Is the GOP candidates ignoring the Flint water crisis a testament to them not giving a shit?

They also haven't talked about the dwindling supply of chocolate world wide. What a testament to how they don't actually give a shit about the American people at large.

Why do people vote for those scumbags?????
I don't think the "dwindling supply of chocolate" is in any way analogous to high lead levels in Flint's drinking water. Do you?....I don't think so...
A single event in decades and if everyone isn't falling over themselves to put another layer of government (which is what failed) is a scumbag.

how about our loss of freedoms? none of the leftist candidates care about that.

You mean those freedom's lost due to Bush's Patriot Act?
See, if they actually cared about the well being of the American people, they would talk about the proper regulations and adequate funding to keep this crisis from happening again elsewhere.

Why do you people vote for these scumbags?
So you want them to focus on a local issue when there are issues that effect the entire country?
Actually, Flint's local issue has become a national issue that resonates within every community that has aging pipes and republican governance.
See, if they actually cared about the well being of the American people, they would talk about the proper regulations and adequate funding to keep this crisis from happening again elsewhere.

Why do you people vote for these scumbags?

It's a reflection of the GOP electorate being predominantly racist.
See, if they actually cared about the well being of the American people, they would talk about the proper regulations and adequate funding to keep this crisis from happening again elsewhere.

Why do you people vote for these scumbags?
We should discuss the abject failure that comes from decades of Liberal policies.
See, if they actually cared about the well being of the American people, they would talk about the proper regulations and adequate funding to keep this crisis from happening again elsewhere.

Why do you people vote for these scumbags?
So you want them to focus on a local issue when there are issues that effect the entire country?
Actually, Flint's local issue has become a national issue that resonates within every community that has aging pipes and republican governance.
Flint hasn't had a Republican in office for a very long time.
See, if they actually cared about the well being of the American people, they would talk about the proper regulations and adequate funding to keep this crisis from happening again elsewhere.

Why do you people vote for these scumbags?
So you want them to focus on a local issue when there are issues that effect the entire country?
Actually, Flint's local issue has become a national issue that resonates within every community that has aging pipes and republican governance.
Flint hasn't had a Republican in office for a very long time.

You are joking, right?No one can be THAT clueless. Tell me you didn't know that Snyder put Emergency Managers in place beginning in 2011 when he first took over the reins as Governor of MI. Tell me you didn't know the republican governor usurped the power of the city council and mayor via his EMs and that all the decisions to that led up to the crisis were made by Snyder's EMs and MDEQ.

If you don't know those things, please educate yourself with this USMB link before responding further.
I don't know anyone who gives a rat's ass about Flint, and I don't give a rat's ass for those who do.
See, if they actually cared about the well being of the American people, they would talk about the proper regulations and adequate funding to keep this crisis from happening again elsewhere.

Why do you people vote for these scumbags?
We should discuss the abject failure that comes from decades of Liberal policies.
What liberal policies are those? Care to elaborate? If you consider the Unions liberal I suppose you might have an argument there. Is THAT what you were attempting to say?

MY Rebuttal:

As long as the automakers were making good quality gas efficient products, there was no problem with the companies meeting their payrolls and other benefit packages won through arbitration for em-ployee unions. When the automakers started to offshore manufacturing jobs and produce shitty products that didn't sell well, they went bankrupt. I am not saying collective bargaining had nothing to do with it, but there are myriad factors that come into play. I don't think liberalism has anything to do with people organizing to get a decent living wage. However, it takes mutual understanding,cooperation and transparency between union officials and management to ensure the corporation maintains viability. That should be the CHIEF concern for workers and managers alike.
I don't know anyone who gives a rat's ass about Flint, and I don't give a rat's ass for those who do.

That is the problem with our country today. Americans don't "give a rat's ass for each other." I guess that is how the Roman empire fell...they didn't give a rat's ass about other Roman's either.
I don't know anyone who gives a rat's ass about Flint, and I don't give a rat's ass for those who do.

That is the problem with our country today. Americans don't "give a rat's ass for each other." I guess that is how the Roman empire fell...they didn't give a rat's ass about other Roman's either.
Rome fell because its people grew fat and got lazy. Flint is an excellent example.
I don't know anyone who gives a rat's ass about Flint, and I don't give a rat's ass for those who do.

That is the problem with our country today. Americans don't "give a rat's ass for each other." I guess that is how the Roman empire fell...they didn't give a rat's ass about other Roman's either.
Rome fell because its people grew fat and got lazy. Flint is an excellent example.

