Is Roman Polanski a criminal?

You are either lying or ignorant or both;

Polanski did not serve out his sentence. In fact, if he comes back to the US they will arrest him and thrown him back in jail.

He evaded the legal system by fleeing to France.

Joe's much more concerned about other matters than he is some monster preying on children.
I am pointing out that the Left keeps lowering the bar of societal norms and morality.
True - that is their general strategy since 45 years
Pedophilia is the next thing being normalized and not even you seem to care.
What makes you think so? - since you would be absolutely wrong
Soon it will be considered hate speech speaking out against this sort of thing and make illegal.
yep, I wouldn't out-rule such a possibility

Hi, little coward Joe. No, I was born a few months before Normandy.

But you ... you little coward ... would not have been at Normandy, nor would you have done what I did do, which is to take part in Freedom Summer, registering Blacks to vote; to oppose the Vietnam War, by, among other things, editing a newsletter -- GI Voice -- aimed at other soldiers when I was in the Army. You wouldn't dream of actually risking your cowardly skin.

Nobody believes you did any of that stuff... and frankly, undermining soldiers in wartime is hardly anything to be proud of.... so not sure why you added it to your fake biography.

Pathological liars hate being called on their lies.
You are either lying or ignorant or both;

Polanski did not serve out his sentence. In fact, if he comes back to the US they will arrest him and thrown him back in jail.

He evaded the legal system by fleeing to France.

No he evaded an abuse of an agreement he had already reached with prosecutors.

Educate yourself.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, the court ordered Polanski to report to a state prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation, but granted a stay to allow him to complete his current project. Under the terms set by the court, he traveled to Europe to complete filming.[32] ....He was subsequently ordered to return to California and reported to Chino State Prison for the evaluation period beginning on December 19, 1977, and was released after 42 of the 90 scheduled days.[34] Polanski's lawyers expected that Polanski would receive probation at the subsequent sentencing hearing, with the probation officer, examining psychiatrist, and the victim all recommending against prison time.[35]

Joe's much more concerned about other matters than he is some monster preying on children.
Nope, not concerned about some shit that happened 45 years ago... we have real problems now.
No he evaded an abuse of an agreement he had already reached with prosecutors.

Educate yourself.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, the court ordered Polanski to report to a state prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation, but granted a stay to allow him to complete his current project. Under the terms set by the court, he traveled to Europe to complete filming.[32] ....He was subsequently ordered to return to California and reported to Chino State Prison for the evaluation period beginning on December 19, 1977, and was released after 42 of the 90 scheduled days.[34] Polanski's lawyers expected that Polanski would receive probation at the subsequent sentencing hearing, with the probation officer, examining psychiatrist, and the victim all recommending against prison time.[35]

Nope, not concerned about some shit that happened 45 years ago... we have real problems now.
He did not serve out his prison time idiot.

Then again, you justify his pedophilia so it stands to reason you would also justify him not serving out his sentence..
Joe's much more concerned about other matters than he is some monster preying on children.
Joe is a DNC cultist who would rape and kill for his party and justify anyone else in his party that engaged in such activity that is apart of his cult.
No, nation states seldom do selfless things, like 'helping' other nations.

Seems what you call "nation" is not what I think about whmen I use the word nation. My dream is a united world. And a Union is for me not a nation. "Experiment" by thoughts: How many wars had happened in the USA when everx of your states (also not nations buit siskpoiar to this)ghad an own army?

The American people felt burned by their participation in WWI -- an uncharacteristic action. They didn't join the League of Nations. And when WWII started, they overwhelmingly wanted no part of it.

It's unbelievable stupid what you say here. You fought in world war 1 for the colonial and national empires and destroyed the multi-national empires. Without you the result of world war 1 had been totally different. A result of world war 1 had been Soviets, Nazis and a growing extremism in the world of the Muslims which is calle today "Islamism". Short: World war 2, Cold War and Islamistic terror would today be totally unknown if you had not done what you had done - what has by the way nothing to do with any US-American who lives today. History is not able to be undone. It is what it is. What you nor I nor anyone else in the world ever will know is what had been the alternative world.

But their President at the time, Franklin Roosevelt, very wisely understood it wouldn't be a good idea if Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan conquered and then divided the rest of the world between them. So he did everything he could to get us into the war. We had no bases in Europe, and although the Nazis did sink one of our destroyers by accident, that was not enough to provoke the American people into war.

