Is the Left - Right Paradigm Obsolete?

Is the Left-Right Paradigm Obsolete?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • It can be, I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

If I could get away with hiring slave labor I'd do it too. Are you trying to make the point that corporations should be able to fuck people over with impunity? If you are then you've done a fine job but if you're trying to make the case that right to work is somehow superior to union shops you've done no such thing.

Do you really think that the observation that businesses move to areas with lower costs is ground breaking? Even more important, do you think that businesses moving to areas with lower costs is a good thing? I know some of you are going to knee-jerk your response to that question but please try to think just a little bit before you answer.

WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.
I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.
Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

If I could get away with hiring slave labor I'd do it too. Are you trying to make the point that corporations should be able to fuck people over with impunity? If you are then you've done a fine job but if you're trying to make the case that right to work is somehow superior to union shops you've done no such thing.

Do you really think that the observation that businesses move to areas with lower costs is ground breaking? Even more important, do you think that businesses moving to areas with lower costs is a good thing? I know some of you are going to knee-jerk your response to that question but please try to think just a little bit before you answer.

WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.
I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.
Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.
Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.
If I could get away with hiring slave labor I'd do it too. Are you trying to make the point that corporations should be able to fuck people over with impunity? If you are then you've done a fine job but if you're trying to make the case that right to work is somehow superior to union shops you've done no such thing.

Do you really think that the observation that businesses move to areas with lower costs is ground breaking? Even more important, do you think that businesses moving to areas with lower costs is a good thing? I know some of you are going to knee-jerk your response to that question but please try to think just a little bit before you answer.

WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.
I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.
Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.
Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.

I see you are another economically illiterate left wing dumpster mouthing off about crap you don't know anything about.
Have you ever actually held down a job?
If I could get away with hiring slave labor I'd do it too. Are you trying to make the point that corporations should be able to fuck people over with impunity? If you are then you've done a fine job but if you're trying to make the case that right to work is somehow superior to union shops you've done no such thing.

Do you really think that the observation that businesses move to areas with lower costs is ground breaking? Even more important, do you think that businesses moving to areas with lower costs is a good thing? I know some of you are going to knee-jerk your response to that question but please try to think just a little bit before you answer.

WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.

I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.

Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.
Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.

No there guy. You know who really messed up the market by letting jobs go where they're dirt cheap? Clinton. By signing NAFTA. Right to work states let people who actually do their job keep it and the bums that can't pull their load or are too lazy to get fired. Unions have overstepped their bounds and protect workers that won't do the regular work load because the union really wants those dues. Anybody in the union who works too hard gets their ass kicked because they're out working the rest of the guys. This is what you defend? The downfall of the American workforce by the laziest generation? The boomers should slap every single one of their kids in theta e.
WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.
I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.
Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.
Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.

I see you are another economically illiterate left wing dumpster mouthing off about crap you don't know anything about.
Have you ever actually held down a job?

Another 13 year old Ayn Rand fan. We have to suffer people like you until you mature. sigh. . .
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Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.

I see you are another economically illiterate left wing dumpster mouthing off about crap you don't know anything about.
Have you ever actually held down a job?

Another 13 year old Ayn Rand fan. We have to suffer people like you until you mature. sigh. . .

OK, that's a no.
You've never run a business. You've never had a job. You never took Econ. That s the only explanation for the illiterate stupidity you display in your posts.
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

If I could get away with hiring slave labor I'd do it too. Are you trying to make the point that corporations should be able to fuck people over with impunity? If you are then you've done a fine job but if you're trying to make the case that right to work is somehow superior to union shops you've done no such thing.

Do you really think that the observation that businesses move to areas with lower costs is ground breaking? Even more important, do you think that businesses moving to areas with lower costs is a good thing? I know some of you are going to knee-jerk your response to that question but please try to think just a little bit before you answer.

WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.
I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.
Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.

What good is a job that doesn't pay the bills? You can't have it both ways. People need to make enough money to participate in the economy, I'm not a huge fan of people who come in here and talk a lot of shit about bootstraps.
I see you are another economically illiterate left wing dumpster mouthing off about crap you don't know anything about.
Have you ever actually held down a job?

Another 13 year old Ayn Rand fan. We have to suffer people like you until you mature. sigh. . .

OK, that's a no.
You've never run a business. You've never had a job. You never took Econ. That s the only explanation for the illiterate stupidity you display in your posts.

You're not funny. If you were, I'd laugh too.

You can't beat me in a debate. Hell, you can't even debate. You just attack me with juvenille names. And to indulge your ignorance, I own two businesses and I do have a job.

If it weren't for snotty remarks, you'd be silent.

