Is the Left - Right Paradigm Obsolete?

Is the Left-Right Paradigm Obsolete?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • It can be, I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
maybe to a different question....i believe the question was whether or not the left-right paradigm was obsolete or not....i contend that it is just as relevant today as it was in the past...if you base it upon a line of force...

as you point out in another post Americans did not just come out of the blue but had roots from other parts of the world.....settlers came from various places and from under other forms of government that experienced various degrees of force.........left-right are terms that i'm not sure where they came from but they are useful in describing the basic continuum from totalitarianism to freedom....America was exceptional because it was formed on the right end of that political spectrum....

the way i see it we here in America have moved to the left and both parties are sitting today somewhere in the middle of the graph....except for some elements which uphold the principles of the right that we started with....

The fallacy is, your "lines of force" in that chart bear no relationship with any reality whatsoever. It's a joke. It really is, with no exaggeration, the worst political spectrum chart I've ever seen in my life. Literally.

on the contrary this is reality because force has everything to do with it.....government = can put any political structure somewhere along that line...

progressives hate this chart because it clearly shows the left for who they actually are in the political spectrum....

one reason the right has such a hard time of it in the battle with the's tough to fight against those who promise (false) 'equality' along with handouts in exchange for fealty to their growing power structure... while all the right can really offer is an equal playing field and the freedom to be responsible for yourself...

I don't know about "progressives" but I hate it because it's bullshit based on pig-ignorance that seems to have no purpose but to demonize and polarize on behalf of the principle of Eliminationism, i.e. one-party rule, which is by definition bullshit.

Both left and right are capable of "force" for their own purposes. Not to see that obvious fact is to bury one's head in the proverbial sand.
Imagine the intense partisanship we'd see if we did have at least 3 political parties of near equal strength and the President ended up being picked by the House of Representatives every 4 years.

Look at countries with a multi party system like Israel and then ask if we really want narrowly focused parties making crazy deals to get and keep power.

Indeed. Countries like Israel have a Proportional Representation system. In Israel any party which gets more than 2% of the votes gets seats in parliament. Here in Sweden its 4%. A defect of PR is that it usually leads to compromise governemtns that no individual voters actually chose. But it does mean that new parties have a chance to establish themselves.

A recent addition to the German political scene is Alliance for Germany - a centrist party distrustful of the EU and much needed by voters who had no natural home.

Problems in America stem in part from the delusion that "democracy" is bound to produce good government. Not so. Half the electorate are of below average intelligence. And even the superior half have imperfect knowledge of the issues. Voters are too easily swayed by glib patter or even such superficailities as good looks.

Democracy - not just in the US - would be improved by severely limiting the franchise. But that ain't going to happen so we will live with inferior governments for ever and anon.

Have you ever read, In the Wet, by Neville Shute?
The fallacy is, your "lines of force" in that chart bear no relationship with any reality whatsoever. It's a joke. It really is, with no exaggeration, the worst political spectrum chart I've ever seen in my life. Literally.

on the contrary this is reality because force has everything to do with it.....government = can put any political structure somewhere along that line...

progressives hate this chart because it clearly shows the left for who they actually are in the political spectrum....

one reason the right has such a hard time of it in the battle with the's tough to fight against those who promise (false) 'equality' along with handouts in exchange for fealty to their growing power structure... while all the right can really offer is an equal playing field and the freedom to be responsible for yourself...

I don't know about "progressives" but I hate it because it's bullshit based on pig-ignorance that seems to have no purpose but to demonize and polarize on behalf of the principle of Eliminationism, i.e. one-party rule, which is by definition bullshit.

Both left and right are capable of "force" for their own purposes. Not to see that obvious fact is to bury one's head in the proverbial sand.

haha...your ranting and raving confirms it is even more spot on....

the further to the right we go the less important the political parties become....because their power is minimized....for some reason this bothers you....
Look at countries with a multi party system like Israel and then ask if we really want narrowly focused parties making crazy deals to get and keep power.

