Is Roman Polanski a criminal?

Exactly e.g. cult leaders - found amongst all kinds of political backgrounds - not just amongst leftists.

Independent of a 13 year old Samantha Geimer being raped by an adult and stating as a minor, I didn't mind - has no bearing on the existing law - the adult will be punished.
If she states as an adult - "it was never a big deal", (okay so be it) doesn't change the fact of Polanski having raped her and having been sentenced to prison. (escaped to France).

Samantha Greimer:
“‘I remember the time when I was starting to work – I became a model at 14 years old,” she explained. “All the girls, the models, slept with the photographers and I was no exception. But sex was something normal, a natural aspect of life. There wasn’t all this drama, all this darkness surrounding sex.”
Especially the model/pageant-scene is well known for that. That is why Clinton and Trump and many alike are always seen at, or connected to such "businesses" and venues.

So what are you trying to point out with your thread? That the rich, famous and powerful couldn't give a rats ass about moral standards prevailing amongst the common folks?
I think Polanski is scum, but we have to remember it was the sixties and mores were quite a bit different. Sex was everywhere and most people didn’t think it was a big deal. STDs could be fixed with a shot of penicillin and promiscuous sex was almost an expectation. That being said Polanski was an adult, and even if his victim was a willing participant, he had an obligation to protect her from herself. In the eighties, I had a friend’s sixteen year old daughter pursuing me and doing everything short of groping or raping me. She was a beautiful girl, but I turned her down and had a long talk with her to help her see her attraction to me wasn’t a good thing. She went on to find a good guy her own age and has three great kids.
Those big nosed curly haired know it all money worshipping marxist perverts have wrecked this country beyond anything we can repair. Those disgusting greedy pathetic people infiltrated this country at the turn of the century and pushed their shit.

They should all go the way of the ROSENBERGS who were executed for their judas like betrayal.

Scumbags all of them.
I think Polanski is scum, but we have to remember it was the sixties and mores were quite a bit different. Sex was everywhere and most people didn’t think it was a big deal. STDs could be fixed with a shot of penicillin and promiscuous sex was almost an expectation. That being said Polanski was an adult, and even if his victim was a willing participant, he had an obligation to protect her from herself. In the eighties, I had a friend’s sixteen year old daughter pursuing me and doing everything short of groping or raping me. She was a beautiful girl, but I turned her down and had a long talk with her to help her see her attraction to me wasn’t a good thing. She went on to find a good guy her own age and has three great kids.
Yes no doubt, but a 44 years? old person having sex with a 13 year old girl isn't just scum - but a mentally depraved person. (see his own childhood experience in Nazi occupied Poland) He shouldn't just serve prison time, but needs to be placed in a mental institution - till declared fit for society.

As for society in the 60's - 70's - yes everyone is familiar with "make love not war" - some women demonstratively walking around without bra's - and certain Hippie communities living in and out of the day, being stoned and fabulating "great" ideas as how to change the world. Did this absolute minority group represent society? IMO - nowhere near. There were hundreds of thousands of people if not millions demonstrating against the Vietnam war - were they all Hippies and stoned folks? certainly not. But certainly extreme prevailing authoritarian politics beheld by the mainstream parties at the time, drove then straight into these "new ideas/ideologies" beholding political groups.

As for your personal account, an adult in Germany having consensual sex with a 16 year old - wasn't illegal in the 60's. (16 was and still is the legal limit in Germany) But you needed and still need parental consent for a marriage. That the US society in general is more conservative then that of Germany is understood. But this isn't the point or issue to me.

Since the 60's - two, now almost 3 generations of people have been raised in the "spirit" of what the Americans define as lefty/liberals - and in Germany is defined as ANTIFA and GREENS. These sympathizers or members have the same common goal - to reject and "fight" authority and respect defined by the state and beheld in majority by it's general population.

These "lefty/libs" represent at most 30% of a western countries population. At average around 15-20% of the population could be considered to be "lefty/libs" hardliners. As such they wouldn't pose any serious political threat to the so called establishment, aside from creating chaos in public life, via demonstrations or e.g. sit-in blockades, etc. etc.

