept people for who they are I prefer it....without any of your "race" hangups....Free yourself from your victim mentality consciousness..Life is a lot more fun...I also know that within each society is a social status determined by income...Blacks do it to blacks and other races and so do whites, in fact all humans do it..Duh...even animals....

I don't have any race hang ups. But this is a section about race ad racism, Therefore it's going to be a topic of discussion. The only one here with he victim mentality is you. I live in the real world, that means I cab accept people and recognize that racism does still exist. You can't. You have to construct an alternative universe in order to survive.
Keep trying but you're still cold...

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.

Whites are the most racially tolerant of the races. We accept all kinds here, so tell me which black African countries are welcoming to whites? Any? As for arabs countries, they hate everyone, including their own. And Asia also doesn't encourage emigration, and places like Japan bar mooslims from getting citizenship there.
Just what have whites failed at racially?

First off, this is not a white country. Second, stop lying.

This country was built by whites, and then we let in blacks, latinos... Which black African countries are welcoming to whites on a similar level? None? That's what I thought.
Your comment was stupid and a common response steeped in white fragility. I was never a murderer, but I am sad that it happens.
Hey Funk and Wagnall. I'm not 100% white...So play your blame game somewhere it will do some good for you...Like a fellow cryers forum...

Anyone can say thy aren't white. But you repeat the same shit as white racists. If you aren't white you face the same racism. So you go to the criers forum and I'll keep posting the truth.
I see you have no ability to accept people or the world as it really is...too bad...

I do accept things as they are. You are the one who can't.
I not only accept people for who they are I prefer it....without any of your "race" hangups....Free yourself from your victim mentality consciousness..Life is a lot more fun...I also know that within each society is a social status determined by income...Blacks do it to blacks and other races and so do whites, in fact all humans do it..Duh...even animals....

I heard a conservative guy on the radio talking about blacks having a victim mentality. Then about a week later the same guy was talking about immigration and trying to argue that blacks should be the main ones against it because many are taking jobs from blacks. Ergo, the same guy that claimed blacks have a victim mentality then argued that blacks were the biggest victims of immigration Besides that obvious contradiction, you have people saying that blacks have a victim mentality while at the same time arguing that blacks are being victimized and used by the democratic

You cannot make this stuff up......Obviously white privilege allows whites to be the arbiter of when a group has fallen victim.
Hey Funk and Wagnall. I'm not 100% white...So play your blame game somewhere it will do some good for you...Like a fellow cryers forum...

Anyone can say thy aren't white. But you repeat the same shit as white racists. If you aren't white you face the same racism. So you go to the criers forum and I'll keep posting the truth.
I see you have no ability to accept people or the world as it really is...too bad...

I do accept things as they are. You are the one who can't.
I not only accept people for who they are I prefer it....without any of your "race" hangups....Free yourself from your victim mentality consciousness..Life is a lot more fun...I also know that within each society is a social status determined by income...Blacks do it to blacks and other races and so do whites, in fact all humans do it..Duh...even animals....

I heard a conservative guy on the radio talking about blacks having a victim mentality. Then about a week later the same guy was talking about immigration and trying to argue that blacks should be the main ones against it because many are taking jobs from blacks. Ergo, the same guy that claimed blacks have a victim mentality then argued that blacks were the biggest victims of immigration Besides that obvious contradiction, you have people saying that blacks have a victim mentality while at the same time arguing that blacks are being victimized and used by the democratic

You cannot make this stuff up......Obviously white privilege allows whites to be the arbiter of when a group has fallen victim.
you aren't smart enough to understand the difference between 'victim mentality' and 'victim'.

you are, however, dumb enough to make me laugh.
Please note that characterizing a person's debate, motive or points IS NOT refutation. Sympathetic/Pathetic does not equal WRONG. Teen boppers does not equate to being wrong. Then you say the other person is incapable of intellectual debate, while personally not demonstrating intellectual debate your own self.

A debate consists of an entity making an assertion, giving their reasoning and providing evidence for their conclusion. All that was done by your opposition. For you to respond intellectually would mean you offer a refutation of their assertion by dismantling their reasoning and evidence with counter reasoning and evidence, of which you presented none.

The thing about counter reasoning is that the only counter reasoning is that blacks are inferior, which fits the official definition of racism. However, of course you have your own definition of racism that is self serving.....because as a white person you have the privilege of not being bound by official definitions when they do not serve your interest.
No one is more aware of real debate than me.
I am entitled to point out HIS source is a 20 yr old Bopper youtube, NOT even material; for debate.
If he wishes to Excerpt it's main points, I would be glad to Pork him always do.. as I do you.

In fact, my post immediately preceding that (Sunday) was typical of my posts,
11 Inventions that changed history
Refuting YOU point by Point, and Shutting you the **** up.
Tho, as always, the 12 year old Troll IM2 posted his usual empty hostility in 'reply'.

He is, again, Incapabable of any debate. He's just a mouthy child who posts hostility and boobtubes.
Anyone can say thy aren't white. But you repeat the same shit as white racists. If you aren't white you face the same racism. So you go to the criers forum and I'll keep posting the truth.
I see you have no ability to accept people or the world as it really is...too bad...