Indeed. Countries like Israel have a Proportional Representation system. In Israel any party which gets more than 2% of the votes gets seats in parliament. Here in Sweden its 4%. A defect of PR is that it usually leads to compromise governemtns that no individual voters actually chose. But it does mean that new parties have a chance to establish themselves.

A recent addition to the German political scene is Alliance for Germany - a centrist party distrustful of the EU and much needed by voters who had no natural home.

Problems in America stem in part from the delusion that "democracy" is bound to produce good government. Not so. Half the electorate are of below average intelligence. And even the superior half have imperfect knowledge of the issues. Voters are too easily swayed by glib patter or even such superficailities as good looks.

Democracy - not just in the US - would be improved by severely limiting the franchise. But that ain't going to happen so we will live with inferior governments for ever and anon.

Have you ever read, In the Wet, by Neville Shute?

Have you ever read On The Beach, by the same author?
Indeed. Countries like Israel have a Proportional Representation system. In Israel any party which gets more than 2% of the votes gets seats in parliament. Here in Sweden its 4%. A defect of PR is that it usually leads to compromise governemtns that no individual voters actually chose. But it does mean that new parties have a chance to establish themselves.

A recent addition to the German political scene is Alliance for Germany - a centrist party distrustful of the EU and much needed by voters who had no natural home.

Problems in America stem in part from the delusion that "democracy" is bound to produce good government. Not so. Half the electorate are of below average intelligence. And even the superior half have imperfect knowledge of the issues. Voters are too easily swayed by glib patter or even such superficailities as good looks.

Democracy - not just in the US - would be improved by severely limiting the franchise. But that ain't going to happen so we will live with inferior governments for ever and anon.

Have you ever read, In the Wet, by Neville Shute?

Have you ever read On The Beach, by the same author?

Yes, I have all of Shute's books including his autobiography.
The left-right paradigm was obsolete the minute it started being applied outside of revolutionary France.
Ask folks in CA or Detroit how unions whether unions have screwed them over or not.

Your ignorance is astounding. I hope you do not respond to my posts and instead start reading books and journals to dispel that vast gloom of ignorance that exists in your head.

I'd go into the structure of your post and point out how much of an ignoramus it makes you look like, but that would be redundant and ad hominem, though ad hominem clearly follows your method of operations around here...

Next I'd go into how much of your fucktard you are showing when you want to bring unions up, but it seems lakeview beat me to the punch in my absence.

P.S. I have union representation at my job, I know how worthless they can be as well as how beneficial they can be. Perhaps instead of pretending to read books you could go get a job yourself and find out what the real world is like.
Ask folks in CA or Detroit how unions whether unions have screwed them over or not.

Your ignorance is astounding. I hope you do not respond to my posts and instead start reading books and journals to dispel that vast gloom of ignorance that exists in your head.

I'd go into the structure of your post and point out how much of an ignoramus it makes you look like, but that would be redundant and ad hominem, though ad hominem clearly follows your method of operations around here...

Next I'd go into how much of your fucktard you are showing when you want to bring unions up, but it seems lakeview beat me to the punch in my absence.

P.S. I have union representation at my job, I know how worthless they can be as well as how beneficial they can be. Perhaps instead of pretending to read books you could go get a job yourself and find out what the real world is like.

Another fact free post from Duhkilleez, vying for most clueless poster here.
Yes, of course you are a union thug. Uneducated, uneducatable, working a protected job for above market wages. Watch out, there's a Hispanic gaining on you.
Another fact free post from Duhkilleez, vying for most clueless poster here.
Yes, of course you are a union thug. Uneducated, uneducatable, working a protected job for above market wages. Watch out, there's a Hispanic gaining on you.

Another ad hominem post from the Rabbid Retard.

I'm represented by a union, and it's not a real great one either. Still yet, what do you seem to think is the problem with collective bargaining? Plus, your apparent view of immigration is just fucking retardation. You are clueless.

...if you want to stop looking foolish
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Ask folks in CA or Detroit how unions whether unions have screwed them over or not.

Your ignorance is astounding. I hope you do not respond to my posts and instead start reading books and journals to dispel that vast gloom of ignorance that exists in your head.

