Is the Left - Right Paradigm Obsolete?

Is the Left-Right Paradigm Obsolete?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • It can be, I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't buy into your stupid definition of Right Wing. Its a perversion

He's never met a conservative before. To him, all conservatives are like David Duke. His knowledge base sucks and his debate skills laughable. I've pwned him more times than I can remember.

LOL. If you believe a personal attack "pwned" me you're even more ridiculous then even I believed. And that makes you UBER RIDICULOUS.
When one finds themselves in a deep hole? Wise word is to cease digging.
I think the left-right paradigm has become obsolete. The lines blur as one moves to the extreme edges of political activism. If you believe they remain instructive, please offer examples of the beliefs of those on the far right and far left.
I even made a post a few minutes ago explaining that I have lost all interest in debating people who in any way believe that one of the parties is any better than the other one. it's in this same section. I am only interested in talking to people who are above that threshold of ignorance
I don't buy into your stupid definition of Right Wing. Its a perversion

He's never met a conservative before. To him, all conservatives are like David Duke. His knowledge base sucks and his debate skills laughable. I've pwned him more times than I can remember.

LOL. If you believe a personal attack "pwned" me you're even more ridiculous then even I believed. And that makes you UBER RIDICULOUS.

No I believe in my last debate, the subject of which escapes me, I ran rings around you while you were reduced to ad hom attacks.
He's never met a conservative before. To him, all conservatives are like David Duke. His knowledge base sucks and his debate skills laughable. I've pwned him more times than I can remember.

LOL. If you believe a personal attack "pwned" me you're even more ridiculous then even I believed. And that makes you UBER RIDICULOUS.
When one finds themselves in a deep hole? Wise word is to cease digging.

That's good advice, now take you head out of your ass and post something sensible.
He's never met a conservative before. To him, all conservatives are like David Duke. His knowledge base sucks and his debate skills laughable. I've pwned him more times than I can remember.

LOL. If you believe a personal attack "pwned" me you're even more ridiculous then even I believed. And that makes you UBER RIDICULOUS.

No I believe in my last debate, the subject of which escapes me, I ran rings around you while you were reduced to ad hom attacks.

I'm glad that's what you believe. We've never debated, I've posted opinions and you've called me names. Then, I point out you're not very bright, are a known liar and a bigot. In fact the last time in response to my post on Obamacare you responded by calling me a cock sucker.

I know you can't stop lying, but you must perfect that craft. Your as lousy at lying as you are on posting substantive opinions framed by your own thinking. You do best when simply parroting others, at least that something you have perfected.
Now if T or Rabbi have anything intelligent to offer (lol, a first, to be sure) they can offer an opinion on the left-right paradigm. I doubt either has formed an opinion on the issue, to do so requires an open mind and an honest effort.
It's white and aging overweight and racist Republicans on one side.

Everyone else on the other.
I much prefer the political compass to left-right wing, it just kind of makes a ton more sense

Being part of the right shouldn't require the belief that homosexuality is a sin and being part of the left shouldn't require the support of homosexuality, for example, it's a silly way to define the political standing of a person
LOL. If you believe a personal attack "pwned" me you're even more ridiculous then even I believed. And that makes you UBER RIDICULOUS.

No I believe in my last debate, the subject of which escapes me, I ran rings around you while you were reduced to ad hom attacks.

I'm glad that's what you believe. We've never debated, I've posted opinions and you've called me names. Then, I point out you're not very bright, are a known liar and a bigot. In fact the last time in response to my post on Obamacare you responded by calling me a cock sucker.

I know you can't stop lying, but you must perfect that craft. Your as lousy at lying as you are on posting substantive opinions framed by your own thinking. You do best when simply parroting others, at least that something you have perfected.

No wonder you blocked it out. It must have been completely humiliating for you.
All you do is repeat that I am a liar. And then you admit what I write is true. And you've sucked many inmate cocks, I am sure of it.

As to this pitiful thread: you fail to define "right" or "left". Thus there is nothing to discuss.
no i believe in my last debate, the subject of which escapes me, i ran rings around you while you were reduced to ad hom attacks.

i'm glad that's what you believe. We've never debated, i've posted opinions and you've called me names. Then, i point out you're not very bright, are a known liar and a bigot. In fact the last time in response to my post on obamacare you responded by calling me a cock sucker.

I know you can't stop lying, but you must perfect that craft. Your as lousy at lying as you are on posting substantive opinions framed by your own thinking. You do best when simply parroting others, at least that something you have perfected.

no wonder you blocked it out. It must have been completely humiliating for you.
All you do is repeat that i am a liar. And then you admit what i write is true. And you've sucked many inmate cocks, i am sure of it.

