Is religion really so bad?

For the foreseeable future, either the GOP or the Dems will control Congress and the White House. Be nice if there was a viable 3rd party, but there isn't so anybody who does not vote for one or the other is wasting their vote. Most of the time it comes down to who you dislike the most and vote for the other person, but that beats not making any choice at all. Sorry situation and maybe that'll change but at this point I don't see a political savior out there just yet.

I believe a better alternative to a third party (or perhaps in addition to a third party) is term limits. A steadier turnover in Washington might keep people focused on the short amount of time they have to get something done. Lately, I have also been thinking jobs for Washington bureaucrats should also have a time limit of no more than ten years.
I cannot believe that non-Christians can be soooooooooooooooooo glibly uneducated regarding the Bible.
unraveling just the deceptions of the 4th century book would begin the process for "christians" to realistically understand how to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting.
What 4th Century book? the The Old Testament is several thousand years BC. The newest book of the New Testament is dated to approximately 95 AD. Now if you were speaking of the Koran --- then I'd have to agree. People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough. When one realizes that he/she is a sinner by birth, that is the first step to realistically comprehending how one may gain access to heaven. ALL other rationalizations are seriously flawed.
I cannot believe that non-Christians can be soooooooooooooooooo glibly uneducated regarding the Bible.
unraveling just the deceptions of the 4th century book would begin the process for "christians" to realistically understand how to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting.
What 4th Century book? the The Old Testament is several thousand years BC. The newest book of the New Testament is dated to approximately 95 AD. Now if you were speaking of the Koran --- then I'd have to agree. People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough. When one realizes that he/she is a sinner by birth, that is the first step to realistically comprehending how one may gain access to heaven. ALL other rationalizations are seriously flawed.
People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough.

that is simply your 4th century concoction you refer to as a religion the salvation for sinners, christianity. the history of your religion from that time to the present is exactly as you describe yourself.

the 1st century events were the reaffirmation salvation can only be attained through the Triumph of Good vs Evil - the condemnation of sinners. as yourself. you are the impediment for what you falsely claim as a goal.

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I cannot believe that non-Christians can be soooooooooooooooooo glibly uneducated regarding the Bible.
unraveling just the deceptions of the 4th century book would begin the process for "christians" to realistically understand how to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting.
What 4th Century book? the The Old Testament is several thousand years BC. The newest book of the New Testament is dated to approximately 95 AD. Now if you were speaking of the Koran --- then I'd have to agree. People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough. When one realizes that he/she is a sinner by birth, that is the first step to realistically comprehending how one may gain access to heaven. ALL other rationalizations are seriously flawed.
People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough.

that is simply your 4th century concoction you refer to as a religion the salvation for sinners, christianity. the history of your religion from that time to the present is exactly as you describe yourself.

the 1st century events were the reaffirmation salvation can only be attained through the Triumph of Good vs Evil - the condemnation of sinners. as yourself. you are the impediment for what you falsely claim as a goal.

The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.
I cannot believe that non-Christians can be soooooooooooooooooo glibly uneducated regarding the Bible.
unraveling just the deceptions of the 4th century book would begin the process for "christians" to realistically understand how to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting.
What 4th Century book? the The Old Testament is several thousand years BC. The newest book of the New Testament is dated to approximately 95 AD. Now if you were speaking of the Koran --- then I'd have to agree. People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough. When one realizes that he/she is a sinner by birth, that is the first step to realistically comprehending how one may gain access to heaven. ALL other rationalizations are seriously flawed.
People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough.

that is simply your 4th century concoction you refer to as a religion the salvation for sinners, christianity. the history of your religion from that time to the present is exactly as you describe yourself.

the 1st century events were the reaffirmation salvation can only be attained through the Triumph of Good vs Evil - the condemnation of sinners. as yourself. you are the impediment for what you falsely claim as a goal.

