Is the economic Pie FIXED in size..Democrats believe so...

The Rich Dems vote for higher taxes on themselves and aren't for screwing working families and the environment, dupe. STUPID QUESTION.

Vote? Why do they need to vote?
They can cut the government a
What are they waiting for?
Why is Buffett giving his money to a charity, instead of to the government?
The only thing being resurrected in this thread is the failed theory of trickle down,

just re-packaged.

So you think I made up these GDP numbers?

You know the really disgusting aspect about comments like yours is you do provide ANY sources or documentation!
NO wonder people consider comments like yours as being so unworthy of attention!

I've proved to you that the PIE is not finite.
That you don't have to be an animal like you to tear and claw for your share!
Because of the rich and their taxes.. cause you obviously have never paid any..
We have the internet.. remember TAX payers NOT Govt. Research as Obama said funded the Govt. TAXES!
We have our educational system ALL paid for NOT by Govt. BY taxes! Paid By TaX payers not by you!

So when idiots like you spout the "failed" trickle down theory all I ask is then where did the $15 trillion in todays GDP go?

Now here is an even BIGGER question for you finite pie asses:
What has happened to the $298.9 Trillion since 1790?

Well for one thing the total value of Americans is
AGAIN FACTS to support MY statements.. WHERE ARE YOURS??

Q4 2011
B.100 Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations
Assets $73,518.3
Liabilities $13,481.0
Net worth $60,037.3

B.102 Balance Sheet of Nonfinancial Corporate Business

Assets $30,044.8
Liabilities $13,886.9
Net worth $16,157.9

B.103 Balance Sheet of Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business

Assets $12,995.1
Liabilities $5,561.5
Net worth $7,433.6

Totals Assets/Liabilities Net worth of households,corporate & noncorporate businesses
Assets $116,558.2
Liabilities $32,929.4
Net worth $83,628.8[/URL

Now for you idiots.. Assets are what is OWNED Liabilities is what is OWED
NET Worth is after subtracting what is OWED from what is OWNED..
The entire NET worth of households/businesses is $83.628 TRILLION!!!

NOW explain again why "Trickle down doesn't work?"
GDP in 2011 $15.09 trillion... Americans NET worth is $83.6 Trillion!

Tell me again WHERE trickle down doesn't work????
Oh and for those of you that CAN'T respond with "Geez I'm wrong.. Trickle down does work and there is an infinite pie.." don't give me that crap about Bush years loss of value... Dumb sh..ts!
So what? the facts are Trickle down/infinite pie is VALID and the USA proves it!

ONE more proof that these statements are true:

Janne Batalova, an immigration policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute,
" it is little surprise that people moving to the U.S. account for 20 percent of the entire planet’s immigration, according to the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs."

What Country Has the Most Immigrants? | LiveScience

WHY if trickle down/infinite pie does 20% of the entire world's migration go to one country??

"In terms of the U.S., it's widely known that no other countries can really match the economic, educational, and social mobility for people in all walks of life," Batalova said.
The Rich Dems vote for higher taxes on themselves and aren't for screwing working families and the environment, dupe. STUPID QUESTION.

i believe in 'trickle-down' same as 'pubdupes'......just in a different manner.....:lol:
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it matters not whether wealth is finite. It could be infinite, but if only certain people have access to's still fucked up.
Let's set aside the what? 5% of the population that "lives off of tax dollars for doing nothing"....let's talk about people who work and work very hard to survive. Loyal, employees who bust their balls every goddamned day to help someone else to become wealthy. Market or not, those people deserve better than what they do.

There's no reason why a man or woman who works their asses of should not be able to live a in this country. But as long as the false "profits"....yes,I speller it wrong on purpose....of worshiping the rich continues....more and more of those hard working Americans will slipped further and further towards poverty.

Seems to me that this is the GOP's vision of the American Dream.....a dream for the rich, a fucking nightmare for every one else.