As to this pitiful thread: You fail to define "right" or "left". Thus there is nothing to discuss.

thanks for sharing
No I believe in my last debate, the subject of which escapes me, I ran rings around you while you were reduced to ad hom attacks.

I'm glad that's what you believe. We've never debated, I've posted opinions and you've called me names. Then, I point out you're not very bright, are a known liar and a bigot. In fact the last time in response to my post on Obamacare you responded by calling me a cock sucker.

I know you can't stop lying, but you must perfect that craft. Your as lousy at lying as you are on posting substantive opinions framed by your own thinking. You do best when simply parroting others, at least that something you have perfected.

No wonder you blocked it out. It must have been completely humiliating for you.
All you do is repeat that I am a liar. And then you admit what I write is true. And you've sucked many inmate cocks, I am sure of it.

As to this pitiful thread: you fail to define "right" or "left". Thus there is nothing to discuss.
This thread was fail out of the gate knowin that Fly Catcher wasn't sincere...and never has been.
Aren't the definitions of left and right drawn and defined already? These parties have been around for over a century. Our question shouldn't be what exactly are we debating. General left and right terms can apply.

It's 2013. If you think that the parties in power are truly in search of solving issues then look at the issues they were fighting when they began. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. We are still fighting racism in this country.

FDR gave us the New Deal. We are still fighting poverty.

James K Polk won the Mexican war. We are still trying to secure our borders.

Woodrow Wilson instituted the Federal Reserve. We are swamped in debt and now the dollar has competitors over seas who could very well change the currency of oil in time.

We have dropped in science, math and reading comprehension.

Our military is four times larger than the next four militaries combined. Ten years later we are still fighting the War on Terror.

The war on drugs has led to higher drug use.

The war on guns has created a media that gives violent offenders the spotlight and a chance at infamy.

Left vs right and dem vs pub has led this country down a path of poverty and corruption.

Quit fighting for two or three issues that one party agrees with you on and offer solutions instead of rhetoric. Put down your preconceived notions of what the world should be according to them. We are on a debate forum. Debate solutions. Do not toss a medley of skewed numbers and twisted facts in the air and shout obscenities to belittle the character of others. Here we have a chance to see where our middle ground is, please use it to the best of our abilities.
Aren't the definitions of left and right drawn and defined already? These parties have been around for over a century. Our question shouldn't be what exactly are we debating. General left and right terms can apply.

It's 2013. If you think that the parties in power are truly in search of solving issues then look at the issues they were fighting when they began. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. We are still fighting racism in this country.

FDR gave us the New Deal. We are still fighting poverty.

James K Polk won the Mexican war. We are still trying to secure our borders.

Woodrow Wilson instituted the Federal Reserve. We are swamped in debt and now the dollar has competitors over seas who could very well change the currency of oil in time.

We have dropped in science, math and reading comprehension.

Our military is four times larger than the next four militaries combined. Ten years later we are still fighting the War on Terror.

The war on drugs has led to higher drug use.

The war on guns has created a media that gives violent offenders the spotlight and a chance at infamy.

Left vs right and dem vs pub has led this country down a path of poverty and corruption.

Quit fighting for two or three issues that one party agrees with you on and offer solutions instead of rhetoric. Put down your preconceived notions of what the world should be according to them. We are on a debate forum. Debate solutions. Do not toss a medley of skewed numbers and twisted facts in the air and shout obscenities to belittle the character of others. Here we have a chance to see where our middle ground is, please use it to the best of our abilities.
Its actually going to be a sad thing to see your eyes opened for you.

Good luck with that.
Aren't the definitions of left and right drawn and defined already? These parties have been around for over a century. Our question shouldn't be what exactly are we debating. General left and right terms can apply.

It's 2013. If you think that the parties in power are truly in search of solving issues then look at the issues they were fighting when they began. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. We are still fighting racism in this country.

FDR gave us the New Deal. We are still fighting poverty.

James K Polk won the Mexican war. We are still trying to secure our borders.

Woodrow Wilson instituted the Federal Reserve. We are swamped in debt and now the dollar has competitors over seas who could very well change the currency of oil in time.

We have dropped in science, math and reading comprehension.

Our military is four times larger than the next four militaries combined. Ten years later we are still fighting the War on Terror.

The war on drugs has led to higher drug use.

The war on guns has created a media that gives violent offenders the spotlight and a chance at infamy.

Left vs right and dem vs pub has led this country down a path of poverty and corruption.

Quit fighting for two or three issues that one party agrees with you on and offer solutions instead of rhetoric. Put down your preconceived notions of what the world should be according to them. We are on a debate forum. Debate solutions. Do not toss a medley of skewed numbers and twisted facts in the air and shout obscenities to belittle the character of others. Here we have a chance to see where our middle ground is, please use it to the best of our abilities.
Its actually going to be a sad thing to see your eyes opened for you.

