Is the Jack Smith indictment of Donald Trump "Election Interference"? (Poll)

Is Jack Smith's indictment of Trump in the 2024 presidential election cycle election interference?

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 35 39.3%

  • Total voters
A talking head said that the PRA should apply and NOT the Espionage Act for presidential records.
Its not like Trump took millions of dollars from US adversaries.

The talking head doesn't sound to bright.

The PRA does apply and has applied since the FPOTUS left office.

The Espionage Act application isn't about Presidential Records, the Espionage Act is about national defense Information and the FPOTUS's (alleged) illegal retention after leaving office, failure to secure, failure to surrender when the return was requested by the appropriate government entities and obstruction in attempting to thwart the return of such materials.

Its not like Trump took millions of dollars from US adversaries.

Millions wouldn't have been needed seeing as how the documents were stored in a bathroom and ballroom. Why pay millions when you can attend a party and then take a peak.

Jack Smith may have to justify why Trump doesn't get the PRA for Trump's own records.

No he won't, as the PRA clearly states Presidential Records are not "Trump's own records", they are the property of the United States government. Let alone the national defense information embodied in the classified documents.

Donald Trump is a leading presidential candidate for the 2024 election.

By indicting Trump now Jack Smith is potentially removing the leading 2024 presidential candidate from voters.

Can the judge postpone or dismiss the indictment charges to be sure that the electorate can vote for their preferred president?

Lets take a poll, especially considering the past democrat charges against Trump (Russian collusion, the Steele Dossier, Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire Razor, the FBI Gestapo paying Twitter & FB to censor the Biden laptop story, the CIA lying about the laptop calling it Russian Disinformation scamming 2020 voters, and the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage of Trump, but covering up for Biden, etc. You all know that "the LAW" is being subverted in favor of democrats.
Judge Cannon will be on her best behavior and will not favor Trump or the government.
A ton, huh?
Name 3. With evidence.
Navy flunkout druggie Hunter is worth $230,000,000
The Bidens have shell companies to launder money
The latest shoe to drop is the bribery charge
Bobulinsky knows more
The laptop knows more
It's not my job to investigate, it's the FBI Gestapo's job, but they'd rather cover up for the Bidens
The talking head doesn't sound to bright.
The PRA does apply and has applied since the FPOTUS left office.
The Espionage Act application isn't about Presidential Records, the Espionage Act is about national defense Information and the FPOTUS's (alleged) illegal retention after leaving office, failure to secure, failure to surrender when the return was requested by the appropriate government entities and obstruction in attempting to thwart the return of such materials.
Millions wouldn't have been needed seeing as how the documents were stored in a bathroom and ballroom. Why pay millions when you can attend a party and then take a peak.
No he won't, as the PRA clearly states Presidential Records are not "Trump's own records", they are the property of the United States government. Let alone the national defense information embodied in the classified documents.
AG Whitaker said he re-read the PRA and there were no exceptions for national defense info, so they should be under the PRA.
It is, but its going to be a bullseye in reverse for the Far Left here.

The indictment insures that President Trump will suck all of the oxygen out of the room from all other possible Republican candidates and will enable the GOP to close ranks quickly. Expect DeSantis and other serious candidates to be looking for an early exit, certainly before Labor Day this year.

OTOH, this Fake Indictment is such a transparent Deep State trick, it will be a point of positivity for conspiratorial minded Democrat Kennedy to get a boost in his campaign as well.

Look at the possibility of Kennedy v Trump next year.
Navy flunkout druggie Hunter is worth $230,000,000
The Bidens have shell companies to launder money
The latest shoe to drop is the bribery charge
Bobulinsky knows more
The laptop knows more
It's not my job to investigate, it's the FBI Gestapo's job, but they'd rather cover up for the Bidens

You just spewed more accusations. Try again. What illegal activity by Biden was documented on Hunter's laptop?

Show us 3. Specifically, with evidence.

You can't, can you?
I can quote AG Whitaker. The PRA governs w/o exception.

Can you show us the PRA saying this or no? Specifically, that ex-presidents are exempt from the Espionage Act.

You are big on claims and accusations. But when pressed to show us the evidence backing those claims, you are much less useful.
You just spewed more accusations. Try again. What illegal activity by Biden was documented on Hunter's laptop?

Show us 3. Specifically, with evidence.

You can't, can you?

President Biden committed Obstruction of Justice by not having his son arrested and jailed for lying on his gun license paperwork.

And that is an impeachable offense.
President Biden committed Obstruction of Justice by not having his son arrested and jailed for lying on his gun license paperwork.

And that is an impeachable offense.

President Biden doesn't arrest anyone. He doesn't even decide who gets arrrested. That's the DOJ.

And of course, that's not 'illegal activity by Biden was documented on Hunter's laptop'

Can I take it from your wholesale rout from my question that you have nothing either?
President Biden doesn't arrest anyone. He doesn't even decide who gets arrrested. That's the DOJ.

And of course, that's not 'illegal activity by Biden was documented on Hunter's laptop'

Can I take it from your wholesale rout from my question that you have nothing either?

The DOJ is led by Political Hack Merrick Garland, Biden's HAND PICKED Attorney General.

Biden can order anyone arrested if they commit a crime.
The DOJ is led by Political Hack Merrick Garland, Biden's HAND PICKED Attorney General.

Biden can order anyone arrested if they commit a crime.
Says who? Show me where in the law where Biden can personally order arrests.

And of course, you've completely abandoned the question you replied to.

So much for the 'tons' of illegal activity by Biden was documented on Hunter's laptop.

Your ilk made up shit again.
trump could have returned the documents as Pence and Biden did. But he chose to play hid and seek. If he is not convicted, it will set a precedent for anyone in the future that wants to share the nation's secrets.

Can you imagine all those people in jail for crimes concerning classified documents that will look at an acquittal and say...."He did worse than I did but got away with it."

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