Is the Jack Smith indictment of Donald Trump "Election Interference"? (Poll)

Is Jack Smith's indictment of Trump in the 2024 presidential election cycle election interference?

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 35 39.3%

  • Total voters
We agree, that should happen. A few in congress are pushing it but senile joe may sail off into eternity untouched for his lifetime of corruption, incompetence and treason. Obama said it best "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" I seriously fear for the future of this great country, we are balancing on the knife edge and may fall into the socialist pit. You may hate Trump but it seems like he is the only one who can reverse the decline. Based on your posts, I think you are intelligent enough to understand that.

Nothing is being reversed, Trump is all part of the kabuki theater. That is why I am getting the fuck out in 6 years max
Even far left CNN has said that these things prove Biden's guilt. no, I have not personally seen them, have you personally seen the "evidence" that warrents an indictment of Trump?
You're complaining about the DOJ's lack of transparency? :p
The DC establishment and their media cronies have been trying to destroy Trump for 6 years or more. Why??? because they are scared shitless that he will expose and prosecute their corruption and treason in a second term. They may hate him, but they fear him more.
Trump's paranoid weird worshipers must be buggered by Trump's years of impotence in contriving any actual charges against those he incessantly whines about, even during the years that he had his own Justice Department and a lickspittle Attorney General.

Let's hope that his being exposed as having contempt for the nation's security doesn't cost him the nomination!
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So, he was a moron his first term, but he is not any longer?
No, he was politically naive and did not understand how corrupt and evil the DC establishment was/is. Unlike senile joe, he is not a lifetime polical leech. He was a successful NY businessman and an inexperienced politician. But his 4 years were still some of the best in our history. The DC establishment is scared shitless of exposure and prosecution if he gets a second term. Comey said exactly that in an interview last week.
Trump's paranoid weird worshipers must be buggered by Trump's years of impotence in contriving any actual charges against those he incessantly whines about, even during the years that he had his own Justice Department and a lickspittle Attorney General.

Let's hope that his being exposed as having contempt for the nation's security doesn't cost him the nomination!
you are a very good parrot for the lying dems, you make me laugh with your ignorance.
where are you going that you think will be better?

Right now the plan is Panama. Great weather, stable economy, stable government, lower cost of living and amazing benefits for those who get the Pensionado Visa. Their healthcare is on par with the US but far cheaper.

We will easily be able to live there on just my Marine Crops retirement, all the rest of our money will be for travel and luxuries we might want.
Right now the plan is Panama. Great weather, stable economy, stable government, lower cost of living and amazing benefits for those who get the Pensionado Visa. Their healthcare is on par with the US but far cheaper.

We will easily be able to live there on just my Marine Crops retirement, all the rest of our money will be for travel and luxuries we might want.
We have friends who live in Panama half the year, they love it, but Panama's government is a typical banana republic, very corrupt, but they will take your money and allow you to live relatively comfortably as long as you pay your taxes and do as you are told. The USA is better by far, more expensive, but better, that is changing as the radical socialist libs get more power. The real answer is to remove the woke socialist libs from all positions of power and restore constitutional government.
you are a very good parrot for the lying dems, you make me laugh with your ignorance.
No matter how pissy Trump worshipers are in abject submission to their Cry Baby Loser, they can't change the documented reality.

Upon the recommendation of a federal grand jury, Trump has been indicted by a Special Counsel who is not, nor has ever been, a Democrat, appointed by an Attorney General who is not, nor has ever been, a Democrat, and his case will be heard by a Trump-appointed Federal Judge.

Expert analysis of the case by individuals who are certainly not Democrats, and have been favorable to him in the past, agree he's screwed himself this time.

Donald Trump is a leading presidential candidate for the 2024 election.

By indicting Trump now Jack Smith is potentially removing the leading 2024 presidential candidate from voters.

Can the judge postpone or dismiss the indictment charges to be sure that the electorate can vote for their preferred president?

Lets take a poll, especially considering the past democrat charges against Trump (Russian collusion, the Steele Dossier, Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire Razor, the FBI Gestapo paying Twitter & FB to censor the Biden laptop story, the CIA lying about the laptop calling it Russian Disinformation scamming 2020 voters, and the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage of Trump, but covering up for Biden, etc. You all know that "the LAW" is being subverted in favor of democrats.
You're joking, right? This is satire, right?

It's funny how you rubes take up Trump's bogus talking points and parrot them without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.

You fall for this fake made up rule about election interference now that the rapist is the target of several investigations for his crimes.

You were perfectly okay with the FBI interfering in the 2016 election with their investigation of Hillary Clinton right up to the month before the election. Not only were you okay with it, you were OVERJOYED.

Have you already forgotten "LOCKER UP! LOCKER UP! LOCKER UP!"?

How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?

Karma has now come around to bite all of you, and especially the rapist, right in the crotch.

We have friends who live in Panama half the year, they love it, but Panama's government is a typical banana republic, very corrupt, but they will take your money and allow you to live relatively comfortably as long as you pay your taxes and do as you are told.

Not near as corrupt as it used to be, and there are not taxes to be paid. I will earn no money from within Panama thus no taxes to Panama and the US have a deal with the country and my income from the US will not be taxed after 300 some days of living there.

The USA is better by far, more expensive, but better, that is changing as the radical socialist libs get more power.

It is not really better, just different.

The real answer is to remove the woke socialist libs from all positions of power and restore constitutional government.

But that cannot happen as you people keep voting for the same old people.
Wrong = illegal in this case. If she hadnt done anything illegal, he wouldnt have said anything at all. Youre fuckin stupid. :cuckoo:
No, wrong does not equal illegal in any case.

Comey had his little press conference because he wasn’t going to recommend charges and wanted to explain why, which harmed her campaign and is not consistent with FBI and DoJ policy.

You have everything backwards because you adhere to a false narrative.
yep, she won the votes of the far left idiots in Los Angeles and NYC, proves nothing.
She lost to the far right idiots in the South. What does that prove? Answer: she lost the states but won the people. Personally I think the later is more important.
You're joking, right? This is satire, right?
It's funny how you rubes take up Trump's bogus talking points and parrot them without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.
You fall for this fake made up rule about election interference now that the rapist is the target of several investigations for his crimes.
You were perfectly okay with the FBI interfering in the 2016 election with their investigation of Hillary Clinton right up to the month before the election. Not only were you okay with it, you were OVERJOYED.
Have you already forgotten "LOCKER UP! LOCKER UP! LOCKER UP!"?
How DO you stand the stench of your own hypocrisy?
Karma has now come around to bite all of you, and especially the rapist, right in the crotch.
1. Hillary should have been indicted for her illegal bathroom server, and mishandling classified information, PERIOD.
You have no excuse for her losing, Comey gave her a pass instead of indicting her. She had a 95% probability of winning, and LOST. She is just unlikable.

2. Election interference isn't as significant as using the Espionage Act instead of the Presidential Records Act for several counts.

3. Hillary got a pass instead of an indictment. Trump got an indictment instead of a negotiation for the DOCUMENTS per the PRA.

4. Your "feigned outrage" about Hillary losing can be explained by watching this video.

5. As for the "rapist" read this short summary:
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state, especially now since Trump was indicted for mishandling “classified” documents and the Biden crimes are being covered up.

6. Karma will bit all of us on the ass if the Biden Crime Family stays in the WH.

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