Now go be silent.
If I could get away with hiring slave labor I'd do it too. Are you trying to make the point that corporations should be able to fuck people over with impunity? If you are then you've done a fine job but if you're trying to make the case that right to work is somehow superior to union shops you've done no such thing.

Do you really think that the observation that businesses move to areas with lower costs is ground breaking? Even more important, do you think that businesses moving to areas with lower costs is a good thing? I know some of you are going to knee-jerk your response to that question but please try to think just a little bit before you answer.

WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.
I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.
Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.
Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.

Some of the Left and some of the Right can be cited in this way. Claiming all of the right and/or all of the left are guilty of said acts is stupid. Claiming only elites of the left / right do these things is equally stupid.
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WHy do you think businesses "fuck people" by offering them jobs? If they were fucking people, the people wouldn't take the job. They'd take the job that didnt fuck them.
I realize lib-world view is that ordinary people are incapable of figuring out what their best interests are. But that is a lie.
Businesses cutting costs are good for everyone. It creates more efficiency, benefitting consumers and producers alike. Didnt you take Econ 101? No, probably not.
Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.

Some of the Left and some of the Right can be cited in this way. Claiming all of the right and/or all of the left are guilty of said acts is stupid. Claiming only elites of the left / right do these things is equally stupid.

Your comment sounds reasonable but you didn't really address the argument made.
Just get a new job right? Where? People invest their heart in the place they live and in the place they work. Today's right winger has no problem with outsourcing jobs to slave labor in foreign lands. Never forget the little hands that stitch your Nikes...child labor. But that's the reality the US helps to create so entreprenuer's can get RICH.

And if Labor doesn't like being treated like cattle? Tough, get a new job. That's the impersonal operation of economic forces beyond our control...I guess that's where the jab at Econ 101 comes in. But this isn't the unavoidable result of cold economic forces, is it?

It used to be illegal for the monied elites to threaten moving the company out of the country during union negotiations. That's why unions had to go. And for some still unknown reason, many of the lower and middle class rank and file workers supported that change. So much for acting in one's self interest.

What's happening now has happened for 1000s of years. Elites exploiting labor. You know Labor? The people that actually create the value in a society? It's not the Elites in the factories doing the work. They sit back and mooch off of the productivity of Labor. And please, we don't need to hear how some elites took all the risk b/c they made an investment. Labor also takes all sorts of risks on the job but for some reason the workers get no respect from you.

Zero respect for the people that have built this country and keep it moving. Unfortunately we need laws and regulations to remind many of the elites to treat their workers with basic human dignity. That's a sad commentary on their lack of humanity.

Some of the Left and some of the Right can be cited in this way. Claiming all of the right and/or all of the left are guilty of said acts is stupid. Claiming only elites of the left / right do these things is equally stupid.

Your comment sounds reasonable but you didn't really address the argument made.

What's to address? It's just a plain fact that some people will sell out their neighbors for a buck.

My recommendation would be switch to a federal sales tax and some level of import duties to adjust import prices of products made using what is essentially slave labor rates. Switching to sales tax vs. income tax levels the playing field for American made products. Adding import duties as punishment for slave labor would reduce the desire to offshore said work.
What good is a job that doesn't pay the bills? You can't have it both ways. People need to make enough money to participate in the economy, I'm not a huge fan of people who come in here and talk a lot of shit about bootstraps.

A job that doesn't pay the bills is no good, but NO one is obligated to work in such a job. And, if a person has made such poor choices that their choices are limited, it is incumbent on them to make better choices and get a better job. You may believe it's a lot of "shit" to talk about bootstraps, but it's a REALITY that you are not owed a job and an employer will not give you a job just because you exist. You have to show some potential to help the employer to make a profit and if you don't have the training, attitude and ability, you'll just have to sit at your computer and whine about people talking about bootstraps.
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What good is a job that doesn't pay the bills? You can't have it both ways. People need to make enough money to participate in the economy, I'm not a huge fan of people who come in here and talk a lot of shit about bootstraps.

A job that doesn't pay the bills is no good, but NO one is obligated to work in such a job. And, if a person has made such poor choices that their choices are limited, it is incumbent on them to make better choices and get a better job. You may believe it's a lot of "shit" to talk about bootstraps, but it's a REALITY that you are not owed a job and an employer will not give you a job just because you exist. You have to show some potential to help the employer to make a profit and if you don't have the training, attitude and ability, you'll just have to sit at your computer and whine about people talking about bootstraps.

Why take responsibility for one's own bills when the democrats are willing to pay them with someone else's income?
Another 13 year old Ayn Rand fan. We have to suffer people like you until you mature. sigh. . .

OK, that's a no.
You've never run a business. You've never had a job. You never took Econ. That s the only explanation for the illiterate stupidity you display in your posts.

You're not funny. If you were, I'd laugh too.

