Is Republican "war profiteering" considered "treason"?

To the OP:

War profiteering is not limited to just Republicans. You must be forgetting the Vietnam war, President Johnson and Brown and Root/Haliburton.

War profiteering is truly bipartisan.
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?

You're post is #2 and you call it a Conspiracy Theory............There WERE NO WMD'S! WMD'S WAS THE CONSPIRACY THEORY!

Learn anything yet?
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?

You're post is #2 and you call it a Conspiracy Theory............There WERE NO WMD'S! WMD'S WAS THE CONSPIRACY THEORY!

Learn anything yet?

The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.
The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "[ame=""]Saddam's Secrets[/ame]," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.
"There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over."
Mr. Sada's comments come just more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."
Democrats have made the absence of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a theme in their criticism of the Bush administration's decision to go to war in 2003. And President Bush himself has conceded much of the point; in a televised prime-time address to Americans last month, he said, "It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong."
Said Mr. Bush, "We did not find those weapons."
The discovery of the weapons in Syria could alter the American political debate on the Iraq war. And even the accusations that they are there could step up international pressure on the government in Damascus. That government, led by Bashar Assad, is already facing a U.N. investigation over its alleged role in the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon. The Bush administration has criticized Syria for its support of terrorism and its failure to cooperate with the U.N. investigation.
The State Department recently granted visas for self-proclaimed opponents of Mr. Assad to attend a "Syrian National Council" meeting in Washington scheduled for this weekend, even though the attendees include communists, Baathists, and members of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood group to the exclusion of other, more mainstream groups.
Mr. Sada, 65, told the Sun that the pilots of the two airliners that transported the weapons of mass destruction to Syria from Iraq approached him in the middle of 2004, after Saddam was captured by American troops.
"I know them very well. They are very good friends of mine. We trust each other. We are friends as pilots," Mr. Sada said of the two pilots. He declined to disclose their names, saying they are concerned for their safety. But he said they are now employed by other airlines outside Iraq.
The pilots told Mr. Sada that two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, Mr. Sada said. Then Special Republican Guard brigades loaded materials onto the planes, he said, including "yellow barrels with skull and crossbones on each barrel." The pilots said there was also a ground convoy of trucks.
The flights - 56 in total, Mr. Sada said - attracted little notice because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in June of 2002.
"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Mr. Sada said. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians."
Mr. Sada said that the Iraqi official responsible for transferring the weapons was a cousin of Saddam Hussein named Ali Hussein al-Majid, known as "Chemical Ali." The Syrian official responsible for receiving them was a cousin of Bashar Assad who is known variously as General Abu Ali, Abu Himma, or Zulhimawe.
Short of discovering the weapons in Syria, those seeking to validate Mr. Sada's claim independently will face difficulty. His book contains a foreword by a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, David Eberly, who was a prisoner of war in Iraq during the first Gulf War and who vouches for Mr. Sada, who once held him captive, as "an honest and honorable man."
In his visit to the Sun yesterday, Mr. Sada was accompanied by Terry Law, the president of a Tulsa, Oklahoma based Christian humanitarian organization called World Compassion. Mr. Law said he has known Mr. Sada since 2002, lived in his house in Iraq and had Mr. Sada as a guest in his home in America. "Do I believe this man? Yes," Mr. Law said. "It's been solid down the line and everything checked out."
Said Mr. Law, "This is not a publicity hound. This is a man who wants peace putting his family on the line."
Mr. Sada acknowledged that the disclosures about transfers of weapons of mass destruction are "a very delicate issue." He said he was afraid for his family. "I am sure the terrorists will not like it. The Saddamists will not like it," he said.
He thanked the American troops. "They liberated the country and the nation. It is a liberation force. They did a great job," he said. "We have been freed."
He said he had not shared his story until now with any American officials. "I kept everything secret in my heart," he said. But he is scheduled to meet next week in Washington with Senators Sessions and Inhofe, Republicans of, respectively, Alabama and Oklahoma. Both are members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The book also says that on the eve of the first Gulf War, Saddam was planning to use his air force to launch a chemical weapons attack on Israel.
When, during an interview with the Sun in April 2004, Vice President Cheney was asked whether he thought that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction had been moved to Syria, Mr. Cheney replied only that he had seen such reports.
An article in the Fall 2005 Middle East Quarterly reports that in an appearance on Israel's Channel 2 on December 23, 2002, Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, stated, "Chemical and biological weapons which Saddam is endeavoring to conceal have been moved from Iraq to Syria." The allegation was denied by the Syrian government at the time as "completely untrue," and it attracted scant American press attention, coming as it did on the eve of the Christmas holiday.
The Syrian ruling party and Saddam Hussein had in common the ideology of Baathism, a mixture of Nazism and Marxism.
Syria is one of only eight countries that has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, a treaty that obligates nations not to stockpile or use chemical weapons. Syria's chemical warfare program, apart from any weapons that may have been received from Iraq, has long been the source of concern to America, Israel, and Lebanon. In March 2004, the director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, saying, "Damascus has an active CW development and testing program that relies on foreign suppliers for key controlled chemicals suitable for producing CW."
The CIA's Iraq Survey Group acknowledged in its September 30, 2004, "Comprehensive Report," "we cannot express a firm view on the possibility that WMD elements were relocated out of Iraq prior to the war. Reports of such actions exist, but we have not yet been able to investigate this possibility thoroughly."
Mr. Sada is an unusual figure for an Iraqi general as he is a Christian and was not a member of the Baath Party. He now directs the Iraq operations of the Christian humanitarian organization, World Compassion.
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