I do accept things as they are. You are the one who can't.
I not only accept people for who they are I prefer it....without any of your "race" hangups....Free yourself from your victim mentality consciousness..Life is a lot more fun...I also know that within each society is a social status determined by income...Blacks do it to blacks and other races and so do whites, in fact all humans do it..Duh...even animals....

I heard a conservative guy on the radio talking about blacks having a victim mentality. Then about a week later the same guy was talking about immigration and trying to argue that blacks should be the main ones against it because many are taking jobs from blacks. Ergo, the same guy that claimed blacks have a victim mentality then argued that blacks were the biggest victims of immigration Besides that obvious contradiction, you have people saying that blacks have a victim mentality while at the same time arguing that blacks are being victimized and used by the democratic

You cannot make this stuff up......Obviously white privilege allows whites to be the arbiter of when a group has fallen victim.
you aren't smart enough to understand the difference between 'victim mentality' and 'victim'.

you are, however, dumb enough to make me laugh.

Says the person who does not accept the official definition of Racism. Besides, being white means YOU, and only YOU ALL, get to decide the difference from actually being victims and having a victim mentality. Its not hard to figure out how you come to that conclusion. Anything that points the finger at whites is considered a victim mentality.....if it points the finger somewhere else......then you are an actual victim.
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Please note that characterizing a person's debate, motive or points IS NOT refutation. Sympathetic/Pathetic does not equal WRONG. Teen boppers does not equate to being wrong. Then you say the other person is incapable of intellectual debate, while personally not demonstrating intellectual debate your own self.

A debate consists of an entity making an assertion, giving their reasoning and providing evidence for their conclusion. All that was done by your opposition. For you to respond intellectually would mean you offer a refutation of their assertion by dismantling their reasoning and evidence with counter reasoning and evidence, of which you presented none.

The thing about counter reasoning is that the only counter reasoning is that blacks are inferior, which fits the official definition of racism. However, of course you have your own definition of racism that is self serving.....because as a white person you have the privilege of not being bound by official definitions when they do not serve your interest.
No one is more aware of real debate than me.
I am entitled to point out HIS source is a 20 yr old Bopper youtube, NOT even material; for debate.
If he wishes to Excerpt it's main points, I would be glad to Pork him always do.. as I do you.

In fact, my post immediately preceding that (Sunday) was typical of my posts,
11 Inventions that changed history
Refuting YOU point by Point, and Shutting you the **** up.
Tho, as always, the 12 year old Troll IM2 posted his usual empty hostility in 'reply'.

He is, again, Incapabable of any debate. He's just a mouthy child who posts hostility and boobtubes.

The post you "shut me up" with is a post of yours that I ignored due to my point of the post having NOTHING TO DO WITH COLOR!!!!!! Yes....they were white.....I never said they were black. My point is how things past impact the present. What the F'ck does color of the inventors have to do with refuting that assertion?
The post you "shut me up" with is a post of yours that I ignored due to my point of the post having NOTHING TO DO WITH COLOR!!!!!! Yes....they were white.....I never said they were black. My point is how things past impact the present. What the F'ck does color of the inventors have to do with refuting that assertion.
In my points #1/1a, Yes, I point out the inventions are White, and that they have Saved Black Lives.

In points 2/3 I go on to address that other races have been Previously oppressed and rallied.. as opposed to Blacks.
And that Racism is NOT analogous to Inventions, as racism is a sentiment, not a hard fact/object/achievement.
So I DID answer completely, NOT just as to who made the inventions.

Really, it's so hard to know if you're just stupid or disingenuous. It's that bad.

Your analogy was Stupid.
Your posts are Stupid.
But they are 20 IQ points better than IM2's Sub-Saharan 70.
The post you "shut me up" with is a post of yours that I ignored due to my point of the post having NOTHING TO DO WITH COLOR!!!!!! Yes....they were white.....I never said they were black. My point is how things past impact the present. What the F'ck does color of the inventors have to do with refuting that assertion.
In my points #1/1a, Yes, I point out the inventions are White, and that they have Saved Black Lives.

In points 2/3 I go on to address that other races have been Previously oppressed and rallied.. as opposed to Blacks.
And that Racism is NOT analogous to Inventions, as racism is a sentiment, not a hard fact/object/achievement.
So I DID answer completely, NOT just as to who made the inventions.

Really, it's so hard to know if you're just stupid or disingenuous. It's that bad.

Your analogy was Stupid.
Your posts are Stupid.
But they are 20 IQ points better than IM2's Sub-Saharan 70.

Saying other races have been oppressed is akin to saying that me and Michael Jordan both played basketball. You have to show the degree and kind of oppression of others, the time and space, was equivalent to what blacks experienced with chattel racial oppression.

Racism is a belief but when racist ACT on those believes, by creating laws that discriminate and by personally discriminating, it is no longer a sentiment, but an action that manifest reactions, analogous to how inventions are actions that manifest reactions.
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Please note that characterizing a person's debate, motive or points IS NOT refutation. Sympathetic/Pathetic does not equal WRONG. Teen boppers does not equate to being wrong. Then you say the other person is incapable of intellectual debate, while personally not demonstrating intellectual debate your own self.

