Is Racism Over Yet?

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You seem to think that Whites are singular organism, a lot of Whites don't like each other, that is the fault in your analysis.
Sure whites will beat each other to death. Germany Vs Poles. All the troubles that was going in Bosnia and Croatia. All the troubles with the IRA in Ireland. Catholics and protestants.

But guess what ?

The same dog that would bite me in Poland would be the same dog that would bite me in Russia, that would bite me in Ireland. That would bite me in Germany.

When it comes to white supremacy - racism, whites forget all their differences, that's why you sound EXACTLY like Taz, exactly like Mudda, exactly like ptbw forever, exactly like Correll, even though you're all from different parts of the world
Keep in mind, the groups I listed like Jews, Chinese, Poles, and Italians all started off in poor neighborhoods overwhelmingly in the U.S.A, with poor education, and subjected to discrimination.
Yes. and for those groups to be accepted into the white club or honourary white. They all had to show disdain and disgust for black society. That's probably the number one rule any non black group has to perform if they want to reap the benefits of white supremacy.
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
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You seem to think that Whites are singular organism, a lot of Whites don't like each other, that is the fault in your analysis.
Sure whites will beat each other to death. Germany Vs Poles. All the troubles that was going in Bosnia and Croatia. All the troubles with the IRA in Ireland. Catholics and protestants.

But guess what ?

The same dog that would bite me in Poland would be the same dog that would bite me in Russia, that would bite me in Ireland. That would bite me in Germany.

When it comes to white supremacy - racism, whites forget all their differences, that's why you sound EXACTLY like Taz, exactly like Mudda, exactly like ptbw forever, exactly like Correll, even though you're all from different parts of the world
Keep in mind, the groups I listed like Jews, Chinese, Poles, and Italians all started off in poor neighborhoods overwhelmingly in the U.S.A, with poor education, and subjected to discrimination.
Yes. and for those groups to be accepted into the white club or honourary white. They all had to show disdain and disgust for black society. That's probably the number one rule any non black group has to perform if they want to reap the benefits of white supremacy.

No, I wouldn't call myself a White supremacist, considering that I despise most Whites.

As we speak such Polish issues persist with so called "Whites"

- Take Israel, and the U.S.A bullying Poland for it's new anti-slander laws over the Holocaust in Poland. (Yes, Israel, and U.S.A do like to blame Poland for the Holocaust quite often, because of Jews there, and here, of course the U.S.A has dumb Polak jokes which comes from also American Jews)

- Take Russia's bullying Poland for taking down the Soviet memorials in Poland. (Yes Russia has names for Poles like mazurik calling pickpockets as Poles)

- Take Germany, and France threatening sanctions on Poland for combating the courts which were 14 out of 15 PO Civic Platform Liberals. (Germany has Polish thieve jokes, and France Polish plumber jokes)

- Take Britain where there's mobs attacking Poles, and constant propaganda of Poles being criminals.

- Take Ukraine which likes to deny the Wolyn Massacre of Poles.

If we look at the past all these parties except France were anti-Polish.

Germany killed millions of Poles in WW2 in Warsaw alone, 200,000 Poles were killed, and the whole of Warsaw was destroyed, Russians killed also 100's of thousands of Poles in WW2, like Katyn Massacre,and before in the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937 - 1938.

Germans, and Russians also wiped Poland off the map in the Partitions, and yes Russians killed many Poles in Praga Massacre during the Partitions too.

Germans like to complain about losing Gdansk to Poland, but fail to mention they came to Poland as immigrants in the Teutonic takeover in the early 1300's which included Gdansk Massacre killing 1,000's of Poles, and burning Gdansk, and bringing in German settlers.

Poland also held onto Gdansk up until 1793, when Germans backstabbed their Prussian - Polish alliance of 1790 because they were not informed about Poland's first ever philosophical Constitution of Europe.

But, less obvious is that Jews like Jakub Berman, and 2nd in command of the UB Roman Romkowski called for execution of 6,000 Poles, 20,000 + Poles died in Gulag type camps, and 500,000 Poles ended up as political prisoners in Gulag style camps.

Or that Ukraine killed about 100,000 Poles in Wolyn Massacre.

Or that Britain, and the U.S.A sold out Poland to Stalin, and his Soviets in the Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam Conferences.

Furthermore Britain denied Poles rights to march in Victory parades to not spook the Soviets, also Britain charged Poles for army up-keep, even though Poles were helping to defend Britain, also Britain denied Poles the information of the death of Polish Wladyslaw Sikorsky, and then there's the matter of British Churchill called Poles as callous lunatics, for the Polish government in exile not taking part in the movement of Soviet Poland's movement, and expulsion of people to move Poland towards the West.
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

Obviously the virus analogy was above your intellect.....or integrity. Because some people have not gotten sick from the flu this year is therefore proof that the flu does not really effect people. Similarly, some people going off to war and coming back home in sound mind and body means that the war cannot be used as an excuse why others did not make it back in sound mind and body. This is your reasoning applied to none racial scenarios.