I love the post. I love even more that you are aware of the Military Industrial Complex, you are more educated than most.

But the MIC has tainted everyone with a chance of winning an election. Obama bombed Libya for no reason, no one can find proof Gaddafi as killing his people. Obama is attacking many other nations we aren't at war with. Once Lockheed Martin gives you millions, they want you to buy and use their product.

Halliburton is rebuilding Iraq today. VP Cheney and Halliburton are raking in the profits. Look at the real time amount of money going to Halliburton to rebuild Iraq (we aren't at war anymore, all of this is going to rebuild)
Cost of National Security: Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour

Also note that Halliburton is on the board of the Federal Reserve.

Everything truly wrong with America is that Americans don't run the country anymore, corporations and the top 1% do.
So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?

You're post is #2 and you call it a Conspiracy Theory............There WERE NO WMD'S! WMD'S WAS THE CONSPIRACY THEORY!

Learn anything yet?

The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.
The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "[ame=""]Saddam's Secrets[/ame]," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.
"There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over."
Mr. Sada's comments come just more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."
Democrats have made the absence of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a theme in their criticism of the Bush administration's decision to go to war in 2003. And President Bush himself has conceded much of the point; in a televised prime-time address to Americans last month, he said, "It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong."
Said Mr. Bush, "We did not find those weapons."
The discovery of the weapons in Syria could alter the American political debate on the Iraq war. And even the accusations that they are there could step up international pressure on the government in Damascus. That government, led by Bashar Assad, is already facing a U.N. investigation over its alleged role in the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon. The Bush administration has criticized Syria for its support of terrorism and its failure to cooperate with the U.N. investigation.
The State Department recently granted visas for self-proclaimed opponents of Mr. Assad to attend a "Syrian National Council" meeting in Washington scheduled for this weekend, even though the attendees include communists, Baathists, and members of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood group to the exclusion of other, more mainstream groups.
Mr. Sada, 65, told the Sun that the pilots of the two airliners that transported the weapons of mass destruction to Syria from Iraq approached him in the middle of 2004, after Saddam was captured by American troops.
"I know them very well. They are very good friends of mine. We trust each other. We are friends as pilots," Mr. Sada said of the two pilots. He declined to disclose their names, saying they are concerned for their safety. But he said they are now employed by other airlines outside Iraq.
The pilots told Mr. Sada that two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, Mr. Sada said. Then Special Republican Guard brigades loaded materials onto the planes, he said, including "yellow barrels with skull and crossbones on each barrel." The pilots said there was also a ground convoy of trucks.
The flights - 56 in total, Mr. Sada said - attracted little notice because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in June of 2002.
"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Mr. Sada said. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians."
Mr. Sada said that the Iraqi official responsible for transferring the weapons was a cousin of Saddam Hussein named Ali Hussein al-Majid, known as "Chemical Ali." The Syrian official responsible for receiving them was a cousin of Bashar Assad who is known variously as General Abu Ali, Abu Himma, or Zulhimawe.
Short of discovering the weapons in Syria, those seeking to validate Mr. Sada's claim independently will face difficulty. His book contains a foreword by a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, David Eberly, who was a prisoner of war in Iraq during the first Gulf War and who vouches for Mr. Sada, who once held him captive, as "an honest and honorable man."
In his visit to the Sun yesterday, Mr. Sada was accompanied by Terry Law, the president of a Tulsa, Oklahoma based Christian humanitarian organization called World Compassion. Mr. Law said he has known Mr. Sada since 2002, lived in his house in Iraq and had Mr. Sada as a guest in his home in America. "Do I believe this man? Yes," Mr. Law said. "It's been solid down the line and everything checked out."
Said Mr. Law, "This is not a publicity hound. This is a man who wants peace putting his family on the line."
Mr. Sada acknowledged that the disclosures about transfers of weapons of mass destruction are "a very delicate issue." He said he was afraid for his family. "I am sure the terrorists will not like it. The Saddamists will not like it," he said.
He thanked the American troops. "They liberated the country and the nation. It is a liberation force. They did a great job," he said. "We have been freed."
He said he had not shared his story until now with any American officials. "I kept everything secret in my heart," he said. But he is scheduled to meet next week in Washington with Senators Sessions and Inhofe, Republicans of, respectively, Alabama and Oklahoma. Both are members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The book also says that on the eve of the first Gulf War, Saddam was planning to use his air force to launch a chemical weapons attack on Israel.
When, during an interview with the Sun in April 2004, Vice President Cheney was asked whether he thought that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction had been moved to Syria, Mr. Cheney replied only that he had seen such reports.
An article in the Fall 2005 Middle East Quarterly reports that in an appearance on Israel's Channel 2 on December 23, 2002, Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, stated, "Chemical and biological weapons which Saddam is endeavoring to conceal have been moved from Iraq to Syria." The allegation was denied by the Syrian government at the time as "completely untrue," and it attracted scant American press attention, coming as it did on the eve of the Christmas holiday.
The Syrian ruling party and Saddam Hussein had in common the ideology of Baathism, a mixture of Nazism and Marxism.
Syria is one of only eight countries that has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, a treaty that obligates nations not to stockpile or use chemical weapons. Syria's chemical warfare program, apart from any weapons that may have been received from Iraq, has long been the source of concern to America, Israel, and Lebanon. In March 2004, the director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, saying, "Damascus has an active CW development and testing program that relies on foreign suppliers for key controlled chemicals suitable for producing CW."
The CIA's Iraq Survey Group acknowledged in its September 30, 2004, "Comprehensive Report," "we cannot express a firm view on the possibility that WMD elements were relocated out of Iraq prior to the war. Reports of such actions exist, but we have not yet been able to investigate this possibility thoroughly."
Mr. Sada is an unusual figure for an Iraqi general as he is a Christian and was not a member of the Baath Party. He now directs the Iraq operations of the Christian humanitarian organization, World Compassion.

I've heard the argument. All of America has.

Are you justifying that we should go to war with any country with WMD's even if there is no absolute proof and ONE PERSON said so?
If you did any ACTUAL research we had intelligence all over the place in IRAQ. WMD's where here and there and the soldiers were attacking citizens to get to them, yet they weren't there.

How about Iran. Do they have a nuke? The Right was trying REALLY HARD to paint a picture that Iran has a nuke so we could go to war with them.

Note; The one person that said Iraq had nukes was the same person that said Gaddafi was killing his people. This has been exposed to the rest of the world but not the USA.
Last edited:
You're post is #2 and you call it a Conspiracy Theory............There WERE NO WMD'S! WMD'S WAS THE CONSPIRACY THEORY!

Learn anything yet?