The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.
The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.

your a sad case nipper, brainwashed by the religion and book of sin. the Almighty's triumph over Evil is what is expected for anyone attempting Admission to the Everlasting as the means for the accomplishment.
I cannot believe that non-Christians can be soooooooooooooooooo glibly uneducated regarding the Bible.
unraveling just the deceptions of the 4th century book would begin the process for "christians" to realistically understand how to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting.
What 4th Century book? the The Old Testament is several thousand years BC. The newest book of the New Testament is dated to approximately 95 AD. Now if you were speaking of the Koran --- then I'd have to agree. People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough. When one realizes that he/she is a sinner by birth, that is the first step to realistically comprehending how one may gain access to heaven. ALL other rationalizations are seriously flawed.
People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough.

that is simply your 4th century concoction you refer to as a religion the salvation for sinners, christianity. the history of your religion from that time to the present is exactly as you describe yourself.

the 1st century events were the reaffirmation salvation can only be attained through the Triumph of Good vs Evil - the condemnation of sinners. as yourself. you are the impediment for what you falsely claim as a goal.

The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.
The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.

your a sad case nipper, brainwashed by the religion and book of sin. the Almighty's triumph over Evil is what is expected for anyone attempting Admission to the Everlasting as the means for the accomplishment.
You are the one who is duped. I lived the "Leave It to Beaver Life." I'm over 60 and you are a product of a lost generation. School was once a place of learning and kids quickly learned that not everyone gets a prize for everything without effort, but good sportsmanship was a valued character trait to instill. Parents then supported the teachers and a child who came home with a note from the teacher was in for it! Society cared only for the welfare of children and didn't fret if adults didn't get to do whatever they wanted. Everyone was the butt of a joke at some point and everyone felt insecure sometimes, but that was how character was molded. Finding out early that all behaviors patterns are not created equal nor worthy of protection molded mature hardworking considerate citizens and not a Patsy...
unraveling just the deceptions of the 4th century book would begin the process for "christians" to realistically understand how to accomplish Admission to the Everlasting.
What 4th Century book? the The Old Testament is several thousand years BC. The newest book of the New Testament is dated to approximately 95 AD. Now if you were speaking of the Koran --- then I'd have to agree. People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough. When one realizes that he/she is a sinner by birth, that is the first step to realistically comprehending how one may gain access to heaven. ALL other rationalizations are seriously flawed.
People are SAVED by GOD through HIS grace and not as the end result of being good enough.

that is simply your 4th century concoction you refer to as a religion the salvation for sinners, christianity. the history of your religion from that time to the present is exactly as you describe yourself.

the 1st century events were the reaffirmation salvation can only be attained through the Triumph of Good vs Evil - the condemnation of sinners. as yourself. you are the impediment for what you falsely claim as a goal.

The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.
The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.

your a sad case nipper, brainwashed by the religion and book of sin. the Almighty's triumph over Evil is what is expected for anyone attempting Admission to the Everlasting as the means for the accomplishment.
You are the one who is duped. I lived the "Leave It to Beaver Life." I'm over 60 and you are a product of a lost generation. School was once a place of learning and kids quickly learned that not everyone gets a prize for everything without effort, but good sportsmanship was a valued character trait to instill. Parents then supported the teachers and a child who came home with a note from the teacher was in for it! Society cared only for the welfare of children and didn't fret if adults didn't get to do whatever they wanted. Everyone was the butt of a joke at some point and everyone felt insecure sometimes, but that was how character was molded. Finding out early that all behaviors patterns are not created equal nor worthy of protection molded mature hardworking considerate citizens and not a Patsy...
The Messiah/Christ is GOD's Triumph over Evil. There is no other way.

Finding out early that all behaviors patterns are not created equal nor worthy of protection molded mature hardworking considerate citizens and not a Patsy...

... molded mature hardworking considerate citizens

those are not sinners, sinner and the goal is to never sin again when enough maturity evolves to do so and is the means to the Everlasting ... no need for a 10000 pg political document disguised as a religion by sinners to distort the Truth as history bears witness and is the opposite course for remission.

your response makes no sense to either my response or your earlier statement " there is no other way " - you are brainwashed into believing you are a sinner and there is nothing you can do about it "works" by your religion and book for sinners. -

someday it may dawn on you that sinners could not write a book of religion as everything they wrote would be sins ...
If you want to do something for your children, quit voting Democrat. Funny, you calling somebody else a fool. I think we're done here.
If you really want to do something for your children tell them to vote for anyone but the Dems and the GOP. They're both retard parties.

For the most part that's all that will win in national elections. Voting for any other political organization is throwing your vote away. Besides, the ONLY party to push for higher wages (which is the biggest problem for the middle class) is Democrats.
Then you are part of the problem.