The real problem is the personal/morally corrupt agenda of politicians and their respective mainstream parties. To compromise and as such be willing to do anything to keep their hands onto power, their lucrative ($) political standing and their status in society. This has led to official and unofficial political government coalitions. And the GREENS are indisputable the masters in this "game".

Due to this "immoral-corrupt" - "traitorous"? behavior of mainstream parties towards their voters and as such towards the majority of society - the Greens or "lefty/libs" manage to impose/implement laws that they, based onto their own % would never be able to achieve or push through.

So to come back to the topic - the Greens (defy authority and respect and general prevailing moral standards) naturally now have millions of younger folks who simply defy the age limit of 16 because it "represents" to them authority, respect and general prevailing moral standards. So "explanations" - reasoning's" are being pushed, e.g. - today's people and younger folks are physically and mentally more mature then those in the 60' or 70's.

Actually the exact opposite is the case - due to parents pampering and life-experience based via I-phones, these "younger people" are far more incapable towards decision making processes and life experience, then any other generation before them.
But that doesn't hinder the Green's now to push for the age limit of 16 to be dropped to 14. (after all it's just about pleasing their future potential voters). And due to these morally corrupt mainstream politicians they will likely achieve it.

And it will be those dishonest, immoral mainstream parties that will then in return formulate to the general population and their voters:
Society is changing - sex today is seen differently, Sex is everywhere and most people don't think it's a big deal anyway. etc. etc. - Not the Greens who pushed this in the first place, standing behind the curtain and laughing their heads off.
Yes no doubt, but a 44 years? old person having sex with a 13 year old girl isn't just scum - but a mentally depraved person. (see his own childhood experience in Nazi occupied Poland) He shouldn't just serve prison time, but needs to be placed in a mental institution - till declared fit for society.

Um, yeah, he got a 90 day sentence in the mental ward at Chino prison in California. After 42 days, the doctors concluded he wasn't a threat to re-offend, and this was a one-off mistake.

The rest of your post is crazy off topic drivel.
Um, yeah, he got a 90 day sentence in the mental ward at Chino prison in California. After 42 days, the doctors concluded he wasn't a threat to re-offend, and this was a one-off mistake.
What are you talking about? Polanski did not serve a single day in prison or some metal institute at all - since he fled the USA before sentence could even be pronounced.

The rest of your post is crazy off topic drivel.
No it's facts, that naturally any lib/lefty/green will denounce - because you folks operate exactly to NAZI script. Stated in exact those words by Bavaria's former Prime Minister during a national TV broadcast in 1980 - during the German national election campaign.
And you can't fool or bullshit me - since I am one of a very few people who witnessed personally the very beginning of these socialist/communists in Germany their initial settup and subversive activities in the 70's, before adopting the name GREENS and bringing in their militant faction ANTIFA.
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What are you talking about? Polanski did not serve a single day in prison or some metal institute at all - since he fled the USA before sentence could even be pronounced.


Under the terms of the plea agreement, the court ordered Polanski to report to a state prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation, but granted a stay to allow him to complete his current project. Under the terms set by the court, he traveled to Europe to complete filming.[32] .... He was subsequently ordered to return to California and reported to Chino State Prison for the evaluation period beginning on December 19, 1977, and was released after 42 of the 90 scheduled days.[34] Polanski's lawyers expected that Polanski would receive probation at the subsequent sentencing hearing, with the probation officer, examining psychiatrist, and the victim all recommending against prison time.

Under the terms of the plea agreement, the court ordered Polanski to report to a state prison for a 90-day psychiatric evaluation, but granted a stay to allow him to complete his current project. Under the terms set by the court, he traveled to Europe to complete filming.[32] .... He was subsequently ordered to return to California and reported to Chino State Prison for the evaluation period beginning on December 19, 1977, and was released after 42 of the 90 scheduled days.[34] Polanski's lawyers expected that Polanski would receive probation at the subsequent sentencing hearing, with the probation officer, examining psychiatrist, and the victim all recommending against prison time.
Wiki? you serious?