Need a tissue?

yeah, because pandering to big business has been kicking ass for the working people the past 30 years.... YAY trickle down! Fucking moron. You assholes can't tell when you're being played for a fool.
Oh and for those of you that CAN'T respond with "Geez I'm wrong.. Trickle down does work and there is an infinite pie.." don't give me that crap about Bush years loss of value... Dumb sh..ts!
So what? the facts are Trickle down/infinite pie is VALID and the USA proves it!

ONE more proof that these statements are true:

Janne Batalova, an immigration policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute,
" it is little surprise that people moving to the U.S. account for 20 percent of the entire planet’s immigration, according to the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs."

What Country Has the Most Immigrants? | LiveScience

WHY if trickle down/infinite pie does 20% of the entire world's migration go to one country??

"In terms of the U.S., it's widely known that no other countries can really match the economic, educational, and social mobility for people in all walks of life," Batalova said.

your numbers mean nothing. get out of your mommy's basement and go talk to people on the fucking street. If trickle down worked, we wouldn't need welfare, we wouldn't need to supplement working people's lives so that they can live a basic life.
Oh and for those of you that CAN'T respond with "Geez I'm wrong.. Trickle down does work and there is an infinite pie.." don't give me that crap about Bush years loss of value... Dumb sh..ts!
So what? the facts are Trickle down/infinite pie is VALID and the USA proves it!

ONE more proof that these statements are true:

Janne Batalova, an immigration policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute,
" it is little surprise that people moving to the U.S. account for 20 percent of the entire planet’s immigration, according to the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs."

What Country Has the Most Immigrants? | LiveScience

WHY if trickle down/infinite pie does 20% of the entire world's migration go to one country??

"In terms of the U.S., it's widely known that no other countries can really match the economic, educational, and social mobility for people in all walks of life," Batalova said.

your numbers mean nothing. get out of your mommy's basement and go talk to people on the fucking street. If trickle down worked, we wouldn't need welfare, we wouldn't need to supplement working people's lives so that they can live a basic life.

we don't "need" government welfare....(except for a small core of the truly needy)

this is just a liberal LIE you believe in...
it matters not whether wealth is finite. It could be infinite, but if only certain people have access to's still fucked up.
Let's set aside the what? 5% of the population that "lives off of tax dollars for doing nothing"....let's talk about people who work and work very hard to survive. Loyal, employees who bust their balls every goddamned day to help someone else to become wealthy. Market or not, those people deserve better than what they do.

There's no reason why a man or woman who works their asses of should not be able to live a in this country. But as long as the false "profits"....yes,I speller it wrong on purpose....of worshiping the rich continues....more and more of those hard working Americans will slipped further and further towards poverty.

Seems to me that this is the GOP's vision of the American Dream.....a dream for the rich, a fucking nightmare for every one else.

I hate to point out the obvious, Steel...but if you are someone else's "employee" then all you deserve is the wage that they pay you. You haven't risked any of your capital to build that don't lose anything but your job if that employer goes under. The concept that you are somehow "owed" more than a competitive wage because you've made the choice not to be your own boss is difficult for me to understand. Being an "owner" isn't as easy as you progressives seem to think it is. Most independent business people in this country who ultimately succeed, have failed several times before becoming successful, yet they continue to risk their capital and their sweat equity to start up another company. So what happens when they DO become successful? Someone like Barack Obama tells them "You didn't build that!" and tries to take a big chunk of their profits. That my friend is the "nightmare".
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it matters not whether wealth is finite. It could be infinite, but if only certain people have access to's still fucked up.
Let's set aside the what? 5% of the population that "lives off of tax dollars for doing nothing"....let's talk about people who work and work very hard to survive. Loyal, employees who bust their balls every goddamned day to help someone else to become wealthy. Market or not, those people deserve better than what they do.

