Is Republican "war profiteering" considered "treason"?

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT). The bottom line is THE CONGRESS VOTED TO GO TO WAR BECAUSE GWB AND COMPANY HAD CHERRY PICKED THE INTELLIGENCE TO FOOL CONGRESS INTO VOTING FOR WAR.
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot. And don't give us any of your ultra right sewer sites. I will accept nothing but a well known non partisan source.
Post of the thread.

*One-man standing ovation*
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So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT). The bottom line is THE CONGRESS VOTED TO GO TO WAR BECAUSE GWB AND COMPANY HAD CHERRY PICKED THE INTELLIGENCE TO FOOL CONGRESS INTO VOTING FOR WAR.
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot. And don't give us any of your ultra right sewer sites. I will accept nothing but a well known non partisan source.
Post of the thread.

*One-man standing ovation*

Once again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid.... In order for Bush to have lied means the following...

Briton lied
Germany lied
France lied
Russia lied
Belgium lied
China lied
Every single intel agency in America lied
Clinton and his entire administration lied
3 separate Congressional investigations lied
Did I mention in order for Bush to have lied means the UN lied too?

So be so kind as to explain how Bush got all these Countries and these different people to lie for them?
Every freaking military adventure during the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Most economists would probably say that the military/industrial complex bailed the first two terms of the FDR administration out of the "great depression". Harry Truman committed Troops to Korea without consulting congress. LBJ used a fake "Tonkin Gulf Crisis" to get American Troops into Vietnam and Bill Clinton bombed a freaking European country to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual adventures. George Bush waited about a year for the democrat majority in congress to approve using American Troops to enforce UN sanctions against Saddam and 38% of democrats approved his adventure and then undermined the mission for the next decade.
How many times must we post the links to 550 Metric tons of yellowcake that were shipped out of Iraq to Canada in 2008, and was IN IRAQ UNGUARDED by U.N. inspectors during the war?

Are you really this dense?:cuckoo:
The yellowcake which couldn't be weaponized? Yeah, that's not a WMD.

That's the problem with Republicans and their lack of education or any understanding of science. They only need one word and it becomes their "mantra". In this case, it's "yellowcake". I wonder if they believe it's made with "real cake"?

The danger of yellowcake is primarily associated with its acquisition by a state intent on producing nuclear weapons, who does not have fissile materiel, but already has an enrichment plant and weaponization capabilities.

It's difficult to try and teach these humans with almost plant-like intelligence! Even harder to realize that they vote, and BREED!

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