It was no "accident". This destroyer protected Britsh ships who transported US-American weapons to Great Britain. One of your su8bmareins was watching this convoi. Your destroyer attacked the submarine without any reason to have to do so,. The submarine sank your destroyer when they tried to fire new water bombs. This was a war crime in case of the actsion of your destroyer and a sim,ple self-defense in case of the German submarine.

But we did have a presence in the Pacific, where the Japanese were expanding.

Hawaii was no part of the USA.

The problem was, as his Secretary of War put it in a diary entry at the time, how to "maneuver the Japanese into firing the first shot".

:lol: You was successful in doping so. And you made again an unbei9ebeaböe amount of money in world war 2 as you had done in world war 1. When I say "you" then I mean "the USA" but not the soldiers of the USA.

Which they did, at Pearl Harbor. And that did it! We went from "no war for us" to white-hot fury in ten seconds.

Because you are idiots.

The lines at recruiting stations the next day stretched three times around the block.

But ... that was the Japanese, not Germany.

Germany anyway never did do anything bad to the USA - what made you to the worst enemy of Germany.

The American people wanted to destroy Japan,

Whjat so sa to such a nonsense? You are an extremely violent nation. I guess to live in the USA makes everyone mad.

but had no interest in going to war in Europe. And then Hitler, God bless 'im,

Good grief.
End of disussion, fake-Christian and perverted Nazi.

declared war on us! Gratuitously. He didn't have to. He just did. Insane.

Now, after the war was over, the American ruling elite decided not to repeat what they had seen as their mistake after WWI. They saw Stalin as the new Hitler, who must be 'contained'.

So.. we created NATO, whose purpose, as one British commentator said, was "The keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."

But things have changed. Germany is a democratic country. (On the same death spiral as the Americans, but lagging behind.)

Time for us to go home, and for the Germans to relearn how to make war, and take over the defense of Europe.

You could probably build nuclear weapons over a long weekend. Whip all those spoiled brat young people into being soldiers. It'll do them good.
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Polanski raped an underage girl. He confessed to having done so. He illegally fled prosecution. By any definition he is a criminal. Whatever other mitigating factors one may consider, the fact of his guilt remains. It is amazing and disappointing that France has not extradited him. The greatness of his creativity and work does not alter anything.
Polanski raped an underage girl. He confessed to having done so. He illegally fled prosecution. By any definition he is a criminal.

Then change your definition(s). There's something wrong with them when the victim says the consequences of this deed are since a very long time no problem for her any longer - and when since 46 years not anything had happenend what could give anyone the impression Roman Polanski could be a criminal.

Whatever other mitigating factors one may consider, the fact of his guilt remains. It is amazing and disappointing that France has not extradited him. The greatness of his creativity and work does not alter anything.
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Seems what you call "nation" is not what I think about whmen I use the word nation. My dream is a united world. And a Union is for me not a nation. "Experiment" by thoughts: How many wars had happened in the USA when everx of your states (also not nations buit siskpoiar to this)ghad an own army?

It's unbelievable stupid what you say here. You fought in world war 1 for the colonial and national empires and destroyed the multi-national empires. Without you the result of world war 1 had been totally different. A result of world war 1 had been Soviets, Nazis and a growing extremism in the world of the Muslims which is calle today "Islamism". Short: World war 2, Cold War and Islamistic terror would today be totally unknown if you had not done what you had done - what has by the way nothing to do with any US-American who lives today. History is not able to be undone. It is what it is. What you nor I nor anyone else in the world ever will know is what had been the alternative world.

It was no "accident". This destroyer protected Britsh ships who transported US-American weapons to Great Britain. One of your su8bmareins was watching this convoi. Your destroyer attacked the submarine without any reason to have to do so,. The submarine sank your destroyer when they tried to fire new water bombs. This was a war crime in case of the actsion of your destroyer and a sim,ple self-defense in case of the German submarine.

Hawaii was no part of the USA.

:lol: You was successful in doping so. And you made again an unbei9ebeaböe amount of money in world war 2 as you had done in world war 1. When I say "you" then I mean "the USA" but not the soldiers of the USA.

Because you are idiots.

Germany anyway never did do anything bad to the USA - what made you to the worst enemy of Germany.

Whjat so sa to such a nonsense? You are an extremely violent nation. I guess to live in the USA makes everyone mad.

Good grief.
End of disussion, fake-Christian and perverted Nazi.
Whoa! A hybrid German nationalist and German pacifist! I thought I'd seen everything when a lefty here held up the Romans as great practitioners of Diversity and Inclusion, but I guess not.