The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.
The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "[ame=""]Saddam's Secrets[/ame]," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.
"There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over."
Mr. Sada's comments come just more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."
Democrats have made the absence of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a theme in their criticism of the Bush administration's decision to go to war in 2003. And President Bush himself has conceded much of the point; in a televised prime-time address to Americans last month, he said, "It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong."
Said Mr. Bush, "We did not find those weapons."
The discovery of the weapons in Syria could alter the American political debate on the Iraq war. And even the accusations that they are there could step up international pressure on the government in Damascus. That government, led by Bashar Assad, is already facing a U.N. investigation over its alleged role in the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon. The Bush administration has criticized Syria for its support of terrorism and its failure to cooperate with the U.N. investigation.
The State Department recently granted visas for self-proclaimed opponents of Mr. Assad to attend a "Syrian National Council" meeting in Washington scheduled for this weekend, even though the attendees include communists, Baathists, and members of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood group to the exclusion of other, more mainstream groups.
Mr. Sada, 65, told the Sun that the pilots of the two airliners that transported the weapons of mass destruction to Syria from Iraq approached him in the middle of 2004, after Saddam was captured by American troops.
"I know them very well. They are very good friends of mine. We trust each other. We are friends as pilots," Mr. Sada said of the two pilots. He declined to disclose their names, saying they are concerned for their safety. But he said they are now employed by other airlines outside Iraq.
The pilots told Mr. Sada that two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, Mr. Sada said. Then Special Republican Guard brigades loaded materials onto the planes, he said, including "yellow barrels with skull and crossbones on each barrel." The pilots said there was also a ground convoy of trucks.
The flights - 56 in total, Mr. Sada said - attracted little notice because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in June of 2002.
"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Mr. Sada said. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians."
Mr. Sada said that the Iraqi official responsible for transferring the weapons was a cousin of Saddam Hussein named Ali Hussein al-Majid, known as "Chemical Ali." The Syrian official responsible for receiving them was a cousin of Bashar Assad who is known variously as General Abu Ali, Abu Himma, or Zulhimawe.
Short of discovering the weapons in Syria, those seeking to validate Mr. Sada's claim independently will face difficulty. His book contains a foreword by a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, David Eberly, who was a prisoner of war in Iraq during the first Gulf War and who vouches for Mr. Sada, who once held him captive, as "an honest and honorable man."
In his visit to the Sun yesterday, Mr. Sada was accompanied by Terry Law, the president of a Tulsa, Oklahoma based Christian humanitarian organization called World Compassion. Mr. Law said he has known Mr. Sada since 2002, lived in his house in Iraq and had Mr. Sada as a guest in his home in America. "Do I believe this man? Yes," Mr. Law said. "It's been solid down the line and everything checked out."
Said Mr. Law, "This is not a publicity hound. This is a man who wants peace putting his family on the line."
Mr. Sada acknowledged that the disclosures about transfers of weapons of mass destruction are "a very delicate issue." He said he was afraid for his family. "I am sure the terrorists will not like it. The Saddamists will not like it," he said.
He thanked the American troops. "They liberated the country and the nation. It is a liberation force. They did a great job," he said. "We have been freed."
He said he had not shared his story until now with any American officials. "I kept everything secret in my heart," he said. But he is scheduled to meet next week in Washington with Senators Sessions and Inhofe, Republicans of, respectively, Alabama and Oklahoma. Both are members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The book also says that on the eve of the first Gulf War, Saddam was planning to use his air force to launch a chemical weapons attack on Israel.
When, during an interview with the Sun in April 2004, Vice President Cheney was asked whether he thought that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction had been moved to Syria, Mr. Cheney replied only that he had seen such reports.
An article in the Fall 2005 Middle East Quarterly reports that in an appearance on Israel's Channel 2 on December 23, 2002, Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, stated, "Chemical and biological weapons which Saddam is endeavoring to conceal have been moved from Iraq to Syria." The allegation was denied by the Syrian government at the time as "completely untrue," and it attracted scant American press attention, coming as it did on the eve of the Christmas holiday.
The Syrian ruling party and Saddam Hussein had in common the ideology of Baathism, a mixture of Nazism and Marxism.
Syria is one of only eight countries that has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, a treaty that obligates nations not to stockpile or use chemical weapons. Syria's chemical warfare program, apart from any weapons that may have been received from Iraq, has long been the source of concern to America, Israel, and Lebanon. In March 2004, the director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, saying, "Damascus has an active CW development and testing program that relies on foreign suppliers for key controlled chemicals suitable for producing CW."
The CIA's Iraq Survey Group acknowledged in its September 30, 2004, "Comprehensive Report," "we cannot express a firm view on the possibility that WMD elements were relocated out of Iraq prior to the war. Reports of such actions exist, but we have not yet been able to investigate this possibility thoroughly."
Mr. Sada is an unusual figure for an Iraqi general as he is a Christian and was not a member of the Baath Party. He now directs the Iraq operations of the Christian humanitarian organization, World Compassion.

I've heard the argument. All of America has.

Are you justifying that we should go to war with any country with WMD's even if there is no absolute proof and ONE PERSON said so?
If you did any ACTUAL research we had intelligence all over the place in IRAQ. WMD's where here and there and the soldiers were attacking citizens to get to them, yet they weren't there.

