Is Roman Polanski a criminal?

Okay, you have half a point here. Yup, he could have totally sat in this judge's courtroom, after he had made a good faith agreement and that judge had thrown out.

And hope the judge would treat him fairly? I wouldn't count on that.
unfairly? it’s always up to the judge to accept the agreement or not for everyone

he doesn’t get special treatment because he’s a dembot sexual predator

he could have appealed, he could of asked for another judge after the plea was rejected amd gone to trial

he doesn’t get to pick and choose how he wants the criminal justice system to work
unfairly? it’s always up to the judge to accept the agreement or not for everyone

he doesn’t get special treatment because he’s a dembot sexual predator

he could have appealed, he could of asked for another judge after the plea was rejected amd gone to trial

he doesn’t get to pick and choose how he wants the criminal justice system to work

Yes, he could also just leave the country, since he wasn't a US citizen.
The fact that no other country has bothered to extradite him says what a farce this has always been.
Yes, he could also just leave the country, since he wasn't a US citizen.
The fact that no other country has bothered to extradite him says what a farce this has always been.
non US citizens that commit crimes in the united states don’t have a right to jump bail

seriously what a dumb argument

why would any other country extradite him? we are the only ones that want to as far as i know.

The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.



He broke the law.

Only liberals get to choose what laws should be enforce, whatvlaws should not be enforced, and when.

Only liberals believe in laws only applying to certain people, if at all.
Yes, he could also just leave the country, since he wasn't a US citizen.
The fact that no other country has bothered to extradite him says what a farce this has always been.

Yes, what's the big deal in a grown man raping a 14yo?

Haven't Democrats 'normalized' this practice / sort of thing by now?
non US citizens that commit crimes in the united states don’t have a right to jump bail
seriously what a dumb argument
why would any other country extradite him? we are the only ones that want to as far as i know.

They don't have the right, but honestly, don't expect them to follow our rules if we don't follow our agreements.

The prosecutors agreed to a sentence of 90 days. He served out that sentence (or as much of it as the prison wanted to be bothered with). He didn't have to. He was in France shooting a movie, and came back to serve the agreed to sentence. Then the Judge decided he was going to get his name in the paper and Polanski rightfully said, "Fuck this, you aren't living up to your agreements, I'm not living up to mine."

He broke the law.
Only liberals get to choose what laws should be enforce, whatvlaws should not be enforced, and when.
Only liberals believe in laws only applying to certain people, if at all.

He broke the law.
He plead guilty.
He served a sentence the prosecutor agreed to.
And then a judge decided that he didn't like that sentence and was going to make him pay.

Keep in mind, he was out of the country before he served his 90 day sentence. He could have simply refused to come back, but he didn't. He owned up. Then a judge decided to abuse the system and ignore the agreement prosecutors reached.

Yes, what's the big deal in a grown man raping a 14yo?

Haven't Democrats 'normalized' this practice / sort of thing by now?

Uh, guy, the girl was already promiscuous...
They don't have the right, but honestly, don't expect them to follow our rules if we don't follow our agreements.
Don't expect criminals (liberals) to follow the rules when they break laws...


Keep in mind, he was out of the country before he served his 90 day sentence. He could have simply refused to come back, but he didn't. He owned up. Then a judge decided to abuse the system and ignore the agreement prosecutors reached.

Oh, so we give him brownie points for AGREEING to the punishment for his crimes?


Uh, guy, the girl was already promiscuous...

So that gives liberals / anyone the rght to rape a child?

'No' means 'No'.

Just becauseshe said 'Yes' to someone else does not mean 'YOU' can rape her.

The Thread Question is: 'Is he a criminal?'

The short, blunt, honest answer is 'YES'.

Don't expect criminals (liberals) to follow the rules when they break laws...

Except he followed the rules... the judge did not.

Oh, so we give him brownie points for AGREEING to the punishment for his crimes?
Um, yeah, actually, you should give him credit for owning up. He could have just said "Fuck this" and fled the country that day. Instead, he tried to work this out with both the LA DA and the family of the little grifter.