You are right that the American Navy was helping the British all it could, before war was declared. This was FDR's policy.. If it was actually the policy of the German government then to sink American naval vessels in retaliation, in order to help bring America entirely and officially into the war ... all I can say is, good grief! So Hitler was not alone in his madness. I guess the Zimmerman telegram was not an accident, but official policy: we're fight the British and the French and the Russians ... let's fight the Americans too!

There is a joke about the Germans, along these lines: they're like a very strong man who goes into a bar and ... instead of the usual line, "I can whip any man here!", says "I can whip all of you here at the same time!" So instead of following the policy of wise old Bismarck, and dealing with enemies one at a time ... under the stupid Kaiser and stupid Hitler, they took on the whole world at once. Joking aside, a tragedy for all of us.

But now ... Germany needs to step up to the plate, as they say in American baseball, and resume its military tradition, hopefully having learned the lessons of the 20th Century. It's a shame to see this once-strong nation degenerate into a nation of soft pacifists ... but perhaps this can be reversed.

As for one-world government ... a noble sentiment, but the material base for this development does not exist ... perhaps it will in the future.

But if you study the history of the 20th century, you'll see that it was hard enough for a single nationality to support a government made of up their own kind ... how often have we seen civil wars in countries, usually between Left and Right, even though everyone was the same tribe? Russia, China, Spain ... and a suppressed civil war in Germany, which would have been a real one if the KPD and SPD had done what they should have done the day after Hitler was made Chancellor. And now America is headed for one.

So, no world government. Come back in five hundred years ... although all you may see then is a radioactive wilderness.
He did not serve out his prison time idiot.

Then again, you justify his pedophilia so it stands to reason you would also justify him not serving out his sentence..

Um, first, using the word "Pedophilia" for having sex with teenager is disingenuous. The proper term would be an ephebophile. Which is and still should be against the law. Even if it's a high school boy scoring with the hot teacher. (Which we don't really treat as a crime when it happens, for some reason.)

But the point stands. Instead of fighting it out in court, he agreed to a 90 day sentence and probation. The prosecutors agreed to this because 1) They realized that convicting a sympathetic defendant would be tough, and 2) the teenager in question had a history of promiscuity and drug use. You see, back in the bad old days of the 1970's, you could bring up the character of the victim in a case like this.

He served 42 days of that sentence before the prison shrinks realized this guy wasn't a danger and let him out because they needed that cell for real criminals.

Then a judge decided that he could make a name for himself by going after a celebrity and violated the canon of ethics to do so.

Polanski raped an underage girl. He confessed to having done so. He illegally fled prosecution. By any definition he is a criminal. Whatever other mitigating factors one may consider, the fact of his guilt remains. It is amazing and disappointing that France has not extradited him. The greatness of his creativity and work does not alter anything.
Or the French realize how fucked up our criminal justice system is. Frankly, I'm surprised any country extradites people to this country.
But now ... Germany needs to step up to the plate, as they say in American baseball, and resume its military tradition, hopefully having learned the lessons of the 20th Century. It's a shame to see this once-strong nation degenerate into a nation of soft pacifists ... but perhaps this can be reversed.

Why should they do that? The reality is, military strength is largely meaningless in a world where even North Korea has a nuke. Germany didn't go along with our military misadventure in Iraq, and they were right.

Whoa! A hybrid German nationalist and German pacifist! I thought I'd seen everything when a lefty here held up the Romans as great practitioners of Diversity and Inclusion, but I guess not.
Um, except the Romans were.... They admitted non-Romans to the Senate, some Non-Romans became Emperors... they were tolerant of non-Roman religions. (Oppression of the Christians is largely a myth. No Christians were actually thrown to the lions, as amusing as that would have been.)

As for one-world government ... a noble sentiment, but the material base for this development does not exist ... perhaps it will in the future.
We are a long way off, but it's probably inevitable.

But if you study the history of the 20th century, you'll see that it was hard enough for a single nationality to support a government made of up their own kind ... how often have we seen civil wars in countries, usually between Left and Right, even though everyone was the same tribe? Russia, China, Spain ... and a suppressed civil war in Germany, which would have been a real one if the KPD and SPD had done what they should have done the day after Hitler was made Chancellor. And now America is headed for one.
Yeah, somehow I'm not worried about the MAGA Walmart Scooter Division.

Has it occurred to your tiny brain that the reason why the Nazis took over was that Germans were tired of the street violence the KPD incited? Probably not.

What does any of this have to do with Roman Polanski, anyway?
It is wrong to simply say "the Left supports paedophiles" or supports the grooming of children.