I'd go into the structure of your post and point out how much of an ignoramus it makes you look like, but that would be redundant and ad hominem, though ad hominem clearly follows your method of operations around here...

Next I'd go into how much of your fucktard you are showing when you want to bring unions up, but it seems lakeview beat me to the punch in my absence.

P.S. I have union representation at my job, I know how worthless they can be as well as how beneficial they can be. Perhaps instead of pretending to read books you could go get a job yourself and find out what the real world is like.

Another fact free post from Duhkilleez, vying for most clueless poster here.
Yes, of course you are a union thug. Uneducated, uneducatable, working a protected job for above market wages. Watch out, there's a Hispanic gaining on you.

Another post by Rabbi offering more evidence that he is a classic bigot and none to bright.
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

There are two sides to the Union Story, as anyone who has knowledge of the history of labor understands. Today corporate profits are high and stocks have recovered and recently the Dow broke its all time record high. CEO's make enormous amounts of money and those who 'labor' are being left behind.

It is only my impression that Right to Work States are also those states who have chosen not to have exchanges or implement the PPACA?

We are not becoming a Plutocracy, we are one and anyone who believes we are still a democratic republic (or a constitutional republic) is a fool. The adage, the rich get richer has rarely been more true, not since the Gilded Age has our country seen such a great divided between the very rich - the power elite - and the hoi polloi; not since the civil war has our nation been so divided along ideological lines.
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As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

There are two sides to the Union Story, as anyone who has knowledge of the history of labor understands. Today corporate profits are high and stocks have recovered and recently the Dow broke its all time record high. CEO's make enormous amounts of money and those who 'labor' are being left behind.

It is only my impression that Right to Work States are also those states who have chosen not to have exchanges or implement the PPACA?

We are not becoming a Plutocracy, we are one and anyone who believes we are still a democratic republic (or a constitutional republic) is a fool. The adage, the rich get richer has rarely been more true, not since the Gilded Age has our country seen such a great divided between the very rich - the power elite - and the hoi polloi and not since the civil war has our nation been so divided.

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i'd go into the structure of your post and point out how much of an ignoramus it makes you look like, but that would be redundant and ad hominem, though ad hominem clearly follows your method of operations around here...

Next i'd go into how much of your fucktard you are showing when you want to bring unions up, but it seems lakeview beat me to the punch in my absence.

P.s. I have union representation at my job, i know how worthless they can be as well as how beneficial they can be. Perhaps instead of pretending to read books you could go get a job yourself and find out what the real world is like.

another fact free post from duhkilleez, vying for most clueless poster here.
Yes, of course you are a union thug. Uneducated, uneducatable, working a protected job for above market wages. Watch out, there's a hispanic gaining on you.

another post by rabbi offering more evidence that he is a classic bigot and none to bright.
As long as we are talking about unions, let's discuss how jobs are moving to right to work states. Employers are more willing to hire people if they are secure in the idea that they can let go of workers who are sub par.

Unions were great when they had actual rights they needed to fight for. Like a 40 hour work week. Or a vacation every now and then. Or bathroom breaks. Today unions are obsolete and have only lowered production while raising costs.

Unions will never be obsolete as long as there are employers like Walmart who exploit workers.

Wal Mart is a large corporation that definitely exploit their employees. But how have unions stopped this from happening? Legislation like the law proposed in DC is a better solution. (Although admittedly the mayor was no help)

Large corporations should simply be held accountable for these types of actions. Unions have proved themselves ineffective.
Another fact free post from Duhkilleez, vying for most clueless poster here.
Yes, of course you are a union thug. Uneducated, uneducatable, working a protected job for above market wages. Watch out, there's a Hispanic gaining on you.

Another ad hominem post from the Rabbid Retard.

I'm represented by a union, and it's not a real great one either. Still yet, what do you seem to think is the problem with collective bargaining? Plus, your apparent view of immigration is just fucking retardation. You are clueless.

...if you want to stop looking foolish

You have no idea what I think of immigration, Duhkillez. Another senseless deflection from the fact that you are among the most clueless morons here.

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