Is the Bible the inerrent word of God?

And so they just made up the part where God commanded them to do it?

Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?
Did I miss something, somewhere? Is Avatar4321 a Mormon?
There are some great holy spirit filled Mormon's too...even female one, every once in awhile you can hear their testimonies.
Interesting equivocation in your answer. It contains the "Word of God", but it is not inerrant? So...if, as suggested by implication, it has errors, how do you know that it contains the "Word of God"? After all, would God allow his word to be transcribed erroneously? If so, why?

The Holy Spirit testifies to the truths found in the Bible.

God works through flawed people. Probably because if He didn't, nothing would ever happen.

Recognizing the truth isn't an equivocation. I believe what the Bible claims to be. Not what others say it is

Joshua 1:7-8 (NIV) - Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave to you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Matthew 4:4 (NIV) - Jesus answered, “It is written; ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) - All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

James 2:10 (NIV) - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

The Bible claims to come directly from God - All. Of. It.. So, unless you are suggesting that God was unreliable, then the Bible seems to suggest that every word of it should be accepted as reliable, and accurate.

Now, what were you saying about believing the Bible to be what it claims to be?

No it doesn't. It also doesn't claim to be all that God has or will ever say. Read the verses you just quoted and tell me which one mentions the bible. You can't because the Bible wasn't compiled as a set of books until centuries later.

The Bible illustrates that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is a God of the living and not the dead. He reveals His word to the living. The revealed word of the past is a tool to help us receive our own revelation and to know God.

You can't live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God until you know how to listen to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. That requires real time experience with the Holy Ghost.

Following the Bible can help you get those experiences
So, the Bible should be read literally, and taken at face value...until it shouldn't. That's what you're saying?

No. I'm saying use it as a tool to come to God and then let yourself learn from Him.
LOL! A pile of dog shit that vaguely resembles the classic depiction of Jesus "can be used as a tool" to "come to God". Your statement is a non-sequitur, and completely meaningless in regard to the OP.

The question is is the Bible the accurate, written record of God's word, as written, or isn't it. You seem to not want to give a straight answer to that question. Why is that?
Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?
Did I miss something, somewhere? Is Avatar4321 a Mormon?
There are some great holy spirit filled Mormon's too...even female one, every once in awhile you can hear their testimonies.
I'll save that for another discussion. I just asked the question because Mudda asked about Super Skivvies, and Mormons are the only one's I know of who believe in Super Skivvies.
When god said "let there be light", to whom was he talking to?

The Sons of God. Us. In the premortal realm as spirit sons and daughters we knew and worshipped God as our heavenly Father and accepted His plan. His plan was to create an earth where would could have a physical body and gain earthly experience in order to progress toward perfection and to ultimately realize our destiny as heirs of eternal life
You have proof for this tall tale?
And so they just made up the part where God commanded them to do it?

Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?

The only magic underwear I know of is sold by victory secret. And I have never heard of any communication from God about it.

It might help a husband and wife observe the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth, but I can't say I've thought about implication of underwear and God much. It's not really any of my business.

Why are you so interested in other peoples undies?
You're a Mormon, 'fess up to the magic undies.
And so they just made up the part where God commanded them to do it?

Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?
Did I miss something, somewhere? Is Avatar4321 a Mormon?
And so they just made up the part where God commanded them to do it?

Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?
You used to be able to pick up those cotton underclothes at garage sales cheap and they was the best 'long john's' ever made to keep one warm in those cold winters if's you were not used to the cold.
Ya, just what I want, second-hand undies from a meat-eater who is totally full of shit! :biggrin:
Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?
Did I miss something, somewhere? Is Avatar4321 a Mormon?
Oh. Oh, I didn't know that. Then, yes, they do believe in "blessed undergarments" that will "protect them from all harm, and temptation". Translation: Super Skivvies.
When god said "let there be light", to whom was he talking to?
You.....and anyone else who could hear it.
Nobody had been born yet. Please try again.
Contraire as the spirit was before you knew you were.
So my spirit has always existed? Like in re-incarnation? Or does a spirit only get one body?
God's spirit has always were just a twinkle seed in that breath blown in the seasons in time... perhaps your spark of breath ain't hit your soul yet for you to be aware of what kind spirit you have hidden away within you that is undisclosed... (BTW, mocking others faith won't get you there...) To speak in human terms you are perhaps like the unfertilized egg in waiting to see which sperm will survive the trek up to where you are waiting to see who your father in heaven is. Ask God if you really want to know and if it is your time perhaps you will find the answer... flesh of the carnal world is merely a vessel or a vassal depending on who you serve.

Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?
You used to be able to pick up those cotton underclothes at garage sales cheap and they was the best 'long john's' ever made to keep one warm in those cold winters if's you were not used to the cold.
Ya, just what I want, second-hand undies from a meat-eater who is totally full of shit! :biggrin:
You ain't never heard of bleach and Tide?
The Holy Spirit testifies to the truths found in the Bible.

God works through flawed people. Probably because if He didn't, nothing would ever happen.

Recognizing the truth isn't an equivocation. I believe what the Bible claims to be. Not what others say it is

Joshua 1:7-8 (NIV) - Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave to you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Matthew 4:4 (NIV) - Jesus answered, “It is written; ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) - All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

James 2:10 (NIV) - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

The Bible claims to come directly from God - All. Of. It.. So, unless you are suggesting that God was unreliable, then the Bible seems to suggest that every word of it should be accepted as reliable, and accurate.

Now, what were you saying about believing the Bible to be what it claims to be?

No it doesn't. It also doesn't claim to be all that God has or will ever say. Read the verses you just quoted and tell me which one mentions the bible. You can't because the Bible wasn't compiled as a set of books until centuries later.

The Bible illustrates that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is a God of the living and not the dead. He reveals His word to the living. The revealed word of the past is a tool to help us receive our own revelation and to know God.

You can't live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God until you know how to listen to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. That requires real time experience with the Holy Ghost.

Following the Bible can help you get those experiences
So, the Bible should be read literally, and taken at face value...until it shouldn't. That's what you're saying?

No. I'm saying use it as a tool to come to God and then let yourself learn from Him.
LOL! A pile of dog shit that vaguely resembles the classic depiction of Jesus "can be used as a tool" to "come to God". Your statement is a non-sequitur, and completely meaningless in regard to the OP.

The question is is the Bible the accurate, written record of God's word, as written, or isn't it. You seem to not want to give a straight answer to that question. Why is that?

You never mentioned accuracy. You asked whether it was inerrant or flawless. I understand that this is is to set up a straw man that if it is without flaw you can't rely on it.

But the fact is nothing touched by mortal hands is flawless. We are fallen. Our language is awkward and weak. We can't always explain the divine perfectly.

That doesn't make the Book any less profitable. Nor keep it from fulfilling its purpose in bringing people to Christ. We are commanded to have faith in Him, not the bible.

If you want to understand the Bible, you need the Holy Spirit. If any of you lack wisdom, let him as of God who gives to all men liberally.

When you trust Him He will show you the truth of all things
When god said "let there be light", to whom was he talking to?

The Sons of God. Us. In the premortal realm as spirit sons and daughters we knew and worshipped God as our heavenly Father and accepted His plan. His plan was to create an earth where would could have a physical body and gain earthly experience in order to progress toward perfection and to ultimately realize our destiny as heirs of eternal life
You have proof for this tall tale?

The witness of the Holy Ghost. You are free to ask Him for yourself.

Somehow I expect you wont do the work necessary to learn. Perhaps I should have more faith in others
Probably not the first or last time, when faced with criticism of their deed, a people has passed it off as the will of God. On the other hand we are left to wonder if there was prayerful consideration beforehand. If so, was it the human mind/heart or the voice of God that the priest heard? We are often warned we are not to trust the human heart. We all seem to agree that the decree doesn't sound like the voice of God. It seems more like human justice and may even cross the line into vengeance. But we weren't there, so we could be wrong. It just might have been the voice of God commanding justice after these people tormented the Israelites when the Israelites were in great need and not a threat.
Soooo...basically, even though the Bible claims of itself, that every word is the word of God, this might have been the word of God...or it might have been a bunch of evil bastards just trying to justify their own blood-thirsty behaviour? This is the Bible that we are expected to take seriously, and view as a reliable source of morality?!?!? REALLY??????