There's no reason why a man or woman who works their asses of should not be able to live a in this country. But as long as the false "profits"....yes,I speller it wrong on purpose....of worshiping the rich continues....more and more of those hard working Americans will slipped further and further towards poverty.

Seems to me that this is the GOP's vision of the American Dream.....a dream for the rich, a fucking nightmare for every one else.

I hate to point out the obvious, Steel...but if you are someone else's "employee" then all you deserve is the wage that they pay you. You haven't risked any of your capital to build that don't lose anything but your job if that employer goes under. The concept that you are somehow "owed" more than a competitive wage because you've made the choice not to be your own boss is difficult for me to understand. Being an "owner" isn't as easy as you progressives seem to think it is. Most independent business people in this country who ultimately succeed, have failed several times before becoming successful, yet they continue to risk their capital and their sweat equity to start up another company. So what happens when they DO become successful? Someone like Barack Obama tells them "You didn't build that!" and tries to take a big chunk of their profits. That my friend is the "nightmare".

fuck you oldstyle. I hate to point it out to you, but if the employee can't even afford the basics...and the employer is getting fucking filthy rich, pardon the FUCK out of me if I don't feel sorry for the latter.
it matters not whether wealth is finite. It could be infinite, but if only certain people have access to's still fucked up.
Let's set aside the what? 5% of the population that "lives off of tax dollars for doing nothing"....let's talk about people who work and work very hard to survive. Loyal, employees who bust their balls every goddamned day to help someone else to become wealthy. Market or not, those people deserve better than what they do.

There's no reason why a man or woman who works their asses of should not be able to live a in this country. But as long as the false "profits"....yes,I speller it wrong on purpose....of worshiping the rich continues....more and more of those hard working Americans will slipped further and further towards poverty.

Seems to me that this is the GOP's vision of the American Dream.....a dream for the rich, a fucking nightmare for every one else.

I hate to point out the obvious, Steel...but if you are someone else's "employee" then all you deserve is the wage that they pay you. You haven't risked any of your capital to build that don't lose anything but your job if that employer goes under. The concept that you are somehow "owed" more than a competitive wage because you've made the choice not to be your own boss is difficult for me to understand. Being an "owner" isn't as easy as you progressives seem to think it is. Most independent business people in this country who ultimately succeed, have failed several times before becoming successful, yet they continue to risk their capital and their sweat equity to start up another company. So what happens when they DO become successful? Someone like Barack Obama tells them "You didn't build that!" and tries to take a big chunk of their profits. That my friend is the "nightmare".

fuck you oldstyle. I hate to point it out to you, but if the employee can't even afford the basics...and the employer is getting fucking filthy rich, pardon the FUCK out of me if I don't feel sorry for the latter.

then don't the fuck work for the fucking's still a free country....(albeit barely)

If an able-bodied employee is not satisfied with their income, they are free to do the following:

  • Improve their effort at work to get a promotion
  • Improve their education and/or training to get a promotion
  • Improve their education and/or training and get a better job elsewhere
  • Get a part-time job to learn that business and get experience
  • Start a business part-time, bust their ass like other business owners, leave job, run business
  • Take the risk that others do, start their own business, do what it takes to succeed
  • Some combination therein
  • Complain and blame someone else for their troubles

That's pretty much it.

This isn't magic.

it matters not whether wealth is finite. It could be infinite, but if only certain people have access to's still fucked up.
Let's set aside the what? 5% of the population that "lives off of tax dollars for doing nothing"....let's talk about people who work and work very hard to survive. Loyal, employees who bust their balls every goddamned day to help someone else to become wealthy. Market or not, those people deserve better than what they do.

There's no reason why a man or woman who works their asses of should not be able to live a in this country. But as long as the false "profits"....yes,I speller it wrong on purpose....of worshiping the rich continues....more and more of those hard working Americans will slipped further and further towards poverty.

Seems to me that this is the GOP's vision of the American Dream.....a dream for the rich, a fucking nightmare for every one else.