Good luck with that.
Indeed. Newbies always refuse to see shock and awe around here...and pretend to tell seasoned veterans how to conduct themselves. IN for a rude awakening he is...
I think the left-right paradigm has become obsolete. The lines blur as one moves to the extreme edges of political activism. If you believe they remain instructive, please offer examples of the beliefs of those on the far right and far left.

left - right still works as a general idea, as it was intended.

few of us are the happy medium each is generalized as or accused of being.
Aren't the definitions of left and right drawn and defined already? These parties have been around for over a century. Our question shouldn't be what exactly are we debating. General left and right terms can apply.

It's 2013. If you think that the parties in power are truly in search of solving issues then look at the issues they were fighting when they began. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. We are still fighting racism in this country.

FDR gave us the New Deal. We are still fighting poverty.

James K Polk won the Mexican war. We are still trying to secure our borders.

Woodrow Wilson instituted the Federal Reserve. We are swamped in debt and now the dollar has competitors over seas who could very well change the currency of oil in time.

We have dropped in science, math and reading comprehension.

Our military is four times larger than the next four militaries combined. Ten years later we are still fighting the War on Terror.

The war on drugs has led to higher drug use.

The war on guns has created a media that gives violent offenders the spotlight and a chance at infamy.

Left vs right and dem vs pub has led this country down a path of poverty and corruption.

Quit fighting for two or three issues that one party agrees with you on and offer solutions instead of rhetoric. Put down your preconceived notions of what the world should be according to them. We are on a debate forum. Debate solutions. Do not toss a medley of skewed numbers and twisted facts in the air and shout obscenities to belittle the character of others. Here we have a chance to see where our middle ground is, please use it to the best of our abilities.
Its actually going to be a sad thing to see your eyes opened for you.

Good luck with that.
Indeed. Newbies always refuse to see shock and awe around here...and pretend to tell seasoned veterans how to conduct themselves. IN for a rude awakening he is...

Yes you're a seasoned veteran. Or maybe you've just been on this same forum for too long? There are other avenues of debate. I have no necessity to bow to your expertise at typing.

I'd rather you throw counterpoints to anything I said rather than prattle on about how much of a seasoned veteran of the message board you are. Is it the practice of the members of this forum to shrug off anyone with good points as newbies?

Open my eyes then and show me how great at debating you are while stuck in your modicum forced on you by the programming of the parties everyone here so fervently defends.

Next time read the letters in red you highlight. DEBATE forum. Don't waste my time with you holier than thou god complex king of the message board attitude.
Its actually going to be a sad thing to see your eyes opened for you.

Good luck with that.
Indeed. Newbies always refuse to see shock and awe around here...and pretend to tell seasoned veterans how to conduct themselves. IN for a rude awakening he is...

Yes you're a seasoned veteran. Or maybe you've just been on this same forum for too long? There are other avenues of debate. I have no necessity to bow to your expertise at typing.

I'd rather you throw counterpoints to anything I said rather than prattle on about how much of a seasoned veteran of the message board you are. Is it the practice of the members of this forum to shrug off anyone with good points as newbies?

Open my eyes then and show me how great at debating you are while stuck in your modicum forced on you by the programming of the parties everyone here so fervently defends.

Next time read the letters in red you highlight. DEBATE forum. Don't waste my time with you holier than thou god complex king of the message board attitude.
Sure there are, and welcome To the Forums...but hang around for'll know precisely where from I speak. You can't reason with perpetual stupidity...and with the cast of characters around here? You'll learn soon enough.
Indeed. Newbies always refuse to see shock and awe around here...and pretend to tell seasoned veterans how to conduct themselves. IN for a rude awakening he is...

Yes you're a seasoned veteran. Or maybe you've just been on this same forum for too long? There are other avenues of debate. I have no necessity to bow to your expertise at typing.

I'd rather you throw counterpoints to anything I said rather than prattle on about how much of a seasoned veteran of the message board you are. Is it the practice of the members of this forum to shrug off anyone with good points as newbies?

Open my eyes then and show me how great at debating you are while stuck in your modicum forced on you by the programming of the parties everyone here so fervently defends.

Next time read the letters in red you highlight. DEBATE forum. Don't waste my time with you holier than thou god complex king of the message board attitude.
Sure there are, and welcome To the Forums...but hang around for'll know precisely where from I speak. You can't reason with perpetual stupidity...and with the cast of characters around here? You'll learn soon enough.

I will not wade into the waters dooming myself to be drowned. It is up to each individual to raise the quality of debate. If everyone here is an idiot then it's a collective failure of the whole to raise the standards of acceptable discussion.

Back to the topic at hand?

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