Is the Democratic party so devoid of skilled politicians that Hillary is their only choice?

I posted this in the 'Hillary is too old' thread but it fits better here:

The Dims could do so much better than Swillary. It would serve them better and allow them to pick up far more swing voters than this divisive, polarizing, bitter old sot. Another, more-in-touch Dim candidate would also make the Republicans step up to the plate with what they consider their best. We'd then have the best our system could deliver from both sides to choose from. A win-win. But I'm dreaming. The Dims never do what's best for the country.
I think the thrust of her campaign will be "It's my turn". So, yeah, I expect a lot of "Don't hit the girl" type of defense. Gonna be hard to convince me she wants true equality for women while protesting that she should be treated different because she's a woman.

thanks for the "analysis"

good that the rightwinguts are all lining up.
What can she run on? She's can't say she stands for any kind of change, because she's been a part of the current admin. She also can't say she wants to continue the same policies, because people are tired of the same policies. All she has left is personal charisma, and she doesn't have any of that.

But she has political thugs and a lot of money to go after anyone who gets in her way.....and no morals or scruples to get in her way......
True. She had no problem with her supporters launching birtherism.
I posted this in the 'Hillary is too old' thread but it fits better here:

The Dims could do so much better than Swillary. It would serve them better and allow them to pick up far more swing voters than this divisive, polarizing, bitter old sot. Another, more-in-touch Dim candidate would also make the Republicans step up to the plate with what they consider their best. We'd then have the best our system could deliver from both sides to choose from. A win-win. But I'm dreaming. The Dims never do what's best for the country.
I believe Hillary knows this to be true, hence the carefully constructed "But it's her TURN". She tried it 8 years ago, but got knocked off by a lightweight. Expect her to be a lot dirtier this time around and win by destroying anyone who dares to get in her way.
I think the thrust of her campaign will be "It's my turn". So, yeah, I expect a lot of "Don't hit the girl" type of defense. Gonna be hard to convince me she wants true equality for women while protesting that she should be treated different because she's a woman.

thanks for the "analysis"

good that the rightwinguts are all lining up.
What can she run on? She's can't say she stands for any kind of change, because she's been a part of the current admin. She also can't say she wants to continue the same policies, because people are tired of the same policies. All she has left is personal charisma, and she doesn't have any of that.

But she has political thugs and a lot of money to go after anyone who gets in her way.....and no morals or scruples to get in her way......

please.... you have nine wingers who are going to do nothing but go after anyone who tries to get in their way.

or do you think teddy cruz is a good guy?

I think Ted Cruz is a politician....but I don't think he is evil or vile..........bill clinton has a long history of sexual assault against vulnerable women...and hilary helped him cover it up for their political careers.....they also allowed secret technology to be sold to the well as all the more mundane political corruption and law breaking....
Where is the competition? This is ridiculous. Or are the loons just going to crown her by default?

Truly embarrassing

she's still better than anyone on your side of the aisle.

providing stupid choices is not the same as providing choices.

now go vote for ben carson. :cuckoo:
So you're okay with having YOUR choice decided FOR you?

Fucking sad

I'm good with Hillary. If someone better jumps in, that's good too. Are you OK with the clowns you have pushing each other off the crazy cliff? You know that even if any of them might be able to get votes from middle America now, they won't be able to after your primaries..... don't you?
Hopefully Hillary will win, just so everyone can get some more entertainment from Republicans than has been delivered already by the likes of Ted Cruz.
How nice. USMB nutters are so generous! Giving liberals advice and all. Thanks, guys!
If Hillary gets in, wait to see the American English dictionary be reduced to just 'Benghazi', 'Monica', 'Libya', 'Communist', 'Socialist', and 'Under Fire', or another 5 years of what we get already without the birther stuff.
I think the thrust of her campaign will be "It's my turn". So, yeah, I expect a lot of "Don't hit the girl" type of defense. Gonna be hard to convince me she wants true equality for women while protesting that she should be treated different because she's a woman.

Satire but probably close to the truth...

Onion—After several seconds spent sitting motionless and glaring directly into the camera, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly began Sunday’s video announcing her 2016 presidential bid by warning the nation not to f**k this up for her. “Listen up, assholes, ’cause I’m only saying this once: I’ve worked way too goddamn hard to let you morons blow this thing for me,” said Clinton, repeatedly jabbing her index finger toward the viewers at home while adding that if they thought she was going to simply sit back and watch them dick her over like they did in 2008, they were out of their f**king minds. “Seriously, don’t you dare even think about it. If you shitheads can just get in line, we can breeze through this whole campaign in 19 months and be done with it. Or, if you really want, we can do this the hard way. Because make no mistake, I’m not f**king around. Got it?” Clinton then ended her announcement by vowing to fight for a better future for all working-class families like the one she grew up in.

Hillary Clinton To Nation Do Not Fuck This Up For Me The Onion - America s Finest News Source
That's a fair warning to those who think she's a shoe-in. It only took a vastly underqualified community organizer to knock her off last time.

Even after hitlary told us all that the moonbat messiah "hasn't done the 'spadework' necessary to be president".

Of course that wasn't veiled racism...
This guy... is my guess.

If he runs it'll be a landslide with hillary wondering what she did wrong this time.
Where is the competition? This is ridiculous. Or are the loons just going to crown her by default?

Truly embarrassing

It's her turn. You shut up.

I hope so. I'd LOVE it if she was "crowned by default" as the Democratic nominee.
Agreed, she would be easy to beat. This guy O'Malley can sell the pied piper dance, the republicans would have a much harder time beating him than Hillary.

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