How about Iran. Do they have a nuke? The Right was trying REALLY HARD to paint a picture that Iran has a nuke so we could go to war with them.

Note; The one person that said Iraq had nukes was the same person that said Gaddafi was killing his people. This has been exposed to the rest of the world but not the USA.

We didn't go to war because of WMD, how many times must we explain that we went to war because Saddam broke the peace treaty of Gulf War I by shooting at our planes that patrolled the NO FLY ZONE, and Saddam's 16 resolutions against him by the U.N.! BTW, in Sada's book, he points out where the nuclear material was taken, It was to the Chinese built Nuclear sight that was being built in Syria, of which Israel bombed the shit out of killing hundreds, if not more of Chinese engineers, back in Oct. 2007.

I make special note that Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant back in 1981 and faced mass condemnation at the U.N. for it's act, but had NO condemnation at the U.N. or anywhere else when it took out Syria's plant!
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

Soros owned over 60 million in shares of Halliburton since 2006, what does that mean? :eek:

George Soros' Top 10 New Stock Buys -

Oh and don't forget "Burn & Loot" , no scratch that Brown & Root ( the same company who was awarded military contracts by President Johnson and Kennedy) became Halliburton in 1962, owned by Lady Bird Johnson herself until her death in 2007. Oh my!!

Do you know how much money Halliburton AKA Brown and Root dumped into Johnson's career over the years?

Here you go, read about old Johnsons cronies:

KBR (company) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Halliburton Deals Recall Vietnam-Era Controversy : NPR

Strange, that some democrats seem to ignore the sorted history of Halliburton AKA Burn and Loot. History has a way of showing that it repeats itself in both parties and or history continues, only to be scrutinized when its the opposite party. :doubt:
The man who served as the no. 2 official in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the war by loading the weapons into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed.
The Iraqi general, Georges Sada, makes the charges in a new book, "Saddam's Secrets," released this week. He detailed the transfers in an interview yesterday with The New York Sun.
"There are weapons of mass destruction gone out from Iraq to Syria, and they must be found and returned to safe hands," Mr. Sada said. "I am confident they were taken over."
Mr. Sada's comments come just more than a month after Israel's top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."
Democrats have made the absence of stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq a theme in their criticism of the Bush administration's decision to go to war in 2003. And President Bush himself has conceded much of the point; in a televised prime-time address to Americans last month, he said, "It is true that many nations believed that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. But much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong."
Said Mr. Bush, "We did not find those weapons."
The discovery of the weapons in Syria could alter the American political debate on the Iraq war. And even the accusations that they are there could step up international pressure on the government in Damascus. That government, led by Bashar Assad, is already facing a U.N. investigation over its alleged role in the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon. The Bush administration has criticized Syria for its support of terrorism and its failure to cooperate with the U.N. investigation.
The State Department recently granted visas for self-proclaimed opponents of Mr. Assad to attend a "Syrian National Council" meeting in Washington scheduled for this weekend, even though the attendees include communists, Baathists, and members of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood group to the exclusion of other, more mainstream groups.
Mr. Sada, 65, told the Sun that the pilots of the two airliners that transported the weapons of mass destruction to Syria from Iraq approached him in the middle of 2004, after Saddam was captured by American troops.
"I know them very well. They are very good friends of mine. We trust each other. We are friends as pilots," Mr. Sada said of the two pilots. He declined to disclose their names, saying they are concerned for their safety. But he said they are now employed by other airlines outside Iraq.
