Is the Left - Right Paradigm Obsolete?

Is the Left-Right Paradigm Obsolete?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • It can be, I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.
If the employees are exploited why do they continue to work there? Why does every new WalMart have applicants for jobs lined up? Who wants to be exploited?
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

There are two sides to the Union Story, as anyone who has knowledge of the history of labor understands. Today corporate profits are high and stocks have recovered and recently the Dow broke its all time record high. CEO's make enormous amounts of money and those who 'labor' are being left behind.

It is only my impression that Right to Work States are also those states who have chosen not to have exchanges or implement the PPACA?

We are not becoming a Plutocracy, we are one and anyone who believes we are still a democratic republic (or a constitutional republic) is a fool. The adage, the rich get richer has rarely been more true, not since the Gilded Age has our country seen such a great divided between the very rich - the power elite - and the hoi polloi and not since the civil war has our nation been so divided.

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Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.

If the employees are exploited why do they continue to work there? Why does every new WalMart have applicants for jobs lined up? Who wants to be exploited?

No one wants to be exploited. People do need a job, however, and in this economy Wal Mart gives out poor paying jobs. That's a simple fact.
Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.

If the employees are exploited why do they continue to work there? Why does every new WalMart have applicants for jobs lined up? Who wants to be exploited?

No one wants to be exploited. People do need a job, however, and in this economy Wal Mart gives out poor paying jobs. That's a simple fact.

Wal-Mart is not alone; McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King, Target, and many more. How many of these working poor get their health care in ER's? How many will rely entirely on SS for their retirement income?
If the employees are exploited why do they continue to work there? Why does every new WalMart have applicants for jobs lined up? Who wants to be exploited?

No one wants to be exploited. People do need a job, however, and in this economy Wal Mart gives out poor paying jobs. That's a simple fact.

Wal-Mart is not alone; McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King, Target, and many more. How many of these working poor get their health care in ER's? How many will rely entirely on SS for their retirement income?

I agree. These corporations are Not exclusive in what they are allowed to exploit. Unions are simply not the answer, and never will be again. After proof is shown to the public, the public should use our legislature to rectify the misfortune of fellow citizens.
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.

If Walmart employees were allowed to unionize the problem would have sorted itself out. There needs to be checks and balances when it comes to power. Corporations need to have to deal with unions so that they don't exploit workers. Unions need to be regulated too to limit their scope.
No one wants to be exploited. People do need a job, however, and in this economy Wal Mart gives out poor paying jobs. That's a simple fact.

Wal-Mart is not alone; McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King, Target, and many more. How many of these working poor get their health care in ER's? How many will rely entirely on SS for their retirement income?

I agree. These corporations are Not exclusive in what they are allowed to exploit. Unions are simply not the answer, and never will be again. After proof is shown to the public, the public should use our legislature to rectify the misfortune of fellow citizens.

Corporations control the legislature so that doesn't work.
Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.

If Walmart employees were allowed to unionize the problem would have sorted itself out. There needs to be checks and balances when it comes to power. Corporations need to have to deal with unions so that they don't exploit workers. Unions need to be regulated too to limit their scope.

Are you saying that workers do not know how to resign and move elsewhere if they are being "exploited"?

Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.

If Walmart employees were allowed to unionize the problem would have sorted itself out. There needs to be checks and balances when it comes to power. Corporations need to have to deal with unions so that they don't exploit workers. Unions need to be regulated too to limit their scope.

Who is stopping walmart employees from unionizing?
Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.
If the employees are exploited why do they continue to work there? Why does every new WalMart have applicants for jobs lined up? Who wants to be exploited?

Because there's fewer and fewer jobs out there. When there were good paying union jobs like in Detroit, the jobs went to mexico so mexicans could do the work for drastically reduced wages., but notice the price of new cars didn't drop drastically, did they? And if you factor in the lesser regulations and pollution controls in Mexico, the car companies are really making out like bandits. This is a good thing for corporations but I could never understand why ordinary Americans would think so.
Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.

If Walmart employees were allowed to unionize the problem would have sorted itself out. There needs to be checks and balances when it comes to power. Corporations need to have to deal with unions so that they don't exploit workers. Unions need to be regulated too to limit their scope.

Who is stopping walmart employees from unionizing?

Security cameras and HQ squads: Wal-Mart's union-busting tactics | Business | The Guardian

The world's biggest retailer, Wal-Mart, today stands accused of routinely flouting its workers' human rights through a sophisticated strategy of harassing union organisers, discriminating against long-term staff and indoctrinating employees with misleading propaganda.

In a forensic indictment based on two years' research, the Washington-based pressure group Human Rights Watch lifts the lid on Wal-Mart's aggressive tactic of stamping on the slightest sign that workers are organising representation.

Evidence in Discounting Rights includes examples of workers forced into unpaid overtime and an alleged strategy of squeezing out long-serving staff who are more costly than low-wage, temporary, younger workers.

It reveals that Wal-Mart, which owns Britain's Asda, has elaborate tactics to stop staff from coming together to fight for better conditions. The company is accused of focusing security cameras on areas where staff congregate and shifting around loyal workers in "unit packing" tactics to ensure votes for union recognition are defeated.

American store bosses get a "manager's toolbox" - a manual which openly describes itself as a guide on "how to remain free in the event union organisers choose your facility as their next target".

They are told to phone a special "union hotline" if they suspect staff. Teams of union busters are then sent from Wal-Mart's Arkansas headquarters who regale workers with vitriolic presentations on the perils of unionisation.

Carol Price, author of the report, said: "Wal-Mart's aggressive and sophisticated anti-union strategy is based out of its headquarters. This is not a store-by-store problem - the violations are a direct result of the company's philosophy."
If the employees are exploited why do they continue to work there? Why does every new WalMart have applicants for jobs lined up? Who wants to be exploited?