Like the Right, what we conventionally call 'the Left' is made up of many currents, some of them bitterly hostile to each other.

There are people 'on the Left' who are conscious paedophiles -- using that term now in the narrow sense of adults who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children -- and also using it, in a sloppy manner, to mean those who want to act on their attractions. And there are without doubt similar people on the Right.

The difference is that some of those people on the Left are consciously working to advance their central goal: that sex with children should come to be seen as normal, or at least as an accepted variant of normal human sexuality, the way that homosexuality has come to be seen over the last few decades. (There is a division even here: probably very few of these people would openly say that they want to normalize sex with pre-pubescent children.)

In the afterglow of the radical Sixties, they formed organizations -- the North American Man-Boy Love Association in the US and the Paedophile Information Exchange in the UK -- and were accepted by the others who were campaigning around the issue of homosexuality. But the public reaction was so strong, that they were finally ejected from the general gay community, and switched tactics to work underground, with their ultimate goal being a long-term one, to be achieved step by step.

And they are succeeding. The acceptance by most of the the Left of Drag Queen Story Hour is a landmark victory for them, and they have not stopped there.

On the Right, where I mainly hang out, there are people who exaggerate, and even lie, about what's happening to our society. So when I first heard that there were school boards approving of very explicit comic books glorifying and illustrating teenage homosexuality, I didn't believe it. But I was wrong.

I wont' post the images here, because they would probably violate USMessageBoard's policy about pornographic pictures.

But if you want to see what's coming to American children soon, if it's not already here, go to this man's Twitter account, and scroll down:

The unbelievable images are from comic books being approved in Canadian schools -- Canada is ahead of the curve in 'wokeness'.

Now I am sure there are people on the Left who do NOT approve of this sort of thing being shown to children. Some of them are probably uneasy, but not sure that they want to swim against the stream of mainstream Leftist ideas, nor do they want to be seen joining with people on the Right, so they remain silent. But there are others who have the courage to openly reject this grooming, like Gays Against Groomers, here: Gays Against Groomers

All honor to them and to those like them, because they will undoubtedly be subject to extreme 'peer pressure' to conform, just as courageous Black patriots are.

I do not discuss with Nazis, Nazi.
You don't actually 'discuss' anyway. You just post semi-coherent emotional outbursts, mainly expressing your dislike of Americans. (And, by the way, anti-Americanism is one thing that links both your Far Left and your Far Right.)
Why should they do that? The reality is, military strength is largely meaningless in a world where even North Korea has a nuke. Germany didn't go along with our military misadventure in Iraq, and they were right.

Um, except the Romans were.... They admitted non-Romans to the Senate, some Non-Romans became Emperors... they were tolerant of non-Roman religions. (Oppression of the Christians is largely a myth. No Christians were actually thrown to the lions, as amusing as that would have been.)

We are a long way off, but it's probably inevitable.

Yeah, somehow I'm not worried about the MAGA Walmart Scooter Division.

Has it occurred to your tiny brain that the reason why the Nazis took over was that Germans were tired of the street violence the KPD incited? Probably not.

What does any of this have to do with Roman Polanski, anyway?
Germany, and France, were absolutely right not to go along with our military misadventure in Iraq. The Germans did unwisely try to help us to bring civilzation to Afghanistan, though.

The Romans were not modern Leftist chowder-heads. They were pretty smart imperialists, and understood how to rule subject peoples.

As for religion, Gibbon put it correctly: the many religions of the Roman empire, were "believed by the masses to be equally true, by the philosophers to be equally false, and by the magistrates to be equally useful."

As for nuclear weapons making conventional military strength 'meaningless', the kernal of truth here is that if you have nuclear weapons, you are unlikely to be invaded by anyone who doesn't have them. Ukraine is probably bitterly regretting giving up the ones that were on their territory. But in all other situations -- like Ukraine at the moment -- conventional military strength plays the same role it always has.

With respect to Germany, I almost certainly know far more about it than you do, including about the insane 'Third Period' tactics of the KPD, which led to them joining with the Nazis to support a referendum to dissolve the Prussian government, which was run by the Socialists -- which the KPD called the 'Red Referendum'. Following Stalin, they called the SPD 'social fascists', preventing any united action against the Nazis. When the Nazis called a streetcar workers strike in Berlin, the KPD co operated with them. Completely mad.

But the real success of the Nazi Party was in adopting a pseudo-socialist political program. A pure appeal to 'Law and Order' was not enough. The crazy tactics of the KPD during the 1920s lost it much of its trade union base, and by the end of the 20s it had become largely the party of the unemployed. And the Nazis succeed in winning away a fair number of these.

