Is Roman Polanski a criminal?

Yes, you're right. And if you think it's bad now .... imagine what it was like for decades and decades before the modern day.

I don't have to imagine it. I lived through it. I remember parties when I was in high school where some "drunk girl" taking on all comers in a bedroom upstairs. Afterwards, she was treated as the town tramp. What was really happening was some poor girl had too much to drink, and went/was taken to lay down and was being gang raped in a bedroom upstairs. She was in no condition to consent or fight them off. No one ever went upstairs to put a stop to it.

I never ever drank alcohol at any party I went to, and neither did any of my friends. We were all afraid of ending up as "that girl". But I think young women today have it worse than we did, in many ways. The "good girls" weren't expected to be sexually active, so I think the decent guys were more willing to respect the word "No".

Today "No" means nothing to men. They have a lot more entitlements in regards to sex. They assume the girls they date have sex with other men, why not them? I've ridden public transit, all of my life and yes, there have been times when some creep has tried to feel me up, but they weren't a common occurence. My 33 year old daughter stopped riding transit when she was in her early 20's because she was being groped every time she rode the streetcar or subway.
My feeling is now that you are much more dangerous for the people in the USA than is Roman Polanski. Problems with your drunken American moral? By the way: Every time when someone says "bastard" in my thoughts appears the message "... like Jesus". Jesus also was a bastard. Read what Joseph - his father - told us what he thought about this situation and what god said to him. Joseph was really a wonderful man. And do not only read this. Think about!

Fuck you
No. I'm simply saying this woman doesn't seem to have an issue with it.

For the record, there are several states that have laws on the books that OK child marriage.
Seems the lion share of those states..are red. :)
She doesn't have an issue with it because she doesn't remember it. She was drugged into unconsciousness. The crime was exposed because the child was so badly being raped and sodomized that she needed medical care.

He is a criminal.

The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.


Lol, the left does not worship Roman. Ya duck a kid ya go to jail. That's the way it works. Now get rid of that idiot repug that wants to make it legal to marry a 12 year old.
I don't have to imagine it. I lived through it. I remember parties when I was in high school where some "drunk girl" taking on all comers in a bedroom upstairs. Afterwards, she was treated as the town tramp. What was really happening was some poor girl had too much to drink, and went/was taken to lay down and was being gang raped in a bedroom upstairs. She was in no condition to consent or fight them off. No one ever went upstairs to put a stop to it.

I never ever drank alcohol at any party I went to, and neither did any of my friends. We were all afraid of ending up as "that girl". But I think young women today have it worse than we did, in many ways. The "good girls" weren't expected to be sexually active, so I think the decent guys were more willing to respect the word "No".

Today "No" means nothing to men. They have a lot more entitlements in regards to sex. They assume the girls they date have sex with other men, why not them? I've ridden public transit, all of my life and yes, there have been times when some creep has tried to feel me up, but they weren't a common occurence. My 33 year old daughter stopped riding transit when she was in her early 20's because she was being groped every time she rode the streetcar or subway.
Okay, I can't argue with your experience. Overall, I think our generation has seen an enormous advance in the status of women. When I was at university, a typical math or physics lecture hall might have 200 men, and three or four women. Now ... I think I read that the majority of math undergraduates in the US are female. And a few years ago, a woman won the Fields Medal, the Nobel Prize of Mathematics. However, I don't agree with mixing men and women in rifle platoons.
I think today's Germans face a serious problem.

Nothing new.

On the one hand, objectively, Germany should be the leader of Europe,

What a nonsense.

and her military protector. Then the Amis could come home.

What a bullshit. If you like to go then go. What has this to do with us - except that you destroyed in the last 100 years Germany so a German from the year 1913 has today in average only a 1/2 descendant?

On the other hand, because of Hitler and WWII,


you have not been allowed to take up your natural role at the head of Europe.

We are Germans. We are what we are. Always. And we never had been the head of Europe. What an absurde idiocy to think so.

This has given rise to terrible feelings of resentment of America, and of the other European nations, all mixed in with guilt. Thus Angela Merkel's insane decision to bring in a million Muslims.