Need a tissue?

yeah, because pandering to big business has been kicking ass for the working people the past 30 years.... YAY trickle down! Fucking moron. You assholes can't tell when you're being played for a fool.

I have a perspective evidently YOU don't have i.e. AGE!
I've been around for 70 years. Working since I was 16.
During those 54 years I've worked for small businesses, Fortune 100 companies and have my own business now. And you dumb f..k!
NOT ONCE was I "kicked" ass!
It is lazy sumbitches like you that probably were kicked ass because you wouldn't work!
I know what I'm talking about cause I was a UNION member probably like your lazy ass is or was!
I got tired of doing my lazy union workers job and MINE and so I figured getting an education would help . IT DID you!
As a result I worked as an industrial engineer (after having 3 jobs while taking 16 hours in college and graduated) and had shop stewards as my subordinates. I worked well with them but management as the shop steward said caved in often and big time to union demands.
So you drop don't call me names cause you haven't been where I've been in my 54 years of working! You don't know crap about working obviously and today I'm getting a check twice a month from MY company that I started and that will go on till I die! Dumb f..k you make your own destiny! You don't moan about .."oh.. my oh ooh... the big bad boss chewed me out just because I was visiting a porn site when the customer walked by" or something as stupid as that I bet!

Grow a set! Quit blaming other people for your shortcomings!
It is HARD work for sure and If you don't want to do it... FINE!
But don't go tearing down the hand that feeds you you dumb f...K!
Where do you think the tax money comes from that provides you your food stamps, your rent voucher, your free cell phone, your free internet, your unemployment check?

TAXES from people like me that work and companies like mine that pay!

See that's why you dumb..f...ks.. will always be..dumb...f....ks!
You have never thought one single thought to help improve your lot.
YOU just moaned and groaned!!

Need a tissue?

yeah, because pandering to big business has been kicking ass for the working people the past 30 years.... YAY trickle down! Fucking moron. You assholes can't tell when you're being played for a fool.

I have a perspective evidently YOU don't have i.e. AGE!
I've been around for 70 years. Working since I was 16.
During those 54 years I've worked for small businesses, Fortune 100 companies and have my own business now. And you dumb f..k!
NOT ONCE was I "kicked" ass!
It is lazy sumbitches like you that probably were kicked ass because you wouldn't work!
I know what I'm talking about cause I was a UNION member probably like your lazy ass is or was!
I got tired of doing my lazy union workers job and MINE and so I figured getting an education would help . IT DID you!
As a result I worked as an industrial engineer (after having 3 jobs while taking 16 hours in college and graduated) and had shop stewards as my subordinates. I worked well with them but management as the shop steward said caved in often and big time to union demands.
So you drop don't call me names cause you haven't been where I've been in my 54 years of working! You don't know crap about working obviously and today I'm getting a check twice a month from MY company that I started and that will go on till I die! Dumb f..k you make your own destiny! You don't moan about .."oh.. my oh ooh... the big bad boss chewed me out just because I was visiting a porn site when the customer walked by" or something as stupid as that I bet!

Grow a set! Quit blaming other people for your shortcomings!
It is HARD work for sure and If you don't want to do it... FINE!
But don't go tearing down the hand that feeds you you dumb f...K!
Where do you think the tax money comes from that provides you your food stamps, your rent voucher, your free cell phone, your free internet, your unemployment check?

TAXES from people like me that work and companies like mine that pay!

See that's why you dumb..f...ks.. will always be..dumb...f....ks!
You have never thought one single thought to help improve your lot.
YOU just moaned and groaned!!

Fuck you douchebag....I am 47 and have been working non...FUCKING...stop since I was 14. I've paid taxes my whole Fucking life. I've never taken ONE FUCKING PENNY of public assistance. So shove your IDIOTIC stereotypes up your ass.

I'm not worried about ME....unlike you greedy, self centered pricks.