In what way?
The 2 main parties have had their chances and screwed the whole country up. So if you still want to vote for either one of them, you are part of the problem.

The number one problem for working class Americans is stagnant wages brought to you by the Republicans
Education averts faith over reason based thinking.

How nice for you to be so highly educated that you can discard faith. Could be that you are outsmarting yourself a little bit. And to be so arrogant about it, like you know so much more than everyone else, typical progressive liberal democrat mindset. Faith is a lot more than just religion, we need it in our relationships, do we not? A life without any faith is a poor choice. What about love, is love reason-based thinking? I'm sure you will say yes, but I don't think love can exist without faith. How many relationships fall apart due to a lack or faith, or never fully develop as much as they could have?

There are a whole lot of people on this Earth who love and need their religious faith, people in far more desperate straits than you or I. For them faith in their religion is a staunch pillar for them to lean on to get through the really touch stretches, and don't think their religion doesn't help them quite a bit. You say it ain't real, but it sure as hell is to them. Reason-based thinking gets you absolutely nowhere when it comes to grief and suffering; but faith in a religion can offer the belief in an afterlife free of the pain and suffering plus the bonus of reuniting with lost loved ones. "You'e born, you live, and you die and that's it" doesn't offer much solace compared to that. And then there's the comfort of having so many others who believe as you do and will aid and help you when you need it most.

I think those highly educated people who avert faith are discarding a big part of their humanity. Do not be so sure of what is true or real and what isn't.

No. I discard faith over reason with dealing with religion. To lump faith in a religion versus a personal relationship is deception. You'd better run to church and ask for forgiveness.

The one I love! The ever lasting life bullshit.....something the church will never have to back.

You're a fool. If you want to do something for humanity, quit voting Republican.

If you want to do something for your children, quit voting Democrat. Funny, you calling somebody else a fool. I think we're done here.
If you really want to do something for your children tell them to vote for anyone but the Dems and the GOP. They're both retard parties.

For the foreseeable future, either the GOP or the Dems will control Congress and the White House. Be nice if there was a viable 3rd party, but there isn't so anybody who does not vote for one or the other is wasting their vote. Most of the time it comes down to who you dislike the most and vote for the other person, but that beats not making any choice at all. Sorry situation and maybe that'll change but at this point I don't see a political savior out there just yet.

What happened to a logical choice?
If you really want to do something for your children tell them to vote for anyone but the Dems and the GOP. They're both retard parties.

For the most part that's all that will win in national elections. Voting for any other political organization is throwing your vote away. Besides, the ONLY party to push for higher wages (which is the biggest problem for the middle class) is Democrats.
Then you are part of the problem.

In what way?
The 2 main parties have had their chances and screwed the whole country up. So if you still want to vote for either one of them, you are part of the problem.

The number one problem for working class Americans is stagnant wages brought to you by the Republicans
The number one problem a total lack of respect for the CREATOR --- brought to you by the Democrats but unchallenged by spineless Republicans.
For the most part that's all that will win in national elections. Voting for any other political organization is throwing your vote away. Besides, the ONLY party to push for higher wages (which is the biggest problem for the middle class) is Democrats.
Then you are part of the problem.

In what way?
The 2 main parties have had their chances and screwed the whole country up. So if you still want to vote for either one of them, you are part of the problem.

The number one problem for working class Americans is stagnant wages brought to you by the Republicans
The number one problem a total lack of respect for the CREATOR --- brought to you by the Democrats but unchallenged by spineless Republicans.

I believe in God. I also believe that the number one problem for working class Americans is stagnant wages brought to you by the Republicans.
The actual definition of the word Religion is not bad it is what we should do the problem is these religions that popped up have made it politicized so the word has come to mean something else...Jesus would not be involved in any organized religon of today because they are all corrupt and began with evil intent
Jesus would not be involved in any organized religon of today because they are all corrupt and began with evil intent
So then I'm like Jesus. Cool. :cool:
right on he is very cool and very funny
I love when he goes on the family guy. He’s hilarious
Jesus does cameos on the tv show Family Guy. So funny and he’s cool
Religion is bad, in my opinion, in that it asserts that it knows the answers where it doesn't.
Religion is bad, in my opinion, in that it asserts that it knows the answers where it doesn't.
St. Theresa of Avila put it well when she wrote the Interior Castle in the mid 1500s. She describes seven levels of spirituality. Church (or religion) is great--and has its hands full--with helping people in the foyer and level one, perhaps even level two.