A debate consists of an entity making an assertion, giving their reasoning and providing evidence for their conclusion. All that was done by your opposition. For you to respond intellectually would mean you offer a refutation of their assertion by dismantling their reasoning and evidence with counter reasoning and evidence, of which you presented none.

The thing about counter reasoning is that the only counter reasoning is that blacks are inferior, which fits the official definition of racism. However, of course you have your own definition of racism that is self serving.....because as a white person you have the privilege of not being bound by official definitions when they do not serve your interest.
No one is more aware of real debate than me.
I am entitled to point out HIS source is a 20 yr old Bopper youtube, NOT even material; for debate.
If he wishes to Excerpt it's main points, I would be glad to Pork him always do.. as I do you.

In fact, my post immediately preceding that (Sunday) was typical of my posts,
11 Inventions that changed history
Refuting YOU point by Point, and Shutting you the **** up.
Tho, as always, the 12 year old Troll IM2 posted his usual empty hostility in 'reply'.

He is, again, Incapabable of any debate. He's just a mouthy child who posts hostility and boobtubes.

Actually my source is not a 20 year old bopper but what that so called bopper stated were actual laws and polices.

Your opposition to this is based on the person you saw and not the things she mentioned. .Had this so called teeny bopper stated what you have chosen to believe you would not be here making an ass out of yourself.

You see idiot the presenter, Laci Green, is a 28 year old educator with a degree from the University of California. I'm a 56 year old college degreed man with 32 years of work on issues affecting non whites and low to moderate income people of all races. YOU are the one who cannot debate. And you most certainly don't want to try me.
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IM2, that is a great question.
A racist puts their race above their religion and their nationality.
A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious.
Racist have race based political organizations, race based student organizations and race based employee organization.
Racist do not accept that America is sovereign country with borders and immigration laws.
Racist demand racial discrimination in employment and college admissions.
Racist are against protecting everyone's Right to Vote with common sense Voter ID laws.
When will the racism end?

The problem with all that is that it ignores the fact that the dictionary HAS ALREADY DEFINED THE TERM!!!

What is white privilege? Your post is a case study. Its exemplified when a white person, and only a white (or an apologist of white people) person, feel that they can usurp or hijack an the official definition of a term/word in the English language.....TO THE BENEFIT OF WHITES.

Don't ever ask what white privilege is again....or act like it does not exist.

the definition of racism
  • We are the human race the answer is in the sentence.
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement,usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I think that I nailed it, and you might fall under "A racist can see racism where it doesn't exist and can't see it where it's obvious."

Only white privilege makes you think you nailed itYet, you all can come on here and ignore the rules of language.....that words have official meaning.....while we use the official meaning.......and you say you are the smart ones....and you don't feel in anyway discredit? friends, is white privilege.
How could racism ever end when those who use the accusations thereof for such advantage as they do?

Right now, they have to look so hard, they settle for " micro aggressions"

In a few years, it will be infinitesimally tiny aggressions.

Who knows, if they work hard enough to feel the right, proper victim, i'm sure we will enter the territory of subatomic aggressions some day.

It's just too good an excuse to explain why people don't amount to anything in life.

Microaggressions is a term made in 1970. And if you actually believe somebody is looking for racism then you are truly an idiot
You children are funny. That's ALL you do is look for racism.

Have you ever considered growing up a little and start taking some responsibility in life?

Finding the root cause of problems IS taking responsibility.

The actual root cause of your failure in life is your shitty attitude. Stop all your hostility, start valuing education, develop a healthy work attitude and you will succeed. Keep that crutch of blaming whitey for the fact you are a worthless piece of shit and you won't.

It's really your own choice just as it is anybody else's.

Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?
Only white privilege makes you think you nailed itYet, you all can come on here and ignore the rules of language.....that words have official meaning.....while we use the official meaning.......and you say you are the smart ones....and you don't feel in anyway discredit? friends, is white privilege.
Microaggressions is a term made in 1970. And if you actually believe somebody is looking for racism then you are truly an idiot
You children are funny. That's ALL you do is look for racism.

Have you ever considered growing up a little and start taking some responsibility in life?

Finding the root cause of problems IS taking responsibility.

The actual root cause of your failure in life is your shitty attitude. Stop all your hostility, start valuing education, develop a healthy work attitude and you will succeed. Keep that crutch of blaming whitey for the fact you are a worthless piece of shit and you won't.

It's really your own choice just as it is anybody else's.

Whitey is going to get blamed for what whitey has done. You are just going to have to deal with that. So until whitey changes what he does, then whitey is going to face the consequences of his decisions. I think AKIP is a very successful person. Why whites like you assume we have failed just because we point out your racism is a failure within YOU, not us.

If some African Americans can be successful, doesn't it kind of disprove that there's some major racist obstacle blocking all Blacks from getting ahead?

Because some people made it back from war alive and without injury, does not that kind of disprove that war is what caused inljury or death to other soldiers?
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