You know, there was a time when the Middle Class THRIVED in this country. My parents paid off their house in 10 years...they had a new car every two and the took us three kids on a nice vacation every Summer. They paid for each one of our post high school educations. Then along comes the dumbest fucker on the planet...a fucking spokesmodel who never met a product that he wouldn't hawk on TV. The Corporate Community loved the they sponsored him for Governor....then President. They sold him a bill of goods called "trickle down" if given tax and regulatory breaks, they would trickle the wealth down to the workforce and everybody would flourish.

It was a fucking lie. They got what they wanted, and fir a short period of time they did what they were supposed to....but that wasn't enough....busting the private sector unions wasn't came NAFTA....which THEY AND THE GOP lobbied for and held an unemployment package hostage in Congress until Clinton signed it into law. But that wasn't enough....Along come Bush Jr, and gives most favored nation status to a Communist country with one of the worst human rights records in the world...China. All so the Corporate boys can get their slave labor.

It's all a continuation of Reagan's idiocy....Hell even Obama got involved....because, you know...he's nothing but a Marxist....oh wait....he signed a free trade agreement with S. Korea and a couple other countries. Holding More American workers hostage to slave labor.....all the while this shit happened/happens, American workers are forced to take more and more jobs that aren't sustainable.

You fear Communism? Keep turning your back on the majority who find themselves with less and less buying power and support the wealthy who couldn't give a fuck about this country or it's people. You sit here and rail about Marxism, Communism, and Socialism....but you support an agenda in which allows those ideas to thrive.

You would think that a "smart" guy like you would figure that out. But're too busy giving your boy Rush a rim job to think about real ramifications of fucking over the working and middle class in favor of the few at the top.
yeah, because pandering to big business has been kicking ass for the working people the past 30 years.... YAY trickle down! Fucking moron. You assholes can't tell when you're being played for a fool.

I have a perspective evidently YOU don't have i.e. AGE!
I've been around for 70 years. Working since I was 16.
During those 54 years I've worked for small businesses, Fortune 100 companies and have my own business now. And you dumb f..k!
NOT ONCE was I "kicked" ass!
It is lazy sumbitches like you that probably were kicked ass because you wouldn't work!
I know what I'm talking about cause I was a UNION member probably like your lazy ass is or was!
I got tired of doing my lazy union workers job and MINE and so I figured getting an education would help . IT DID you!
As a result I worked as an industrial engineer (after having 3 jobs while taking 16 hours in college and graduated) and had shop stewards as my subordinates. I worked well with them but management as the shop steward said caved in often and big time to union demands.
So you drop don't call me names cause you haven't been where I've been in my 54 years of working! You don't know crap about working obviously and today I'm getting a check twice a month from MY company that I started and that will go on till I die! Dumb f..k you make your own destiny! You don't moan about .."oh.. my oh ooh... the big bad boss chewed me out just because I was visiting a porn site when the customer walked by" or something as stupid as that I bet!

Grow a set! Quit blaming other people for your shortcomings!
It is HARD work for sure and If you don't want to do it... FINE!
But don't go tearing down the hand that feeds you you dumb f...K!
Where do you think the tax money comes from that provides you your food stamps, your rent voucher, your free cell phone, your free internet, your unemployment check?

TAXES from people like me that work and companies like mine that pay!

See that's why you dumb..f...ks.. will always be..dumb...f....ks!
You have never thought one single thought to help improve your lot.
YOU just moaned and groaned!!

Fuck you douchebag....I am 47 and have been working non...FUCKING...stop since I was 14. I've paid taxes my whole Fucking life. I've never taken ONE FUCKING PENNY of public assistance. So shove your IDIOTIC stereotypes up your ass.

I'm not worried about ME....unlike you greedy, self centered pricks.