Besides that, none of us have been gifted, as far as I know, with the ability to read minds. Whatever race you are.....I am sure you don't know what anyone in that race thinks, for sure, expect for you. When it comes to blacks, which you are not, you don't know, for sure, what any black person is thinking. Thus, for you to make an emphatic statement regarding how black people think, without supporting evidence, says much more about you than blacks.
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

Obviously the virus analogy was above your intellect.....or integrity. Because some people have not gotten sick from the flu this year is therefore proof that the flu does not really effect people. Similarly, some people going off to war and coming back home in sound mind and body means that the war cannot be used as an excuse why others did not make it back in sound mind and body. This is your reasoning applied to none racial scenarios.

Besides that, none of us have been gifted, as far as I know, with the ability to read minds. Whatever race you are.....I am sure you don't know what anyone in that race thinks, for sure, expect for you. When it comes to blacks, which you are not, you don't know, for sure, what any black person is thinking. Thus, for you to make an emphatic statement regarding how black people think, without supporting evidence, says much more about you than blacks.
Your virus analogy was bogus, that’s why I did you a favour and ignored it. It affects people since some people get sick. DUH!

I know that blacks in general hate whites because you’re all racist. How’s that?
The ones that whine the most in their hatred of white people usually turn around and boast about how successful they are.

The dumb fucks don't have a fucking clue as to how such statements completely contradict the bull shit they are trying to sell.

Yeah....and talking politics makes one a politician. Talking about the historical hatred from whites, towards blacks, does not infer hatred on the part of blacks for talking about the impact of white hatred. Its only hatred to you because you all HATE to hear it.

The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

1. I answered your question. That part where you make up your own answer and then attack me on it? Has nothing to do with me.

2. Whites have had a national consensus of fighting against racism since before either of us were born. Your attempt to paint White America as racist, is an insult to generations of people who fought for your rights.

3. I attack liberals who talk shit about white "Racism" which is mostly just whites not agreeing with liberals, regardless of their skin color. I call the vast majority of them race baiting assholes, because that is what most of them are.
The national consensus of whites for generations has been to help blacks as much as possible.

Thanks for showing that showing that those efforts at healing were utterly wasted.

And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.


Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.
Brilliant! The girl in this video, spouts typical well meaning upper class white guilt trip manifesto propaganda. I am middle class poor white, lived with blacks. The only thing keeping blacks down now is black culture and rich liberal whites. We need to get past that. Racism isn't keeping blacks "down". No at all. Jolly good post, IM2!
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

Obviously the virus analogy was above your intellect.....or integrity. Because some people have not gotten sick from the flu this year is therefore proof that the flu does not really effect people. Similarly, some people going off to war and coming back home in sound mind and body means that the war cannot be used as an excuse why others did not make it back in sound mind and body. This is your reasoning applied to none racial scenarios.

Besides that, none of us have been gifted, as far as I know, with the ability to read minds. Whatever race you are.....I am sure you don't know what anyone in that race thinks, for sure, expect for you. When it comes to blacks, which you are not, you don't know, for sure, what any black person is thinking. Thus, for you to make an emphatic statement regarding how black people think, without supporting evidence, says much more about you than blacks.
Your virus analogy was bogus, that’s why I did you a favour and ignored it. It affects people since some people get sick. DUH!

I know that blacks in general hate whites because you’re all racist. How’s that?

White privilege allows you to ignore the OFFICIAL definition of racism
White privilege allows you to subdue a keen grasp of the obvious (Analogy)
White privilege allows you to think you know what unsuccessful blacks thinks.
Topping off white privilege is to demonstrate all the above flaws, and then some, and think you are right.

Now of course we are not going to have anything close to a rational discussion over what is sad in this video. As long as it's about white failure we can't because whites can't accept they have failed. And if you don't think so I am going to present a lesson to you guys very soon about how whites cannot face their own racial failure right here at USMB. And in that lesson you will see how whites are more than ready to discuss how non whites suck, but watch it change when the issue turns to white failure.
Brilliant! The girl in this video, spouts typical well meaning upper class white guilt trip manifesto propaganda. I am middle class poor white, lived with blacks. The only thing keeping blacks down now is black culture and rich liberal whites. We need to get past that. Racism isn't keeping blacks "down". No at all. Jolly good post, IM2!

Actually she mentioned laws and policies, but hey when you have psychosis, you ignore reality and take only what confirms your psychosis. And that's all you ever do Mary.
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

I'm more successful than you will ever be and I say racism is the root cause of the problems blacks face. And can prove it. All you have is ad hominem
And thank you for all your efforts on attacking and speaking out against the white racist on this forum. Your service to humanity has not gone ignored.

I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.


You really shouldn't give awards to yourself. That's a sign of a psychological problem. So when are we going to see this national policy of racial discrimination against whites?
I generally don't bother because they represent a fringe viewpoint of no relevance.

On the occasions that a point they make somehow seems relevant, I have challenged them on it. But mostly they are harmless.

You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.


You really shouldn't give awards to yourself. That's a sign of a psychological problem. So when are we going to see this national policy of racial discrimination against whites?

Your stonewalling on the documented evidence I have repeatedly shown you, is you supporting actually racist policies.