You can't beat me in a debate. Hell, you can't even debate. You just attack me with juvenille names. And to indulge your ignorance, I own two businesses and I do have a job.

If it weren't for snotty remarks, you'd be silent.

Now go be silent.

You would have to present facts or an argument to be engaged in debate. Duh. All you do is spout crap you clearly know nothing about.
Go get a life and report back.
What good is a job that doesn't pay the bills? You can't have it both ways. People need to make enough money to participate in the economy, I'm not a huge fan of people who come in here and talk a lot of shit about bootstraps.

A job that doesn't pay the bills is no good, but NO one is obligated to work in such a job. And, if a person has made such poor choices that their choices are limited, it is incumbent on them to make better choices and get a better job. You may believe it's a lot of "shit" to talk about bootstraps, but it's a REALITY that you are not owed a job and an employer will not give you a job just because you exist. You have to show some potential to help the employer to make a profit and if you don't have the training, attitude and ability, you'll just have to sit at your computer and whine about people talking about bootstraps.

What's this fascination with the magic of 'good choice?' People make bad choices too otherwise good choices would be meaningless.

And to reduce a person's lot in life to only choices is nonsensical. The person / talent, the place / opportunity and the timiing is closer to the truth of the matter. No matter what choices Jeb the Janitor makes in life, he only has a skill set that amounts to manual labor. Yet you want to see him suffer pay check to pay check without benefits b/c of some illusory choice he never had.

And yes. We are owed jobs. Well paid jobs with benefits. That's how the country's economy operates. But the rank and file on the right keeps rolling over to the bad monied elite when it comes to pay and benefits. The gravy from productivity goes to only a few. The income and wealth disparity in this country is awful. but that's ok, the rich earned it. Labor, which does all the work, gets no respect. Lovely.
OK, that's a no.
You've never run a business. You've never had a job. You never took Econ. That s the only explanation for the illiterate stupidity you display in your posts.

You're not funny. If you were, I'd laugh too.

You can't beat me in a debate. Hell, you can't even debate. You just attack me with juvenille names. And to indulge your ignorance, I own two businesses and I do have a job.

If it weren't for snotty remarks, you'd be silent.

Now go be silent.

You would have to present facts or an argument to be engaged in debate. Duh. All you do is spout crap you clearly know nothing about.
Go get a life and report back.
You haven't made one point that can be discussed. You're a name caller and you're not even good at that.

You're not funny or clever or witty. You just come across as a bomb throwing punk.
What good is a job that doesn't pay the bills? You can't have it both ways. People need to make enough money to participate in the economy, I'm not a huge fan of people who come in here and talk a lot of shit about bootstraps.

A job that doesn't pay the bills is no good, but NO one is obligated to work in such a job. And, if a person has made such poor choices that their choices are limited, it is incumbent on them to make better choices and get a better job. You may believe it's a lot of "shit" to talk about bootstraps, but it's a REALITY that you are not owed a job and an employer will not give you a job just because you exist. You have to show some potential to help the employer to make a profit and if you don't have the training, attitude and ability, you'll just have to sit at your computer and whine about people talking about bootstraps.

What's this fascination with the magic of 'good choice?' People make bad choices too otherwise good choices would be meaningless.

And to reduce a person's lot in life to only choices is nonsensical. The person / talent, the place / opportunity and the timiing is closer to the truth of the matter. No matter what choices Jeb the Janitor makes in life, he only has a skill set that amounts to manual labor. Yet you want to see him suffer pay check to pay check without benefits b/c of some illusory choice he never had.

And yes. We are owed jobs. Well paid jobs with benefits. That's how the country's economy operates. But the rank and file on the right keeps rolling over to the bad monied elite when it comes to pay and benefits. The gravy from productivity goes to only a few. The income and wealth disparity in this country is awful. but that's ok, the rich earned it. Labor, which does all the work, gets no respect. Lovely.
there you go again.
Janitors can train themselves for other tasks. Anyone can develop skills that others will pay for.

I never saw where anyone is owned anything in this country. Please point it out in any document.
What good is a job that doesn't pay the bills? You can't have it both ways. People need to make enough money to participate in the economy, I'm not a huge fan of people who come in here and talk a lot of shit about bootstraps.

A job that doesn't pay the bills is no good, but NO one is obligated to work in such a job. And, if a person has made such poor choices that their choices are limited, it is incumbent on them to make better choices and get a better job. You may believe it's a lot of "shit" to talk about bootstraps, but it's a REALITY that you are not owed a job and an employer will not give you a job just because you exist. You have to show some potential to help the employer to make a profit and if you don't have the training, attitude and ability, you'll just have to sit at your computer and whine about people talking about bootstraps.

Your first sentence rendered you impotent.

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