The pilots told Mr. Sada that two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, Mr. Sada said. Then Special Republican Guard brigades loaded materials onto the planes, he said, including "yellow barrels with skull and crossbones on each barrel." The pilots said there was also a ground convoy of trucks.
The flights - 56 in total, Mr. Sada said - attracted little notice because they were thought to be civilian flights providing relief from Iraq to Syria, which had suffered a flood after a dam collapse in June of 2002.
"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Mr. Sada said. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians."
Mr. Sada said that the Iraqi official responsible for transferring the weapons was a cousin of Saddam Hussein named Ali Hussein al-Majid, known as "Chemical Ali." The Syrian official responsible for receiving them was a cousin of Bashar Assad who is known variously as General Abu Ali, Abu Himma, or Zulhimawe.
Short of discovering the weapons in Syria, those seeking to validate Mr. Sada's claim independently will face difficulty. His book contains a foreword by a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, David Eberly, who was a prisoner of war in Iraq during the first Gulf War and who vouches for Mr. Sada, who once held him captive, as "an honest and honorable man."
In his visit to the Sun yesterday, Mr. Sada was accompanied by Terry Law, the president of a Tulsa, Oklahoma based Christian humanitarian organization called World Compassion. Mr. Law said he has known Mr. Sada since 2002, lived in his house in Iraq and had Mr. Sada as a guest in his home in America. "Do I believe this man? Yes," Mr. Law said. "It's been solid down the line and everything checked out."
Said Mr. Law, "This is not a publicity hound. This is a man who wants peace putting his family on the line."
Mr. Sada acknowledged that the disclosures about transfers of weapons of mass destruction are "a very delicate issue." He said he was afraid for his family. "I am sure the terrorists will not like it. The Saddamists will not like it," he said.
He thanked the American troops. "They liberated the country and the nation. It is a liberation force. They did a great job," he said. "We have been freed."
He said he had not shared his story until now with any American officials. "I kept everything secret in my heart," he said. But he is scheduled to meet next week in Washington with Senators Sessions and Inhofe, Republicans of, respectively, Alabama and Oklahoma. Both are members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
The book also says that on the eve of the first Gulf War, Saddam was planning to use his air force to launch a chemical weapons attack on Israel.
When, during an interview with the Sun in April 2004, Vice President Cheney was asked whether he thought that Iraqi weapons of mass destruction had been moved to Syria, Mr. Cheney replied only that he had seen such reports.
An article in the Fall 2005 Middle East Quarterly reports that in an appearance on Israel's Channel 2 on December 23, 2002, Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon, stated, "Chemical and biological weapons which Saddam is endeavoring to conceal have been moved from Iraq to Syria." The allegation was denied by the Syrian government at the time as "completely untrue," and it attracted scant American press attention, coming as it did on the eve of the Christmas holiday.
The Syrian ruling party and Saddam Hussein had in common the ideology of Baathism, a mixture of Nazism and Marxism.
Syria is one of only eight countries that has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, a treaty that obligates nations not to stockpile or use chemical weapons. Syria's chemical warfare program, apart from any weapons that may have been received from Iraq, has long been the source of concern to America, Israel, and Lebanon. In March 2004, the director of Central Intelligence, George Tenet, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, saying, "Damascus has an active CW development and testing program that relies on foreign suppliers for key controlled chemicals suitable for producing CW."
The CIA's Iraq Survey Group acknowledged in its September 30, 2004, "Comprehensive Report," "we cannot express a firm view on the possibility that WMD elements were relocated out of Iraq prior to the war. Reports of such actions exist, but we have not yet been able to investigate this possibility thoroughly."
Mr. Sada is an unusual figure for an Iraqi general as he is a Christian and was not a member of the Baath Party. He now directs the Iraq operations of the Christian humanitarian organization, World Compassion.