Yawwnnn! You don't know are just bling hot air again.... nite nite.
See, if they actually cared about the well being of the American people, they would talk about the proper regulations and adequate funding to keep this crisis from happening again elsewhere.

Why do you people vote for these scumbags?
We should discuss the abject failure that comes from decades of Liberal policies.
What liberal policies are those? Care to elaborate? If you consider the Unions liberal I suppose you might have an argument there. Is THAT what you were attempting to say?

MY Rebuttal:

As long as the automakers were making good quality gas efficient products, there was no problem with the companies meeting their payrolls and other benefit packages won through arbitration for em-ployee unions. When the automakers started to offshore manufacturing jobs and produce shitty products that didn't sell well, they went bankrupt. I am not saying collective bargaining had nothing to do with it, but there are myriad factors that come into play. I don't think liberalism has anything to do with people organizing to get a decent living wage. However, it takes mutual understanding,cooperation and transparency between union officials and management to ensure the corporation maintains viability. That should be the CHIEF concern for workers and managers alike.
Flint is bankrupt Liberals have been running the city for decades, Cause and effect. Unions today do not care about workers,. I know this from experience they get there dues regardless if you have a job or not that is if you want to continue to be a member.
Yes, it is. And no one else gives a shit about Flint, Michigan either. Even fat boy Michael Moore left that shitehole. And he ain't movin back. Like Detroit, the Democrats destroyed it a long time ago. My advice to those still living there is, get out immediately and never look back. Nothing's gonna change. Things aren't gonna get better.
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the candidates can't do anything about Flint even if they wanted to, and all they want to do is gang fight .. and entertain me.

Flint is bankrupt Liberals have been running the city for decades, Cause and effect. Unions today do not care about workers,. I know this from experience they get there dues regardless if you have a job or not that is if you want to continue to be a member.

1,Flint is not bankrupt because democrats ran it for decades. When the primary industry in the area failed and left town, it had a ripple effect that left the local economy devastated.

2. Dues is taken from payroll checks. If a man is out of work they don't pay dues...

Yes, it is. And no one else gives a shit about Flint, Michigan either. Even fat boy Michael Moore left that shitehole. And he ain't movin back. Like Detroit, the Democrats destroyed it a long time ago. My advice to those still living there is, get out immediately and never look back. Nothing's gonna change. Things aren't gonna get better.

We know of at least one psychopath that doesn't give a damn about Flint Michigan: YOU! You don't care that babies have been poisoned but you are a Pro-Lifer? You MUST be a conservative...

the candidates can't do anything about Flint even if they wanted to, and all they want to do is gang fight .. and entertain me.

I beg to differ. The candidates can weigh in on this and show they have compassion. The Democratic candidates have done this already. The callousness of republicans is duly noted and hopefully will be remembered in November.
The state doesn't authorize switching the water supply of a city without the federal government's OK and loads of federal (CDC) lab work. Did the CDC deliberately skew the lab results? The left blamed Bush for hurricane Katrina because of the (usual) bureaucratic stagnation of FEMA but president Barry Hussein didn't even lift a finger to assist the people of Flint, Mich and denied federal assistance. A reasonable conspiracy theory would conclude that the Hussein administration planned the sorry mess as a political tool..

billy is demanding more government over 1 event :D

what a fucking tool
Yeah, the right never does that. Except when they ignore warnings and allow 9/11 to happen. Then they have to have the DHS, TSA, warrantless wiretaps, and torture. That enough more government over one event, asshole?
I'd like to say only a moron would compare 9/11 to flint

but even a moron knows better than to do that.

How much do you pay your assistant?
You're the moron bitching about more government over one incident. You wingnuts are the assholes who ignore warnings until disaster strikes. Regulation is always bad bad bad until something horrible happens and the outraged public demands it.
How much do you pay your assistant?
No assistant. I'm just here for fun. Just doing my part to stir up hatred and discontent. Looks like my work here is done.
No assistant?

then who reminds you to breath?
A single event in decades and if everyone isn't falling over themselves to put another layer of government (which is what failed) is a scumbag.

how about our loss of freedoms? none of the leftist candidates care about that.

You mean those freedom's lost due to Bush's Patriot Act?
Another moron comparing Flint to 9/11.

Is the Bush Patriot Act the same Patriot Act that has obamas name on it?

Isn't that the same Act that obama promised he would do away with?
The guy in charge of the state in my eyes is on the hook for this as well as many others. Its his job to know every last detail about every city's water. Some claim he is innocent. I would bet my house he knew that water wasn't good.

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