Roman Polanski was never sentenced to prison before he fled, - but a judge orders the director to undergo a 90-day diagnostic screening at a California state prison to help determine sentencing.

Filmmaker Roman Polanski escaped the US and traveled to France in 1978, ahead of being sentenced after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.

March 24, 1977 — A grand jury indicts Polanski on six felony charges, including rape, furnishing a controlled substance to a minor and sodomy. He later pleads not guilty at arraignment.
August 1977 — Polanski pleads guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and a judge orders the director to undergo further proceedings.
September 1977 — A judge orders the director to undergo a 90-day diagnostic screening at a California state prison to help determine sentencing.
January 1978 — The diagnostic screening — completed after 42 days — recommends Polanski be placed on probation.
Feb. 1, 1978 — Polanski flees the United States on eve of sentencing after learning that Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Laurence Rittenband intended to send Polanski back to prison.

My initial statement on post 143
He shouldn't just serve prison time, but needs to be placed in a mental institution - till declared fit for society.

1.) he never served prison time - since he fled before a sentence could be passed.
2.) he was never sentenced to be confined to a mental institution or mental prison ward - that would have evaluated his ability to rejoin society upon serving his prison sentence

So what is all your writing and posting about?
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Wiki? you serious?

Roman Polanski was never sentenced to prison before he fled, - but a judge orders the director to undergo a 90-day diagnostic screening at a California state prison to help determine sentencing.

You are arguing semantics. He served the 42 days, which is what the prosecutor recommended. He didn't have to. He could have just left the country, as he wasn't a US national. HE could have refused to come back and not lost his directing gig on Hurricane. He could have refused the plea bargain and try to make the prosecutor go to court with Little Grifter and Momma Grifter as their key witnesses, and then ask Momma Grifter why she was whoring out her daughter to everyone in Hollywood.

1.) he never served prison time - since he fled before a sentence could be passed.
He served time in prison without a sentence.

Hey, I would LOVE it if we never put anyone in prison without a fully adjudicated sentence, you know, instead of locking poor people of color up for months or years waiting trial for petty crimes where they couldn't make bail.

Our Criminal Justice system is corrupt and terrible, and quite frankly, I don't blame Polanski for giving it one of these :finger3:
You are arguing semantics.
I don't think so - I am setting my debate onto the correct definition of judicial terms
Because I wouldn't want a scum bag like Polanski, running around and proclaiming - hey I served 42 days prison time.
He served time in prison without a sentence.
One can't serve prison time in the USA without a court sentencing - unless one might be at Gitmo
Hey, I would LOVE it if we never put anyone in prison without a fully adjudicated sentence, you know, instead of locking poor people of color up for months or years waiting trial for petty crimes where they couldn't make bail.
If one can't provide bail - then that person either remains in police custody? - or is send to prison (not serving prison time) - till his trial comes up.
Our Criminal Justice system is corrupt and terrible, and quite frankly, I don't blame Polanski for giving it one of these :finger3:
Fully agree
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I don't think so - I am setting my debate onto the correct definition of judicial terms
Because I wouldn't want a scum bag like Polanski, running around and proclaiming - hey I served 42 days prison time.

If he committed an actual crime, you might have a point.

One can't serve prison time in the USA without a court sentencing - unless one might be at Gitmo
Um, no, people serve time in prison for months or years without a sentencing or even a court date. Welcome to America.
If one can't provide bail - then that person either remains in police custody? - or is send to prison (not serving prison time) - till his trial comes up.
Again, you are arguing a semantic, which doesn't apply here.

The 42 day sentence was agreed to by the prosecutor, until the judge decided he wanted a celebrity scalp on his wall.
If he committed an actual crime, you might have a point.
Raping (+person sedated via alcohol and drugs) a 13 year old is an actual crime - or are you denying that?
Um, no, people serve time in prison for months or years without a sentencing or even a court date. Welcome to America.
Could you provide an example for that?
Again, you are arguing a semantic, which doesn't apply here.

