Is the GOP's credibility screwed?


Jul 17, 2013
Just getting this out in the open before we start. Yes, I am a Conservative and Republican.

Now that the shutdown is over the GOP needs some help with there reputation. I feel they are lost right now. it is even worst then when they lost the last presidential election, because now they lost credibility in their own party. How do they get that credibility back?

I was reading this article about what the GOP can do to help their credibility on. It brought up some pretty good points. It ask for the GOP to present a balanced budget, and pass a series of appropriations bills. I agree with this. If they show that the GOP is really good and not just some crazy Tea Partiers we would a lot better. Source: | Where does the GOP go from here? A few ideas

What are your thoughts? or can we say there maybe a new conservative party in the to near distant future?
Is the GOP's credibility screwed?

The GOP as an entity has lost credibility. They have had since 1935 the opportunity to abolish the welfare state.

Eighty five years later is too late to do anything because Americans have come to enjoy the free stuff and now believe that the government, ie, the taxpayers owe them a living.


The GOP has a pretty inconsistent platform but I think they did fine here.

Imagine if a President got us into a stupid war of occupation in Iranistan that the P party disagreed with. If the P's get the majority the next year and choose to try to stop the war by refusing to pass the budget then we end up with drama and poorly then unpaid bills not to mention the egg on the P's face if soldiers have no government paid for face time chats with home or whatever.The R's got to bash the debt (and Reagans recovery in the process?) and bash Obamacare on tv w/o paying for ads.

Now the part platform of small government in love of farm welfare and talking up the Reagan recovery of debt while bashing Obama's debt costs credibility. So does this complaining about government spying on its citizens after all that post 9-11 Patriot Act chest beating. Consistency is not the Republican's strongpoint.

But on this they carried it along just long enough.
Just getting this out in the open before we start. Yes, I am a Conservative and Republican.

Now that the shutdown is over the GOP needs some help with there reputation. I feel they are lost right now. it is even worst then when they lost the last presidential election, because now they lost credibility in their own party. How do they get that credibility back?

I was reading this article about what the GOP can do to help their credibility on. It brought up some pretty good points. It ask for the GOP to present a balanced budget, and pass a series of appropriations bills. I agree with this. If they show that the GOP is really good and not just some crazy Tea Partiers we would a lot better. Source: | Where does the GOP go from here? A few ideas

What are your thoughts? or can we say there maybe a new conservative party in the to near distant future?

The GOP is not particularly hurt.

The TeaPs are badly hurt.

There are several very small conservative and libertarian third parties that don't matter.

The TeaPs may start one of the latter ones.
The old GOP has completely and utterly lost all credibility during this shut down and debt ceiling fight because of the RINO backstabbing.

When you have the Senate Minority leader taking a bribe of 2 Billion dollars plus for his pet project, there is no coming back from this debacle.

When you have old RINOS like John McCain and Peter King working with the liberal media to back stab, slag, denigrate fellow elected Republicans on a daily basis, there is no coming back from this debacle.

The old GOP is Humpty Dumpty. No one will be able to put the pieces back together again
The GOP has credibility? Heck, any political party has credibility?

The only people who have credibility with me are those who stand for principles even when they are tough stands.
The old GOP has completely and utterly lost all credibility during this shut down and debt ceiling fight because of the RINO backstabbing.

When you have the Senate Minority leader taking a bribe of 2 Billion dollars plus for his pet project, there is no coming back from this debacle.

When you have old RINOS like John McCain and Peter King working with the liberal media to back stab, slag, denigrate fellow elected Republicans on a daily basis, there is no coming back from this debacle.

The old GOP is Humpty Dumpty. No one will be able to put the pieces back together again

You realize this is a ridiculous way to look at it, right?

The "Old Guard" GOP won this fight. The Tea Party lost.

Perhaps to you, the old GOP has lost credibility - but you're making a mistake to think that view is shared by a majority of Republicans.

The dam that McConnell got? That's going to bring a lot of money and work to his constituents. It's not a negative to him. What you see as "backstabbing", other people see as grabbing the wheel before the car goes over the cliff.

You are making the same mistake the Tea Party did - which was assuming they had support that they didn't actually have. The most important thing to the average American is maintaining the status quo - which is exactly what the Old Guard guys did.
The old GOP has completely and utterly lost all credibility during this shut down and debt ceiling fight because of the RINO backstabbing.

When you have the Senate Minority leader taking a bribe of 2 Billion dollars plus for his pet project, there is no coming back from this debacle.

When you have old RINOS like John McCain and Peter King working with the liberal media to back stab, slag, denigrate fellow elected Republicans on a daily basis, there is no coming back from this debacle.

The old GOP is Humpty Dumpty. No one will be able to put the pieces back together again

You realize this is a ridiculous way to look at it, right?

The "Old Guard" GOP won this fight. The Tea Party lost.

Perhaps to you, the old GOP has lost credibility - but you're making a mistake to think that view is shared by a majority of Republicans.

The dam that McConnell got? That's going to bring a lot of money and work to his constituents. It's not a negative to him. What you see as "backstabbing", other people see as grabbing the wheel before the car goes over the cliff.

You are making the same mistake the Tea Party did - which was assuming they had support that they didn't actually have. The most important thing to the average American is maintaining the status quo - which is exactly what the Old Guard guys did.

My point of view is different and I am not going to say it is shared by mllions but perhaps by a few. I am thinking about when America was great and we had great men with morals. We had statesmen who did the constituents bidding not for their own personal political goals but working for the best they could do or their country.

Much has been made of the Tea Party Members and I say their down fall was that there wasn't enough of them to make a difference. They didn't let the people back home down. Boehner and McConnell did. McConnell brought a dam home but he let everyone down...he gave away everything else. He was a royal traitor.

We need statesmen who stay with the party's commitment to defund Obamacare for the Americans. It never should have been passed. It was not read in the first place! If nothing else, it should have been delayed and reviewed. The nation was depending on the Republicans.

Now the advertising should begin. Those that go on Obamacare should be loud and clear. Who was right? Democrats who crafted and passed this law in the dead of night without reading it or the Republicans who tried to warn the country and delay the program and modify it? Who was right? Who's your friend now?
The GOP is not worried about how the TP views it: it is unimportant to the GoP.

Go or stay, TeaPs, up to you. But you won't get to do that again.

Boehner has shown you he can open up the vote and retain his Speakership.
As a side note, I still have my own health insurance and am happy freeloaders will be forced to get their own or get Obamacare.

That silly Nixon era socialist system we had let freeloaders go to the hospital and get treatment on my dime.

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