You know, there was a time when the Middle Class THRIVED in this country. My parents paid off their house in 10 years...they had a new car every two and the took us three kids on a nice vacation every Summer. They paid for each one of our post high school educations. Then along comes the dumbest fucker on the planet...a fucking spokesmodel who never met a product that he wouldn't hawk on TV. The Corporate Community loved the they sponsored him for Governor....then President. They sold him a bill of goods called "trickle down" if given tax and regulatory breaks, they would trickle the wealth down to the workforce and everybody would flourish.

It was a fucking lie. They got what they wanted, and fir a short period of time they did what they were supposed to....but that wasn't enough....busting the private sector unions wasn't came NAFTA....which THEY AND THE GOP lobbied for and held an unemployment package hostage in Congress until Clinton signed it into law. But that wasn't enough....Along come Bush Jr, and gives most favored nation status to a Communist country with one of the worst human rights records in the world...China. All so the Corporate boys can get their slave labor.

It's all a continuation of Reagan's idiocy....Hell even Obama got involved....because, you know...he's nothing but a Marxist....oh wait....he signed a free trade agreement with S. Korea and a couple other countries. Holding More American workers hostage to slave labor.....all the while this shit happened/happens, American workers are forced to take more and more jobs that aren't sustainable.

You fear Communism? Keep turning your back on the majority who find themselves with less and less buying power and support the wealthy who couldn't give a fuck about this country or it's people. You sit here and rail about Marxism, Communism, and Socialism....but you support an agenda in which allows those ideas to thrive.

You would think that a "smart" guy like you would figure that out. But're too busy giving your boy Rush a rim job to think about real ramifications of fucking over the working and middle class in favor of the few at the top.

You know, there was a time when the Middle Class THRIVED in this country. My parents paid off their house in 10 years...they had a new car every two and the took us three kids on a nice vacation every Summer. They paid for each one of our post high school educations.

All made possible by the 70% top rate. :cuckoo:

I guess you failed out of all your econ classes.
NO the pie is not fixed in size, It is just that we are giving more and more of it to China and such.
The only thing being resurrected in this thread is the failed theory of trickle down,

just re-packaged.

So you think I made up these GDP numbers?

You know the really disgusting aspect about comments like yours is you do provide ANY sources or documentation!
NO wonder people consider comments like yours as being so unworthy of attention!

I've proved to you that the PIE is not finite.
That you don't have to be an animal like you to tear and claw for your share!
Because of the rich and their taxes.. cause you obviously have never paid any..
We have the internet.. remember TAX payers NOT Govt. Research as Obama said funded the Govt. TAXES!
We have our educational system ALL paid for NOT by Govt. BY taxes! Paid By TaX payers not by you!

So when idiots like you spout the "failed" trickle down theory all I ask is then where did the $15 trillion in todays GDP go?

Now here is an even BIGGER question for you finite pie asses:
What has happened to the $298.9 Trillion since 1790?

Well for one thing the total value of Americans is
AGAIN FACTS to support MY statements.. WHERE ARE YOURS??

Q4 2011
B.100 Balance Sheet of Households and Nonprofit Organizations
Assets $73,518.3
Liabilities $13,481.0
Net worth $60,037.3

B.102 Balance Sheet of Nonfinancial Corporate Business

Assets $30,044.8
Liabilities $13,886.9
Net worth $16,157.9

B.103 Balance Sheet of Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business

Assets $12,995.1
Liabilities $5,561.5
Net worth $7,433.6

Totals Assets/Liabilities Net worth of households,corporate & noncorporate businesses
Assets $116,558.2
Liabilities $32,929.4
Net worth $83,628.8[/URL

Now for you idiots.. Assets are what is OWNED Liabilities is what is OWED
NET Worth is after subtracting what is OWED from what is OWNED..
The entire NET worth of households/businesses is $83.628 TRILLION!!!

NOW explain again why "Trickle down doesn't work?"
GDP in 2011 $15.09 trillion... Americans NET worth is $83.6 Trillion!

Tell me again WHERE trickle down doesn't work????

