Is the Jack Smith indictment of Donald Trump "Election Interference"? (Poll)

Is Jack Smith's indictment of Trump in the 2024 presidential election cycle election interference?

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 60.7%
  • No

    Votes: 35 39.3%

  • Total voters
Trump got an indictment instead of a negotiation for the DOCUMENTS per the PRA.

#1 There is no negotiation in the PRA, it clearly states that Presidential Records are the property of the United States Government and that the NARA assumes custody and control at the end of the Presidential Term.

#2 Trump "negotiated" for 16 months with the NARA, then a couple of more months with the NARA & FBI, then finally failed to comply with a court ordered subpoena. Don't buy into the "I didn't get to negotiate" falsehood. He "negotiated" for a year and a half.

#1 There is no negotiation in the PRA, it clearly states that Presidential Records are the property of the United States Government and that the NARA assumes custody and control at the end of the Presidential Term.

#2 Trump "negotiated" for 16 months with the NARA, then a couple of more months with the NARA & FBI, then finally failed to comply with a court ordered subpoena. Don't buy into the "I didn't get to negotiate" falsehood. He "negotiated" for a year and a half.

LOL!! You and I know Trump fucked-up. But he will never admit it. Even as the prison door slams behind him his ego will still believe that he did nothing wrong.
Trump had the good ability to ignore the MSM and DNC bullshit, but the bad ability to think he knew more than the legal experts around him.

When you're NOT a lawyer, listen to them, duh.
Bullshit, lay out the above and we can talk.
That will happen today, in court.
After a grand jury reviewed the evidence, decided a crime had been committed and Donald Trump most likely committed the crime.

Read the indictment then get back to us.
That will happen today, in court.
After a grand jury reviewed the evidence, decided a crime had been committed and Donald Trump most likely committed the crime.

Read the indictment then get back to us.
Stick with that…it’s probably the best day you’ll look back on by the end of this.
She lost to the far right idiots in the South. What does that prove? Answer: she lost the states but won the people. Personally I think the later is more important.
the US constitution established the electoral college to elect presidents, otherwise 3 or 4 large metorpolitan areas would choose the president and no one else would have a voice. The founders got it right. Sorry but both parties knew the rules before the campaigns started, Hillary lost by the rules we all follow.
Obviously you failed to read the indictment so why are you commenting?
they indicted Trump with accusations while there is proof of Biden doing the exact same things and more. Why isn't he also indicted? We are becoming north korea and you left wing idiots don't care.
they indicted Trump with accusations while there is proof of Biden doing the exact same things and more. Why isn't he also indicted? We are becoming north korea and you left wing idiots don't care.
You don't indict on insuations.
If you think Biden should be indicted please provide the actual factual proof of his "crimes."

The evidence was presented to a grand jury
The grand jury decided that crimes were committed
The grand Jury decided that Trump most likely committed the crimes.
Thus, indictment.

Trump will have the opportunity to present a rigorous defense and a jury will decide.

Which puts the lie to all of your claims.
otherwise 3 or 4 large metorpolitan areas would choose the president and no one else would have a voice
That’s what we have now. It’s just a few cities in swing states that choose the president.


Get rid of the electoral college and for the first time in our nation’s history, everyone’s vote matters.
they indicted Trump with accusations while there is proof of Biden doing the exact same things and more. Why isn't he also indicted? We are becoming north korea and you left wing idiots don't care.

The FPOTUS isn’t being charged with possession, just like the GOP Candidate and former GOP VP Mike Pence wasn’t charged with possession.

No, it’s not the same for those two GOP politicians.

they indicted Trump with accusations while there is proof of Biden doing the exact same things and more. Why isn't he also indicted? We are becoming north korea and you left wing idiots don't care.

Because a sitting president can't be indicted.
the US constitution established the electoral college to elect presidents, otherwise 3 or 4 large metorpolitan areas would choose the president and no one else would have a voice. The founders got it right. Sorry but both parties knew the rules before the campaigns started, Hillary lost by the rules we all follow.
There are already protections built into the senate, how many more do we need?

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