I've heard the argument. All of America has.

Are you justifying that we should go to war with any country with WMD's even if there is no absolute proof and ONE PERSON said so?
If you did any ACTUAL research we had intelligence all over the place in IRAQ. WMD's where here and there and the soldiers were attacking citizens to get to them, yet they weren't there.

How about Iran. Do they have a nuke? The Right was trying REALLY HARD to paint a picture that Iran has a nuke so we could go to war with them.

Note; The one person that said Iraq had nukes was the same person that said Gaddafi was killing his people. This has been exposed to the rest of the world but not the USA.

We didn't go to war because of WMD, how many times must we explain that we went to war because Saddam broke the peace treaty of Gulf War I by shooting at our planes that patrolled the NO FLY ZONE, and Saddam's 16 resolutions against him by the U.N.! BTW, in Sada's book, he points out where the nuclear material was taken, It was to the Chinese built Nuclear sight that was being built in Syria, of which Israel bombed the shit out of killing hundreds, if not more of Chinese engineers, back in Oct. 2007.

I make special note that Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant back in 1981 and faced mass condemnation at the U.N. for it's act, but had NO condemnation at the U.N. or anywhere else when it took out Syria's plant!
The basics of politics we see today is, "Start a fire and sell water" It's all about money$.
I've heard the argument. All of America has.

Are you justifying that we should go to war with any country with WMD's even if there is no absolute proof and ONE PERSON said so?
If you did any ACTUAL research we had intelligence all over the place in IRAQ. WMD's where here and there and the soldiers were attacking citizens to get to them, yet they weren't there.