[I know something about this, and about German history post-WWI, because every young Marxist in a serious organization, which I was sixty years ago, studies this period almost as thoroughly as he studies the Russian Revolution. Lots of lessons for patriots, by the way, if any are reading this. For example, Jan6 = 'the March Action'. For another: the importance of the United Front tactic. Further reading here: ]

And it's surprising to see someone who is notionally on the Left blaming all the street violence in Germany on the KPD, without mentioning the SA.
No he evaded an abuse of an agreement he had already reached with prosecutors.

Educate yourself.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, the court ordered Polanski to report to a state prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation, but granted a stay to allow him to complete his current project. Under the terms set by the court, he traveled to Europe to complete filming.[32] ....He was subsequently ordered to return to California and reported to Chino State Prison for the evaluation period beginning on December 19, 1977, and was released after 42 of the 90 scheduled days.[34] Polanski's lawyers expected that Polanski would receive probation at the subsequent sentencing hearing, with the probation officer, examining psychiatrist, and the victim all recommending against prison time.[35]

Nope, not concerned about some shit that happened 45 years ago... we have real problems now.
Every plea agreement has to be approved by a Judge....every lawyer knows that, his lawyer did, and in fact told him that....that's why he jumped bail. The Judge wouldn't of abused his office, not accepting the plea....that's what they do.

Roman could of said, I don't want the deal, and gone to trial if he wished.....but he didn't do that either...he jumped bail.
Germany, and France, were absolutely right not to go along with our military misadventure in Iraq. The Germans did unwisely try to help us to bring civilzation to Afghanistan, though.
So what was your point, then?

The Romans were not modern Leftist chowder-heads. They were pretty smart imperialists, and understood how to rule subject peoples.

As for religion, Gibbon put it correctly: the many religions of the Roman empire, were "believed by the masses to be equally true, by the philosophers to be equally false, and by the magistrates to be equally useful."

Gibbon is hardly a good source, as he wrote hundreds of years ago and brought a period bias to his work. We know a lot more about the Romans today than he did thanks to Archelogy and scholarship.

As for nuclear weapons making conventional military strength 'meaningless', the kernal of truth here is that if you have nuclear weapons, you are unlikely to be invaded by anyone who doesn't have them. Ukraine is probably bitterly regretting giving up the ones that were on their territory. But in all other situations -- like Ukraine at the moment -- conventional military strength plays the same role it always has.

Not really. If anything, the Ukraine shows the limits of military strength, as did Iraq and Afghanistan (in terms of both us and the Rooskies.)

Nobody can afford to field hundreds of divisions like we did in WWII. But you can't effectively control another country without that level of military strength.

With respect to Germany, I almost certainly know far more about it than you do, including about the insane 'Third Period' tactics of the KPD, which led to them joining with the Nazis to support a referendum to dissolve the Prussian government, which was run by the Socialists -- which the KPD called the 'Red Referendum'. Following Stalin, they called the SPD 'social fascists', preventing any united action against the Nazis. When the Nazis called a streetcar workers strike in Berlin, the KPD co operated with them. Completely mad.

Oh, were you claiming you were there, too.

My Grandfather lived in Germany during that time period. You are getting too much into the minutia. The overall reason why the Nazis took over was because they were able to coopt the institutions of Germany. They got the industrialists and military to go along with them by promising they weren't REALLY socialists, and just to prove it, we'll kill Ernst Rohm.

But the real success of the Nazi Party was in adopting a pseudo-socialist political program. A pure appeal to 'Law and Order' was not enough. The crazy tactics of the KPD during the 1920s lost it much of its trade union base, and by the end of the 20s it had become largely the party of the unemployed. And the Nazis succeed in winning away a fair number of these.

Again, not really. The reason why the Nazis succeeded was not that they won at the ballot box, but because the Center-right parties allied with them thinking they could control Hitler.

Just like modern Republicans who aren't batshit crazy think that they can control Trump, despite all the shit he pulls.
Every plea agreement has to be approved by a Judge....every lawyer knows that, his lawyer did, and in fact told him that....that's why he jumped bail. The Judge wouldn't of abused his office, not accepting the plea....that's what they do.

Roman could of said, I don't want the deal, and gone to trial if he wished.....but he didn't do that either...he jumped bail.

Okay, you have half a point here. Yup, he could have totally sat in this judge's courtroom, after he had made a good faith agreement and that judge had thrown out.

And hope the judge would treat him fairly? I wouldn't count on that.

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