In the moment we have much more refugees in Germany than we had under our honorable chancellor Angela Merkel in 2005. She got today on very good reasons the highest order of the Federal Republic of Germany. And her critics are - like always - damned bad in the l.ogic of time.

What to do?

Your problem - not my problem.

Reinstitute conscription,

This time is over. I guess "you" are the manipulating main reason why this changed, because "you" liked to see Germany in US-American wars all over the world. A stupid idea.

build up a massive army,

Why? The Prussians are dead.

increase your taxes

We have the highest taxes in the world. And make additionally new gigantic debts. And many politicians and others found many other ways how to loot all Germans. We are poor - not rich.

taxes so that you can produce more of those magnificent Leopard tanks

A nice antiquated machine for boys to play with.

and build a good nuclear arsenal. (

What to do with nukes? A nuke is not a weapon - a nuke is a sickness.

While imitating the prudent Swiss

First good idea. But we should not imitate Swiss - we should be Swiss.

in instituting a Civil Defense-conscious building code.)

What a nonsense. We have weapons which break every bunker. So why to do so?

Then tell the Yanks to take a hike.

The who? Yanks and Dixies? This nice US-American game has nothing to do with Germany

We won't mind.


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Nothing new.

What a nonsense.

What a bullshit. If you like to go then go. What has this to do with us - except that you destroyed in the last 100 years Germany so a German from the year 1913 has today in average only a 1/2 descendant?


We are Germans. We are what we are. Always. And we never had been the head of Europe. What an absurde idiocy to think so.

In the moment we have much more refugees in Germany than we had under our honorable chancellor Angela Merkel in 2005. She got today on very good reasons the highest order of the Federal Republic of Germany. And her critics are - like always - damned bad in the l.ogic of time.

Your problem - not my problem.

This time is over. I guess "you" are the manipulating main reason why this changed, because "you" liked to see Germany in US-American wars all over the world. A stupid idea.

Why? The Prussians are dead.

We have the highest taxes in the world. And make additionally new gigantic debts. And many politicians and others found many other ways how to loot all Germans. We are poor - not rich.

A nice antiquated machine for boys to play with.

What to do with nukes? A nuke is not a weapon - a nuke is a sickness.

First good idea. But we should not imitate Swiss - we should be Swiss.

What a nonsense. We have weapons which break every bunker. So why to do so?

The who? Yanks and Dixies? This nice US-American game has nothing to do with Germany


Now, c'mon guy. You cannot avoid destiny. We're getting tired of doing a job Europeans should be doing, especially Europe's best warriors, the Germans. You really ought to volunteer for the Wehrmacht!

Albert Einstein said that a man who could take pleasure to marching to the beat of a drum didn't need a brain, just an expanded upper spinal cord, but he was wrong.

And there are some great tunes!

Now, c'mon guy. You cannot avoid destiny. We're getting tired of doing a job Europeans should be doing, especially Europe's best warriors, the Germans. You really ought to volunteer for the Wehrmacht!

Albert Einstein said that a man who could take pleasure to marching to the beat of a drum didn't need a brain, just an expanded upper spinal cord, but he was wrong.

He was totally right. This inscenation of murderous nonsense is more than only extremely stupid. Take a look at the military parades of the Russians for example. Ideological nonsense.

And there are some great tunes!

Hmmm ....

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Now, c'mon guy. You cannot avoid destiny. We're getting tired of doing a job Europeans should be doing, especially Europe's best warriors, the Germans.

Do not degrade yourselve to an idiot. You never was here to help Germany. You are here to "defend" the USA against all Europeans including all Germans. And we help you to do so. We are a dying nation - perhaps because we never had been a nation. The expressions "German" and "nation" exclude each other. What you call "Germany" is "Prussia". But Prussia is dead since a very long time now.

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The victim of a rape at the age of 14 years old says that the incident was "no big deal" and that Roman Polanski should not have gone to jail for it. She said it did not negatively impact her at all.

What has gone so wrong with society?

Put another way, why does Hollywood and the Left worship Roman but flushed Bill Cosby down the sewer for essentially the same thing, only, Roman preyed on minors.