So that gives liberals / anyone the rght to rape a child?

'No' means 'No'.
Except she didn't say no. His crime was that she was below an age of consent, all though that didn't bother her all the other times she had sex.

The Thread Question is: 'Is he a criminal?'

The short, blunt, honest answer is 'YES'.
You mean did he break a stupid law that shouldn't be on the books? Um, yeah, I guess.
But if we locked up everyone who fucked before the age of consent we'd be locking up a lot of teenagers.
Except he followed the rules... the judge did not.

Um, yeah, actually, you should give him credit for owning up. He could have just said "Fuck this" and fled the country that day. Instead, he tried to work this out with both the LA DA and the family of the little grifter.

Except she didn't say no. His crime was that she was below an age of consent, all though that didn't bother her all the other times she had sex.

You mean did he break a stupid law that shouldn't be on the books? Um, yeah, I guess.
But if we locked up everyone who fucked before the age of consent we'd be locking up a lot of teenagers.

Man, you REALLY are emotionally invested in defending pedophiles...

They don't have the right, but honestly, don't expect them to follow our rules if we don't follow our agreements.

The prosecutors agreed to a sentence of 90 days. He served out that sentence (or as much of it as the prison wanted to be bothered with). He didn't have to. He was in France shooting a movie, and came back to serve the agreed to sentence. Then the Judge decided he was going to get his name in the paper and Polanski rightfully said, "Fuck this, you aren't living up to your agreements, I'm not living up to mine."

He broke the law.
He plead guilty.
He served a sentence the prosecutor agreed to.
And then a judge decided that he didn't like that sentence and was going to make him pay.

Keep in mind, he was out of the country before he served his 90 day sentence. He could have simply refused to come back, but he didn't. He owned up. Then a judge decided to abuse the system and ignore the agreement prosecutors reached.

Uh, guy, the girl was already promiscuous...
once again, in the US Criminal Justice system, every Judge still has to approve a sentencing agreement. The State didn't break the agreement. The defendant knew full well that the agreement still had to get the Courts approval. He ignored the law because he didn't like it.

It's not an abuse of the system, it's the SYSTEM...a Court has to approve the agreement.

Keep defending this child sexual predator all you want....but the facts are the facts
Um, first, using the word "Pedophilia" for having sex with teenager is disingenuous. The proper term would be an ephebophile. Which is and still should be against the law. Even if it's a high school boy scoring with the hot teacher. (Which we don't really treat as a crime when it happens, for some reason.)

But the point stands. Instead of fighting it out in court, he agreed to a 90 day sentence and probation. The prosecutors agreed to this because 1) They realized that convicting a sympathetic defendant would be tough, and 2) the teenager in question had a history of promiscuity and drug use. You see, back in the bad old days of the 1970's, you could bring up the character of the victim in a case like this.

He served 42 days of that sentence before the prison shrinks realized this guy wasn't a danger and let him out because they needed that cell for real criminals.

Then a judge decided that he could make a name for himself by going after a celebrity and violated the canon of ethics to do so.

Or the French realize how fucked up our criminal justice system is. Frankly, I'm surprised any country extradites people to this country.
For the sake of argument, lets say your world view is the right one, that is, having sex with 13 and 14 year old girls is not really that big of a deal. Also, the American justice system is screwed up so we should be able to ignore it when appropriate.

What about the part of him drugging her for sex, Cosby style?

Or will you continue to lavish your apologetics toward this white privileged monster?

Simply amazing.

It's like watching the Neurenberg trials as Nazis continue to try and justify such evil, but all done to defend zee party line like the good democrat you are.
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once again, in the US Criminal Justice system, every Judge still has to approve a sentencing agreement. The State didn't break the agreement. The defendant knew full well that the agreement still had to get the Courts approval. He ignored the law because he didn't like it.

It's not an abuse of the system, it's the SYSTEM...a Court has to approve the agreement.

Actually, the judge violated several legal rules.. including having ex partiea communications about the case with only one side.

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