Nobody here knows what you're talking about. That means nobody, including you.
"It's this belief that the economy is some fixed pie," said Ryan.
"That there's only so much money in America, it's fixed and that the job of the government is to redistribute the slices of the pie.
That's not true.

The job of government is to set the conditions for economic growth so we can grow the pie and everybody can get a bigger slice of the American pie."

Paul Ryan resurrects Obama¿s greatest hits (the Republican version) - Los Angeles Times

But is that TRUE? Let's look at the history of the USA and the gross domestic product. GDP as just ONE illustration of the "FIXED PIE FALLACY".
First the source of these FACTS.. Measuring Worth - Measures of worth, inflation rates, saving calculator, relative value, worth of a dollar, worth of a pound, purchasing power, gold prices, GDP, history of wages, average wage

Consider what the gross domestic product for this illustration the "PIE" of the USA was in 1790 $187 million.
The GDP (or PIE) in 2011 $15.94 TRILLION.

The PIE grew over 221 years by $15.093 TRILLION - an increase of 80,715% over 221 years!

So the next point of comparison is what does this relate to per person/ (capita)?

In 1790 there were 3.929 million people. The GDP per person was $1,024 (in 2005 dollars - inflation)

In 2011 there were 312.041 million people. The GDP per person was $42,671 (adjusted for inflation 2005 dollars)

This increase from 1790 to 2011 in per person GDP was over 221 years of 87,473% (adjusted for inflation).

So IF the PIE is FIXED and ONLY the government can re-distribute... HOW do we explain the growth of the PIE???

OK so you anti-growth, anti-capitalists say "YEA but all that is owned by as our current Prez says.."millionaires and billionaires"!!!

How many millionaires in 1790 in the USA? Don't know but in 1892 there were 4,047 Millionaires.
GDP in 1892 was $16.352 billion and per person adjusted for inflation was $5,147.
Again 2011 GDP $15,940 billion and per person $42,671.

Most people who become millionaires have confidence in their own abilities. They do not spend time worrying about whether or not their parents were wealthy. They do not believe that one must be born wealthy. Conversely, people of modest backgrounds who believe that only the wealthy produce millionaires are predetermined to remain non-affluent. Have you always thought that most millionaires are born with silver spoons in their mouths? If so, consider the following facts that our research uncovered about American millionaires:

* Only 19 percent receive any income or wealth of any kind from a trust fund or an estate.

* Fewer than 20 percent inherited 10 percent or more of their wealth.

* More than half never received as much as $1 in inheritance.

* Fewer than 25 percent ever received "an act of kindness" of $10,000 or more from their parents, grandparents, or other relatives.

* Ninety-one percent never received, as a gift, as much as $1 of the ownership of a family business.

* Nearly half never received any college tuition from their parents or other relatives.

* Fewer than 10 percent believe they will ever receive an inheritance in the future.

America continues to hold great prospects for those who wish to accumulate wealth in one generation. In fact, America has always been a land of opportunity for those who believe in the fluid nature of our nation's social system and economy.

More than one hundred years ago the same was true. In The American Economy, Stanley Lebergott reviews a study conducted in 1892 of the 4,047 American millionaires. He reports that 84 percent "were nouveau riche, having reached the top without the benefit of inherited wealth."

In 2010 the U.S. had 3,100,000 millionaires in 2010
In 1892 total millionaires - 4,047
Growth of 3,098,108 millionaires or an increase over the 118 years from 1892 of 648%.

So regardless.. the GDP as a "PIE" doesn't look fixed from the perspective of the individual person.
Granted there are fewer agrarians (farmers- today ) then in 1790 so self sufficiency is not the case.
But when liberals/progressives/anti-capitalists talked about the "FIXED PIE".... there is NOT one at least compared to the GDP!


I do miss the "Good Old Days" when people knew the meaning of "work".
It is difficult for a consumer spending based economy to grow when so much of what we buy is imported.

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