Roman Polanski is a creep and his movies suck.

But he plead guilty to what he did, and served 42 days of a 90 day prison sentence that the prosecutors agreed to because their case was so weak. Back in the 1970's, you could still bring up a victim's sexual history, and this girl was no virgin. So on one hand, the prosecutors had a celebrity director who was a holocaust survivor and whose wife was murdered by a cult, and on the other hand a girl whose mother was pimping her out all over Hollywood. Sympathetic defendant vs. unsympathetic victim. They made a deal. Sorry, our justice system relies on deals. We couldn't afford to litigate every case.

Then a judge decided to throw out the agreement and threatened to sentence him to real time, so he said screw it and fled the country. Frankly, that we are still going after him for shit he did 45 years ago when cops who shoot black children get 3 years is kind of silly.

If you are offended by his actions, don't see his movies.

It should also be pointed out that Hollywood hardly worships Polanski. They've voted to expel him in 2018, when the rest of the PoundMeToo movement went after people who were less than holy.
And Bill Cosby was a genius at comedy.

So what? I don't give a damn and neither should you when it comes to justice for children and society.

Why is Polanski treated so much better by the Left?

In fact, to my knowledge Bill never messed with a 14 year old.

And totally not the point. Polansky plead guilty and served his sentence.
Cosby was found guilty, served part of his sentence, and then got off on a technicality.

I don't worry so much about the celebrity retards who get handled with kids gloves.
I worry a lot more about the poor person who spends years in jail for crimes they didn't commit because they can't afford bail before prosecutors admit they don't have a case.
I worry a lot more about the poor person who gets railroaded by the system because his underpaid public defender was sleeping through his case.
I worry about the poor person who gets bullied into a false confession, and spends years in jail before the system admits it made a mistake.
"Middle America", in American linguistic usage, means, roughly, the established middle class.

Katha Pollit is saying, here, that the American middle class -- who are not, as she is using the term here -- liberal, like she is, loathes Hollywood. Remember, this was written nearly 25 years ago, and might not be so true now.

"Middle America" is, or was, a term often used by Leftist intellectuals as term carrying a connotation of faint derision, even contempt -- 'philistines', people who voted for Republicans or conservative Democrats. But here, she is showing some sympathy for their attitude to Hollywood. Now the established Left are middle class and have this attitude towards their own working class.

Yeah, frankly, they kind of deserve contempt.

here you have people who ONLY have a middle class lifestyle because for some 70 years, progressives fought to get them things like ending child labor, 40 hour workweeks, fair wages, etc.

And the Republicans (Or as I like to call them, Goons of Plutocracy) have gotten these stupid, stupid people to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their racial, sexual and religious fears.

So they "loathe" Hollywood, but consume their banal product year after year.
They scream about "Morality" while consuming billions of dollars in porn.

And every year, these people scratch their big monkey brains and wonder why their nice jobs are going to China or Mexico.

Oh, look, get outraged about something that happened 45 years ago!
Weren't you personally at Normandy, Fake Hippy Doug?
Hi, little coward Joe. No, I was born a few months before Normandy.

But you ... you little coward ... would not have been at Normandy, nor would you have done what I did do, which is to take part in Freedom Summer, registering Blacks to vote; to oppose the Vietnam War, by, among other things, editing a newsletter -- GI Voice -- aimed at other soldiers when I was in the Army. You wouldn't dream of actually risking your cowardly skin.

Now, for anyone wondering what this is all about ... Little Coward Joe claims I didn't do what I said I did. Because he thinks everyone else is like him, a coward. So I offered him $10 000 if three judges, chosen by both of us, agree that I am making it all up. I also nominated some people -- all on the Left -- to act as those judges. Of course, I won't do this for free -- he too has to put up $10 000 ... and if they agree I'm telling the truth, he loses his money to me.

And guess what! Little Coward Joe, who hides behind the anonymity of the internet, won't do it!!!!

And it's obvious why. He knows he'd lose his money.

But his ego won't let it go ... so he gives me the opportunity to expose him as the lying coward he is, every day.