The 42 day sentence was agreed to by the prosecutor, until the judge decided he wanted a celebrity scalp on his wall.
Why is it semantics? he was never sentenced to serve prison-time - but ordered via a court hearing to undergo a 90-day diagnostic screening at a California state prison to help determine sentencing. As such he wouldn't even have a criminal record or be registered as a criminal offender.
Raping (+person sedated via alcohol and drugs) a 13 year old is an actual crime - or are you denying that?

You mean drugs and alcohol she took willingly? It wasn't like the girl was a virgin or something.

Could you provide an example for that?

Why is it semantics? he was never sentenced to serve prison-time - but ordered via a court hearing to undergo a 90-day diagnostic screening at a California state prison to help determine sentencing. As such he wouldn't even have a criminal record or be registered as a criminal offender.

The 90 period was what he negotiated in good faith with the prosecutors.... It's called plea-bargaining and our system can't work without it.

But the state has to hold up it's agreements.
You mean drugs and alcohol she took willingly? It wasn't like the girl was a virgin or something.
Even if she was a so called - little slut - doesn't change the fact that the law, criminalizes sex with minors. And he knew that - because he himself pleaded guilty to the charge.
Dumb Drumpf has most likely been screwing around all over the place - with adults, and yet the lib/lefty public goes after him. I would say that shows hypocrisy at it's best.
Thanks - but it's a typical lib/lefty article - only showing figures in regards to pointing out people being in jail custody - (not serving time) till the trial comes up.
The two given examples are even extreme examples - since they involve murder charges. I pity the relatives of murdered innocent persons. Not the dude who most likely did it.
This is exactly were "normal" people and Libs/lefties differentiate.

An interesting statistic would however be, to see the number of those having been in jail-custody - compared to the number of those later being convicted of their accused crime.
I am quite sure that figure would provide a completely different view.

That there is something wrong with the US judicial system is obvious. It seems that the respective responsible institutions totally underestimated the necessary manpower to handle the rising crime rates. Institutions run foremost by lib/lefties?
The 90 period was what he negotiated in good faith with the prosecutors.... It's called plea-bargaining and our system can't work without it.
But the state has to hold up it's agreements.
Whatever - fact is, Polanski never served prison time.
Thanks - but it's a typical lib/lefty article - only showing figures in regards to pointing out people being in jail custody - (not serving time) till the trial comes up.
The two given examples are even extreme examples - since they involve murder charges. I pity the relatives of murdered innocent persons. Not the dude who most likely did it.
This is exactly were "normal" people and Libs/lefties differentiate.

Point is, they are in jail. They haven't been sentenced. And a lot of those people aren't murderers, they are people accused of minor property crimes.

Whatever - fact is, Polanski never served prison time.

He spent 42 days at Chino Prison. That's serving prison time.
Point is, they are in jail. They haven't been sentenced. And a lot of those people aren't murderers, they are people accused of minor property crimes.
Yes they are in jail - due to being connected, suspected and being investigated towards having committed a crime. Since they can't put up bail or the judge refuses bail due to the severity of the crime - they are rightfully in prison custody due to a judges ruling, - till their trial date will decide upon their conviction or innocence.

In Germany the suspect also goes into prison custody, if bail-bond is denied, - till his trial is scheduled. (however limited to 6 month and can be extended to maximum 12 month)
As I stated before - the reason for the processing time in the USA lies with shortage in judicial manpower, as opposed to the increase in crime rates.

IMO it is essentially the fault of criminals. No one asked them to steal, rob or murder. For libs/lefties it's off-course due to their bad childhood.
He spent 42 days at Chino Prison. That's serving prison time.
He spend 42 days at Chino prison being subjected to a physiological evaluation - that is NOT serving a prison sentence.

The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.



ETA: My bad, he was convicted; he just decided not to serve his sentence, so yeah, he's a criminal.
Yes they are in jail - due to being connected, suspected and being investigated towards having committed a crime. Since they can't put up bail or the judge refuses bail due to the severity of the crime - they are rightfully in prison custody due to a judges ruling, - till their trial date will decide upon their conviction or innocence.
Last time I checked, you were innocent into proven innocent.

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