What I see frustrating so many (myself included) is that there is very little to aid us (both in knowledge, time, and experience) as we struggle through levels after that. Religion and Church is unfairly bashed when they already have their hands full. At this point President Kennedy's words come readily to mind...Ask not what your (Church) can do for you. Ask what you should be doing...
To hear some people you'd think so...or you'd think SOME is...but that would be looking at it only one part of it.

I do think religion helps us to think of a higher purpose, to think outside of ourselves and our immediate needs, to think of others. And that is a good thing. I'm not big into "salvation" as a formal concept...and I am firm believer that we create our own heaven and hell through our actions on earth.

I'm listening to music, the true voice of the sacred. Cat Stevens...Yusuf Islam is one. What he says makes sense and echos all the world's great faiths:

Ten Promises To Peace

Ten Promises To Peace

What has happened to the Muslim Community since the Prophet Muhammad’s passing (peace be upon him) is anything but the message of unity, love and peace he delivered. Not entirely their fault because those who prosper by dividing mankind into collective groups, those who draw lines between people and families and then make deals with violent would-be-lords, presidents and dictators, must shoulder much of the blame also.

After entering Islam through the study of the Qur’an, what shocked me was how little people knew or wanted to know about the commonalities shared between Islam and other Faiths. The partial reason for this is the ‘Blame Game’; everybody accusing the ‘others’ for the terrible condition of the world: Afghanistan, Palestine, Bosnia, Iraq, all burning flames of hatred. Whereas the fundamental message of the Prophet, calling for understanding, prayer and charity under God, is totally lost in the gun smoke and fury of the explosive wars that continue to fog many people’s understanding of Islam. Following my conversion, I realised the real battle front was ignorance and mutual antagonism, was left unattended.

After many years, and millions of fatalities the world is still a very dangerous place, and continuously in conflict. So what can we do? Well, I think we can all promise to try and make it better by following the things we all say believe in.

Lessons from the Ten Commandments

Some people perceive believers in a Divine Code of life as unfashionable and unrealistic. But these people have left the safety of God’s palace of peace, and chosen to pitch their tents outside. That’s their choice, and choice is part of the license God has given every human being. However, when laws are broken and if people commit crimes and cross the lines, you can’t blame God for what happens next. Law and Order are primary requisites that God has provided humanity to maintain peace within the palace.

One of the most important objectives of all religion is teaching people how to live together. The lessons I learnt as a school child, the Ten Commandments, are not even referred to or looked at anymore. Yet these were the rules laid down by our Creator, for the benefit and betterment of all mankind. Why are they so easily overlooked?

When we hear that over four fifths of the world’s population believe or have a faith, why are we not profiting from things we already hold as valuable and right. In Islam, the ‘Ten’ are repeated in the Qur’an and other sacred Books in so many verses and chapters. This is a plus! What is missing is commitment.

People have put their nationality and customs above the commitment to abide by a Divine template of universal rights and responsibilities.

Even the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. It goes on to describe in detail what those rights are.

So what happens? Why do some of us look down at others, and consider their lives less than equal with our own? When a person kills another from the same race and society, it’s called murder. When someone kills someone from another country it’s war. It’s a complicated subject and cannot be dealt with in this short talk, but we can realize the basis of the problem if we revisit God’s commands.

Rest of the article at link.

And..for Christianity? What could be better expressed then in Connie Dover's Ubi heart and soul :)

WHERE charity and love are, God is there.
Christ's love has gathered us into one.
Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him.
Let us fear, and let us love the living God.
And may we love each other with a sincere heart.

WHERE charity and love are, God is there.
As we are gathered into one body,
Beware, lest we be divided in mind.
Let evil impulses stop, let controversy cease,
And may Christ our God be in our midst.

WHERE charity and love are, God is there.
And may we with the saints also,
See Thy face in glory, O Christ our God:
The joy that is immense and good,
Unto the ages through infinite ages. Amen.

You can provide the most perfect religion or government to someone but if they are corrupt they will destroy it.

Conversely, you can provide the worse kind of religion or government to people and if they are righteous, they will restore it.

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