The Bible isn't the source of morality and doesn't claim to be.

God is.

The Bible contains some of His words. It also contains the words of a devil. The words of good men and bad. And the words of an Ass
Did god tell you all to wear your magic underwear?

The only magic underwear I know of is sold by victory secret. And I have never heard of any communication from God about it.

It might help a husband and wife observe the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth, but I can't say I've thought about implication of underwear and God much. It's not really any of my business.

Why are you so interested in other peoples undies?
You're a Mormon, 'fess up to the magic undies.

I am Mormon. No doubt about that. No latter day saint has ever claimed to have "magic underwear". So there is nothing to fess up.

Did you ever consider the reason the Lord hasn't trusted you with anything sacred is that you refuse to treat anything as sacred?
When god said "let there be light", to whom was he talking to?

The Sons of God. Us. In the premortal realm as spirit sons and daughters we knew and worshipped God as our heavenly Father and accepted His plan. His plan was to create an earth where would could have a physical body and gain earthly experience in order to progress toward perfection and to ultimately realize our destiny as heirs of eternal life
You have proof for this tall tale?

The witness of the Holy Ghost. You are free to ask Him for yourself.

Somehow I expect you wont do the work necessary to learn. Perhaps I should have more faith in others
Ok, I asked him and haven't heard back. How long does it usually take for him to get back to someone?

Joshua 1:7-8 (NIV) - Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave to you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Matthew 4:4 (NIV) - Jesus answered, “It is written; ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV) - All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

James 2:10 (NIV) - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.

The Bible claims to come directly from God - All. Of. It.. So, unless you are suggesting that God was unreliable, then the Bible seems to suggest that every word of it should be accepted as reliable, and accurate.

Now, what were you saying about believing the Bible to be what it claims to be?

No it doesn't. It also doesn't claim to be all that God has or will ever say. Read the verses you just quoted and tell me which one mentions the bible. You can't because the Bible wasn't compiled as a set of books until centuries later.

The Bible illustrates that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is a God of the living and not the dead. He reveals His word to the living. The revealed word of the past is a tool to help us receive our own revelation and to know God.

You can't live off every word that proceeds from the mouth of God until you know how to listen to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. That requires real time experience with the Holy Ghost.

Following the Bible can help you get those experiences
So, the Bible should be read literally, and taken at face value...until it shouldn't. That's what you're saying?

No. I'm saying use it as a tool to come to God and then let yourself learn from Him.
LOL! A pile of dog shit that vaguely resembles the classic depiction of Jesus "can be used as a tool" to "come to God". Your statement is a non-sequitur, and completely meaningless in regard to the OP.

The question is is the Bible the accurate, written record of God's word, as written, or isn't it. You seem to not want to give a straight answer to that question. Why is that?

You never mentioned accuracy. You asked whether it was inerrant or flawless. I understand that this is is to set up a straw man that if it is without flaw you can't rely on it.

But the fact is nothing touched by mortal hands is flawless. We are fallen. Our language is awkward and weak. We can't always explain the divine perfectly.

That doesn't make the Book any less profitable. Nor keep it from fulfilling its purpose in bringing people to Christ. We are commanded to have faith in Him, not the bible.

If you want to understand the Bible, you need the Holy Spirit. If any of you lack wisdom, let him as of God who gives to all men liberally.

When you trust Him He will show you the truth of all things
Interestingly, God also gives that Holy Spirit inconsistently. After all, when one gets away from accepting the Bible literally, one is left with an interpretive understanding of the Bible.There are currently about 33,000 different denominations in the world - this does not include the cults, and minor sects. And every one of them has a different "interpretation" of the text. Now, it is easy to gloss over this with, "But, they all believe that Jesus is Lord, so that is all that matters,"