Thanks, Joe. Keep it up, little coward.
Do not degrade yourselve to an idiot. You never was here to help Germany. You are here to "defend" the USA against all Europeans including all Germans. And we help you to do so. We are a dying nation - perhaps because we never had been a nation. The expressions "German" and "nation" exclude each other. What you call "Germany" is "Prussia". But Prussia is dead since a very long time now.

No, nation states seldom do selfless things, like 'helping' other nations.

The American people felt burned by their participation in WWI -- an uncharacteristic action. They didn't join the League of Nations. And when WWII started, they overwhelmingly wanted no part of it.

But their President at the time, Franklin Roosevelt, very wisely understood it wouldn't be a good idea if Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan conquered and then divided the rest of the world between them. So he did everything he could to get us into the war. We had no bases in Europe, and although the Nazis did sink one of our destroyers by accident, that was not enough to provoke the American people into war.

But we did have a presence in the Pacific, where the Japanese were expanding. The problem was, as his Secretary of War put it in a diary entry at the time, how to "maneuver the Japanese into firing the first shot". Which they did, at Pearl Harbor. And that did it! We went from "no war for us" to white-hot fury in ten seconds. The lines at recruiting stations the next day stretched three times around the block.

But ... that was the Japanese, not Germany. The American people wanted to destroy Japan, but had no interest in going to war in Europe. And then Hitler, God bless 'im, declared war on us! Gratuitously. He didn't have to. He just did. Insane.

Now, after the war was over, the American ruling elite decided not to repeat what they had seen as their mistake after WWI. They saw Stalin as the new Hitler, who must be 'contained'.

So.. we created NATO, whose purpose, as one British commentator said, was "The keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down."

But things have changed. Germany is a democratic country. (On the same death spiral as the Americans, but lagging behind.)

Time for us to go home, and for the Germans to relearn how to make war, and take over the defense of Europe.

You could probably build nuclear weapons over a long weekend. Whip all those spoiled brat young people into being soldiers. It'll do them good.
OMG Moon.

I can't fuckin believe you said that.

She was 14.

There are reasons we have statutory rape laws, and they are good reasons.
As you can see, the Left is already justifying drugging and raping children.

We have arrived at their lowest possible point morally.
Exactly e.g. cult leaders - found amongst all kinds of political backgrounds - not just amongst leftists.

Independent of a 13 year old Samantha Geimer being raped by an adult and stating as a minor, I didn't mind - has no bearing on the existing law - the adult will be punished.
If she states as an adult - "it was never a big deal", (okay so be it) doesn't change the fact of Polanski having raped her and having been sentenced to prison. (escaped to France).

Samantha Greimer:
“‘I remember the time when I was starting to work – I became a model at 14 years old,” she explained. “All the girls, the models, slept with the photographers and I was no exception. But sex was something normal, a natural aspect of life. There wasn’t all this drama, all this darkness surrounding sex.”
Especially the model/pageant-scene is well known for that. That is why Clinton and Trump and many alike are always seen at, or connected to such "businesses" and venues.

So what are you trying to point out with your thread? That the rich, famous and powerful couldn't give a rats ass about moral standards prevailing amongst the common folks?
I am pointing out that the Left keeps lowering the bar of societal norms and morality.

Pedophilia is the next thing being normalized and not even you seem to care.

Soon it will be considered hate speech speaking out against this sort of thing and make illegal.
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And totally not the point. Polansky plead guilty and served his sentence.
Cosby was found guilty, served part of his sentence, and then got off on a technicality.

I don't worry so much about the celebrity retards who get handled with kids gloves.
I worry a lot more about the poor person who spends years in jail for crimes they didn't commit because they can't afford bail before prosecutors admit they don't have a case.
I worry a lot more about the poor person who gets railroaded by the system because his underpaid public defender was sleeping through his case.
I worry about the poor person who gets bullied into a false confession, and spends years in jail before the system admits it made a mistake.
You are either lying or ignorant or both;

Polanski did not serve out his sentence. In fact, if he comes back to the US they will arrest him and thrown him back in jail.

He evaded the legal system by fleeing to France.

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