Is Romny a real conservative?

Umm . . . actually, guy, Romney is going to thrash Obama.

Not really.

Couldn't beat Ted the Drunk. couldn't beat John McCain. Only beat Santorum because Santorum's daughter got sick and he outspent him 10-1.

Romney's maxed out because the Haters have nowhere else to go. He's really not winning over anyone else.

In fact, according to the RCP graph, his ceiling really appears to be about 46%.
Disturbed and Liability are certainly well named: inadequate to their desired roles here.

But they are worthwhile in the Catholic sense of pedagogy that even poor examples like them still serve as examples not to emulate.

We have their votes this fall, then we will forget about them until the next election.

Fakey, that's the proper name for you.

Boy, you have nothing.

Everything about you, from your phony (and always unpersuasive) board persona to your silly petty-ass posts, are useless.

The only thing a fraud like you likes about the GOP is that it got honeycombed long ago with modern American liberalism. It rots from within. But thankfully, we are taking that party back to the right despite you and despite the efforts of the other lefty fifth columnists who prefer the GOP to be the Democrat Party Lite.

Hell, someday I may even rejoin the GOP just to keep them moving in the right direction -- which is about 180 degrees away from where you assholes try to steer it.
Disturbed and Liability are certainly well named: inadequate to their desired roles here.

But they are worthwhile in the Catholic sense of pedagogy that even poor examples like them still serve as examples not to emulate.

We have their votes this fall, then we will forget about them until the next election.

Fakey, that's the proper name for you.

Boy, you have nothing.

Everything about you, from your phony (and always unpersuasive) board persona to your silly petty-ass posts, are useless.

The only thing a fraud like you likes about the GOP is that it got honeycombed long ago with modern American liberalism. It rots from within. But thankfully, we are taking that party back to the right despite you and despite the efforts of the other lefty fifth columnists who prefer the GOP to be the Democrat Party Lite.

Hell, someday I may even rejoin the GOP just to keep them moving in the right direction -- which is about 180 degrees away from where you assholes try to steer it.

Indeed...after Conservatives take over perhaps I might think about it...
I think not but the right will vote for him anyway.
Party first!

No, the economy first. You want the midddle class for Romney. He will create jobs. He has the experience, and the wisdom, from his experiences, both positive and negative.

And executive experience...unlike Obama who's claim to fame was Community organizing...:eusa_shhh:
I think not but the right will vote for him anyway.
Party first!

No, the economy first. You want the midddle class for Romney. He will create jobs. He has the experience, and the wisdom, from his experiences, both positive and negative.

How do you even get to this statement?

Romney didn't "create jobs", he created profits for his investors.

It isn't the same thing.

In fact, in many cases, he destroyed jobs by loading up weak companies with unsustainable debt and then paying his investors out of the money borrowed. (AmPad, GS Steel, DDi).

If you want an example of how the Middle Class has declined because of people like Romney, when they acquired AmPad, they fired everyone at the Marion plant, then rehired half of them at lower salaries before the loading the company up with debt.

Romney is good at manipulating the system, not producing jobs.

Evenhe's not making that claim anymore, when people found his job creation claims to be bogus.
The wannabee far right "conservatives" don't get it. And the Obama supporters, such as JoeB, don't count at all.

We should be preaching economy and nothing else. I want Romney to win, but what are our "allies" talking about: dogs, getting Osama, birferism, and elitism. They are all non-starters, I have eaten dog, BHO made the right call to get OBL and has a right to take credit for it, and a bi-racial boy raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and the continental 48 in a single parent household on food stamps might know a thing or 43 about common folks.

Why aren't we all focusing on the economy and ignoring all the nutso stuff?
The wannabee far right "conservatives" don't get it. And the Obama supporters, such as JoeB, don't count at all.

We should be preaching economy and nothing else. I want Romney to win, but what are our "allies" talking about: dogs, getting Osama, birferism, and elitism. They are all non-starters, I have eaten dog, BHO made the right call to get OBL and has a right to take credit for it, and a bi-racial boy raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and the continental 48 in a single parent household on food stamps might know a thing or 43 about common folks.

Why aren't we all focusing on the economy and ignoring all the nutso stuff?

Who paid for Barry Soetero's college education?
Not your concern, nutso. Be more concerned with the economy and supporting Romney.
The wannabee far right "conservatives" don't get it. And the Obama supporters, such as JoeB, don't count at all.

We should be preaching economy and nothing else. I want Romney to win, but what are our "allies" talking about: dogs, getting Osama, birferism, and elitism. They are all non-starters, I have eaten dog, BHO made the right call to get OBL and has a right to take credit for it, and a bi-racial boy raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and the continental 48 in a single parent household on food stamps might know a thing or 43 about common folks.

Why aren't we all focusing on the economy and ignoring all the nutso stuff?

Who paid for Barry Soetero's college education?

DU mpsters are posting on this thread.
I do not want to skid off topic..
Time to out them in the "flame zone.".
Sorry for the interruption.
Romney always reminds me of the new teacher interviewing for a job, when the principal suddenly asks him, "Is the world round of flat?" The new teacher knows his job depends on the answer, so after a short thinking process says, "Sir. I can teach it either way."
The wannabee far right "conservatives" don't get it. And the Obama supporters, such as JoeB, don't count at all.

We should be preaching economy and nothing else. I want Romney to win, but what are our "allies" talking about: dogs, getting Osama, birferism, and elitism. They are all non-starters, I have eaten dog, BHO made the right call to get OBL and has a right to take credit for it, and a bi-racial boy raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and the continental 48 in a single parent household on food stamps might know a thing or 43 about common folks.

Why aren't we all focusing on the economy and ignoring all the nutso stuff?

Who paid for Barry Soetero's college education?


Chalk one up for the taxpayers. Obviously money well spent.
The wannabee far right "conservatives" don't get it. And the Obama supporters, such as JoeB, don't count at all.

We should be preaching economy and nothing else. I want Romney to win, but what are our "allies" talking about: dogs, getting Osama, birferism, and elitism. They are all non-starters, I have eaten dog, BHO made the right call to get OBL and has a right to take credit for it, and a bi-racial boy raised in Indonesia, Hawaii, and the continental 48 in a single parent household on food stamps might know a thing or 43 about common folks.

Why aren't we all focusing on the economy and ignoring all the nutso stuff?

Because, guy, economic stuff is to Romney what Swiftboats were to Kerry.

Sounds great in the abstract, but when you get into the details, it doesn't work.

"Reporting for Duty" doesn't sound as good when you are caught on tape accusing people of attrocities and throwing medals over the fence.

"I know the economy" doesn't sound as good when you were one of the assholes shipping the good jobs to China.

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