How about Iran. Do they have a nuke? The Right was trying REALLY HARD to paint a picture that Iran has a nuke so we could go to war with them.

Note; The one person that said Iraq had nukes was the same person that said Gaddafi was killing his people. This has been exposed to the rest of the world but not the USA.

We didn't go to war because of WMD, how many times must we explain that we went to war because Saddam broke the peace treaty of Gulf War I by shooting at our planes that patrolled the NO FLY ZONE, and Saddam's 16 resolutions against him by the U.N.! BTW, in Sada's book, he points out where the nuclear material was taken, It was to the Chinese built Nuclear sight that was being built in Syria, of which Israel bombed the shit out of killing hundreds, if not more of Chinese engineers, back in Oct. 2007.

I make special note that Israel bombed Iraq's nuclear plant back in 1981 and faced mass condemnation at the U.N. for it's act, but had NO condemnation at the U.N. or anywhere else when it took out Syria's plant!

Read the book...

To the OP:

War profiteering is not limited to just Republicans. You must be forgetting the Vietnam war, President Johnson and Brown and Root/Haliburton.

War profiteering is truly bipartisan.
You may be correct. Johnson and others may have profited from the war in Vietnam. If so they deserved to be be tried and hung. Now, that said, does that justify bush and cheney being war profiteers? I don't think so.
We must distract the people from the lousy job Obama is doing and how his comrades in arms is using drones to bomb anything and everything, so bring up Bush Cheney and Halliburton
So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?
I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT). The bottom line is THE CONGRESS VOTED TO GO TO WAR BECAUSE GWB AND COMPANY HAD CHERRY PICKED THE INTELLIGENCE TO FOOL CONGRESS INTO VOTING FOR WAR.
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot. And don't give us any of your ultra right sewer sites. I will accept nothing but a well known non partisan source.

You're an imbecile (FACT)

So they fooled Bill Clinton too? And there were WMD....fact.
I believed Bush twice. I believed him when he said Saddam had WMD's and I believed him when he said Iraq had no WMD's.

I believe the first time he lied and the second time he "came clean". What else could he do?
I believed Bush twice. I believed him when he said Saddam had WMD's and I believed him when he said Iraq had no WMD's.

I believe the first time he lied and the second time he "came clean". What else could he do?

How many times must we post the links to 550 Metric tons of yellowcake that were shipped out of Iraq to Canada in 2008, and was IN IRAQ UNGUARDED by U.N. inspectors during the war?

Are you really this dense?:cuckoo:
I believed Bush twice. I believed him when he said Saddam had WMD's and I believed him when he said Iraq had no WMD's.

I believe the first time he lied and the second time he "came clean". What else could he do?

How many times must we post the links to 550 Metric tons of yellowcake that were shipped out of Iraq to Canada in 2008, and was IN IRAQ UNGUARDED by U.N. inspectors during the war?

Are you really this dense?:cuckoo:
The yellowcake which couldn't be weaponized? Yeah, that's not a WMD.
I believed Bush twice. I believed him when he said Saddam had WMD's and I believed him when he said Iraq had no WMD's.

I believe the first time he lied and the second time he "came clean". What else could he do?

How many times must we post the links to 550 Metric tons of yellowcake that were shipped out of Iraq to Canada in 2008, and was IN IRAQ UNGUARDED by U.N. inspectors during the war?

Are you really this dense?:cuckoo:
The yellowcake which couldn't be weaponized? Yeah, that's not a WMD.

ANY YELLOWCAKE can be weaponized, because centrifuges supposedly weren't found, doesn't mean it wasn't WMD, the BASIS for all nuclear bombs!
I believed Bush twice. I believed him when he said Saddam had WMD's and I believed him when he said Iraq had no WMD's.

I believe the first time he lied and the second time he "came clean". What else could he do?

How many times must we post the links to 550 Metric tons of yellowcake that were shipped out of Iraq to Canada in 2008, and was IN IRAQ UNGUARDED by U.N. inspectors during the war?

Are you really this dense?:cuckoo:
The yellowcake which couldn't be weaponized? Yeah, that's not a WMD.

That's the problem with Republicans and their lack of education or any understanding of science. They only need one word and it becomes their "mantra". In this case, it's "yellowcake". I wonder if they believe it's made with "real cake"?
Wow out of office for almost 5 1/2 years now and we still have cases of Bush Derangement Syndrome.

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