Except that it isn't. There can only be one "true" interpretation. After all there is only one God. Thus the question remains who is the arbiter of which interpretation is the "correct" one. "To to understand the Bible, you need the Holy Spirit," is an insufficient answer. Because every one of those denominational adherents would insist that they arrived at their interpretation by "the Holy Spirit". This is why interpretation is an insufficient response to the question of reconciling the uncomfortable parts of the Bible. Either The Bible is what it is - an accurate, perfect record of God through ancient times - or it isn't. There is no room for any interpretive middle ground.
Neither OP nor lil nip have addressed the self-glossing problem of such texts as koran and bible. OP skirts the issue while lil nip jumps right into subjectivity rather than debating the objective concept "self-glossing." This is because OP's question comes nearer to answering with the hint, 'stupidity.' The moral wailings of religious, complete with their ferocious polemicism, is a fascist theft of the Tin Man. This theft and redirected ordering of morallity meshes with nazism too, morality itself, as if the Tin Man never had a clue and required the Missionary Man to correct the Incorrigible.
Interestingly, God also gives that Holy Spirit inconsistently. After all, when one gets away from accepting the Bible literally, one is left with an interpretive understanding of the Bible.There are currently about 33,000 different denominations in the world - this does not include the cults, and minor sects. And every one of them has a different "interpretation" of the text. Now, it is easy to gloss over this with, "But, they all believe that Jesus is Lord, so that is all that matters,"

Except that it isn't. There can only be one "true" interpretation. After all there is only one God. Thus the question remains who is the arbiter of which interpretation is the "correct" one. "To to understand the Bible, you need the Holy Spirit," is an insufficient answer. Because every one of those denominational adherents would insist that they arrived at their interpretation by "the Holy Spirit". This is why interpretation is an insufficient response to the question of reconciling the uncomfortable parts of the Bible. Either The Bible is what it is - an accurate, perfect record of God through ancient times - or it isn't. There is no room for any interpretive middle ground.
Now that statement brings up some points that have been and shall remain a mystery to many. Why do you think that is? (even take a wild guess as you do seem to try to think things through)

On an interesting side note about the Hebrew language from my experience of searching trying to understand the meanings to all the names and such. I found ancient Hebrew is written with words inside of words. One could spend a lifetime even if taught the Hebrew language as a child learning even a small portion of all of that and many through the centuries have and still there is so much more to be discovered in the ancient things.
Interestingly, God also gives that Holy Spirit inconsistently. After all, when one gets away from accepting the Bible literally, one is left with an interpretive understanding of the Bible.There are currently about 33,000 different denominations in the world - this does not include the cults, and minor sects. And every one of them has a different "interpretation" of the text. Now, it is easy to gloss over this with, "But, they all believe that Jesus is Lord, so that is all that matters,"

Except that it isn't. There can only be one "true" interpretation. After all there is only one God. Thus the question remains who is the arbiter of which interpretation is the "correct" one. "To to understand the Bible, you need the Holy Spirit," is an insufficient answer. Because every one of those denominational adherents would insist that they arrived at their interpretation by "the Holy Spirit". This is why interpretation is an insufficient response to the question of reconciling the uncomfortable parts of the Bible. Either The Bible is what it is - an accurate, perfect record of God through ancient times - or it isn't. There is no room for any interpretive middle ground.
Now that statement brings up some points that have been and shall remain a mystery to many. Why do you think that is? (even take a wild guess as you do seem to try to think things through
The only rational explanation is that the Bible is nothing more than a very human attempt to create an ethical code, wrapped in superstition, and religious trappings to make it seem more valid. By abandoning the literal approach to the bible, this allows anyone with an agenda, or an axe to grind to claim divine counselling, and interpret Bible in whatever way fits their agenda, or goal.

On an interesting side note about the Hebrew language from my experience of searching trying to understand the meanings to all the names and such. I found ancient Hebrew is written with words inside of words. One could spend a lifetime even if taught the Hebrew language as a child learning even a small portion of all of that and many through the centuries have and still there is so much more to be discovered in the ancient things.
Not entirely accurate. More accurately, ancient Hebrew built on itself. primitive root words were used as templates in creating the more complex language, and a great deal of the language was contextual, with very similar words having very different meanings, depending on just how the word fit into the sentence structure.

It is a rather complicated, and complex language. I much prefer translating the new Testament. While a bit complex, Greek is a thousand times easier to deal with than Hebrew.
And love? Put the scientific method to literature, declare there is none, or....admit error.

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