You are the racist asshole here.
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

Obviously the virus analogy was above your intellect.....or integrity. Because some people have not gotten sick from the flu this year is therefore proof that the flu does not really effect people. Similarly, some people going off to war and coming back home in sound mind and body means that the war cannot be used as an excuse why others did not make it back in sound mind and body. This is your reasoning applied to none racial scenarios.

Besides that, none of us have been gifted, as far as I know, with the ability to read minds. Whatever race you are.....I am sure you don't know what anyone in that race thinks, for sure, expect for you. When it comes to blacks, which you are not, you don't know, for sure, what any black person is thinking. Thus, for you to make an emphatic statement regarding how black people think, without supporting evidence, says much more about you than blacks.
Your virus analogy was bogus, that’s why I did you a favour and ignored it. It affects people since some people get sick. DUH!

I know that blacks in general hate whites because you’re all racist. How’s that?

White privilege allows you to ignore the OFFICIAL definition of racism
White privilege allows you to subdue a keen grasp of the obvious (Analogy)
White privilege allows you to think you know what unsuccessful blacks thinks.
Topping off white privilege is to demonstrate all the above flaws, and then some, and think you are right.
YOU ignore the real definition of racism because then you'd have to admit that blacks are racist.
YOU can't grasp the obvious, like that blacks are racist.
YOU think you know what all whites think.
Topping it off, YOU think you're even close to the truth. :lol:
Racism isn't over yet, blacks like Paul Essien need it to accept themselves as black people, otherwise they feel too much like losers on their own.

I would argue that unsuccessful whites have a propensity to cling to and live vicariously through the accomplishments of the "white race", elevating themselves through the fallacy of division. Such whites need to constantly juxtapose black statistics that show blacks being more dysfunctional.....than whites to demonstrate that whites are superior and by membership...they are superior.

What you will generally find is that blacks who are the most outspoken against racism......have found personal success, notwithstanding racism. They are speaking on behalf of the collective condition, not individual condition. One might see it as a contradiction that a successful black person would argue that racism has hurt blacks, but racism is like a virus and viruses do not have the same effect on those that come in contact with it. All other things equal, however, those exposed to the virus will be generally sicker than those who have not been, notwithstanding some exposed not showing signs of sickness at all.

For example, the influenza virus is going around. Therefore, some people not getting the virus is not demonstration that the virus is not out there making others sick. Ergo, blacks finding success is not demonstration that racism is not out there making blacks more dysfunctional.
Too many blacks use racism as their personal excuse for their own inadequacies in getting ahead in life. Successful blacks are proof that racism doesn’t really affect them as a black person.

I'm more successful than you will ever be and I say racism is the root cause of the problems blacks face. And can prove it. All you have is ad hominem
You're so successful that racism hasn't harmed your path to success. Thanks for clearing that up.

Not staying in school and studying hard is the main root cause of black failures.
You don't bother because it does not BOTHER you. You are okay with their views and the only thing fringe about their views is that they clearly express them while the mainstream is on the down low. Yet, you DO take the time to attack blacks who talk about white racism.....because that BOTHERS you. You don't see blacks talking about white racism a a fringe group.....even though blacks are only 13% of the total US population. Any views we have.....are "fringe" on a national scale. But for whites, who are the majority, your racist views are mainstream.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.


You really shouldn't give awards to yourself. That's a sign of a psychological problem. So when are we going to see this national policy of racial discrimination against whites?

Your stonewalling on the documented evidence I have repeatedly shown you, is you supporting actually racist policies.

You are the racist asshole here.

You have shown no documented evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. That's because it des not exist.
Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.


You really shouldn't give awards to yourself. That's a sign of a psychological problem. So when are we going to see this national policy of racial discrimination against whites?

Your stonewalling on the documented evidence I have repeatedly shown you, is you supporting actually racist policies.

You are the racist asshole here.

You have shown no documented evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. That's because it des not exist.
Affirmative Action.

Whites Christians are discriminated against too.

Examples include Affirmative Action discriminating against White males.
that White Christians are the least represented in colleges.
that Whites with the same SAT scores are less likely to get accepted into college than Blacks with the same SAT scores.
that White Christians can't be prejudiced like other groups, I mean Black racism is considered more mainstream, than White racism.
that prejudices like dumb Blonde jokes, or dumb Polak jokes, or Italian mafia, or French frog eater, German Nazi jokes, or Irish drunk jokes are more accepted than the same would be against Blacks, or Jews, or Hispanics, or even Asians.

White males are not discriminated against. Nor are white Christians. Black racism doesn't exist. Black prejudice yes. Understand the difference. Prejudice is wrong but then again a lot of black prejudice is based upon what whites have done to us, meaning our prejudice is based on a mistrust of white people. And to pretend that it is not justified is plain ignorance.


You really shouldn't give awards to yourself. That's a sign of a psychological problem. So when are we going to see this national policy of racial discrimination against whites?

Your stonewalling on the documented evidence I have repeatedly shown you, is you supporting actually racist policies.

You are the racist asshole here.

You have shown no documented evidence of a national policy of racial discrimination against whites. That's because it des not exist.

Silly man. Everyone here knows you are lying. Even you.
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