No one wants to be exploited. People do need a job, however, and in this economy Wal Mart gives out poor paying jobs. That's a simple fact.

Wal-Mart is not alone; McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King, Target, and many more. How many of these working poor get their health care in ER's? How many will rely entirely on SS for their retirement income?

Yes, clearly all the employees at those companies should start at $250,000
No one wants to be exploited. People do need a job, however, and in this economy Wal Mart gives out poor paying jobs. That's a simple fact.

Wal-Mart is not alone; McDonalds, Taco Bell, Burger King, Target, and many more. How many of these working poor get their health care in ER's? How many will rely entirely on SS for their retirement income?

Yes, clearly all the employees at those companies should start at $250,000

Obviously not. Over exaggerating people's positions is a terrible deflection and isn't productive at all. Just throw the towel if you don't have a productive opinion to posit in contrast to other's arguments.
unions have been pretty much dead meat for years.....manufacturing has the option to produce overseas.....manufacturing has gone overseas simply because it cheaper to produce over minimum health excessive strangling regulations....

have you noticed how alot of those things are in the process of being separated from a workers job.....?

the truth of the matter is that there are alot of smart productive people here in the USA... manufacturing would grow here if they could operate competitively which means ditching alot of those costs....
Another fact free post from Duhkilleez, vying for most clueless poster here.
Yes, of course you are a union thug. Uneducated, uneducatable, working a protected job for above market wages. Watch out, there's a Hispanic gaining on you.

Another ad hominem post from the Rabbid Retard.

I'm represented by a union, and it's not a real great one either. Still yet, what do you seem to think is the problem with collective bargaining? Plus, your apparent view of immigration is just fucking retardation. You are clueless.

...if you want to stop looking foolish

You have no idea what I think of immigration, Duhkillez. Another senseless deflection from the fact that you are among the most clueless morons here.

Your reference that a Hispanic is catching up to me tells me all I need to know, you ignorant and pretentious fuck. The majority of the board seems to agree with me, while none agrees with you. That alone should tell you to shut the fuck up. Still yet, you continue to embarrass yourself... yet I am the one accused of vying for dumbest poster. I believe such a position should infinitely be held by yourself, and upon democracy I see no different an outcome fitting. Perhaps it is time you learned to take that advice, and simply shut the fuck up.
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Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.
If the employees are exploited why do they continue to work there? Why does every new WalMart have applicants for jobs lined up? Who wants to be exploited?

Under the current system? Anyone that doesn't want to be degraded as a welfare fuck. Your ultimate problem, although you are certainly on the right track, is that you confuse correlation with causation, and in the wrong direction. Due solely to our previous discussion, I deem you to be one whom is unfit of intellectual debate. It is likely that you will not see the truth until it is far too late. Rest assured, if Wal-Mart is your hero, while you are not totally in the wrong, you are still missing out on a big part of what is true collective bargaining, and by the time you figure out what is truth, you will be working for wages far less than the minimum wage imposed by government, simply because there aren't enough well paying jobs to compensate and without which you would starve to death. The future is no different from the past, it is the survival of the fittest. The only fear I have is that you do not meet the requirements.
Another ad hominem post from the Rabbid Retard.

I'm represented by a union, and it's not a real great one either. Still yet, what do you seem to think is the problem with collective bargaining? Plus, your apparent view of immigration is just fucking retardation. You are clueless.

...if you want to stop looking foolish

You have no idea what I think of immigration, Duhkillez. Another senseless deflection from the fact that you are among the most clueless morons here.

Your reference that a Hispanic is catching up to me tells me all I need to know, you ignorant and pretentious fuck. The majority of the board seems to agree with me, while none agrees with you. That alone should tell you to shut the fuck up. Still yet, you continue to embarrass yourself... yet I am the one accused of vying for dumbest poster. I believe such a position should infinitely be held by yourself, and upon democracy I see no different an outcome fitting. Perhaps it is time you learned to take that advice, and simply shut the fuck up.
I see you are losing this argument and babbling incoherently. Heck it isnt even an argument. Arguments occur between informed people. You are grossly ignorant. Your rep points pretty much indicate what everyone else thinks of you.
You're not worth wasting time on, Duhkilleez. On to iggy with your moron pals you go.
I think the left-right paradigm has become obsolete. The lines blur as one moves to the extreme edges of political activism. If you believe they remain instructive, please offer examples of the beliefs of those on the far right and far left.

The Left wants the government to run their lives cradle to grave, while the right wants to have individual freedom to make our own choices.

Yeah, if you squint real hard they're identical.

you left out the part where the Right would have the gov't merely be a puppet for big business & wall st.
I think the left-right paradigm has become obsolete. The lines blur as one moves to the extreme edges of political activism. If you believe they remain instructive, please offer examples of the beliefs of those on the far right and far left.

The Left wants the government to run their lives cradle to grave, while the right wants to have individual freedom to make our own choices.

Yeah, if you squint real hard they're identical.

you left out the part where the Right would have the gov't merely be a puppet for big business & wall st.

No, that's part if the 'identical' aspect....
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

If I could get away with hiring slave labor I'd do it too. Are you trying to make the point that corporations should be able to fuck people over with impunity? If you are then you've done a fine job but if you're trying to make the case that right to work is somehow superior to union shops you've done no such thing.

Do you really think that the observation that businesses move to areas with lower costs is ground breaking? Even more important, do you think that businesses moving to areas with lower costs is a good thing? I know some of you are going to knee-jerk your response to that question but please try to think just a little bit before you answer.

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